
Harry Potter and the darkness

The darkness from Supernatural travels to Harry Potter world, the MC is not a "good" MC, if you're looking for a good MC, don't even bother to read the novel, thanks. This fanfic contains themes like rape, sex, gore, violence, etc. If you want to make a donation, it would help me, thanks www.paypal.me/Morningstar333 Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any official series that will be mention in this fan fic, this is just a fan-fiction, and I do not own the cover art either.

Morningstar33 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

Mary´s choice

"Hahahaha it's the third one today." said Stefan while looking at the grey soul on his right hand.

"Let's clean the rest of the souls..." said Stefan as he started picking the souls the reaper didn't collect as fast as he could and then he apparated away, to another town.

At the end of the day inside of a destroyed building, Stefan was sitting on a chair while smiling.

"Hahahaha, ambushing Reapers it's an excellent business and I have took also all the souls they didn't have the chance to grab. Let's see how much I got today." said Stefan while taking all of the souls out of his chest but then he noticed a problem, he had too many human souls, so he only chose to take out the Reapers souls for the moment.

"Hahahaha, it's like they said war is one of the best business." said Stefan while seeing all the grey souls on the table.

"5 reapers souls, I will absorb them all." said Stefan as he gulped down one while closing his eyes to feel the power inside of him increasing.

Moments later Stefan opened his eyes while furrowing his brows. "It was not my imagination... The reaper souls are not unlocking the same percentage of power as before."

"Sigh, I will think about this later." thought Stefan as he continued to gulped down the reapers souls.

He finished absorbing the souls and closed his eyes to feel his powers, "I'm more powerful that's for sure, sigh, it's too troublesome not knowing my percentage of power accurately." thought Stefan.

"Let's see how many normals souls do I have..." said Stefan as he closed his eyes and start sensing all the souls kept inside of his chest. He started counting them and opened his eyes with a smile on his face. "2.5k souls...war is the best business." thought Stefan.

"Now should I awaken the phoenix with normal souls, I must have the requirements for the fusion by now or... I put a reaper soul inside of the phoenix I want to see if I can amplify the phoenix powers with it." thought Stefan as he pondered about it for a moment before deciding.

"Well it was a productive day, let's get some rest" said Stefan as he apparated at the attic and laid on the bed to sleep.

The next day he went to Kuwait to do another town and wait for a reaper, and moved to the next place when he killed the reaper and took his soul and the souls that the reaper didn't picked up.

Day after day.


Iraq, Najaf

There are a woman and an old man seeing the destruction of the town, with gloomy faces.

"I want a fucking explanation, he had lost too many brothers already, I told you since we lost our first brother months ago we should have investigated, you told me he was probably busy and forgot to report back, and later we lost another one, and since this fucking war started we had lost almost 20 of them, and the souls of the humans are all lost if father knows about it, we are supposed to bring them and take them to their destination." said the woman.

"Tessa calm down, we will hunt whoever touched our brothers, they must have been kill in an ambushed, this is easy to deal. We will send our brothers in pairs, one will take the souls the other one will watch over him." said the old man with a calm face.

"And you know father is sealed right now... if we try to release him before the time he is supposed to awaken, he will kill us and he will go to sleep again." said the old man trying to calm down Tessa.

"Fuck, do it, tell all of our brothers that from today onwards they are going to collect souls in pair, and to always be careful." said Tessa while looking at the town for one last time and vanishing with the old man from Najaf.


Stefan apparated to another town that had been bombarded a few minutes ago, and looked for a corpse as he changed his facial features to one of Kuwait natives, he cut his body with a small dagger that appeared in his hand formed from his black smog and started cutting himself while cancelling his regenerative powers, and laid there with the corpse beside him and wait for the prey to appear.

A few moments later two young men appeared outside the town and walked carefully inside the town. The two men nodded their head at each other, and one of them started picking the souls while the other was looking at his surroundings. They noticed the survivors screaming for help but did nothing and kept doing their work after 20 minutes with nothing happened they relaxed a bit.

"Why don't we just split and you go to the west of the town and me to the east, we finished this and go to the next point" said the youngest of the men.

"We cant, orders are orders, you have heard Tessa, we have already lost almost 20 brothers..." said the other man.

"Sigh, Ok, at least help me picking the souls, we are together so I doubt someone has the nerves to do something." said the youngest with a smile on his face.

"Ok, let's finish this fastly" said the other man while taking the souls from the ground.

Stefan saw them and heard them saying that 300 meters away from them and thought "Huh, so they noticed, well it doesn't matter if they had taken these measures before I would not attack them and would leave... but the game has changed after absorbing the souls of 19 reapers, I'm more powerful" thought Stefan as he saw the reapers walking in his direction. "Time to act" he thought.

The reapers were picking souls from the ground or from bodies and kept walking while talking.

"What do you think is the culprit behind the disappearances of our brothers" said the youngest men while having a curious face.

"Tessa is suspecting the demon faction, but I think its improbable... Hell has been sealed since far too llong, they must be loose demons on earth but not powerful enough to break the seal..." said the older men while picking up a soul from the ground.

They got startled as they heard the voice of a little boy, but they realized he is just a survivor and ignored him and resumed their activities.

"Brother, wake up, brother, please...don't worry I will find help." heard the boy saying as he started limping and walking in their direction.

"Let's go to another area, we will come back after the boy is gone" said the oldest of the two men.

"Hahahaha, come on, are you scared of a little human boy?, he can't even see us." said the younger reaper while approaching the little boy and making him fall to the ground.

"He can't even walk properly" said the younger reaper while giving his back to the little boy and smirking at the older reaper.

"Sigh, let him alone, the poor child just lost his broth..." said the older reaper as he watched as the eyes of the little boy turned black with silver iris and rapidly point his hand at his brother and said "Avada Kedavra, Inferno, Bombarda, Reducto, Sectumsempra." five lights came out of the fingers of the boy and impacted the back of the younger reaper.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO MILES" shouted the older reaper as he saw his brother turned into dust and his soul fell on the floor, and then a hand grabbed the soul of his brother.

"Give it back and I will give you a peaceful death" screamed the reaper while looking with hatred at the boy.

He saw as the little boy smirked and his facial features changed, he had silver hair and silver eyes. "Hahaha I tell you what if you defeat me, the soul of your brother is yours... if you run I will crush it." said the little boy while darkness covered his hand and the soul of his brother started to crack.

"Don't, I will fight you" said the reaper as he saw the little boy pushed the soul of his brother into his chest but noticed the soul repair itself, and sighed in relief as he materialized a scythe on his right hand.

"That's more like it" said Stefan as he pointed with all of his fingers at the reaper and cast five spells at him "Avada Kedavra, Reducto, Sectumsempra, Bombarda, Confringo" he saw as all the lights of his hand were about to hit him on the chest, but the reaper waved his scythe and all of his spells rebound to other directions, then the reaper disappeared and Stefan noticed a disturbance on the space fabrics behind him, he turned around as he materialized a black sword with his dark fog and slashed at the fabric, a clinking sound was heard and the reaper looked surprised at Stefan as he slashed horizontally to cut him in two pieces, Stefan saw that as he turned the sword into a big shield and with his left hand pointed again at the reaper and said "Avada Kedavra" and from all of his fingers the death curse was cast, 5 black bolts of lightning rapidly approached the reaper and as they were about to hit him, the reaper materialized a black mist in front of him, Stefan saw as the black mist absorbed 3 of the 5 black bolts of lightning before vanishing and the other two hit the reaper on the face, while he was heavily sent flying 10 meters backward from the impact between his shield and the scythe.

Stefan noticed as the body of the reaper started crumbling and regenerate, and he turned the black shield to a M200 Intervention sniper rifle, aimed and shoot at the reaper.


The reaper knew the boy had long-range attacks but couldn't move too much as his body was crumbling and regenerating, so the only thing he could do was to materialized another black mist shield in front of him and putting his scythe in front of him too. He heard a shot sound like the ones from the humans and his weapons, then he saw as the mist was impacted by something and crumbled away.


He heard another two shots and felt a powerful force hitting his scythe and sending the scythe flying 20 meters away from him, as he was about to summon another scythe, he felt an impact on his head and all his vision started fading away as his body crumbled into dust.

"Hahahaha, the fucker didn't expect firearms, so now I can fight evenly with them...if all the other reapers are collecting souls in duos it's going to be as today... I can't hunt them too much or they will be going in trios... but for the next days, they will not do that... so time to hunt" said Stefan, as he walked to the gray soul the reaper, left when he died, and went back to town and started picking the souls the reapers didn't take and then apparated away to another town, and a cycle started where he ambushed the reapers kill them took the souls and move to the next town.


December 1990

"It's been four months since the Persian Gulf War started I have already farmed all the souls I could without danger...the fuckers are sending teams of 4 now instead of 3... if they had sent teams of 3, I could still crush them... Or so I think..." thought Stefan as he was eating his meal with Mary beside him.

"Young Master, is there something I can help with ?" said Mary as she saw him with an irritated face.

"Yes Mary, I need you to find a Doctor that works in a big hospital and send him to me, not for his soul but for cooperation, you need to find a greedy one, sooner rather than later." said Stefan as he smiled at her.

"I know the perfect person, young master, I had the idea of making contracts inside the hospital and prepared everything to just make the contract with the Doctor, and to not make ourselves noticed the doctor I choose works at various hospitals so we can get at least inside 3 hospitals and pick our customer without getting attention, I was about to tell you today." said Mary with a proud face.

"Excellent Mary, after finishing the meal we are going to visit this Doctor." said Stefan as he ate his hamburger with a satisfied expression.

Mary happily nodded at him, while seeing he got cheerful face as he heard she had everything prepared.

"Hahahaha, so what If I cant go to collect reaper souls at the Persian War... I will hunt reapers at hospitals... and I will keep changing hospitals" thought Stefan while eating his fries.

"Mary, you have been working hard these days... so I will give you one wish, choose well." said Stefan while smiling at Mary.

Mary brightened up as she heard that and smiled sweetly at him. "Young Master, my wish can it be anything? said Mary while looking nervously at Stefan.

"Yeah, anything" said Stefan with a calm face while eating his chocolate milkshake.

"I want to have power as young master..." said Mary while looking nervously at Stefan.

"Huh, why do you want power?, you're mine, you belong to me, as your Master, I have to take care of you." said Stefan as he looked at her with curiosity on his face.

"I want to be more useful, Young Master, even if it's dangerous... and I want to have the power to protect my self...I don't want to feel weak again as the last time where that pig wanted to touch me..." said Mary with a disgusted face on her face.

"Okay... Mary, I will grant you power, you're right as my maid you have to be strong enough to not sully my name and not let you be sullied by anyone." said Stefan while looking at her seriously.

"I can transform you into a demon, werewolf, angel, etc, take this book and checked the benefits of every race or bloodline." said Stefan as he snapped his fingers and a book with the name "The Bestiary" appeared in front of Mary.

This chapter is the one of yesterday, so don't worry there will be another chapter today.

Hope you like it

I wrote 2.5k words for this chapter.

Also one thing, I haven't decided the race of Mary, so you can give opinions about it, I may take them or not

Morningstar33creators' thoughts