
Harem king.

"In a distant realm, a young college student undergoes an extraordinary reincarnation. He awakens in a mysterious world steeped in magic and swords, reminiscent of a bygone era. Now living the life of royalty, he harbours grand dreams of amassing the largest harem the realm has ever seen. However, his path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Will he truly succeed in turning his extravagant dreams into reality?"

AugustDHeart · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter: 5 The Final Showdown (Part 1)

Helheim Kingdom

In the heart of the Helheim Kingdom, Lord Bohr sat in a dimly lit room, a subtle air of authority about him. His sharp eyes focused on the side before him, a man named Alfred who had just entered the room.

"Any news from our spies? It's been a few weeks since we sent spies, isn't it?" Lord Bohr inquired with a sense of urgency.

"Yes, Lord Bohr, we have received a report on the Heilberg situation," Alfred responded. 

"There was a massive explosion near the harbour, and at the site of the explosion, there was nothing left for miles and miles. Anyone who went there died after a few hours, and nobody knows why. However, there was one peculiar thing in the middle of the wasteland—a dense and heavy rock. We don't know more about it yet since everyone who went near it instantly died as if they were poisoned. From the body we recovered from the deceased, we found burnt skin and rashes all over their bodies. We are still trying to find out what happened there and what's causing this."

Lord Bohr's brows furrowed at the concerning news. "That's troubling. Did they find out who caused it? Was it Francis?"

"We don't know yet, my Lord. But we are still trying to find out. We did hear some rumours that it was Arthur, but we are still not sure about it."

"Alright, keep looking into it," Lord Bohr ordered. "We have to bring him to our side no matter what. Anything else?"

"Hmm… Allow me to look through the records, my Lord," Alfred requested.


Alfred sifted through a pile of records and scrolls, searching for pertinent information. Finally, he found a scroll that piqued his interest. He opened it and began to read.

"Apologies, my Lord. I don't know how it got past me, but here's something that you might find interesting," Alfred admitted.

"Ho… then speak," Lord Bohr urged.

"Yes, Lord Bohr. It's a report from our very old spy. It says that a man bought magic items from our spy shop in Heilberg, and that same man was seen in the Information Guild just a few days before the explosion. Not only that but he was last seen heading toward refugee camps and slums, which are near the harbour."

Lord Bohr contemplated the information carefully. "It can't all be a coincidence, can it? What do you think, Alfred?"

"I agree with you, my Lord. It's certainly suspicious. After that incident, that man was never seen again. Also, the situation in Heilberg has tensed up quite a bit."

"What do you mean by 'tensed up'?"

"In the few days before the explosion, one of the twelve council members was found dead. Because of that, the security around the entry gate is strict, and everything that goes in or out is inspected."

Lord Bohr nodded slowly, a sense of understanding dawning on him. "Uh, yes, it's that bastard Francis's work. I know his intentions loud and clear."

"Then, what should we do, my Lord? Should we call our spies back? It will be troublesome if we get caught."

"No, let's wait. It will be more suspicious if we pull them out. Let's wait for the situation to calm down. Looks like we can't even send support for Arthur as well. Let's see how the situation turns out. After all, even if we lose this chance, we didn't end up empty-handed. Tell the spies to find that man as soon as possible. He is going to be my Brahmastra against Francis."

"As you wish, Lord Bohr."

Heidelberg Kingdom

In the Heidelberg Kingdom, Arthur was engaged in a discussion with Ellie. They stood in a room, their expressions serious.

"Huh? What do you mean by you going too? I thought you were going on your own. What happened to that?  " Arthur sarcasm her.

"Nothing, I just happened to change my mind. And it's much faster to search in a group than by myself. That's all there is to it, don't get any wrong ideas, I still haven't forgiven you. I am just calling it a truce until we find Momo."

"No, you are going nowhere, it's way too dangerous for you to go. I can't possibly put you in danger again, and you will be just getting in the way,

"No, I am coming with you guys, and that's final. I can take care of myself. I was the one who sent her outside and got her into this mess, and I will be the one to save her and take her out of this mess," Ellie insisted with unwavering determination.

"You are not planning to give up, are you?" Arthur asked.

"Nope," Ellie responded firmly.

"Fine, even if I don't approve, you will still go all by yourself, which is even more concerning," Arthur conceded.

"Hmph! Should have done from the start"

"Alright, everyone! There are very few places where Momo could have gone or been taken. We will start our search from the Information Guild, then all the taverns and inns in the area. After that, the slums and refugee camp area. We will split into groups to cover more ground in a short amount of time. We will split into four groups, led by me, Commander Henrick, Vice Commander Joe, and Captain Bonzuicivic. Ellie, you will come with me. Now, let's move out."

After Arthur's briefing, everyone left the castle to embark on their quest to find Momo. The sky was shrouded in dark clouds, blocking out any trace of sunlight. It was a gloomy day, with an eerie calmness in the air, as if it were the calm before a storm. Arthur and his team set off for the Information Guild, while the commander, vice commander, and captain each led their groups to different locations.

Information Guild

As Arthur and Ellie made their way to the Information Guild, Arthur spoke with a hint of reluctance, "Didn't think I would have to come here again. And I don't even have any pass, otherwise, I could get information on her. It's pointless to ask guild members; let's just ask around with the customers."

Ellie, curious, asked, "How do you even know all this?"

Arthur chuckled, "Hehe! I was exactly like you when I came here for the first time. That reminds me, this is my second time, and I am not in disguise. That means I can use my authority to ask for information from the guild. If so, then I don't have to ask the customers and attract their attention."

Their arrival at the crowded guild attracted immediate attention. The bustling guild suddenly fell silent and still as they made their entrance. Arthur couldn't help but smirk as he observed the unexpected reaction.

"You were saying?" Ellie teased.

"Or maybe not," Arthur conceded with a shrug.

They navigated through the hushed crowd, and as they moved, people instinctively made way for them. The tension in the room was palpable, and the atmosphere had grown thick with anticipation.

Upon reaching the reception table, a person rushed forward to attend to them. The man's demeanour was respectful, and he addressed Arthur with deference.

"Greetings, your majesty. I am the Guild Master of this establishment, O Brian. It's an honour to have an audience with you, your majesty. I dare to ask, what brings you to this humble place? Has something happened?" O Brian inquired, his voice laced with respect.

Arthur replied casually, "Nothing much. We are just here to look for someone, but along the way, I thought, why not directly ask them, right?"

O Brian blinked, slightly perplexed, and asked, "I beg your pardon?"

Arthur nervously replies, "It's nothing much, please put yourself at ease. I just came here searching for someone."

He explains to him showing the drawn portrait of her. Upon seeing the portrait O Brian's eye suddenly takes a serious aura.

"How rude of me to make his majesty stand and show no courtesy." O Brian shouts to everyone," HEY GUYS GET TO WORK."

"Your majesty please follow me, this is gonna take some time." O Brian nervously requests.

They arrive at the VIP room. O Brian signals Every person Inside to empty the place. The atmosphere got more and more tense and you could cut through it with a knife.

Arthur, now taking on a more serious tone asked," So tell me now what happened?"

O Brian nodded solemnly, recognizing the gravity of the situation. "She is one of our guild members. It was morning, I was on a mission, and I saw her running in a hurry. There was a worried and concerned look on her face, so I followed her out of concern. After following for a while, I saw her going toward the orphanage. But out of nowhere, some men ambushed her on the way. She fought her best, but unfortunately, she was overpowered by them and taken away. I tried to stop them and defend her but there were so many of them that they took her and escaped."

Arthur's face hardened as he absorbed this information. Ellie, standing beside him, could sense the urgency in the situation. "We need to find her as soon as possible. Do you have any leads on who those men might be?"

O Brian replied, "I'm afraid not, Your Majesty. The men who took her were wearing masks and were covered from head to toe in black outfits. I tried to follow them but they were too fast so I lost track of them in no time. Even after searching for hours, there was no sign of her or the kidnappers."

Ellie's gaze sharpened. "Did you have any idea where they were trying to go?"

O Brian shook his head, a shadow of guilt in his eyes. "They were heading toward the east, seemingly towards the cathedral."

Ellie interjected, puzzled by this detail. "The cathedral?"

O Brian seemed taken aback by her question. "Is there a problem?"

Ellie coughed, attempting to cover her reaction. "No, not at all. I was just wondering why they would go to the cathedral after kidnapping someone."

Arthur shifted the conversation, sensing the urgency of the situation. "Alright, here, take these gold coins for the intel. We're in a bit of a hurry. We will get in touch with you if we need anything in the future. Perhaps we could work together."

O Brian nodded, understanding the need for discretion. "Of course, your majesty. Our guild will assist in any way we can, and we will ensure that this information is not divulged. If you need further assistance or information, do not hesitate to ask."

Arthur and Ellie took their leave, ready to delve deeper into their search for Momo.

After their conversation, they headed for the cathedral. Arthur tells Ellie to tell everyone to meet up with them at the cathedral.  While on the way a bunch of thoughts come to Arthurs's mind.

His thoughts raced, pondering Francis's motives. "What exactly are you plotting, Francis? Are you going after me after discovering my secret? Or is it the throne you desire? Is there another hidden motive, perhaps something larger, like sparking a civil war? He tried to kill Ellie and frame me, but it failed. He went after council members, yet didn't frame me, which he easily could have done. Now he had probably kidnapped Momo, but why? Even if I suspect him, I can't hold him accountable without proof. Finding those men is crucial, but they've covered their tracks exceptionally well."

Arthur's mind was a whirlwind of questions and concerns, all centred around the enigmatic Francis.

Ellie broke the silence. "What are you thinking, Arthur? You seem lost in thought."

Arthur blinked, returning to the present moment. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just worried about Momo and wondering how she's holding up."

Ellie reassured him, "Don't worry. She'll be fine. I believe in her, and I know you do too. We'll save her."

Arthur nodded firmly, his determination renewed. "Yes, we will. I won't let the same mistake repeat no matter what."

Damn you, Francis. Just wait. If it's you, I won't let you go this time. I swear to put an end to you.

Arthur and Ellie exchanged a reassuring glance and held each other's hands tightly as they proceeded toward the cathedral. Arriving at the cathedral, they found the other groups already assembled and ready.

"Is everyone here?" Arthur inquired.

The gathered group replied in unison, "Yes, your majesty."

"Alright, let's go, but stay alert. This might well be a trap," Arthur warned.

The team dispersed, surrounding the cathedral, while Arthur, Ellie, and two elite guards entered the grand building. As Arthur pushed open the cathedral's doors, they discovered Momo tied to a chair in front of the statue of the goddess Freya. Ellie rushed toward her, but Arthur's instincts kicked in, sensing something amiss. Before he could react, Ellie triggered a magic trap that had been carefully set.

"Ellie, wait! There's something wrong here," Arthur shouted, but it was too late.

The ensuing explosion filled the cathedral with chaos. Dust and debris scattered, shrouding the area in a haze of destruction. Momo was thrown clear of the blast, but Ellie, though saved by Arthur's protective barrier, was lost in the smoke, dust, and rubble.

"Ellie!" Arthur called out, his heart pounding.


The dust gradually began to settle, revealing the extent of the destruction. Momo lay nearby, unconscious but safe. Arthur hurried to Ellie's side, confirming her safety, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, you two, are you alright?" Arthur checks on the two nearby royal guards.

"Yes, Your Majesty. We're alright," they replied.

As the group assessed their well-being, Arthur couldn't shake the feeling that this had been a trap. He assesses the situation and pieces together everything until now arrives at his conclusion that it is indeed the work of none other than Francis. This time his suspicion turned into belief.. He may, be unaware of  Francis's ultimate hidden goal, but he is determined to uncover it.

"Is everyone here?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"A; right Let's go. And remember to stay alert, this might as well be a trap.'

Amidst the echoing remnants of the explosion, guards stationed outside the cathedral raced inward, drawn by the calamitous noise. While Arthur engaged in explanations and orders, Ellie turned her attention to the unconscious Momo. She knelt by Momo's side and gently attempted to rouse her. After several attempts, Momo gradually stirred and, with tears in her eyes, reached out to Ellie, embracing her tightly. Ellie offered solace, murmuring comforting words.

Once Momo had composed herself, she pulled away from Ellie's embrace, standing up with a newfound determination. She addressed the assembled group, her voice tinged with remorse and urgency.

"I apologize to everyone for the trouble I've caused. However, we must set aside recriminations for now. Time is of the essence. We need to act swiftly. The First Prince has betrayed us and has been orchestrating against us. He is also the one who sets this trap, intending to draw Arthur and the guards here while he launches an assault on the Castle. His objective is the throne and to eliminate anyone getting in his way. He seems to be getting impatient because of Lord Arthur. He is even going after 12 councils and has already called them over to the castle. When I got kidnapped, I overheard him saying how he originally planned to kill them one by one without anyone knowing and how he had already succeeded in killing one of them but now he had to bring some changes in his plan and how it has become troublesome to carry out their original plan because of Lord Arthur's growing influence. He is now plotting to frame Lord Arthur and execute him. We must intervene before it's too late."

Arthur's concern manifested in a query. "How long has it been since he departed?"

Momo hesitated before responding, "It's been a while, Lord Arthur. He left well before your arrival."

Ellie, sensing the urgency of the situation, interjected, "He likely departed early to gather his allies. We may not be too late. We can still prevent his nefarious scheme."

Arthur, however, pressed Momo for more information. "You said 'overheard'.Do you know who he was talking to? Is there anything else you know but you haven't told us?"

A tension hung in the air as Ellie swiftly deflected, her response laced with urgency. "It's not time for that, Arthur. We can delve into it later. Right now, our priority is to act swiftly."

Arthur acknowledged her words, albeit with lingering doubt. "Agreed. We'll address this later. For now, let's make haste."

Their determined resolve bolstered by Momo's revelation, the group prepared to move swiftly, determined to thwart Francis's sinister plot before it could reach fruition.

Upon comprehending the gravity of the situation and Momo's earnest plea, the group wasted no time in making their preparations. Guards swiftly organized horses, ensuring that Arthur and Ellie could depart ahead of the others, enabling them to reach their destination with haste. As the moment for their departure neared, Arthur felt compelled to impart his final words to his loyal guards and soldiers.

"Listen, everyone," he began, his voice resonating with gravity and determination. "We stand at a precipice of uncertainty. We cannot predict what lies ahead. If, by chance, something untoward occurs to Ellie and me, I implore you all not to recklessly sacrifice yourselves on our behalf. Your lives hold immeasurable value, not only for you but for your families and loved ones as well. Consider this my final command: evacuate the city without delay. And when the evacuation is complete, should you find it within yourselves to depart as well, I encourage you to do so. However, I understand your commitment to duty, and I respect it. Thus, I ask that you employ every means necessary to survive this crisis. Lastly, Commander Henrick, I entrust Momo's safety to you. Care for her in my stead should I not return."

Henrick, displaying unwavering loyalty, interjected with concern. "Your majesty, allow us to accompany you. Your safety is paramount. Permit us to act as your shield."

Another guard, equally devoted, chimed in, "Yes, let us join you, Lord Arthur."

Arthur, his resolve unyielding, shook his head, reiterating his stance. "No, both of you shall remain here. If circumstances take a dire turn, you must be here to protect Momo at all costs."

His guards reluctantly conceded, their loyalty unwavering, but the air was thick with the tension of their unspoken fears.

With little time remaining, Arthur and Ellie exchanged their farewells with their loyal retinue before embarking on their way, leaving the devoted guards and soldiers to fulfil their duty of evacuating the city and ensuring its safety.

Within the chaotic castle walls, the rioters had plunged the once-peaceful fortress into turmoil. Every guard stationed outside rushed in, joining the fray to protect the castle and their leaders. Amidst the chaos, the clashing of blades and shouts of battle rang out.



With a swift and masterful motion, Francis skillfully deflected the attacks of his assailants. His movements, fluid and efficient, highlighted his prowess in combat.




But the attackers, driven by their determination to fulfil their mission, pressed on relentlessly.

"Do you guys think you can defeat me? You can't even hold a candle in front of me," Francis scoffed, his confidence unshaken.

"We might not be able to stop you, but we can at least buy time for our majesty, to receive the alert." one of the guards countered, his voice unwavering.

"You guys talk too much. Let's see how much time you guys can manage to buy before he gets the wind of it and witnesses the destruction of this place."

With weapons drawn and combatants on edge, the battle raged on. Francis's exceptional skill was evident as he parried and countered blows with precision.



However, despite their valiant efforts, the guards found themselves outmatched by the overwhelming power and numbers of their adversaries.

"Long live the king," one of the guards declared, acknowledging their duty and loyalty even in the face of defeat.

"Tch! They certainly don't know how to choose a side," Francis remarked, his tone dripping with contempt.

The situation within the castle remained dire as the sudden attack had thrown the entire fortress into disarray. Rioters ran rampant, creating diversions and distractions for the other guards. Francis, seizing the opportunity, made his way toward the throne room, where the kingdom's council members, ministers, and main household nobles had gathered, oblivious to the chaos that had erupted outside.

Amidst their discussions, a guard arrived, urgently delivering news of the attack to the council members.

"Sir Ray, sir Julius, everyone, we are under attack. I don't know how, but our Castle is flooded with unknown rioters, and it's chaos out there. We need your orders," the guard reported breathlessly.

Prince Francis, who had entered the room unnoticed, responded with chilling composure, "Sure you do. Thanks for informing me."

Startled by his sudden appearance, one of the council members inquired, "Oh, Prince Francis, what brings you here?"

Francis offered a sinister reply, "Nothing, I just thought I needed to do some cleaning up. There are quite a lot of pests here, you know."

Baffled by his cryptic response, the council members exchanged uneasy glances, sensing impending danger.



Before they could react, Francis's blade struck swiftly, silencing the unsuspecting guard who had delivered the news. Panic gripped the room as the council members and nobles finally grasped the grim reality of the situation.

"Prince Francis, you are not here to do what we are thinking, right?" one of the council members implored, a glimmer of hope in his voice.

Francis, his intentions clear, coldly confirmed their worst fears, "If you were thinking of meeting your doom here, then you were right on the mark."


Taking swift and decisive action, Francis engaged the room's guards in combat, and his overwhelming aura exuded menace and impending doom.

"You Fools. I kinda pity you all for what's about to happen," Francis taunted, seemingly enjoying the desperation that had engulfed the room.

The guards, well aware of the dire situation, resolved to protect the council members, ministers, and nobles at any cost.

"Do you think you can take on all of us?" one of the guards challenged defiance in his voice.

"Think? No, I believe I can. Don't believe me? Just watch me."

With that ominous promise, Francis unleashed a part of his formidable aura, creating a pressure wave that sent shivers down the spines of the guards. The force knocked the ministers, council members, and nobles back, leaving them helpless in the face of the impending onslaught.

"Prince Francis, you are not doing the right thing," one council member dared to speak, his voice trembling with fear.

"Do you think I care about doing the right thing?" Francis retorted, his blade poised for the coming battle.

The guards braced themselves, ready to confront the formidable threat before them, their loyalty to the kingdom and their duty unwavering.


Outside the castle, Arthur and Ellie faced a grim and chilling scene. As they ventured deeper within the fortress, the grim reality of the situation became painfully apparent. Corpses lay strewn across their path, victims of the violence that had erupted within the castle walls. The evidence of a brutal battle was all around them.

"Urk! Even though I have seen this kind of scene before, it's still unsettling." Ellie observed, her voice tinged with unease. "And I don't like how quiet it is here."

"Yeah, but you okay, you don't have to force yourself to come with me, as we already found Momo you should have stayed with her," Arthur replied solemnly.

"I am fine, don't worry about me. Let's take care of things in front of us first." Ellie insisted.

Upon reaching the castle gate, they discovered a harrowing sight. The ground was littered with lifeless bodies, pierced with arrows and bearing the wounds of a fierce battle. With each step further into the castle, the gruesome tableau painted a chilling picture of the violence that had unfolded.

The remnants of a desperate fight were etched across the walls and floors, with blood serving as a gruesome testament to the castle's tragic fate. They pressed onward, navigating through the eerie silence and devastation, ever vigilant for signs of what may lie ahead.

"Hey, who are you guys supposed to be?" a rioter called out, his voice filled with hostility.

"Who cares whoever they are? Let's send them to their graves," another responded, hostility evident in his tone.

"Keep dreaming," Arthur retorted, his determination clear.

"I will shut that mouth of yours first. Poison Fumes!" the rioter exclaimed, releasing a toxic cloud towards Arthur and Ellie.

Arthur swiftly conjured a magical shield, protecting himself and Ellie from the deadly fumes. In response, he unleashed a powerful wind pressure, blowing their attackers along with them.

The two combatants fell to the ground, unconscious. Their aggression was instantly subdued. Arthur and Ellie continued forward, their resolve unbroken.

As they ventured deeper into the castle's labyrinthine corridors, they encountered more rioters, each group more determined to stop their advance. It became clear that their path was fraught with peril, and Arthur knew he needed to conserve his magic for the looming confrontation with Francis.

"Ellie," Arthur began, his voice tense with urgency, "we must tread carefully. I need to save my magic for our showdown with Francis. We can't afford to deplete our resources against these foes."

Ellie, fully aware of the dire situation, nodded in agreement. "You're right. We must conserve our strength. Let's find a way to navigate through this perilous maze."

With determination and caution, they continued their treacherous journey, making their way through the castle's winding passages. Yet, at each turn, they found themselves confronted by more rioters, their numbers seemingly endless.

"Damn it. We are trapped. What now?" Arthur pondered aloud, his frustration mounting. "We need to find a way to get out of here. Any bright ideas, Ellie?"

"How would I know?" Ellie responded, her voice tinged with exasperation. "And why are you asking me?"

"Well, you are acting weird today and you seem a bit out of it," Arthur replied, sensing something amiss.

"What does it have to do with that question?"

"Well, nothing. I just wanted to get your attention because we are in trouble right now."

Ellie sighed, realizing the urgency of their situation. "Well, duh. No surprise. If we can't go left or right, how about up or down?"

Arthur's eyes widened with realization. "I didn't think of that at all. Hold on to me; we are going up."

With a swift movement of his magic, Arthur fires a fireball at the ceiling creating an opening and generates an upper wind current around their body, lifting them through the ceiling and into the next floor. Their escape had led them to higher ground, but the danger still loomed.

"Hurry, we need to move quickly," Arthur urged a sense of urgency in his voice. "I don't see Francis anywhere; he must be in the throne room. Let's get moving."

As they continued their ascent, Arthur and Ellie were determined to confront Francis and put an end to the chaos that threatened to consume their kingdom.

Scene Change



The throne room was a gruesome battlefield. Francis moved with incredible speed, a blur of deadly precision. Guards, once steadfast and resolute, fell one after another, unable to react to the swiftness of his attacks. Panic began to set in among those who remained.

But amidst the chaos, one guard rallied his comrades. With courage as their shield, they knew they had the advantage in numbers, and they couldn't afford to falter. 

"Don't waver, my dear comrades," one guard urged, his voice filled with determination. "He is alone and we outnumber him. Attack him simultaneously, and don't give him an opening!"

Francis, however, grew tired of their feeble resistance. His eyes flashed with impatience as he stood, surrounded by his fallen adversaries. 

"I am growing tired of this. I am done playing with you guys," Francis declared, his voice filled with disdain.

Then, with a powerful surge of his aura, Francis entered a combat stance, and the very ground seemed to respond to his command. A thousand swords emerged, rising from the floor and hanging in the air like a shimmering metallic forest. Francis pointed his sword towards the guards and began a rhythmic, almost hypnotic dance. The swords whirled into motion, a mesmerizing display of precision and lethality, slicing and piercing anyone unfortunate enough to be in their path. 

Every sword seemed to be an extension of Francis himself, and they moved as one, their movements synchronized in a mesmerizing choreography. The blades formed intricate patterns, reflecting the glimmering light like a radiant moonlight dance. In mere moments, the room was devoid of life, save for Francis and the blood-drenched aftermath of his extraordinary assault.

Just then, a door creaked open behind him.


Arthur and Ellie had arrived, and the gruesome scene that greeted them was enough to make Ellie retch in disgust. Arthur, on the other hand, was left in stunned silence.

"Ah! Boy... What... the... hell happened here?" Arthur's eyes widened with disbelief as he took in the horrifying tableau. "So, you were really behind all of this, huh big brother?"

Francis turned around, his demeanour cold and unwavering. He began to clean his sword, a calculated indifference in his expression.

"Do you see anyone else here alive other than me?" Francis retorted defiantly. "So, What are you gonna do now? Are you angry? Is your blood boiling?"

Nothing but Silence envelops the room. "Why are you quiet? Could it be that you are not angry at all because of your stinky little secret?" Francis taunted.

"Secret? What are you talking about?" Arthur inquired.

Francis scoffs and speaks in an eerie voice "Do you think I don't know your little secret, huh? And stop calling me 'big brother.' You are not even my actual brother. I should have known from the start that there was no way my weak and always scared brother would change so dramatically in such a short amount of time. Tell me who you are and how you got inside my brother's body. Depending upon your answer I might go easy on you."

Arthur, his eyes narrowing, demanded answers. "Go easy on me? Pff.. don't kid yourself. Even if I explain it to you your prime ape brain won't be able to understand it. So beat it."

Arthur's arrogance oozed from every word. Francis, however, wasn't one to back down easily. "Woah, aren't you quite arrogant? Well if you are not going to tell me, I will just have to make you spit it out. But first…"

Francis, seemingly unfazed, unsheathed his sword and made his way to the throne, where he nonchalantly took a seat. He snapped his fingers, and everything around them froze in time.

"You don't mind if I sit here, do you, Your Majesty?" Francis taunted.

Arthur, his patience worn thin, replied, "Stop the sarcasm and get to the point."

Francis leaned back on the throne, a malevolent smile playing on his lips. "Of course, you won't. Since you aren't even from this world, which disqualifies you from this throne. It's only me now who knows, but soon the whole kingdom will learn how an evil spirit possessed the second prince and impersonated the real second prince to become the king."

Arthur, his determination undeterred, retorted, "Stop wasting time. You won't do any such thing because I am here to stop you. So, let's get this over with." 

I might be biting off more than I can chew here, but whatever. I can't let this guy go now that he knows my secret. If they find out, I can kiss goodbye to my reincarnated life.

Francis, his eyes filled with cruel amusement, gave a chilling revelation. "What's the hurry? Look around you. Haven't you noticed yet?"

Arthur glanced around, his confusion growing. "Notice what?"

It was then that Arthur realized Ellie was standing perfectly still as if frozen in time. Panic gripped his heart as he rushed to her side, but his efforts were futile—she didn't respond.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER, YOU BASTARD?!" Arthur's voice rang out with rage, his anger boiling over.

With flames of fury in his eyes, Arthur created a sword out of fire magic and lunged at Francis. But Francis effortlessly blocked the attack with a single hand.

"Impatient as always," Francis sneered. "Oh wait, you are not even my brother. Then why are you acting so impatient?"

Arthur, his emotions running high, roared, "SAY IT! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO, YOU BASTARD?!"

Arthur kept swinging and slashing in rage but Francis kept blocking with just one hand like it was nothing. "Ugh! So annoying. Freeze!"

With just one word, Francis froze Arthur in time stasis. Arthur was Standing like he was a statue. 

With an almost nonchalant gesture, Francis delivered a palm thrust that sent Arthur hurtling through the air.


  He collided with a wall, gasping for breath. As Arthur lay there, bewildered and battered, Francis stood ready for the confrontation that was about to unfold.

Cough! Cough! What the… When did I get hit? I was Attacking him relentlessly though. Man, it hurts like hell. That might have broken a couple of my ribs.

In a standoff filled with tension and mystique, Arthur faced off against Francis, with Francis's rare time attribute stasis magic, the battle was far from conventional.

Francis, leaning casually against a pillar, couldn't help but taunt Arthur as he struggled to land a hit. The room, frozen in time for all but the two combatants, added an eerie atmosphere to the duel.

Arthur's frustration mounted as he tried to strike Francis, only for his target to effortlessly evade by freezing and unfreezing time. Francis's tone remained mocking, and it fueled Arthur's determination even further.

As he circled Francis, Arthur tapped into his newfound abilities. Through a combination of magic and aura, he unleashed a torrent of power, enhancing his physical attributes and bolstering his magical prowess. With each step, he layered on new buffs, his eyes ablaze with a newfound resolve.

His next move was to craft a weapon, summoning flames to forge a plasma sword, akin to a legendary lightsaber from Earth. This blade, imbued with the force of his boosted magic and aura, crackled with energy.

With his enhanced abilities and fiery weapon in hand, Arthur charged at Francis with incredible speed. Each strike was precise, and every movement was devoid of wasted effort.

But Francis was no ordinary adversary. His control over time allowed him to effortlessly evade Arthur's onslaught, taunting him with each dodge.

Despite his frustration, Arthur remained determined to find a weakness in Francis's power. He knew that even the most potent abilities had limitations. As he continued to strike and miss, he analyzed each movement, searching for a pattern or a telltale sign of vulnerability.

The battle raged on, a clash between a determined prince wielding newfound power and an enigmatic foe with control over the very flow of time. The room, suspended in an eerie stasis, held its breath, awaiting the outcome of this extraordinary confrontation.

Silence enveloped the room as Francis enjoyed his temporary respite. Arthur lay on the ground, weakened but far from defeated. 

Within Arthur's mind, thoughts raced like never before. He pondered the complexities of Francis's time-stopping ability, searching for any possible weakness that might allow him to strike the final blow. As he considered the nature of time and space, an idea began to form.

"What happened? Why did you turn silent all of a sudden? It's getting boring now," Francis taunted.

Ignoring Francis's taunts, Arthur delved into the basics of time itself. He contemplated the relativity of time, and how it depended on speed and gravity. His mind was racing, searching for a chink in Francis's temporal armour.

Time, time is relative, and it depends upon speed and gravity. I can't reach light speed or have enough mass to alter time. The only thing left is opening a wormhole, but that seems even more impossible, not to mention he also has neither of those so how is he doing it? From what I know Space and time are connected, if you know the time but if you don't know space it's useless and vice versa. So all I can do now is avoid pinpointing my accurate location. Arthur mused.

Francis's mockery and Arthur's inner musings continued in parallel. While Francis revelled in his momentary advantage, Arthur was determined to outthink his enigmatic adversary. 

In a sudden burst of resolve, Arthur knew that he had to take action. With renewed determination, he launched himself at Francis, increasing his speed with every stride. His movements became a blur as he leapt from walls, the ceiling, and the ground. 

"I will rather die than surrender to the likes of you," Arthur declared as he closed in on his foe.

But the battle was far from over. Francis, confident in his abilities, prepared to intercept Arthur once more.

As Arthur launched himself at Francis, he transformed. His body became a blur, moving at incredible speeds. Each jump and step accelerated him further, rendering him nearly invisible to the naked eye.

Confused and surprised, Francis tried to use his time stasis, but Arthur's sheer velocity made it impossible to pinpoint his location accurately.

With a blend of magic, aura, and newfound speed, Arthur became a formidable force. He closed in on Francis, striking with precision. The room was a whirlwind of motion as they exchanged blows, the air vibrating with their incredible speed.

Francis defended himself with a magical shield, diverting Arthur's attacks. He tried to taunt his opponent, but Arthur's focus remained unshaken.

As they continued their rapid exchange of strikes and dodges, Arthur relied on his newfound speed to gain the upper hand. With each passing moment, he adapted, learning from his earlier misses.

But Francis was no ordinary adversary. With his control over time, he retained the advantage, able to dodge with calculated precision. 

Their duel was a symphony of lightning-fast movements, a contest of wills and abilities that pushed both combatants to their limits. The room remained frozen in a temporal bubble, a silent observer of their extraordinary clash.

As Arthur and Francis continued their high-speed dance, their battle reached a critical moment. Arthur, determined to land a hit, refused to relent. He accelerated his attacks, striking with newfound strength and precision. But Francis, confident in his powers, held his ground.

Suddenly, Arthur managed to strike a hit. Francis blocked but could not prevent Arthur's blade from grazing his chest. Blood trickled from the wound as Francis leapt backwards, crouching in pain.

The balance of power had shifted. Arthur's relentless pursuit had paid off, and he stood ready to press his advantage.

Their gazes locked, and Francis, with a mixture of surprise and annoyance, finally acknowledged Arthur's prowess.

"What is this now? No matter what you do, it won't work on me," Francis sneered, though his pained expression told a different story.

Unperturbed, Arthur cracked his neck, taking a stand that radiated confidence and fearlessness. He had learned to harness his newfound abilities, and he was determined to use them to their fullest.

He charged at Francis, who stood ready, his chest seeping blood, prepared to defend himself. The room became the arena for a battle of epic proportions.

Blow after blow, strike after strike, they engaged in a relentless exchange of attacks and defences. Arthur swung his plasma sword with precision and power, while Francis countered with an array of magical defenses.

The battle raged on, each combatant pushing themselves to the limit. The room, trapped in a temporal bubble, remained a silent witness to their extraordinary duel.

But the battle was far from over. As the two clashed, Francis realized he needed to regain control of the situation. He tapped into his Divinity Magic, temporarily boosting his stasis magic. The room that was in stasis returns to normal, freeing everything there. Francis' focus was now solely on Arthur.

As the stasis was undone, Ellie was witnessing the confrontation unfold. She was confused and unaware of what happened but she knew she had to intervene to help Arthur, to buy him precious seconds to defeat Francis.

Without hesitation, Ellie rushed forward, moving behind Francis and covering his mouth with her hand, preventing him from stopping time once more. She attempted to break his neck, but Francis's strength thwarted her efforts.

Amid their struggle, Francis gripped Ellie's hand and forcefully removed it from his mouth. But in that brief moment, the tornado of debris that Arthur had summoned drew nearer, its violent winds slicing through the room.

Francis, now free from Ellie's grasp, gazed at the approaching tempest, his expression one of astonishment and annoyance. 

"Ellie? What the hell are you doing there? Get out of there! If that tornado pulls you in, you will be shredded to pieces!" Arthur shouted, his concern evident.

Francis, resisting, tries to grab Ellie and throw her toward the tornado but Ellie dodges in a nick of time and retreats jumping onto the chandelier.

Ellie, clinging to a chandelier, shouted back, her determination unwavering, "I don't care. If I can sacrifice myself to save your life, then so be it. I don't want to lose people I love anymore. I won't let the past repeat, not now, not ever. So do what you have to do to save the kingdom. You hear me?"

Francis, irritated by their resilience, couldn't help but mock them. "My, my, how touching. Do you think someone as pathetic as you can stop me? This is truly disgraceful. The whole continent fears me just by hearing my name, and here we are, being looked down upon by two insects. This is annoyingly getting on my nerves."

However, Arthur was not giving up. He resolved to use the powerful winds of the tornado to his advantage, hoping that it might disrupt Francis's time-stopping abilities. The tornado drew closer, its howling winds picking up speed and intensity.

Arthur recognized that he had to act swiftly and decisively. With the winds roaring around him, he focused on enhancing his Wind Magic, empowering himself for one last push. His eyes glowed with determination as he raised his hand, commanding the debris-filled tornado.

Francis watched in disbelief as Arthur's control over the tempest grew stronger. Debris swirled violently within the tornado, and the winds became more ferocious.

"Damn it! I should have stopped time and ended this when he was down. That's on me I guess." Francis muttered to himself, realizing his oversight.

As the tornado approached, its sharp winds cut through both Ellie and Francis, inflicting minor wounds. But neither of them paid much heed to their injuries. Ellie continued clinging to the chandelier for dear life, her resolve unwavering. Francis knew he had to regain control of the situation quickly.

"Ellie, hang on! No matter what, don't let go. I will come and save you," Arthur shouted, his voice filled with determination.

But Francis had other plans. He decided to deal with Arthur first, recognizing that his relentless attacks were causing more harm than he could tolerate. He focused on halting time once more, determined to end the threat Arthur posed.

In that instant, as Francis prepared to stop time, he was caught off guard. Ellie, with her remaining strength, came from behind and covered Francis's mouth, preventing him from invoking his time-stopping ability. She had thrown herself into the fray to protect Arthur.

Francis was momentarily immobilized, his ability rendered useless. The tornado continued its relentless approach, threatening to engulf them all.

Inside Arthur's mind, thoughts raced at the speed of light. He couldn't afford to waste a moment. The tornado was their ally now, a chaotic force that might level the playing field. Arthur strategized, determined to seize this opportunity.

  Francis, despite his disadvantage, remained a formidable adversary. He struggled to break free from Ellie's grasp, his eyes locked onto Arthur, who was preparing for another strike.

Suddenly, Ellie's grip weakened, and Francis took advantage of the situation, wrenching free. Ellie's sacrifice had bought Arthur precious seconds, but now she was defenceless against the approaching tornado.

Francis had little time to waste. He couldn't allow Arthur to exploit the situation any further. With newfound resolve, he lunged at Arthur, ready to resume their battle and put an end to this unexpected resistance.

As the room once again descended into chaos, the tornado's deafening roar and relentless fury threatened to consume everything in its path. Arthur and Francis, locked in combat, were about to face a tempest of unimaginable power, with Ellie hanging precariously in the balance.

The fate of the kingdom hung by a thread as the battle between light and darkness continued to unfold within the maelstrom of the tornado.

To be continued In Part 2

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