

"I'll take the reaper soul for me, waking the phoenix right now it's not going to benefit me in short term... I have 4%-5% of power from the last reaper soul I absorbed... Sigh, I'm not even sure about that... I don't have a way to measure my power... Let's get to work." thought Stefan as he gulped down the Reaper soul and closed his eyes as he started to feel the increase of power in his body.

"... The increase of power was less than the first time I absorbed a Reaper soul... Or was it my imagination?... Fuck... I don't even know my percentage of power now... " thought Stefan while pondering about that while furrowing his brows.

"Sigh, whatever I feel more powerful, I will have it easier against a Reaper now I guess... I hit the reaper with 2 spells imbued with my darkness power and I slashed him from the top from his head till his crotch with the sword... But his body kept regenerating and crumbling.. At least 10 times... Till it crumbled into dust...But he couldn't move because his body was breaking apart and regenerating at high speed or I would have to eat some hits from him...So the killing curse works on him?... And it got hit by my fiendfyre... I can't know which spell damaged him the most... Or was it the darkness sword?... Sigh" thought Stefan with a gloomy face.

"Well, it all went good. Let's focus on the wizard's soul... Let's see how much power the can unlock" said Stefan while changing his expression to one of curiosity.

Stefan started peeling the blemishes of the souls one by one till all of the souls had a pure blue sky color. He took one of them and gulped it, Stefan closed his eyes as he felt the power increase inside his body. "It is a negligible power spike... Well, they are equivalent to 20-25 human souls?" thought Stefan while looking at the blue sky souls floating on the table in front of him.

"So what to do know... The XXXXX Phoenix egg can it be awoken? It's only a two bloodline egg but it's an XXXXX one, so it will ask for more souls that's for sure... But how many...if I don't provide for the complete souls it needs and the fusion got interrupted, all the souls put in will be in vain, and I will have to start again from zero, and I don't want to use the wizards souls..." thought Stefan while looking at the golden-red egg and looking at the wizards blue sky souls.

"What to do" Stefan's eyes started to shine while he muttered one word. "War"

He stood up and said "I need to prepare for this, I can't rely always on luck..." as he apparated away to New Zealand to the destroyed mountain and start practicing all of his abilities, spells, martial arts... Day after day... With no rest except for sleep, and meals which he ate at the legal buffet or the mansion with Mary.


One week later he was floating 4 meters over the ground while using a black sniper rifle M200 Intervention while shooting at a practice target 1.5km away from him.


A big crater was where the bullet of the sniper hit.

"Huh, I really don't know... Is there a difference of power between using a sniper rifle or my normal guns with my darkness powers?... I mean... There is a big crater there with a big hole at the center of it where the bullet landed and if I shot my guns there is only a hole on the floor... Sigh...but will it affect a reaper differently?, they receive damage by getting a wound with something embued with my darkness, so the bullet is the one counting the impact doesn't matter..." said Stefan as he started furrowing his brows with a pondering face but got distracted with the music sounding on the background.

"Bury all your secrets in my skin

come away with innocence and

leave me with my sins..."

"I love this song. Slipknot, Snuff" said Stefan as he was singing along the music.

"But I must say being somewhat omnipotent it's nice... Having explored more possibilities about my powers was great, all the things they don't show on the Supernatural series, like this tablet just as I thought about having one, it got materialized with my black fog and it has all the music I liked...even though I don't know how the tech works.. Haha" thought Stefan while singing absentmindedly

"I have to discover more things about my powers..." said Stefan while looking at the tablet and the official video playing.

"Young Master a soul to collect" a voice said in his head.

"Fuck, finally...I thought my business was never going to work..." said Stefan as he apparated in the basement of the bar.


Mary got a phone call from Marco telling her, he got a 'client' for the Young Master, she sighed in relief these days she had a lot of pressure trying to get the young master a contract. He told her that he wanted to see results.

"I'm going to the bar Marco, I will be there in 15 minutes, for the moment take the client to the basement." said Mary through the phone, as she got an affirmative answer, Mary went out of the legal buffet and drove to 'Fate', she got down of her car and entered the bar while greeting the staff of the bar. She entered the basement and as she got down there, she saw the client an old man with no legs on a wheelchair and Marco was in front of him on a chair.

"Hello Mr., Marco told me you want to get a deal..." said Mary as she walked to the chair beside Marco and sit down.

"Yes, I want a deal..." said the old man while looking at Mary.

"This is the last chance, once he gets here, he's going to take a soul even if you don't want to make the deal by then." said Mary with a serious while thinking, warning him about this may cause him to leave, but the young master doesn't want to trick them.

"Yes, this man has explained me everything, I think both of you are crazy, but if there is a possibility to get what I want, I don't care about giving my soul." said the man while looking at his legs, or what it's left of them.

"Ok, Master there is a soul to collect." said Mary while closing her eyes.

The man heard what the red hair beauty said that and he thought he was getting pranked, till he saw how a young child with silver hair and silver eyes appeared beside the red beauty.

"Let's get started" said the little child that looks like 9-10 years old.

He saw how Marco and the red hair beauty stood up and offered the little child a chair to sit, and they stood beside him, he then heard the boy saying.

"What do you want for your soul?" said the little boy as his eyes turned black with silver iris while smiling at him.

"M... M.. My... Le... Legs... My legs I want them back and one million dollars" said the man whole stuttering at first but he then had a determined face.

"Ok, I will give you that, but I will take right now your soul... Don't worry you will still be alive, just think that in ten years you will die automatically" said the little boy with a smile on his face.

A dark contract appeared in front of him with silverish letters on it, and beside the contract a red feather.

"You just have to sign the contract, oh I almost forgot it's going to be painful to sign that contract that feather uses your blood to write but what's a little bit of pain in exchange for what you desire." said the little boy while watching him with those dark eyes with silver iris.

The man took the feather with no hesitation on his face and signed the contract while clenching his jaw from the pain. As he finished signing the contract it combusted in black flames and the red feather disappeared.

"Well now let's get you everything you desire" said the little child, as he saw how the boy snapped his fingers and a silver briefcase appeared in front of him opened up with a lot of bundles of cash inside it. He felt something on his leg... As he realized he felt something on his leg he turned down his head to look at his old legs as new as if he had never lost them... He started crying while trying to stand up but he tripped over and almost fell as he felt something on the air like a cushion, but there was nothing and heard the little boy saying.

"Marco help him stand up, I'm going to take my part of the deal."

He saw Marco come to him and help him to stand up, San saw how the little child stood up from his chair and walked next to him, and then he fainted.

"If I don't make him faint, the pain from taking his soul might get him crazy..." thought Stefan as he saw the fainted man being supported by Marco.

Stefan approached the man with his hand embued in darkness and pushed it into his chest as felt his soul and grabbed it, and then pulled it.

He saw how the soul was almost a perfect one with no blemishes on it, he snapped his fingers and make the man woke up.

"What happened" said the man while looking at the white ball the little child had on his hand, he felt that was his... And that he shouldn't leave the little boy take it.

"Beautiful, right?" said the little boy while pushing the white ball on his chest.

"Now everything it's over, Mary and Marco will talk to you about the last thing you have to do, I have things to do, Mary and Marco good job." said the little boy as he disappeared.

Mary sat down on the chair the little boy was and said "Now you have to just fill the last requirement, have to talk to poor bastards like you about what happened here, 3 of them random people and an extra one, that person you will have the right to choose, and that's all, Marco will help you get out of here as you can't move from the moment, and don't forget your money."

The man saw as the red hair beauty walked out of the basement and leave Marco and him alone.

Marco didn't say anything and just looked at him.

"Sigh, If you haven't found me today and bring me here, I would be dead right now... I was planning to suicide today by jumping over a bridge... Sure it seems like I lost a lot...but I was dead these years... Couldn't move and living in the slums it's a tough life..."

"I understand, I was the same but young master gave me a new life..." said Marco.


August 1990, The president of the United States declared war against Iraq.

Kuwait, there is a town with a lot of people armed to the teeth, hearing a person on high ground giving a speech, after the person ended his speech all of the people started cheering and dancing. Suddenly many jets F-16 Fighting Falcon passed over the town while dropping bombs.


Screaming could be heard all over the town, pieces of flesh, arms, legs, heads are all over the town.

All the town has been destroyed over a thousand lives were ended there, while the survivors were screaming with missing legs, arms... Near the downtown, there is a young boy with black hair covered in blood screaming for help while gripping a cold body with its eyes opened. "Help, please... Help..." cried the boy while looking at the body and shaking it desperately.

A young man with black suit appeared in the town while looking around. "Time to work..." the young man with black suit started walking all over the town while collecting dropped souls that were on the ground or by pulling the souls over the bodies that laid on the ground, the young man walked to downtown while taking the souls in the process. "They should have sent more... Cleaning all by myself it's a bother, sigh" said the young man while he kept collecting souls and walking, he heard another survivor asking for help. "He..hel....help"

He walked where a young child was and saw that the boy was shaking a dead body, he ignored the boy and kept collecting all the souls on the ground, and then he started walking to the dead body the child was still shaking... He heard him saying 'Brother, don't worry I will come back with help, just stay here and don't move.' and then he saw as the boy laid the body on the ground with care and shakily stood up and began limping while walking slowly so slowly.

The young man saw that but ignored it and kept walking to the laying corpse he crouched down to take the soul of the corpse and as he put his hand on the chest of the corpse, he felt an aura appeared from behind him while hearing the boy said 'Avada Kedavra, Inferno, Confringo, Sectumsempra' and he felf 5 attacks impacting all over his body, the last attack was a slashing that felt as his soul was about to be cut. His body tried to regenerate but as he regenerated his body crumbled again and again till his body turned into dust.

Before crumbling in dust he said "Who are you?"

The facial features of the boy changed back to his silver hair and silver eyes while grinning at the Grey ball on the ground. "Hahahaha the Persian War, let's see how much I can collect." said Stefan as he took the soul of the reaper and fastly started picking all the souls the reaper didn't collect and then apparate away to another town in Kuwait.

Sorry bor being late, don't worry I will release another chapter today.

Hope you like it

I wrote 2.5k words for this chapter.

Morningstar33creators' thoughts
Next chapter