

Many beautiful women flock strangely to Alex Maxwell. Alex is charming in his own way, has a friendly personality, and is heir to a wealthy family. Is that all that one needs to seduce a woman? Or does Maxwell uses some underhanded methods?

ElderGrimm · Realista
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34 Chs

Seduction course

Monday evening, right after the Lambert mother and pair of sisters left, Alex Maxwell and Eliana Carter head to the campus parking, going home after school.

Despite appearing as an old historical site, In the past 75 years, West-castle High school has modernized its infrastructure, constructing state-of-the-art facilities. During those renovations, a parking lot was built underground, below the old school building's foundations, accommodating dozens of cars.

When Alex and Eliana arrive, they approach a black sports vehicle. Its long shape and aerodynamic lines seemed to have been sculpted by the wind, and the opened piece of roofing exposed two velvet-red seats.

Alex unlocks the vehicle from a distance, and its door opens, spreading like butterfly wings.

"You got a new car?" Eliana remarks, drawing near the car's front, inspecting the spectacular design, circling.

Satisfied, she leans on the hood and looks at Maxwell closing on her. Alex stands right in from of her within the grasp of the hand.

Eliana looks up to gaze at his brown eyes. "What are you going to do now?" She asks without breaking eye contact.

"Kiss you?" Alex teases, grabbing her waist.

"I'm talking about your plan with Lily." She responds, rolling her eyes as Maxwell leaves a mark with his mouth on her neck. "Apparently, she has feelings for you." She explains.

"I know," Alex says casually.

Eliana pushes Alex back to view his face. "Wait! Did you know? Since when?" She is surprised by the sudden revelation. "Then, why didn't you confess?"

Maxwell pauses and smiles before answering. "Then she is going to refuse. She won't accept me because of Ivy."

"You even know that," Eliana widens her eyes. Maxwell was able to understand everything.

During her stay, Lily Lambert indeed admitted her sentiment for Maxwell. But she also hesitated because of her little sister's similar feelings.

Alex Maxwell isn't dense. Even if it is because of a little bit of his overconfidence, he suspected her affection.

"It was just a hunch." He responds.

"So. What's next?" Eliana is curious, playing with her hand on his chest.

"Next, we continue," Alex seals her lips with his, forcing his tongue inside her mouth as she surrounds his shoulder with her arms, closing her eyes to enjoy the pleasure.

Eliana embraces Maxwell, sometimes pulling him to force more, sometimes pushing him when overwhelmed. The couple dives into their passion, still atop the long hood of the car.

Maxwell slips his hand under her baggy shirt, caressing her smooth and soft belly.

When his hand reaches her generous breast, Eliana lets out a loud moan, echoing throughout the concrete wall of the parking basement.

Her sensual yelps excite Maxwell more, descending his head to search for other sensitive spots.

"Wait! wait, Alex!" She pleads, panting, trying to catch her breath. One of her forearms hides her aroused face while her other hand attempts to stop Maxwell's hand from undressing her top.

Maxwell pauses to hear her.

"Someone is going to see us. Let's go home, first." She says, her face red from pleasure and embarrassment.


On their way back, the roaring symphony of the engines resonates under the twilight sky of Leven, muffling Eliana moans.

She bites her finger, struggling to stay quiet, fearing people around overhear her through the roofless car.

Behind the wheels, Maxwell runs his hand on Eliana's lap but keeps his eyes on the road.

Carter can barely stay on her seat, often jolting from excitement. She spreads her thighs wider inadvertently, expecting his hand to find its way to a more intimate place. However, every time Maxwell's hand comes closer, it never reaches that far, leaving the blonde beauty on edge.

The couple stops at a hotel, a glass building towering over its neighbors. When the car pulled over, Eliana felt relief they stopped but she was also frustrated to be left dry despite her crotch wet like a river.

"Weren't we supposed to go home?" Eliana just noticed they weren't at the Maxwell residence.

"We are staying the night," Alex beams at her with a flirty smile. He gives the beauty a soft smooch and exits the vehicle first.

When Carter follows, her already sensual face appears more lustful, she is still in a daze from the pleasure, leaving the valets nearby awestruck in admiration.

Maxwell breaks their daydream by tossing his car key to one of them.

Alex escorts Eliana out, and the couple enters the sumptuous interior, spacious with white walls admonished with brass sculptures and abstract paintings, giving off a splendor atmosphere. A large circular hall occupies the center of the place, surrounded by white marble pillars. Above, an enormous crystal luster hangs from the ceiling, taller than a two-story building, hidden by a waterfall curtain, raining down into an interior fountain.

"Welcome, sir Maxwell!" The reception greets Alex.

"Hello." He casually responds. "Me and my friend are going to stay here for a while." Maxwell nonchalantly explains, pulling a card on the counter, black with golden inscriptions.

"Of course, sir. Please give me a moment," The front desk says politely.

While the front desk checks their log for an available suite, Eliana looks inquisitively at Maxwell. He understands her intention and answers, "Stay here for the time being. I'm not convinced about your flat, and it's safer here." Eliana nods and smiles softly.

"I'll come by often so you won't miss me too much," Alex says to Eliana, who chuckles at his silliness.

The receptionist waited for Alex and Eliana to finish their discussion before informing them about their room.

After a host guided them into their suite Maxwell and Carter were left alone.

Eliana often stayed in 5-star hotels during her business trips. The experience was not new, but the sense of wonder never aged for her. However, tonight was different. Her heart was beating so fast that she did not care about any decoration or night view of the city.

Like her first time at the Maxwell residence, her attention was on Alex.


Eliana Carter is confident in herself. She has no hesitation posing in a swimsuit or walking the podium in front of thousands of spectators. But right now, she wears clothes in front of one young man, yet she feels shy.

She was always bold when posing in front of the camera, yet she fell bashful in front of Maxwell.

Eliana stays put on the bed. Her heart continues to accelerate, anticipating what's coming next.

Without waiting long, Maxwell approaches and boldly pins her on the sheets. Carter just allowed him to have his way. He swiftly denudes her, showing her gorgeous silhouette.

Passionately embracing each other, Eliana only notices her naked self after seeing Maxwell take his clothes off.

Maxwell continues caressing her honey-like skin, fondles her generous chest, and nibbles on her pinkish tips. He feels the soft but bouncy substance in his hand and grabs harder as if to make them burst, making Carter cry in a loud sultry voice.

Carter's loud moan mixes pain and pleasure and excites Alex, becoming more aggressive and wanting to hear more. Eliana was already out of breath.

However, she has no time to contemplate her situation. Maxwell did not let her respite. In one thrust of his hip, Alex plunges deep into her burning soaked self, making her gushes out fluids on his belly. "AHN! Oh my god, oh my god!!!" Eliana shouts with an unladylike voice.

Since earlier, Carter was holding herself back. Maxwell played with her nonstop in the car, though he always left her on edge, leaving her unsatisfied. Now all the pent-back frustrations come with waves of pleasure rising from her crotch and rushing into her head.

Alex continues his in-and-out repetition, pounding her harder. "Wait! I need to go-". Before finishing her sentence, a second spurt comes out harder, soaking Maxwell and the bed. "Wait! WAIT! AHN!!!!"

"I'm sorry!" Eliana says, trying to hide her expression behind her forearms.

"I'm sorry," She repeats, panicked and embarrassed, thinking she wet herself.

Alex slowly removes her hands to unveil her visage. The strong girl has tears in her eyes.

Seeing Alex chuckling, thinking he is mocking her, Carter pouts and protests, "It's because you were too forceful. I told you to wait."

"Alright, I'll be gentler," He gently kisses her eyelids as if swiping the tear.

Eliana hesitates for a moment, "It's okay. It felt good!" She admits, looking away to hide her blushing cheeks.

The couple resumes their ardent endeavor, filling the suite with Eliana's moan throughout the night.


The following morning, Maxwell and Carter were snuggling on the bed together. Both were awake but stayed in bed. They were still exhausted from their passionate night.

"Say, Alex? I know it's kind of hypocritical on my part, but Lily, don't hurt her." Eliana says, leaning on Maxwell's chest.

Maxwell said nothing. He only smiles and pats Carter on the hand, reassuring her.

After a small silence, Carter asks again, "You never told me your plan." Eliana looks up to see Maxwell.

"Lily is a stubborn girl. For now, all I could do is continue softening her and wait," He openly responds.

"So you plan to build up her affection slowly?" Carter asks, tilting her head.

"She has a soft spot for Ivy. I thought helping Ivy would give me more of her favor. Who would have thought Ivy herself would refuse my offer?" Alex bitterly smiles, remembering Ivy refusing the lead role of his upcoming short film.

"Maybe you should be more direct," Eliana suggests. "Invite her somewhere or something."

"You know her. She will find an excuse or flat-out refuse. Direct approaches are inefficient with Lily."

"Hm, that's true," Eliana nods in agreement, reminiscing her friend's character.

"But, to be honest, if you don't hurry up, someone else is going to get her." She adds teasingly.

Alex Maxwell smirks and confidently says, "let them try."


Carter and Maxwell continue their exchange while getting back up, getting ready to leave. After all, both are still high school students, and today is still a school day.

When finished, they go arm-in-arm out into the aisle, and after taking the elevator down, they arrive at the hotel Lobby.

Suddenly, a woman runs from behind and bumps into Alex accidentally.

Her frame was too small to move Alex, bouncing back on herself like after hitting a wall.

"Ouch! Sorry!" The woman says. Her voice seemed familiar.

After the shock, she broke her ankle and inadvertently leaned on Maxwell's free arm, trying to straighten herself up.

Maxwell couldn't see her face, hidden by long unnatural bright pink hair. She was bending down to inspect her hurt. After further examination, Alex notices the girl's particular attire. Her clothes resemble those of a pop-star idol, with many accessories attached.

"Are you alright?" Maxwell helps her to redress and pulls her from under her arm.

"I'm sorry, thank you. Ouch!" The girl responds, limping as she tries to put her foot down, clearly in pain.

"I'll go ask for some ice," Eliana proposes and goes to the hotel reception.

"You should take a seat!" Maxwell helps the young woman sit on the hall's fountain bordure.

She looks up to thank her benefactor but then, "Senior? Senior Maxwell?" She exclaims.

For an instant, Alex could not recognize her, "Yuna? Is that you, Yuna?" With her dyed hair, Maxwell almost mistook Shin Yuna for a stranger.

____ End of Chapter 16 ___

Thank you for reading! Sorry, I am a bit slow the past few weeks! Work pilled up, so I had too little free time.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

ElderGrimmcreators' thoughts