
Harry Potter: John Constantine

Transmigrating to the world of Harry Potter and successfully activating the [Strongest Exorcist System] before enrolling in school. As long as he complete the exorcism, he will be rewarded with a treasure chest corresponding to the level of the evil spirit. Catching the evil spirit alive will get double rewards. As a result, Hogwarts, which was already restless, was in a state of panic. Voldemort: Bastard, isn't there only one basilisk in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets? What's going on with this terrifying hell demon? ! Dumbledore: Mr. Constantine, could you please explain why there are so many demons in Hogwarts? Hermione: To hell with that damn school rule! I, Granger, want to be an exorcist! Snape: I'm warning you, Mr. Constantine! Don't let that damn succubus turn into Lily again! When the Death Eaters racked their brains and finally resurrected Voldemort. After the resurrection, Voldemort looked at Constantine holding the [Satanic Deal Contract] with a look of pain on his face. "Mr. Constantine, to be fair, I, Tom Riddle, am at least very qualified as your exorcism tool, right?" **************************************** WARNING! I do NOT own Harry Potter or this story i am just translating it. "English isn't my native language, so please correct me if i made any mistakes" original novel我,康斯坦丁,霍格沃茨首席驱魔 Check out my Patreon for early access chapters: patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498 Release Schedule will 1 chapter per day. show your support by giving power stones and reviews and comments.

LORD_INDRA_ · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

The Supernatural Incident On Privet Drive

"No. 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. It should be right here...but why do I always feel that this place seems familiar?"

The drizzle of rain fell on the dark raincoat.

A pair of brown leather boots stained with mud stopped in front of a gloomy British-style building.

John murmured in his mouth, still wanting to take a look at his surroundings.

At this time, a middle-aged woman who seemed to have been waiting at the door for a long time suddenly rushed over despite the rain after seeing him appear.

"Mr. Constantine? You must be Mr. Constantine, right?"

The woman's voice was urgent.

A pair of dark bags under the eyes and clear bloodshot eyes, all indicating the collapse of the person in front of him.

"Yes, Mrs. Lawrence"

After hearing John's reply, the woman's face clearly showed some distrust of the young man in front of her.


The current situation at home can only be solved by the person in front of her.

"Quick, please, Mr. Constantine, you must save my child, he...wuwuwu."

Mrs. Lawrence dragged John quickly into her house.

She was anxiously trying to explain the current situation, but at the end of the sentence, she broke down and burst into tears.

John was already used to this.

As soon as he walked into the house, he first saw seven or eight restless people in the living room.

One of the couples made his eyes startled slightly.

That look familiar!

But he can't think of a specific place where he saw it.

There were waves of strange roars coming from upstairs, as well as the screams of several men, leaving John no time to think too much.

He immediately picked up his suitcase and hurried upstairs.

"God...Lawrence's family must have been deceived. This kid is obviously a Curse!"

A middle-aged man with a body as fat as a ball whispered in a low voice.

"Be careful! Don't talk nonsense here. If Mrs. Lawrence hears it, she will never let us go. Such weird things are not unique to the Lawrence family, right?"

After hearing his wife's words, he thought of the little ghost he fostered in his home.

He couldn't help but cursed again in his heart.

"Fake! That kid must have been sent by the devil to torture me!"


John had just walked to the door of a bedroom and immediately saw the man tied up on the bed.

The body seems to have no bones and joints, and the figure is twisting and struggling strangely.

"Zareshette! Frank, think of a solution quickly!"

"Damn, this guy is so strong!"

The two men pressed each other desperately, but at this moment, the two of them felt like they were on a roller coaster, and their bodies were constantly being affected by the boy who was obviously possessed by the devil.

Flying around in a toss.

With a "bang" sound.

One of the fat men was thrown away on the spot and hit the wall hard, unable to get up for a long time.

And the expression of the remaining person changed drastically in an instant.


He looked like a monster, suddenly opening his bloody mouth at his son.

The jagged gums like those of a wild beast, coupled with the stench that hit his face, made the man almost faint without rolling his eyes.

Fortunately at this time.

A palm with two gold cross rings suddenly poked out from one side.

"Our Heavenly Father"

"May your name be magnified"

"Your kingdom come"

"May your will be done on earth..."

A long string of verses that seemed to be recited in Latin followed the moment when the palm suddenly pressed on the young man's face.

The smell of sulfur was accompanied by the boy's violent painful struggle.

The sound echoed throughout the entire building in an instant.


"Zareshet! God!"

"Oh my God..."

A scream full of panic and fear came from the mouth of the man who was suppressing the boy.

His eyes widened, as if he had seen something incredible.

In his sight, there seemed to be something terrible underneath the skin of his son's body, struggling and surging inside him.

Like a strange fish wrapped in plastic wrap.

And as John finished reciting a [Shocking Curse].

The boy who was still struggling seemed to have lost all his strength in an instant and lay helpless on the bed.

He began to silent and he can't even move a finger.

"Oh Maika...you, how did you do that?"

The male owner of the house slowly climbed up in surprise, looking at him as if he had seen God. He was taking out a medicine bottle, a Bible, and some silver jewelry of different styles from the suitcase. .

John smiled lightly.

"Mr. Lawrence, don't be nervous. The thing inside your child is not a demon. In other words, it is not qualified to be called a demon."

John said as he spoke.

At the same time, he unscrewed a small bottle and instantly sprayed the liquid inside on the young man's body.


The increasingly rich smell of sulfur is accompanied by rising white smoke.

In the room, there were sudden waves of creepy unknown whispers.

At the door, the people downstairs who finally couldn't restrain their curiosity carefully poked their heads out.

What caught their eyes was the scene of an exorcism ceremony in the bedroom that they couldn't understand at all.

A portable lamp burning with a golden-red flame was placed on the window sill by John. The boy's body was close to the light, filled with white smoke, and it seemed that he could even see the ferocious skeleton.

On the other side of the boy, John held a silver-white pendant cage that was only the size of a palm.

Picking up a simple-looking mirror with one hand.

"In the name of God, drive you out of the world"

"The devil retreats!"



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Release Schedule will 1 chapter per day. show your support by giving power stones and reviews and comments.