
Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin

What if Harry had a twin sister? What if she took a blow to the head from the Dursley's and ended up not quite right? What if the girl just wants to have fun? What if all of her magic was controlled only by her power, and her imagination? And what if she knew the glory, the magnificence, and holiness of... EXPLOSIONS!!! Honestly not sure where the story is gonna go, but for now I'll simply follow canon as I twist it around with little Misha. It's a slow burn story instead of a conflagration. (While it's tagged villain, Misha is a chaotic-neutral entity. Sometimes she's good, others she's evil.) I update once a week at the start of the week. If I decide to drop or go on hiatus, I'll make sure to mention it beforehand. I do not own Harry Potter. All original works are owned by J.K Rowling. I do own the image. If you like it, send some support over to my p atreon.com/Nartleb2

Nartleb · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
83 Chs

Knock Knock *Thud*

"Thanks for letting us stay over Clarity."

"But of course. Honestly I'm offended that it took you this long to call me. At the very least you should have let me know something was happening. Especially when letters started appearing in eggs."

"Yeah, I wonder how they did it? I'd like to learn that trick myself!"

At the moment, Harry and I, the Dursleys, and Clarity's family are sitting at the dining table in her house, having dinner.

After I gave her a call and explained the situation, she told her dad and he sent people over to get us straight away.

I've got to say, seeing a crowd of people clad in black suits and dark sunglasses swarm the neighborhood was a sight to see. Especially when a couple tackled some of the Vapids when they tried to force their way past them to come to the house.

The Dursleys were too shocked to say anything as they were shoved into cars. Of course I let Harry know what was going to happen before they showed up, so the two of us simply walked to a car.

When we got here we were assured that we would be protected by the full might of the Insania family security. Then we sat down for dinner and here we are.

"This steak is quite delectable, Mr. Insania. As expected of someone with your position, only the best for your family!" Vernon is taking advantage of the situation to try and suck up to Clarity's dad.

As for the other two, they're simply eating quietly. I'd guess that Vernon told them to keep quiet just in case they say something they shouldn't. While Petunia probably wouldn't, Dudley is Dudley. So yeah.

Meanwhile I'm telling Clarity all about the crazy week we've had due to this creepy 'Hogwarts' place, while also slipping small bits of meat into my pocket to feed Arianna. Good thing her appetite changes along with her size.

"And the letter just started shooting out of the fireplace? Why did they not pile up at the bottom?" Clarity is trying to wrap her head around all the crazy things Hogwarts was able to do with the letters.

"No idea, they curved before they touched the bottom and flew around the room. By the time your people got to the house it was basically a mail tornado!" I swirl my fork to emphasize my point. Vernon glares at me and opens his mouth, but I see Petunia pat his leg and he closes it.

I give him a smirk before turning my attention back to Clarity and continuing my story. "You should have seen Harry, he was jumping all over the place trying to grab one of them. Then when he did, Vernon went ballistic. Harry tried to run so he could read it, but Vernon held him in a bear hug while screaming about how he was going to take everyone to a place called Hut-on-the-rock on the ocean."

"Is that some kind of hotel? I've never heard of it before." Clarity taps her chin in consideration.

"Nope. Apparently it's a literal hut on a rock a bit off the coast. Only way there is by boat." I shake my head at the ridiculousness of it. "Seriously, if they're that determined for us to read their letters, then they would obviously chase us out that far. It's much better to go somewhere we can be protected."

Clarity nods. "Indeed. One would have to wonder what he could have been thinking at that point. Though considering the circumstances, I suppose one could hardly blame him. A shame our people couldn't read the letters." I nod in agreement.

Whenever someone opened one of the letters, it would burst into flames. No matter what precautions they took, even when they soaked it in water beforehand. Apparently only the recipient could read it.

Which leads me to believe that they have people with powers at this school. I wonder if they have a bald headmaster who messes with all the students minds? Either way, instead of burying the house in letters, they really should have just sent someone to talk to us instead.

*Knock Knock*

Just then a light knock reverberates through the house and everyone falls silent.

Mr. Insania frowns and pulls a radio out from under the table. "Odd, I told the guards to not let anyone on the premise." He turns it on. "Security, who is at the door and why are they here?"

Silence comes from the radio and after a few moments he tries again. "Guards? Please respond." Still no response as some more light knocking resounds through the room.

I look at Clarity and lean towards her. "Do you have the jar with you?" I whisper in her ear.

She whispers back just as quietly. "Of course I do, it's far too dangerous to leave lying around."

His face taking a determined look, Mr. Insania rises from his chair and goes towards the main hall. Like baby ducklings, we all get up and follow him.

Once we're there, we stare at the front door. Mr. and Mrs. Insania stand at the front, their shoulders set and a glint in their eyes. Behind them are Harry, who hasn't really said much since we got hear now that I think about it, Clarity, and myself. Seeing the chandelier halfway to the door, I prepare to cast a small explosion on the chain and drop it on whoever shows up.

As we stare, we hear a different knock, one much louder than before.



And with the knock, the door falls to the floor. 'Poor door.' I can't help but think.

In the frame where the door once stood is...

"A bear?"

"Is that a bear?"

"I don't remember meeting any bears at the zoo?"

Everyone gives me weird looks at my comment except for Clarity and Harry. They each smack one side of my head.

The bear steps into the house, onto the door. Then they step to the side with a cough.

"Sorry 'bout that." The.. not bear, but exceedingly hairy man, apologizes? Before we can say anything another person enters the house.

"Honestly Hagrid, haven't we told you to watch your strength numerous times? This is the fifth door you've knocked down this week.

The person stepping past the fallen door is an old woman wearing a set of green robes and a pointy hat. She pulls a stick from her sleeve and twirls one end above the door while the man, Hagrid apologizes again."

"Sorry, ah just wanted to make sure they heard me, seein as nobody answered when you knocked." He rubs his head sheepishly while we all stare in shock at the door and old woman.

After waving her wand above the door, time seemed to reverse for it. It flipped up from the floor and reattached to the doorframe. I could do that too, but still. This is the only instance I've seen of someone using a power intentionally.

Her next words interrupt my thoughts.

"Greetings, Mr. and Mrs. Insania. Mr. and Mrs. Dursley. I am Minerva McGonagall, and this is Hagrid. We are here representing Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Her eyes meets ours. "And we would like to invite these three to attend our school."

Yo! If you like the story, drop some cash at p*ypal.me/Nartleb2.

I thought about ending this on "You're a wizard, but the chapter got away from me. And I''ve always loved the scene of knocking down the door by accident. He's got a hard knock life...

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