
Chapter 6 - The Experience and Hogwarts.

As the enchanted motorcycle continued to fly through the night sky, Felix couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and apprehension about what lay ahead. He had just been transported to a magical world with no memory of how he got there, and now he was flying through the air on a motorcycle with a giant man named Rubeus Hagrid.

"It is good that I have some kind of knowledge about Harry Potter."

Felix thought in his mind.

"I wonder what kind of things I will see"

Would he become a powerful wizard like Harry Potter, or would he be something else entirely? He couldn't wait to find out.

"In the end, most important thing for me to increase my knowledge and power. So that I would be ready for any kind of danger in the future."

As he pondered his future, Felix couldn't help but notice the breathtaking beauty of the night sky. The stars shone bright and clear, and the moon cast a pale light over the landscape below. He had never seen anything like it before.

Felix took a deep breath and let the exhilaration of the moment wash over him. He knew that he was about to embark on an incredible journey, full of wonder and danger.

"I had nothing going on in the real world. Maybe this place is better for me."

Felix could not help but think about his past. He does remember many things but he keep these things to himself. It would be best for him to hide his past from this world. Not to mention he is from 2023 year, the wizards of the wizarding world does not even knows much about the world of muggles in 1992.

As they approached Hogwarts, Felix's eyes widened in amazement. The castle was magnificent, with towering turrets and ivy-covered walls that seemed to stretch up to the sky.

As they drew closer, Felix could make out the details of the castle. The windows glimmered like jewels, and the great oak doors looked strong enough to withstand an army.

"Compared to watching or reading, everything seems better living in the world itself."

Felix could feel the magic in the air, a tangible force that seemed to emanate from the castle itself. He knew that he was about to step into a world that was entirely different from his own, a world of wizards and magic.

As they landed the bike and approached the castle, Felix could hear the sound of music and laughter drifting on the breeze. He felt a flutter of excitement in his chest.

"I am sure that many people would like to swap places with me right now."

Felix thought.

He was not wrong in a sense. As the bike stopped. Hagrid helped Felix to jump down from the bike and two of them started walking to the entrance.

At that time, as they entered Hogwarts, another familiar face showed herself. Felixi took a deep breath and stayed silent without saying anything for the time being.

For early chapters and support, thank you.


Adenliacreators' thoughts