

This is a crossover between Percy Jackson and the Harry Potter world, a mixture of the wizarding world and Greek mythology. so if this is your thing, I got you. Troy Vinson Jackson is the son of the famous demigods,Percy and Annabeth. Troy has received an invitation to Hogwart due to his magical abilities,but the forces that were once after his parents are now after him. The little boy has barely met his new friends in hogwart before he is involved in a serious accident that almost kills three of his friend He also realizes that Harry, whom he considered a friend, doesn't trust him and has been telling the headmaster his secrets. Troy is soon expelled and joins Camp Half-Blood like his parents. but then a quest is given to him by the oracle. a quest that pits him against his former friends and school. Vengeance is what he wants . Meanwhile, Kronos unites with Voldemort, who offers the Titan his body. and the result is formidable. both demigods and wizards must work together to stop kronos and the dark lord or darkness will reign

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11 Chs




The door remained locked until it was dinner time when Percy came to fetch them. He instructed them to wait until all the students had gathered. He then led them to the common room, where they found Professor McGonagall and the other students who had not been in their rooms waiting for them. Troy noted that their three roommates were missing. From the look on Harry's face, it appeared he had realized this as well.

Macgonagall led them out of Gryffindor Tower and onto the hallway. Students were whispering closely, trying to find the source of the commotion that had arisen. However, nobody seemed to have a clue. Some were saying Peeves had finally gone fully rogue, some said that monsters had come from the forbidden forest. Why else would it be forbidden if something dangerous didn't hide there? Others even thought that the dark lord had returned. Rumors even began to spread that the missing students had been dragged to the forbidden forest.

They arrived just as professor Snape led the Slytherins into the great hall. The same confusion was evident on their faces. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were already seated at their tables. With their head of house standing close by. They sat at their designated table and waited.

Troy knew that very few were aware of what was happening. Only the teachers and a few prefects. And they did not seem ready or willing to share with anyone.

Dumbledore and Mr. Belen entered. the hall from the door on the left of the staff tables. They were hastily joined by the rest of the staff. And after talking to them for a while, the headmaster turned to address the students.

"I am sad to announce that our school has been a victim of an attack this afternoon. But I will not comment on the nature of the attack until we have full information. However, I must congratulate all the staff and prefects for their swift action in containing the situation. I also thank our Greek professor Mr. Belen for his swift countermeasures. dare I say that we're it not for such a swift response, we might have suffered a bigger blow"

So there is a blow, after all, Troy thought. Were his roommates part of this 'blow' he wondered .

Dumbledore carried on"However, I am sorry to report that several of our Gryffindor students have been injured." a wild murmur erupted through the room. Bad news rarely fails to entice people.

The headmaster raised his hand and the noise died down." Madam Pomfrey however, assures me that none is in immediate danger. Friends and family will however not be allowed to see them until tomorrow. In addition, no student will be allowed out after 7 o'clock. Your head of house will lead you for meals and classes until the situation has normalized. Now let's dig in.

" We shall see," said Fred who sat near Harry as he helped himself to some rice padding ." We are going to see Ron tonight. You two can come Fred added with a mischievous glint shining in his eyes.

" but that is dangerous, what if something attacks again," Troy asked worriedly.

Both twins stared at each other then grinned and answered in unison

" There is nothing fun without danger. "

" But what if you guys get injured badly that you can't play quidditch again."Harry interceded. That seemed to finally scare the twins. They looked at each other with a dreadful faces then burst out giggling.

" Nice try Harry '', whispered Fred. "even quidditch cannot stop us." he said looking at his twin." besides the tryouts are next week. If that happens, both of you can fill in for our poor self "George added with a feigned look of sadness On his whimsical face.

But even as Troy was objecting, he knew he could never withstand the curiosity of not knowing how his friends were doing. In a way, he felt responsible for what was happening.

Even with Dumbledore refusing to share the nature of the threat, Troy knew it was the hellhound. He was certain of that. But then he would have to ask his friends.

"When will you guys leave the dormitories? The curfew will start at 7 when we leave the Great hall and the doors will be guarded after that. Troy asked after a moment of thinking

I thought it was dangerous. Does that mean you love danger as well

George smiled sarcastically."Are you coming harry? He asked.

" Of course," Harry answered,"but I still think it's a bad idea."

The twins gave each other a knowing wink "every good joke comes from a bad idea" they answered together. It seemed like. The two could really read each other's minds.

"Still, I don't see how it's possible for anyone to leave after curfew," Troy said not wanting them To deviate from his question.

"That is a nice observation Troy" Fred said pretending to think.... "that is why we are not going back. " he finished with a tone of amusement

"What!,", both Troy and Harry exclaimed in surprise. "I knew it was a bad idea and this confirms it. Harry said in exasperation.

" Even if we hid out until we were done with the visit, how do we get back to the dormitory? The fat lady is under instruction not to allow anybody in after the curfew.

Fred gave both Troy and Harry a rough look before nodding as if disappointed.

"relax you doubting g souls. You really think we haven't thought about all that." George said between a mouthful of padding.

"Besides, who needs the dorm when..." Fred taped His twin's hand stopped him from finishing his sentence.

"don't worry, guys, you will soon see it for yourself," Fred added, pushing away his empty plate. George also followed his twin's actions even though his plate was still half full.

The plates magically disappeared just as the head master's voice boomed through the great hall.

"Now that we are all fed, it's time to retire to your dormitories. Please observe all the regulations that I have issued here today. It is for your own safety. I don't need to remind you that anyone caught breaking the rules will cost his house heavily. It might even amount to suspension. "

Both Troy and Harry looked at each other in despair. Suspension? Troy wondered. Was it even worth it? Couldn't they just wait for tomorrow?

" Are you guys getting cold already, you want out. "Fred asked seeing the worried look on the two first year's faces"

They barely had time to answer, Macgonagall came towards them and all the students led by Percy fell behind her.

Troy noted that all the staff had their wands drawn.

All the housed left the great hall as one. Fred ran near the two boys and whispered "you need to fall back guys, we are going scarce on that corridor." he said pointing to the corridor just before the one the Slytherins took to their dungeon.

Both of them obeyed. It actually made sense to escape while the students were many. That way it would be hard to be noticed. Still, Troy felt like Macgonagall would do a headcount, but that was a risk they would have to take.

Both Troy and Harry had fallen behind the rest of the students. The four of them walked side by side indulging in small talk. Just when they reached the corridor that Fred had indicated, the twins pulled them into it and gestured for them to be quiet.

They stood there for a while hoping that nobody had noticed. George peered from. The corner gave his twin a thumbs up.

Fred turned to the two first years. "Listen, you guys should go and wait for us in the Greek class. We need to get something really fast" he said with urgency in his voice.

"What, Harry asked surprised." you did not say we would separate.? Fred looked restless. "We will join you in a minute, you should get going," he answered, pushing them.

The twins suddenly turned and rushed down towards the great hall. Harry turned to Troy. "I knew trusting those two was a bad idea, what now.

Troy was silent. His mind was rushing over the possibility of being suspended. But they had already come too far to back off now. They had to go along and hope that they were not victims of a terrible joke.

" Let's do what they said, they looked like they meant it. They will come for us"

They had barely taken a few steps down the corridor when they both froze!


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