
Harry Potter: Ninjutsu Wizard

After dying during a war while on a relief mission, a young boy was granted a lucky draw for his next world. Unexpectedly he got the Ninjutsu System and his next world was of Harry Potter.

LordRaphael · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 2: Starter Gift Pack


[Host Awakening Complete!]

[System Bounded]

[Ding! Congrats Host on your Awakening!

You are now bonded to the Ninjutsu System.]

[You can get all the ninjutsu of the Naruto World from the System, including those of Kekkei Genkais but excluding those of Dojutsus.]

'System, is this the legendary system that can overturn a beggar's fate making him a king?'

[*Cough! Cough!* Well this is the Ninjutsu system.]

[Now before you start asking stupid questions I will tell you everything I have the privilege to tell you about.]

[As you might have remembered, you were nuked and well, reincarnated as Earnest Tonks.

The Ninjutsu system bound you but since magic is used in this world instead of chakra, the system had to go into a dormant state as the magic in wizards till age 11 is unstable.

Similarly, your brain was not that developed to take the burden of your previous life's memories so they were sealed as well till the point where your brain becomes capable of taking in the memories without even a chance of rejection.

Now today your memories were unsealed and you had your 11th birthday recently so the system also awakaned.

The amazing thing is you recently on the day of your birthday had your 7th magic riot which has never been recorded in history and you lost all your memories permanently as a result.

I can tell you the reason but for the rest of your memories I recommend you bond with your family rather than relying on a sentient system.

So what about it?]


*2 minutes later*

'Okay system, I have digested what you said. Just tell me, in brief, the reason for the accident, for the rest, at least I reincarnated, so this is my real family and I don't have any psychological pressure of snatching a child's body.'

[Correction, you are also a child, just one with your previous life's memories unlocked. Everyone you look around has their own previous lives and they had their own Karmas bound to their souls. You only have the privilege of unsealed memories from your previous life.]

'That is ... okay I understood, but seriously, the soul is quite mysterious huh, what about Voldy the baldy, he tore apart his soul, what happened to his own Karma and memories?'

[You are not strong enough to comprehend the complexities of the soul yet. This world just has superficial knowledge about the soul, so don't get your hopes up.

Anyway, we have deviated quite a bit from the topic.

Yeah, the reason for your accident was that you found out that you are adopted and you had a big fight with your sister, as an escape mechanism, your desire to forget about this knowledge triggered a magic riot leading to the permanent deletion of your memories.]

'f*ck! Wait, I am adopted? Well, for an 11-year-old child this will be quite ... traumatic I guess.

Not that it matters now, I still have to change the fate of Tonks family, or my family.

I don't think they will give up against the noseless bastard because I ask them now, will they?

But if I am strong enough, things will change, I will not lose my family to a bloody war again.'

[Good, the system recognizes the host's desire for strength. As for peace, forget about it, host. I still haven't told you why you were chosen for this world.

This world's fabric of reality has been breached. So if nothing changes, in the next century the world will end.

This world needs a Saint-level wizard to stabilise things.]

'Holy Shit! f##@ @s#### m##%##

I get it, so can you tell me about this saint thing.'

[I was just getting at it.

Let's compare the magic power and scale with the Ninja world.

Of course, Ninjas are stronger because of their physiques, but Semi-Legendary Wizards like Dumbledore and Grindelwald can deal with Kage-level Shinobi. Not because they are stronger than them but because of apparition and black magic. Just Fiend Fire can deal with ordinary Kage levels, but strong Kage levels are better.

Let's get started by comparing the amount of magic with chakra because in a fight between a shinobi and a wizard, a wizard might have a disadvantage in one fight but a wizard has many tricks like curses, legilimency etc.


Academy Student Chakra = Hogwartz Students' magic power

Genin Chakra = Hogwartz Graduated Wizards

Chunnin Chakra = Adult Wizards

Jonin Chakra = Auror Wizards - Elite Auror Wizards

Elite Jonin Chakra = Professor Level Wizrds(Snape/Flitwick/McGonagall)

Kage Level Chakra = Semi-Legendary Wizards (Dumbledore/Voldemort/Grindelwald)

Super-Kage Chakra = Legendary Wizards (Four Founders/ Herpo/ Andros the invincible)

Six-Path Chakra = Wizard Saint

Mind you, for every level mentioned above, a Shinobi might be stronger than a wizard for the same level, but a saint is different, he can go toe-to-toe with six paths or even might be better than them.

This is it from my side, I have given all the information required for you to navigate through this world. If you want to save this world, good for you, if not, none of my problem.

The system has no tasks. Every Ninjutsu will need to be bought using system points, which can be acquired using gold or will be awarded to the host for his achievements.

Any questions?]

'Yeah, a couple of.

What is the exchange rate, do I get my status and what about the starter pack?'

[Exchange rate depends on the pure gold or any artefact if the system accepts it.

Yes, you have your status.

As for your starter gift pack:]

[Ding! Congratulations host for getting a starter gift pack. The host has three choices:

1. Genjutsu System Unlocks

2. Fuinjutsu System Unlocks

3. Uzumaki Physique (limited by the world's laws)


'System, what is the System unlock and what about physique being limited?'

[ For a better explanation, let me tell the host about ninjutsu prices.

D-rank Ninjutsu : 1,000 SP

C-rank Ninjutsu: 10,000 SP

B-rank Ninjutsu: 100,000 SP

A-rank Ninjutsu: 1,000,000 SP

S-rank Ninjutsu: 10,000,000 SP

Genjutsu/Fuinjutsu System: 100,000,000 SP

This is what the system shop contains. Uzumaki physique is just an extra gift which will not be available again.

As for the benefits, your magic fills flow like chakra easily but in another case, you will have to work on your magic flow just so that you can use the ninjutsu.

Limitations: Your magic amount might rise just like Uzumakis but your physical strength will be limited to the peak human strength (not considering bloodline modification), but don't underestimate peak human strength, their peak physical prowess in this magical world is almost close to a chunnin.

As for adamantine sealing chains will not be available but healing bite is available. As for Kagura's mind eye will be watered down, only your perception will be heightened.]

'System, isn't this just baiting me to accept this physique?'

[Wrong, host, because unlocking the Genjutsu/Fuinjutsu system is very expensive.

If I have to estimate in pounds, it will be almost a billion pounds worth of gold.]


'Fine, just give me Uzumaki Physique, as for unlocking other systems, I will need to borrow a little money from the purebloods, they do have a lot of gold.'