
Chapter 58: The Holidays Are Coming

When I was free I went back to my office and there I found Tonks who jumped on me when she saw me.

"How can you do this to me?" She complained very depressed "You left me alone"

"Tonks, calm down"

"You left me, and now I have to do everything myself…" she started to whimper.

"Tonks... don't leave you, I made sure you could go to work... besides I didn't say I wouldn't come back, can't you see me here? I'll come help you with your office work when I'm free"

"...you...promise" she sobbed.


"Fine" She jumped as if nothing had happened "You don't know? Tomorrow they'll send me on a patrol to Hogsmeade" she said very happy, all of the above was a ruse so that he would promise to help her with the paperwork.

"That's great, congratulations" I said as I sat down at my desk and started my work here.

"But I think I'm going to miss you, it won't be the same without you" she said with some real pity.

"You will survive" I told her and then handed her some papers "Here are some reports that I was able to do while working with Madam Bones, I transcribed various data to take into account any of the possible missions that you can be involved in. There are data and tips that you can follow to earn points with your superiors, as well as suspicions of crimes that you can verify"

"Are you doing spy work?" Tonks said, intrigued as she went through them, without the slightest disgust or surprise.

"No, but taking advantage of the situation is one of my principles, this way we can benefit a little. Since I can't go out, I can be a kind of director of operations, giving you advice and guides to fulfill your jobs"

"Great" she said, somewhat excited.


I went on like this for a while, working with Tonks for a bit in my office and then leaving with Amelia. The scene where Amelia scolded me for my opinions at work didn't stop, but she never did anything other than remind me, and whenever I offered her a suggestion she listened to me.

Tonks had various assignments out of the office since I left, but every time we saw each other he had to listen to her complaint, like this.

"And do you know what they told me? That I have to try to control my anger...! It was that idiot who said those vulgarities about me, I had every right to hang him from the tree. I don't know why they complain to me" Tonks, who had just gotten back from work, was pacing the office ranting.

"Too bad" was the only thing I said while U was solving some reports for Amelia, which I had taken with me to finish.

"I miss hanging out with you, you never said those things to me. You listened to my suggestions and if you didn't accept them, you still gave me candy to make it up to me" she complained leaning her chin against the desk.

"Nothing can be done, you know they won't let me out so easily after what I did"

"Hum…they're idiots…" she groaned and then stared at me for a while "How's it going with Bones?"

"It's... boring to a large extent, we hardly talk to each other, nothing compared to our work full of laughter and jokes"

"It must be ugly"

"In part, Bones is a good woman, I respect her a lot"

"..." She stared at me for a while longer.

"What's the matter?" I asked, seeing that she was reluctant to say anything.

"Mom asked me what you are going to do for Christmas" She said somewhat annoyed, although not with me "She wants me to invite you to spend it with us. Since she knows you don't have your family, she has been insisting that you don't spend the holidays alone"

"Do you want me to go?"

"Honestly... No... well, it's not that I don't want you to go, but... can you have an excuse not to sleep at my house? I'm afraid my mother will buy me Christmas-patterned underwear only for you." Tonks shuddered a little at the thought of her mother giving it to her.

"Hum... we'll say that at night I'm going to visit my mother's grave, so I won't be sleeping over." I paused to think as I said it.

"Great, she won't ask any more questions, and she won't complain" Tonks was excited by the idea.

"You also prepare some flowers around those dates to give me that night. Your mother will misunderstand our relationship more, but at least she won't complain to you about not doing your part or trying to send you with me to a grave that doesn't exist."

"See, it's perfect, that's why you're the one with the plans. You don't take over the world just because you don't want to." Tonks pointed at me and nodded strongly at her own proclamation.

"It is very probable"

-At Hogwarts-

I was lying on my bed, reading a letter from my parents telling me that they were going to Romania to visit Charlie. Nothing that I did not expect, the only thing that does not go as in the original story is that Ginny will not go with them, she will stay with the Lovegood.

It's funny because right now I'm having a chat with Ginny with my [message] ability where she's telling me about all the drama that was. Ginny had been adamant that she didn't want to go, even with my parents' insistence.

It seems that they even tried to use their authority as parents against to force her to go, but she threatened to run away from home with me. My parents freaked out a bit thinking that Ginny had become as rebellious as me that time with my name, and considering that I did run away from home at an early age a couple of times they feared it might happen again with Ginny.

After many discussions, they accepted and went to talk to Xenophilus to see if he could agree, and he didn't have the slightest problem with it, one could almost say that he expected it.

[And that's what happened] Ginny finished telling me the story.

[Hahaha, there's no denying that you're my sister, but don't do it often because you'll give our parents a heart attack... and mom will kill me for corrupting her little girl]

[well, I'll wait for you for Christmas, with Luna we are waiting for you to make cookies]

[Okay... I'll be there...] I said something insecure, there was something I was trying to hide from myself and that even now I try to deny.

Time had passed, and Professor McGonagall took the names of the people who remained. I didn't sign it, since I was secretly planning to leave without my brothers knowing, I would use my [Travel] ability to come and go from Hogwarts without anyone knowing, except for the headmaster who, to avoid problems, I had to tell him.

By telling him that my brothers were staying here but that I also wanted to see my little sister, he gave me permission to leave and for my clone to stay. I think it was a good deed on his part, so I'll send him a nice gift, hahahaha.

These days, Hermione had made Harry and Ron accompany her to the library to look up Nicolas Flamel. She didn't push me to help them because she saw that I was actually very busy with all my things, much to the displeasure of Harry and Ron, who were almost crushed to death by the amount of books they read.

Although she doesn't force me, she complained that we didn't spend much time working together anymore. I solved it by hugging her a little and very dramatic crying that she would leave me for not spending more time with her and that everything I did was for our future, with that she stopped insisting, and I rewarded her with a very strong kiss on the cheek that ended up bothering her. I've done it a few times, and she doesn't ask anymore, but I still tried to make time to be with her.


This day I went to pick up Pansy in the afternoon for our daily session. We looked for a good place to do it and after finding it, like the previous times, Pansy resisted and complained to me a bit before we started.

This time I decided to test my [Ecstasy] skill on her. While we were kissing, I put my hands on her back and released my blood magic ever so slightly. I used very little power because I didn't know how strong the right thing was, with Gemma I didn't hold back and gave it my all, now with Pansy I would test the bare minimum of the skill.

As time passed, I not only felt that Pansy's body movement was different, but also that my face was wet. When I opened my eyes, I noticed that tears were coming out of Pansy's eyes, and I released her. When she freed herself she seemed to lean against the wall and cry, not like the previous times, these seemed like tears of true pain and suffering. I was very confused, I was sure that I use [pleasure] with her. How could she get to this situation?

"Pansy, are you okay?" I asked really worried, her crying was so emotionally strong that I could even feel it.

"No, get away from me!" She yelled at me and pushed me before running off.

I stayed in my place without knowing how to act. I would have followed her if it wasn't for gaining a new ability that I found very interesting.


Pansy ran to the Slytherin common room, and from there she continued to her room, covering her face. Tracey Davis was one of the few people in the common room at the time and saw her run to her bedroom, when she witnessed it she also went there, following her worriedly.

When Tracey entered the room, she could find Pansy lying on her bed with her head against her pillow, crying uncontrollably. Tracey walked over to Pansy and worriedly put her hand on her shoulder and asked.

"Pansy! Are you okay? What happened?"

She didn't get an answer, Pansy kept crying without answering her friend.

"Did they bother you? Did someone do something to you? Was it Weasley?..." Tracey asked.

When Tracey asked that last question, she noticed how her friend clutched the pillow tighter and cried harder.

"I knew it, I told him that if he did something to you, he would regret it. I'll go find a teacher, so they can give him a lesson" Tracey said, annoyed, but she still didn't receive a response from her friend, which worried her "Tell me something Pansy … Did he touch you or something…?" she asked her.

" **** ** ..." hardly heard what she said as she had her face against the pillow.


"I... I... I like it" Pansy struggled to say those words and then cried harder.

"Wait... what? I don't understand you" Tracey asked confused.

"He...he kissed me...and...and I liked it..." Pansy said, not even thinking that she was telling someone her biggest secret, and not knowing that someone already knew.

"Do you like it?" Tracey couldn't understand what was going on.


"But if you like it... Why are you crying? Isn't that good?" She asks as she rubbed Pansy's back.

"I'm not supposed to like it, I like Draco, not that idiot Weasley" she said putting her head to the side, showing how her eyes were red.

"Calm down... calm down... I don't think that's so bad... relax... I even think that Weasley is better than Malfoy in a certain aspect... maybe it's an improvement" She tried to comfort her friend She didn't understand how it came to this, she couldn't understand why Pansy was in such a bad way, but she decided to support her anyway.

"I don't care if it's better or worse, I like Draco, I always liked him"

"But maybe not anymore, he hasn't treated you right lately, and as far as I know...never...maybe it's time for you to let him go. Look, Weasley may not be someone perfect, and he may that he kissed you with less moral methods, but when you meet him you will know that he is not a bad person, it is just that they started with the wrong foot. Even if you do not end up really liking him, at least do not let him put you this way, very sad to see you like this"

"I don't want Weasley to like me." Pansy started to cry once more.

"Okay, nobody forces you" Tracey hugged Pansy.

They both lay on Pansy's bed, holding each other, with Tracey comforting Pansy until dinner time. They were lucky that none of her classmates appeared so far and saw them in this state, Pansy was already too stressed to have to explain to someone else what happened to her.

Pansy asked Tracey, almost begging her, not to tell anyone about this, including the kiss with Weasley. Tracey already knew about it and Pansy hadn't noticed her, but still she promised her friend to keep it a secret...


I was in the great hall, at the Slytherin table for dinner. I sat here to see how Pansy was doing, even though several at the table were looking at me like they wanted to kill me after what I did to that third year and Gemma. The strange thing was that nobody looked for me or did anything.

When I looked at Pansy, she didn't even look at me, but Tracey did and shook her head before talking to her friend. Even after dinner, when I tried to approach her, but she began to pick up her pace and leave me behind, without saying the slightest word.

I could only resign myself today and go back to my room, but on the way I realized that someone was looking at me more than usual, it was Gemma. When I noticed it I kept acting as if nothing had happened and went to my bedroom.

Upon entering my room I closed my eyes trying to concentrate, and using my [Sense Life] I could tell that someone was following me, possibly her. I took out a large amount of blood from my supplies and placed it in the corners of the room where the door was, after that I sat on my bed to wait.

The door to my room opened and Gemma walked in with her wand in her hand, she didn't say a word and pointed at me casting a silent spell on me. I jumped from my bed onto the floor, while with my [Blood Manipulation] I made the blood in the corners of the room fly towards her.

Gemma didn't expect an attack from behind her, so despite having good combat skills and being very prepared, she ended up falling to the ground, covered in a wave of blood. When I got up, I used my wand to charm the blood that covered Gemma before she could recover, making it sticky and heavy.

Once that was done I didn't worry anymore, Gemma tried to get up, but apart from her head and feet, the rest of her was glued to the ground by a red slime. After casting a soundproofing spell again, I approached her and crouched down to speak to her.



"What the hell happened Gemma? Since when do you appear out of nowhere and attack? Don't you remember what Snape told you?"

"It doesn't matter, I'll take care of giving you what you deserve and that you can't hurt anyone else" She yelled at me, but she didn't sound like the old Gemma for sure.

"You mean that idiot who attacks me first?"

"Him and anyone else, now I know what you're capable of, and I won't allow you to do the same to anyone else as you did to me" She looked at me seriously when she said it.

"Gemma…" I shook my head, "why couldn't you have been so nice and protective of me in the beginning? I would have loved to have had a prefect who cared for me like that"

"Because you're a big piece of troll shit"

"What were you hoping to get? Were you going to kill me?"

"What...?" She asked something, astonished to hear me.

"I mean, if you didn't kill me, how would you stop me from hurting other people?"

"... If necessary I would do it... if with that I save the others from you"

"I'll be honest with you, this hero side of yours really leaves me dismayed...it's possible that I broke the real Gemma the other night"

"Fuck you"

"And there it is again... What will I do with you?" I shook my head.

"No matter what you do, I will never stop, no matter how much you torture me, I will make sure that everyone knows what you have done to me"

"If you had been smarter you would have done it sooner, now even if you do you would have to go through that hell one more time" I said as I raised my finger and touched the bottom of his neck.

"AHhhhh!" Gemma let out a howl of pain.

"See…" I said to a Gemma, whose eyes seemed to wander for a moment.

"..." She didn't say anything, she just let out a few groans moan with loud exhalations.

"You know, I don't want to waste time on you, but I can't let you go that easily either... how about we try a new skill on you?"

"NO! Get away…" She writhed on the floor unable to free herself.

"Look Gemma, we're going to make a deal" I said freeing one of her hands from the sticky blood "You're not going to tell anyone anything about the other night or what I'm going to do to you now, in exchange I won't torture you like the again" I said as I extended my hand.

"I will never make a deal with you" She exclaimed, and she spat at me, but he missed.

"Okay, torture then" I said, touching her again and making her suffer a little more.


"Now you want?"


"..." I touched her again with more power, but not much, I didn't want to waste it.


"And well?" I looked at her, somewhat tired.

"I...I...I-Okay..." Gemma said crying.

"You were able to save yourself pain." I held out my hand.

She also reached out trembling and squeezed mine, but I didn't let go when she did.

"Let go"

"Gemma, what we're doing is a magical contract, it only works if both parties agree... Nothing has happened, so you're not doing your part... it seems you want more pain" I showed her my finger with a red aura.

"NO! No, no, I accept... I accept" she Quickly collaborated and when she was truly willing to accept our deal, from our joined hands a drop of blood trickled down to the floor and caused illusory ripples.

With that my blood magic reserves were almost depleted, in fact before I came I had discarded the non-magical clone to have more blood magic to use when testing my newly obtained [Blood Pact] skill.

This ability means that when a pact is made between two people, and both truly agree, the parties are forced to comply with the agreement or receive a certain punishment. The more complex the deal and the consequences, the more blood magic it will cost. Now I just demanded to keep a secret and Gemma won't be able to tell anyone anymore even if she wants to, but it consumed almost all of me and I feel weak.

"Okay Gemma, now just a little punishment for the incident just now... I think... I know, since you wanted to stick my wand up my ass, I think I should return the same favor"

"Nooo" she looked at me in panic.

I went to pick up Gemma's wand and then I removed the sticky blood from her legs, I flexed them and forced them open to then stick them again with the blood, the leftover blood I absorbed to recover a little of my power.

"Let me go, get away from me" Gemma screamed and tried to run away, but she couldn't.

"Don't worry Gemma" I told her as I took off the lower part of her clothes without looking, my eyes were fixed on her face "You don't have to worry about me looking, I'll stare at your eyes so you don't feel like I took advantage of you... but because of that I may have the wrong hole, sorry if that happens, but I'm not to blame, it's all for you to keep your 'purity'..." I put on a saintly expression.

With that, I took Gemma's wand and felt around her lower body until I could get it somewhere. Gemma did not stop screaming and when I finally found the way, she cried even harder, but that quickly changed when I used [Ecstasy] on her wand as she entered, with that, Gemma's cries of pain were combined with loud moans. Tears didn't stop running down her eyes, but neither did her saliva, her wand entered little by little until only a small part was left outside, and I stopped.

"Well, here we are, it wasn't that bad, right?" I told her as she pulled up her pants "Now get up and stop crying, I needed to go to sleep" Absorbing the blood that immobilized her.

Gemma lay moaning on the floor for a while until I yelled at her again and she got up awkwardly, clearly in pain and discomfort. She 'walked' in a very strange way, like a penguin towards the door and without stopping crying, she went out.

When he was on the other side of the door, she leaned against the wall, putting her hand inside her clothes, and holding back herscreams, little by little she took her wand out of it... she stayed leaning against the wall for a while longer before continuing on her way.