

The two walked through the town hand in hand and watched the muggles live their lives. Living in the castle made Virgil forget he was living in the modern age.

The castle was the center of the formation and had been radiated by magic for hundreds of years. No electronic product could make it close without frying the circuitry.

"Do you think you could make electronic products not affected by magic?" Kiara looked at a shop with TVs displayed in the front window.

Virgil followed her gaze and nodded. "It's actually very easy, the parts used to make them could just be charmed. The reason muggle items aren't available is fear. The purebloods are afraid their culture and status will be eroded."

Kiara thought about it and realized it was true. She doesn't study magic in depth like Virgil, but she was no fool. "That's why the Dark Lord has risen so fast?"

Virgil just sighed. "There are too many muggle-borns every year and the number of purebloods is dwindling. Who knows how many squibs have blended into muggle society over the years."

The two kept walking until they reached a nice neighborhood. This town only had over five thousand people and could reach many places on foot fast.

Virgil walked up to the door and flicked his finger. The door unlocked on its own and opened. The two walked in and saw a nice-looking woman working in the kitchen with an apron.

When she heard the door open she turned her head and saw nothing. Before she could investigate further, Virgil and Kiara appeared and closed the door.

"Master." The puppet stepped forward and bowed her head.

"I remember your name was Rebeca." Virgil walked past the puppet and sat down in the living room.

"Yes, my mission was to blend into the town and report any suspicious people." She turned towards Kiara and wasn't sure who she was.

Kiara's brows rose and she knew what the puppet was thinking. Even if her eyes aren't fully activated she could still see snippets of the future pertaining to herself. "I'm Kiara, the one you've been reporting to."

Rebeca's eyes opened wide and she bowed her head. "Mistress, sorry for my rude behavior."

Kiara waved her hand before sitting down next to Virgil.

Virgil looked at his puppet and couldn't help but feel proud. With the magic of this world, his ability to make puppets had surpassed Touko Aozaki.

Magic in this world comes from the caster instead of borrowing it from the Root. This gave spells a more lasting effect as the World wasn't trying to take its magic back.

Not only can they last for long periods of time, but their brains were also made using portrait magic he modified. This gave them intelligence like normal people and the ability to learn. Touko Aozaki's puppets could only follow the logic she set.

While he couldn't be too proud because he had better circumstances than her; Going beyond his template still felt good.

"I came to tell you Kiara will be your daughter for a while. You can tell Robert when he gets back." Virgil tapped his finger on the armrest while looking around the room.

Rebeca didn't ask why but just followed orders.

Virgil snapped his fingers and a wave of magic spread from his hand. All the family pictures changed and Kiara was added to the photos. Even new photos of Kiara at different ages appeared around the room.

Kiara watched all this and made up her mind to practice magic seriously now that she could throw away her responsibilities.

Virgil turned toward Kiara and placed his hand on her forehead. Silver lines like computer circuits appeared on his arm and his magic poured into Kiara's body.

He analyzed her body and everything about her appeared in his mind. "Redefining age from three to eleven, Setting biological definition to Human, removing magical concealment spells."

Virgil removed his hand and knew it was done. "Now you should get your Hogwarts letter as well."

"That's it?" Kiara looked at her hand and didn't feel any different.

"What, do you want me to chant a spell and send out flashes of light?" Virgil rolled his eyes and rose to his feet. "I'll see you on the Hogwarts express."

Virgil dropped his words and his body twisted into a swirl and disappeared.

Kiara watched him disapparate and didn't try to stop him. "Well, do you have any spare rooms?"

She turned her head and looked at Rebeca with a smile.

"Follow me." Rebeca nodded and led her up the stairs.


Virgil appeared in a circular dirt field behind the castle. All kinds of weapon racks, targets, and obstacle equipment were spread out throughout the area.

"Sorry I'm late, but I had business to attend to." He seemed to be talking to himself but he knew he wasn't alone.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Virgil. She had caramel-colored skin and long purple hair fashioned in a ponytail that matched the color of her eyes. Even though she was beautiful, her face was expressionless and her eyes were cold.

She wore a bronze ring around her neck that extended two black pieces of cloth that only covered her nipples before wrapping under her armpit. Her lack of clothes fully exposed her toned lean muscles and perfect body lines full of power.

Virgil was a bit surprised to see her. "Your main body is back? I thought you were still in Romania."

"I've already tracked down the pure-blood Vampires and brought two of them back." Compared to Kiara's sweet and melodious tone, she spoke flatly and devoid of emotions.

"Oh? You actually found them?" His eyes lit up and couldn't help turning towards the magic temple. Even if his sight was blocked by trees it couldn't block his excitement.

"Do you want to skip your training?"

Even though her tone of speech was still the same, Virgil could hear the threat in her voice. "No, I was just a bit excited."

A wry smile appeared on his face and his eyes returned to the woman before him.

This was his first familiar and first attempt at making an extraordinary puppet, Hundred face Hassan. It took him weeks camped outside St Mungo's to get echoes of a witch's soul to make her.

Unlike Kiara who's a mix of magical creatures, Hassan was a humanoid Wampus cat. After he managed to get Wampus cat cells he cultivated them at a high price and created her.

What makes her special lies in the feature of portrait magic to move between frames. He created more bodies and they all shared one mind. Even though she only had ten clones due to the resource strain it took to make them. It made her perfect for carrying out missions and intelligence gathering.

Virgil pulled the dagger from his waist and his entire body lit up with silver circuits. "Reinforce bones, ligaments, muscle fibers, nerves, ears, and eyes."

His vision became sharp and his perception of the outside world increased. He leaned forward and used the dagger to block in front of his chest. "Remember, you can't use body reinforcement."

Hassan pulled a dagger from her waist and spun it around her hand. When she caught the dagger she lunged forward at incredible speeds.

Her body seemed to blur as she arrived in front of Virgil in an instant. Her dagger stabbed toward Virgil's side without mercy.

Virgil stepped to the side to dodge her blow and flipped the dagger in his hand before stabbing down toward her neck.

Hassan raised her other arm and parried the stab with her bronze wristguard. Her accuracy and timing were so good the tip of the blade was stuck in a groove of the bracer.  At the same time, she hooked her elbow and redirected her stab toward Virgil once more.

They were too close and moving too fast for him to dodge at this range but he wasn't worried. The spell book at his waist moved upward and the sound of metal clashing sounded throughout the field.

Before Virgil had time to breathe Hassan's foot shot up like a whip and kicked him square in the chest.

Virgil flew stumbling backward and his breath was a bit stiff from the impact.

Hassan moved like a phantom and appeared before Virgil again. Before she could attack again, Virgil apparated right in her face and appeared on the other side of the field.

She tried to stop his apparition with her knife but the book blocked in front of her again.

"My turn!" Virgil waved his free hand towards her and whirlpools formed on the ground. Stone snakes shot up like vines surrounding Hassan and bit toward her with massive fangs.

He knew from experience that his spells couldn't break through Hassan's defense. Only physical impacts could do damage.

Hassan rushed forward but snakes kept cutting off her path and crashing into the ground. The force of the snakes left massive pits in the ground and more snakes would transform from the rubble and attack her.

Virgil focused on making more snakes to attack but his eyes glanced at his spell book across the field.

Suddenly, the book flipped open and showed the runes ᛜᚦ on its page. Runes of the earth god and thorns.

Magic poured into the runes and the book projected them on the ground. Earth thorns shot from the ground behind Hassan and pierced towards her with the snakes.

Her movement space had already shrunk and she had nowhere to dodge. She glanced towards Virgil through the twisted jungle of snakes surrounding her and knew he couldn't continue unimpeded.

Hassan's eyes sharpened and she jumped toward an oncoming snake, ignoring the thorn piercing behind her.

The moment her toes touched the head of the snake, a black magic circle appeared under her foot and she pushed off. All the power in her body was directed into her toes and she pushed off with the aid of magic.

Her body shot into the air like a missile and in the next moment, the thorn and snake collided together with a bang.

Virgil saw Hassan suspended in the air and smiled. Even if he knew it wouldn't do any damage he had to cast the spell. His finger thrust forward and a red bolt of lightning shot forward. "Expelliarmus!"

He chanted the incantation to increase the power hoping it would affect her.

Just when Virgil thought he was about to gain an advantage a black mist surrounded Hassan and she disappeared.

Virgil felt a magical fluctuation behind him and his eyes widened.

"You're not the only one making progress, my Master."

Virgil apparated the moment he felt the magical fluctuations but Hassan was too fast and he didn't have the book to block this blow.

Her hand stabbed forward like a viper and slapped him in the back. A shock wave was sent reverberating through his body and his magical power seemed to turn into mud.

Virgil's apparition stopped and his body was sent flying out as the stone snakes crumbled around him. On his back was a glowing ᚾ, the Nauthiz rune representing restriction.

He crashed to the ground and felt a wave of pain erupt from his body as his reinforcement magic faded.

"Shit." Virgil cursed from the pain and tried to prop himself up. His spell book apparated next to him and flipped to a page containing a sigil made to counterspell.

Before the sigil could activate, Hassan used her ghostly speed to arrive next to the book and kicked it away.

The dagger in her hand cut out and stopped at Virgil's neck. "You've been too comfortable against my clones, my Master."

Virgil dropped to the ground and rolled over onto his back. He tried to activate his circuits but failed. "It seems like the passive magic resistance provided by running magic through my circuits still isn't enough."

Hassan sheathed her dagger and glanced at Virgil on the ground. "I'm a 5x level magical creature given the ability to cast spells by you."

"Being able to beat my clone is an achievement."

"No one in this world is my opponent." She paused for a moment and thought about Kiara. "For now."