
Chapter 7 - Gargoyle Corridor

Hagrid quickly motioned for Felix to stay back as a tall, stern-looking woman appeared before them.

It was Professor McGonagall, the Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts. She looked just like she did in the Harry Potter films, with her strict demeanor and no-nonsense attitude. Felix felt a bit intimidated by her, but he tried his best to keep his cool.

"Hagrid, what brings you here?" McGonagall asked, her eyes flicking over to Felix for a moment.

Hagrid cleared his throat and said, "I'm here to speak with Dumbledore about this young man. He's...um...new here."

McGonagall raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "New? What do you mean, Hagrid?"

Felix felt a wave of panic wash over him. He didn't know how much he could tell Professor McGonagall, and he didn't want to get Hagrid in trouble. But before he could say anything, Hagrid spoke up.

"Well, you see, Professor...this young man here seems to have appeared out of nowhere. I'm taking him to see Dumbledore now to figure out what to do with him."

McGonagall looked skeptical but didn't press the matter any further. Instead, she simply nodded and said, "Very well. Carry on, then."

With that, Hagrid and Felix continued on their way, with Felix feeling relieved that they had gotten past Professor McGonagall without any trouble.

As Hagrid and Felix continued on their way to Dumbledore's office, they passed through the Gargoyle Corridor. The walls were lined with intricate tapestries and torches flickered on either side, casting dancing shadows on the stone floor.

"Yeah, It is really different than I thought it would be."

Felix understood that things are not same as in the books or the movies. There are some small differences that he could not catch with his little eyes but he feels that it still different.

Felix couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as they walked through the impressive corridor. He had never seen anything like it before, and the grandeur of Hogwarts never ceased to amaze him.

As they approached a large stone gargoyle, Hagrid spoke a password, causing it to spring to life and move aside, revealing a spiral staircase that led up to Dumbledore's office.

Felix followed Hagrid up the staircase, his heart racing with anticipation. He was about to meet one of the most powerful wizards in the world, and he couldn't wait to find out what Dumbledore had to say about his situation.

As Hagrid and Felix entered Dumbledore's office, Felix's eyes widened in amazement at the sight before him. The room was filled with strange objects and artifacts, and the walls were lined with bookshelves stacked high with dusty tomes.

In the center of the room sat a large desk, behind which sat an old man with a long beard and twinkling blue eyes. It was none other than Albus Dumbledore himself, the most powerful wizard in the world.

Felix couldn't believe he was actually standing in front of the famous wizard he had read so much about. Dumbledore looked exactly like he did in the movies, with his long white beard and pointed hat.

For a moment, Felix was speechless, simply staring at the legendary wizard in front of him. Then, he managed to speak up, commenting in his mind that Dumbledore looked just like he did in the movies, not different at all.

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