

This is a crossover between Percy Jackson and the Harry Potter world, a mixture of the wizarding world and Greek mythology. so if this is your thing, I got you. Troy Vinson Jackson is the son of the famous demigods,Percy and Annabeth. Troy has received an invitation to Hogwart due to his magical abilities,but the forces that were once after his parents are now after him. The little boy has barely met his new friends in hogwart before he is involved in a serious accident that almost kills three of his friend He also realizes that Harry, whom he considered a friend, doesn't trust him and has been telling the headmaster his secrets. Troy is soon expelled and joins Camp Half-Blood like his parents. but then a quest is given to him by the oracle. a quest that pits him against his former friends and school. Vengeance is what he wants . Meanwhile, Kronos unites with Voldemort, who offers the Titan his body. and the result is formidable. both demigods and wizards must work together to stop kronos and the dark lord or darkness will reign

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11 Chs


Advance chapters in my pat. reon @realmsinus...please comment and stone me like a witch


Troy sat in his bed with a jolt, it was already past midnight  and almost all the students had fallen asleep. After turning for a while, he finally gave up coaxing sleep. No matter how hard  he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling of eyes boring into him.

    Growing up with incidents after incidents rocking his life, Troy had learned to trust his instincts and In seven out of ten instances, his senses always proved to be right. Now those senses were screaming to him. there was something or someone in the room, he felt it .A presence that was constantly watching him. 

    All the torches in their bunk had gone off and Troy's wand was so useless seeing that he barely knew any  spell.

    His hands disappeared beneath his pillow and emerged clasping a small pen.

    If anyone spotted him  grasping a pen as a means of defending himself, they  would have laughed themselves silly.

    But that pen or rather what masquerades as one, was in fact one of the most powerful weapons in existence. Riptide had belonged to Troy's father. That blade had in fact defeated Kronos, and saved Olympus from the mad titan.His dad however gave it to him as a gift on his tenth birthday. 

    Troy however knew that his father was worried that  the things which had happened to him would happen to his son. 

     slowly, he swung from his bed taking care not to wake his room mates. He smoothly slipped into his sneakers and headed out carefully shutting the door behind him. 

    The common room was completely deserted. But Troy felt as if professor Macgonagall's portrait was seeing him. 

    He realized that the  feeling he felt when in their room had intensified. Whatever was watching him was still tailing him. 

    He knew he was probably in danger, but his curiosity was burning him. He wanted to see whoever or whatever that was spying on him. And a part of him knew that Hogwarts was safer than out there. 

    Not because he couldn't be attacked. No, the enemies  his father had were too powerful to be deterred by human barriers. It was because he  knew help was close, should he need it. 

    Troy had sensed the magical power within Dumbledore, it was unlike any he had known. Even his father wasn't that powerful. 

    Not that Dumbledore could be much against a god, but he was certain that it wasn't a God. They never stooped that low and neither had the patience to watch from the shadows. Gods were always about action. They used pawns for their dirty work. But some pawns could be deadly. 

    He classed Riptide tighter as he left the common room and entered the deserted hallway. 

    He had barely taken a few steps when he stopped dead on his track. 

    Right ahead of him stood a huge   monster dog with red glowing eyes.  A hellhound 

    Troy felt blood freeze on his veins.  He had known he was right, but internally, he had hoped that he was wrong. At least for the first time. Well he wasn't. 

    The huge monster had certainly seen him but it didn't seem  interested in attacking him. 

    Troy had heard many stories about this Creature. They came from hades. And the only way they would have entered Hogwarts was if someone from inside had summoned it. 

  Realization finally came cold and fast.someone followed him to hogwart. And the fact that they were unknown to him was enough to shock him. 

    Sensing fear in its owner's hands, Riptide  transformed into his sword form. 

    Troy felt his fears deflate a little. He wasn't alone after all. Gripping Riptide in both hands, Troy approached the monster with measured steps. 

    At first the monster did not bulge, and  Troy began to reconsider his move.but it did not attack either so Troy took another step. The huge dog now had its eyes on Riptide, its ember  eyes danced between Troy and the sword. This time when Troy took a step, the monster began to snarl. 

    The sight of its teeth was enough to stop the boy.he briefly considered  calling for help. But he recalled that mortals could not see hellhounds due to the Mist. Besides, he would certainly be in trouble for being out of the dormitory after hours. 

    But then a  dangerous possibility occurred to him, what if the hellhound attacked a student or even a teacher?.knowing how fast and ferocious the hound could be, Troy hated to think of the possibility. 

    Having made-up his mind, Troy took two steps forward. The beast that had begun to relax was caught unaware. Fear had replaced its previous intimidating stance. Giving a last snarl, the hellhound disappeared where it stood. 

    This did not surprise Troy though, he was familiar with shadow travel. It was how creatures and people traveled to and from the underworld. He breathed deeply in relief. Making a mental note to send an iris message to his  parents, Troy turned to go back to the dormitory. 

    And there in front of him stood Harry Potter With a dreary look on his face. 

    "what... What was that," Harry asked with a faltering voice. "What was what," Troy  feigned ignorance. Could it be possible that his friend was not affected by the Mist. "I saw that giant dog you scared away, what was it?". Harry said, confirming Troy's fear. 

    "you saw it," you can see through the mist.?"  Troy asked abashed. 

   " There  was no mist, "Harry counterd" what I saw was a huge monster. Where did it go?"he added with fear  still in his countenance. 

    "Well , that's awesome. I have not met anyone who saw past the mist except my grandmother. Troy replied" what you saw was a hellhound, and I suppose its shadow traveled Back to the underworld. "Troy answered not revealing that someone from within must have summoned it, he did not see any reason to scare his friend. 

   " What,... You mean it went back to hell? "Harry asked 

    Troy sighed looking at his friend. How could he even begin to explain the world that most people believed to be only myths.? 

   " The underworld is much more than hell, Harry. At least not the hell as most understand it"troy answered. 

    And as the two students retreated to the common room, they spent a few hours in the common room as they shared stories of their two different worlds. Before they finally went back to their rooms, both had an excellent understanding of each other. At Troy's request, they agreed not to reveal the night's incidents.