
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · Filmes
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51 Chs

status and bloodlines

Alex recivred fully in few days the bandages on his body also are removed. This incident is caused when James and harry planned a joint prank on Alex and Lily. James just gave Harry the chant of bombarda to scare Lily and Alex.

But he didn't expect Harry to do it when Alex is scared at the wand pointed at him. At that moment Harry felt excited and wanted to scare Alex more. Lily wanted to stop it at that when she saw it.

But before she can stop the prank there Harry uttered the spell and as Harry is exited to see the sacred face his emotions took control and a magic riot happened. The bombarda spell worked and the wall beside Alex blown up.

That wall is on top of the castle and Alex who is injured at tha time also fell down from the castle. His magic riot also is caused when he saw he is going to die and he slowed down in mid air before falling to the ground in slow pace like a feather.

But Alex body is very burdened by the magic riot along with the injuries cuased by the wall explosion. So he lost consciousness there. James and Lily are terrified when they saw this and immediately brought Alex to the hospital.

So that's happened that made alex lie in the bed for a few days and now that he is cured he is very much interested in exploring the potter manor. It's very big and from the stories his mother told him there is also a beast forest near the potter manor which contains unicorns, hippogriffs, nifflers, demiguise, wampus cats, and many other magical beasts. She said she even saw occamy and zouwu like rare beasts when exploring it with his father.

Alex is very interested in this and his status is also one to be noted down :

[ Alexander Lucian Potter

Age : 8 years

Bloodlines : Potter, Peverall, Black, Rosier, Malfoy, Ravenclaw.

Bloodline abilities :

• Potter - elemental magic connection(fire), prophetic amplification.

• Peverall - inheritance to deathly hallows, special connection to death and shadows, special talent to dark arts.

• Black - metamorphagus, special talent to dark arts.

• Rosier - elemental magic connection (water), potion talents.

• Malfoy - magic truth seeker's eyes.

• Ravenclaw - elemental magic connection (wind), artifact creation effect bonus, mind arts specialization.

Auxiliary module : empty.

Template : none.


He is full of doubts as he read potter is a house from Peverall but the bloodline show differently and when he asked the system the answer he got is:

[ The ancenstor of potter house is blessed by magic and got the prophetic talent along with fire magic specialization. The Slytherin is also divided from Peverall house as the ancenstor of Slytherin merged his blood with that of basilisk. ]

This bloodlines are all purified in these days with the help of system novice package and the things he got are:

[ Bloodlines purification for the ones in host body. Will expire in 3 days]

[ 10000 coins to spend in shop.]

[ An ordinary willow wood and dragon heart string wand.]

When he saw the skill of Malfoy bloodline he is confused but the introduction of it made him drop the jaw :

[ Magic truth seeker's eyes : See the true essence of things. It sees the emotions of all living things. Can see the power level of others. Inceeased intuition and prophetic talent.Other uses need to be explored by the host.]

Such a valuable skill can't even be unlocked by Malfoy family at this time who is calling themselves pure bloods without this skill. But the system said something that made him collapse :

[ There is one girl in this era who opened the Malfoy bloodline skill and developed it to far extent now. She is Luna Lovegood. Xenophilius Lovegood her father is disowned from Malfoy bloodline.]

Alex thought to himself,' no wonder that girl always acts wierd. She is seeing a completely different world compared to other and she can uncover truths we can't'.

He smiled when he saw the different colours that represented the emotions of his mother and father. Their magic power level is very high when Alex saw them with the truth seeker eye's. He looked at the house elves and saw a magic thread binding them to his family. This eyes not only show him those but also contracts like these.