
Harry Potter and The Legacy of Magic

When a 24-year-old gamer wakes up in the body of a 10-year-old after completing Hogwarts Legacy for the second time, he finds himself within the Wizarding World of the original Harry Potter books endowed with the powers of Ancient Magic. Klein Salvatore embarks on the journey to become something more than just a mere player in the game, to unravel the mysteries of magic and improve the wizarding world. However not everything seems as it is... *** I do not own anything from J.K Rowlings books only my ideas and creations, I made this purely for fun and I'll be uploading at random intervals. PS. This is my first novel [Using Chatgpt for grammar and improvements, English isn't my first language]

TheFoolButBusted · Livros e literatura
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Hogwarts Express

// The chapter is a bit shorter today since I'm a bit tired today. I'll make the next chapter longer or smth, Happy reading.

Chapter 6: Hogwarts Express

A few days have passed since I bought my wand from Olivander, and to be honest, I didn't expect the difference between the two wands to be so significant. It's like a frog in the well finally seeing Mt. Tai.

Nevertheless, I've been busy swinging the wand like a true wizard, casting Wingardium Leviosa on literally anything I see. By doing so, I'm improving my practical application of the spell, then proceeding to control the object, only to later smash it.

Of course, I always end it with a clean Reparo.

However, it got to the point where Alicia just took the wand and hid it until the day I would depart for Hogwarts.

"Tch, petty woman doesn't appreciate magic," I muttered in annoyance, which Alicia overheard.

She looked at me with a mix of frustration and exasperation before sighing.

"Klein, you destroyed my favorite vase," she said with a sarcastic tone.

"It is for the greater good," I retorted as if I were instructing Jesus to hand me water.

"And you destroyed my favorite chair."

"For the greater good."

"You also used that chair to destroy the vase."

"Greater. Good."

She just sighed once more, clearly conceding in this argument, and left huffing something like 'ungrateful brat' and so on.

'I consider this a win,' I thought smugly.


[September 1st, 1990]

This is an important date for little wizards.

The day Hogwarts term begins.

It is an exciting time for those who've just turned 11.

And for wizards aged 17 and above, it's not necessarily the same, as it marks the end of sweet summer life and the start of facing the monster called "Homework."

Of course, such concerns do not apply to the noble and glorious me. I approach homework with the enthusiasm of a connoisseur sampling fine wine. After all... who in their right mind would decline the opportunity to delve into the mysteries of magic?

Glancing at Alicia, I couldn't help but huff begrudgingly. She caught my gaze but chose to ignore it, striding purposefully toward the station.

As Alica and I finally reached King's Cross Station. I scanned the busy platform for the elusive Platform 9¾, casually whistling "Hedwig's Theme" as I surveyed the area.

"There it is, Mom," I announced, pointing to the small sign plastered with the distinctive number '9¾.'

Alicia nodded in agreement, and together, we walked toward the sign indicating Platform 9¾. I pushed my luggage on a trolley while Alicia followed closely behind. As we approached the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10, I felt excitement bubbling in me.

'hehehehe' I laughed like a madman inwardly.

We Stepped through the portal and entered King's Cross Station reverse edition. The Hogwarts Express stood before us,

it had a scarlet exterior gleaming under the sunlight. a polished black engine and numerous carriages stretching down the platform. Each carriage was adorned with gold lettering that read "Hogwarts Express," while smoke billowed from the train's chimney, I was in pure fucking awe.

I had seen this train several times in the movies but seeing it myself was like differentiating heaven and earth.

While I was in a state of bewilderment Alicia placed a hand on my shoulder, bringing my attention back to her. "Remember to write to me, Klein," she said, her voice tinged with emotion. "I want to hear all about your adventures at Hogwarts."

I nodded, feeling a bit sad for leaving her so soon. I had already considered Alicia my mother days after the fight at Knockturn Alley. And as I got to know her better, I wholeheartedly enjoyed her company. "I will, Mom," I promised, my voice barely above a whisper.

With a final hug and a heartfelt goodbye, Alicia released me, and I made my way onto the train. Giving my ticket to the conductor, I found an empty compartment and settled in.

Pulling out a book called 'Hogwarts: A History' from my bag, I began to read.

'Must. Do. Tradition.' I thought in amusement wondering what made this book so interesting for OG Hermione 

As I settled down reading, the train's rhythmic motion rocked me gently, creating a comforting backdrop for my journey.


Harry Evans stared at the person sleeping in front of him.


He had entered this compartment since all other compartments were filled with people who were either talking, bragging, or reading.


Harry Evans didn't want to stay in a compartment with anyone, not even if they were just minding their own business.


He had grown distrustful of people around him, both adults and other children.


And now he was sitting inside this compartment with this idiot snoring as loud as an elephant, completely vulnerable and defenseless.


Obviously, it was this or heavily armed children with superpowers.


He stared at the boy for a moment before sighing.

"At least his dumbfounded face makes him look harmless."


Chapter end

//Power stones are appreciated :)

Meanwhile, in dreamland.

"Ughh... where am I?" I muttered groggily before looking up at the man in front of me.

"Hey, you, you’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us and that thief over there," he said, gesturing towards the thief.

'HUH? How the fuck did I end up in Skyrim?!'

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