

Many beautiful women flock strangely to Alex Maxwell. Alex is charming in his own way, has a friendly personality, and is heir to a wealthy family. Is that all that one needs to seduce a woman? Or does Maxwell uses some underhanded methods?

ElderGrimm · Realistic
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34 Chs

Feeling and passion

After attending the company get-together, The pixie red-haired, Kayla Mathias accompanies Alex Maxwell to his residence. Maxwell is sitting comfortably in the soft chair of the back seat.

As his thought wanders, he remembers the different events that have happened, from his newly founded company, Lambert sisters' backstory, and just yesterday, Eliana's assault.

"Kayla! Do you know a place called Blue Jazz?" Alex asks, reminiscing the detectives' words.

Kayla Mathias jolts a little, thinking Maxwell was asleep. "Eh? Oh! You mean BlueBass It is one of Leven's famous nightclubs," She explains.

"BlueBass? A nightclub?" Alex is surprised. He thoughts the detective must have misspoken.

For now, Maxwell wonders about the relation between Eliana's assailant, the Smile House gang, and such a fancy place.

"Yes! It is popular among youth, with celebrities often appearing." She says.

"Do you perhaps know the owner?" He inquires, wishing to have more insight into the situation.

Kayla stays pensive for a little before she answers. "Hm? I do not know the current owner. But I'm sure the building belongs to the Richmond."

Maxwell's eyes widen at the unexpected revelation. He wonders again if there is there a possibility, Richmond is involved with the gang.

For the moment, he thoughts it was unwise to immediately speculate, deciding to investigate further.

"Could I ask you to look into it, Kayla? Who owns the club? And Are the Richmonds involved in the operation?" Alex requests the red-haired, hoping the knowledge could put lights on the gang.

Mathia is curious about the young man's sudden interest but stays diligent in her responsibility. "Understood! I will see what I can do."

"Thanks a lot, Kayla. While you are at it, could you check if you can find anything on a certain Smile House?" Maxwell wants to discover something concerning the group of gangsters.

"Smile house?" Kayla tilts her head in curiosity. "Are you interested in musicians?" She speculates, trying to decipher Maxwell's intention.

Maxwell is confused again. "Musician? What do you mean?" He asks the green-eyed beauty.

"Smile House is a popular EDM music band. They often perform at BlueBass." Kayla explains.

Maxwell couldn't believe what he heard. All of his leads were false.

He thought the place would be a discreet location but turned out to be a popular establishment. Then, the gang's name was actually referring to a group of electronic music artists. Either the detectives lied to him, or they are utterly incompetent.

"Please, Kayla, give me everything you can collect about the bands and the establishment owner. Also, could you investigate the Richmond involvement?" Alex instructs Mathias, resolved to investigate for himself.

"I understand," Kayla responds without hesitation. She is intrigued by Maxwell's objectives yet keeps her professional attitude.


Deep into the night, Alex and Kayla arrive at the gigantic manor of the Maxwell. When the car approaches the gates, guards open the metal structures and let the vehicle enter the paved pathway.

"Thank you, Kayla," Alex says, sitting back straight from his slouching position.

Mathias smiles in accordance.

"You should stay for the night. It is already late in the night," He suggests, but Kayla shakes her head.

"I am sorry. But my parents would not allow it." She answers. Alex thinks it was a polite lie for refusal. However, he notices Kayla's serious expression. She was telling the truth. "I will take a cab to go back."

Alex didn't say any remark on Mathias's response. A young adult woman who requires her parents' accord for a sleepover.

"It's okay. Take my car with you." Alex says, exiting the vehicle's door.

"I'm sorry to impose. Thank you." Kayla says, watching Maxwell lean on the window, looking at her.

Slightly embarrassed, Kyala tries to avoid his gaze. 'Is there something else?"

"Good night, Kayla," Maxwell gives a bright and flirty smile.

"G-good night, young master," Kayla quickly responds stuttering without being able to lock eyes with Maxwell. She restarts the engine and leaves before losing her composure.

Left in front of the entrance, Maxwell smirks at the red-haired beauty's clumsy reaction. He turns his heel and enters the manor, still amused.

Even in the late hours, the peoples in the manor were still awake, welcoming the household's young master.

A gray-haired senior woman approaches Maxwell. "Welcome, young master." The woman says.

"Thank you," Alex casually responds, handing one of the employees his mantle. "Are my father and mother home?" He asks the senior woman.

"The master and madam were out together throughout the evening. The master did come home earlier but is out again," The woman explains the situation.

"Is that so?" Alex nonchalantly says, expecting much. "It must be the company." He speculates without much surprise.

"The madam said she will be abroad for the week. She left you with this." The woman hands a small cubic box wrapped in a red ribbon. "The madam said she won't be able to attend your school festival and hope you could forgive her with this."

Alex opens the box and sees a small item with an image of a prancing horse. His mother gifted him a new car.

Both his parents are rarely present, leaving Maxwell alone most of the time. They often gifted him expansive gifts. Maxwell did not mind his parents' treatment. Nonetheless, he won't refuse such a wonderful present.


Back at the Lambert household, Lily Lambert, her little sister Ivy, and Eliana Carter were still awake. The girls are having a night discussion, covered under their blankets.

"Eli, it's really nice you are here again," Ivy says, chuckling happily. "It's been months since you last stayed over." She pouts, making Eliana smirk.

"You were always busy with work. Is everything alright?" Lily asks more seriously than her sister. "I was surprised when I learned you are now working with Alex."

"Don't worry about me. For now, I am free because the company is still setting things up. However, later on, I may be busier than ever." Eliana responds.

"And you, Vy? Are you going to accept Alex's offer and join our company?" Eliana looks at Ivy. "If you come with us, we are going to be colleagues. Besides, isn't joining an entertainment company easier to become an actress?" Eliana continues, enticing the young girl.

Ivy doesn't immediately answer and looks at her older sister. She sees the distressed look on Lily's expression.

"I'm grateful for big bro Alex, but I won't," Ivy says with a regretful smile.

Ivy knows Lily does not like owning debt to anyone.

And she knows that her sister will feel indebted to the young man if she accepts, moreover if it concerns her.

Lily has always been overprotective of her younger sibling, often compromising herself for her sister. And Ivy understands that better than anyone else.

Unwanting to put her big sister in a dilemma, Ivy turns the proposition down.

"I want to build my career on my own," Ivy says with determination, wanting to prove something to herself and her sister.

"I see," Eliana responds and smiles endearingly.

The three ladies continue their chattering.

Their chuckles and giggles echo throughout the large bedroom. They were immersed in their time together before noticing the youngest one fell asleep.

Lily has a pensive look on her face. Then blatantly asks. "Eliana, do you like Alex?" Lily looks serious.

"Don't tell me you like him as well?" Eliana holds her laughter, finding the situation entertaining. Lily rarely talks about romance, and today she is unexpectedly proactive to Eliana's delight.

"So, you like him?" Lily inadvertently shouts, breaking her aloof character, before calming down quickly to not wake Ivy.

"Alex is not bad, I guess," Eliana says longingly, letting out a soft smile on her red lips. "And you, do you like him?" Carter fires back teasingly.

"I am not sure," She replies hesitantly. Making sure her little sister is asleep, Lily continues. "Earlier when he consoled me, I think I felt something, but I don't think I have the right to like him. Ivy likes Alex, after all," Lily confesses with a conflicted expression.

As Lily speaks these words, Ivy's heart is a bit upset. She was awake and has heard everything.


Eliana stayed with the Lambert sisters for the weekend. During her stay, she was well-received. The Lamberts treated her like an old friend.

Monday morning, during breakfast, Eliana finally meets Lily and Ivy's mother.

"Litle Eli, it's been a long time since you have come to visit us." A woman says while finishing a cup of hot coffee.

"Good morning, Ma'am," Eliana tries to stay polite.

Olivia Cameron is a gentle and friendly character. She is beautiful, mixing Lily's elegant charm and Ivy's brightness. Or more like her daughters inherited her traits. Her jet-black hair rolled into a low bun made her look calm and refined, contrasting her playful and peppy personality.

After finishing her breakfast, Olivia leaves her seat and heads for the sisters. She kisses them on their cheeks, saying goodbye.

"See you later, girls!"

"Bye, mom," Lily answers calmly. Her little sister nods from doziness, not yet fully awake. Olivia is used to her mischievous girl and didn't say anything.

The woman approaches Eliana and strokes her hair gently. "Stay as long as you want, little Eli,"

"Thank you, Ma'am,"


Not long after, the three young ladies finish their meal and head to the school campus, starting the new week.

The day was uneventful.

The girls met Alex Maxwell in the morning, and the usual group passed their time together throughout the day.

Once in a while, Ryan Doyle tries to incrust himself in the group's discussion but gets left behind each time.

At the end of the classes, Alex, Lily, and Eliana joined by Ivy walk towards the gates unhurriedly to enjoy their conversation a little longer.

While the group is still discussing, they see Olivia Cameron waiting outside.

When she notices Alex, she exclaims, "If it isn't little Alex, How is your mother?"

"Hello Madam, she is doing fine," Alex beams with a wide smile.

"I came to pick the girls for a treat. How about coming with us?" Olivia invites Maxwell to tag along.

"It's nice of you, but I must refuse. I still have some business to attend to," Alex politely declines.

"That's a shame, maybe next time then," Olivia keeps her friendly smile. "Send my greeting to Joanna," She adds.

"I'll make sure of it," Alex replies with a nod.

"Ok, girls. let's go!" She enthusiastically shouted to cheer the young ladies, not emballed by their mother's quirky antics.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I still have work today," Eliana excuses herself.

"What? Not you too, little Eli," Olivia pouted childishly. "I thought you would stay with us."

"Next time, for sure," Eliana replies casually.

"You both must promise me then," Oliva addresses Eliana and Alex. Then enters the large family vehicle with her daughters, waving at Alex and Eliana through the window to say goodbye.

When the Lamberts disappear from sight, Maxwell grabs Eliana by her hips.

"They are going to have a treat. How about us?" Alex says in a suggestive tone, turning Carter to face him, locking her waist against his pelvis.

Carter pushes Maxwell's hand, freeing herself.

"If you are patient!" Eliana replies. Her misty gray eyes emanate a sensual and flirtatious gaze, making anyone salivate.

____ End of chapter 16 ____

Thank you for reading! Hope you are still enjoying it.

I will try to update as much as I can manage, so please bear with me.

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