
Harem Voyage in Multiverse

I found myself given the quest to conquer every heroine and I shall do it .after all I have power to do it. I own nothing except my OC Additional tag #incest #mind control (mainly use to torture the enemy Cover Image is made by Using Ai

StrOke9856 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 13

After Naruto left the hokage office Jiraiya and Tsunade were conversing about what happened in these two and half years.

"But to think that brat will become such a fine young man" Tsunade said while remembering the face of Naruto.

"Yeah he changed to much during the training" Jiraiya said while making nostalgic face remembering how Naruto grow in front of his eyes.

Then he took his time and said "Also Now, he know that".Hearing him Tsunade make surprise action and said "you mean now he know who his parents are".

"Yeah" he said

"Well fine, it should be known by him long ago" she said

"I think it's okay for him to take their left inheritance" Jiraiya said

"Right, I will handle all the paperwork and Everything will be ready in day for him to take" Tsunade said

"Then when I see him I will told him to get his things from his old place and move to the place left by his parents". Jiraiya said

Then his face became serious, seeing his serious face Tsunade also become serious and asked.


"It's about the recent movement of 'Akatsuki' group" he said.



leaving the hokage office I went to the place I had in my mind and soon come to the graveyard in leaf village.

I come in front of grave and sat down in front of it for few minutes no sound escape his mouth.

"I am now 15 year old living well and become strong shinibi, I eat well evey day and all" he paused "so, you don't have to worry about anything" he hesitate "Mom" .

[AN : As he reincarnated instead of transmigration so he had few remaining emotion of original and as this incest story she will be in harem, I don't know if many of you will like it or not but it is what is going to be and one more thing as the story main focus is getting girls he will get them in anyway even the one who are dead]

Then he took out some flowers and put it on th grave and touch the grave for a second a light flashes through his hand when he touched it then he spend few moments there and then left the graveyard.

Then I went to the place that almost every 'Naruto' fan want to go once. Soon I come I front of ichiraku Ramen shop and entered it.

"Welcome! what do you want to order" A old man with wrinkles on his face wearing white cap, white kimono with apron over it.

He is 'Teuchi' aka 'Ramen Guy'.

" Hey Tuechi San do you remember me" I asked him.

He looked at me for a moment then said "Isn't it the Naruto boy!!" He Instantly recognised me "come sit Naruto it's good to have again Yosh! Today treat will be on the house" he shouted. I laughed at his antique but didn't refuse his offer.

"Why are you shouting dad" then suddenly a sweet voice came from the inside of the kitchen and soon a person came out.

The one who come out was beautiful slender girl with long, dark brown hair and large black eyes, plus fair skin and big chest. She wears a white robe with the sleeves folded, a sort of dark blue apron with ribbon ties at the top and a bright white bandanna. she is 'Ayame' Teuchi's daughter.

[AN : it is an AU world so every girl is more beautiful and sexy than their original counterparts]

"Long time no see Ayame nee" I said in greeting.

She then looked at me and soon her face become flushed with red "H-ello nic-e to meet y-ou" she said while stuttering.

"Wait long time no see!?" She said in realisation.

"Pftahhaha he is 'Naruto Boy'" Teuchi san laughed seeing his daughter reacting this way.

"Naruto!!!!!" She shouted. Well it's understandable as my charm is now at Max.

"Yep it's me" I said while waving at her she became surprised but soon calmed herself down.

"Welcome back to the leaf Village Naruto" she said while smiling gently with little blush still on her face.

"Yeah it's good to be back" I replied

"Yosh! Now , it time for treat" Teuchi san said while forwarding the bowl fill with ichiraku Ramen in front of me.

"Thanks for the treat" i said while taking the chopsticks in my hand.

"Don't mention it" he said.

"Itadikimasu" I said while taking the first bite and it's taste very good same as memories suggest.

"So what kind of thing you do on these years Naruto" Ayame asked with blushing face.

" Oh so that happen" I soon began to tell her things I did in my time of training and her face show many cute reactions on my words.

Teuchi san watched all of this from the kitchen and smiled knowingly to himself.

Soon after eating few bowls of Icihiraku Ramen and conversing with Ayame the whole time I left the place.

"Come again" Teuchi san said

" Yeah come again and let's continue from where you left" Ayame said with blush while saying in her mind that 'you are older than him don't behave childishly in front of him'.

"Yeah I will be back soon" I left after I said this. While wondering about what more stored for me.

[AN : Comment your thoughts on the chapter and sorry for the late update.

And can you all provide pictures of the girls that I had introduced in the comments of the given chapter they are introduced provide beautiful pictures]