
Harry Potter Live Question In 1976

Big screen suddenly lit up on sky and can be seen by every wizard. Lily Evans: What! I will marry james in the future? James Potter: I knew it will happen Lily Evans: My Child is saviour that kill dark lord. ..... Voldemort: There is no way newborn can kill me!! Death eater: Let's kill lily evans family. Follow my discord channel: https://discord.gg/h8fQefhH Support me either in patreon or buy me a coffee Patreon link: patreon.com/zorojurown Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zorojurown

ZoroTraineeWriter · Filmes
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33 Chs

Chapter 7: Werewolves Antidote

Voldemort and the Death Eater's POV

"My lord, this is dangerous; if werewolves are treated, we will lose our army."

"Crucio", the man who spoke, is being tortured by Voldemort.

"We can't stop what is being offered to the wizard, but we must make Severus Snape join us; that man is too valuable to die. They were offered a potion to cure werewolves and not the formula; if Snape joins us, they won't get potion formula from a Snape".

Nicolas Flamel POV

'It looks like another genius has been born; I need to meet Dumbledore to see a genius."

"Husband, what are you thinking of?"

"I think my time has passed; a boy from Britain might surpass me in alchemy."

Werewolves around the world's POV

"Thanks, Snape, even though I don't know you. But I'm really grateful because you create treatment for us."

"Mom, if I manage to answer this, I can become a human again."

"Finally, I can meet my family again. It has been 5 years since they banished me."

"Please let us answer the question too; we need that potion to heal us. Why it's exclusive to Britain only"

"We need to go to Britain and kidnap Snape; he has the knowledge to cure our body."

Many werewolves were very happy with this news but there is only one person who didn't happy, that man is Fenrir Greyback. He likes to torture kids and turn them into werewolves.


Nick Hunt who watch reaction especially from werewolves was very happy, he choose obvious answer so many people can gain the potion. 'Obviously the answer is A; after watching the video when Harry defeated Voldemort, it will be a stupid choice if they choose another answer.' It looks like Wizard still has common sense. This is the first time all the wizards chose A.


The answer is A.


Every wizard got their gift, and Nick Hunt doesn't want to waste any more time focusing on wizards; he wants to see werewolves reactions. After finding what he searched for, he played it all around the world so people could see werewolves as human beings.

Natasha Hudson, 10 Years old, was bitten by Fenrir Greyback and turned into a werewolf when she was 8 years old. Luckily, his father saved her from an army of werewolves.

(SIDE NOTE: Fenrir Greyback turned a kid into a werewolf and made them hate wizards, thus creating an army of werewolves. (Remus Lupin is one of his victims.)

"Dad, Mom, I got the antidote; I can become a human being again", Natasha held the antidote while crying and hugged her parents.

"Sweetheart, i believe one day you can become a human again. Try to drink it, and let's see the reaction in your body", urged Madam Hudson.

Natasha took off the cap and drink the antidote, just a 10 seconds later her body began to change. There was black residue that came out like sweat, and all the scars from the transformation are being healed. Then she began to smile and said, "Dad, I think I've been cured. The suffocation feeling and animal instinct were gone".

Mr. Hudson and Madam Hudson are very happy and hug Natasha tightly. "Fullmoon will happen in 3 days; we can see the full result in 3 days.".

"Mother, Father, I want to meet Severus Snape. He was the one who invented this antidote.

Yeah, honey, after three days, let's meet him."

Nick Hunt POV

"Hey system, did the antidote have healing properties?"

Yeah, I add healing properties so people can see the effectiveness of the antidote".

"Good, you are more useful than I thought. I forgot to add healing properties".

"BTW, can this potion be created by the potioneer?"

"It can; all the material exists in the Harry Potter universe. But creating this potion is very difficult. More difficult than to create Felix Felicis".

"And you create it only in a minute?"

It's possible if you have a cheat code like me."

Back to Hogwarts POV

After seeing the effectiveness of Natasha, Marauder is very Happy. They told Lupin to drink the antidote right away. Many students were shocked after watching them. They answered the question because it was easy and they could sell it to people who were infected by disease, and now they all know Lupin is a werewolf.

Not aware of his surroundings, Lupin then took off the cap and drank the antidote. Same reaction happen to Lupin, his body produce black residue like a sweat and second later his Scar were fading and gone. James and Sirius then stripped off his clothes and checked his scar; it was all gone.

"Guys, I think my body has become better than before. Im no longer feeling like an animal. Something was lifted after I drank that antidote".

"We need to test its effectiveness to prove this antidote is real."

"I need to thank Snape. said Lupin, and it made James moody and a bit angry. Why did you want to thank Snape? This antidote is not from him but from that guy in the sky."

(AUTHOR NOTE: I believe anything from Snape will be rebuked by James; he doesn't want to have a debt with Snape. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)

Just now, i search Severus Snape real face, JK Rowling really gone all out if she mention he really ugly.



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