
Harem king.

"In a distant realm, a young college student undergoes an extraordinary reincarnation. He awakens in a mysterious world steeped in magic and swords, reminiscent of a bygone era. Now living the life of royalty, he harbours grand dreams of amassing the largest harem the realm has ever seen. However, his path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Will he truly succeed in turning his extravagant dreams into reality?"

AugustDHeart · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter: 14 Dwarves

After a month of travel, Arthur and his companions finally arrived at Nelfheim, the Dwarf's kingdom. The landscape was a stark contrast to the lush and vibrant Helheim they had previously visited. Nelfheim was covered with dark, gloomy clouds that obscured the sunlight. What little light managed to penetrate through the thick cloud cover had a yellowish hue.

The terrain was rugged and volcanic, with jagged rocks and treacherous terrain. The air was thick with the unmistakable smell of sulfur, making it difficult to breathe. As they ventured deeper into the kingdom, the temperature rose steadily, and the very ground beneath their feet seemed to radiate heat.

Despite the harsh and unwelcoming environment, Arthur and his companions pressed on, knowing that they needed to find the famed Dwarven blacksmiths who could craft a new sword for Arthur to replace the one that had been damaged during his battle with the Divine Beast Serpent. Their journey in Nelfheim was fraught with challenges, but they were determined to acquire the finest sword in the world.

As Arthur and his companions made their way through the challenging terrain of Nelfheim, they stumbled upon a harrowing scene. A lone Dwarf, clearly a miner, was being relentlessly pursued by a group of aggressive lizardmen near a mining site. The Dwarf was outnumbered and on the brink of exhaustion as he attempted to fend off his assailants.

With a determined expression, Arthur dashed towards the beleaguered dwarf, his companions following closely behind him. As they approached, the dwarf's eyes widened with hope as he realized they were there to save him. The lizardmen hissed and lunged at them, but with Arthur's exceptional combat skills and his magic, he swiftly overpowered the reptilian attackers, sending them running away into the depths of the treacherous terrain.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the grateful dwarf wiped sweat from his brow and looked up at Arthur with immense gratitude. It was evident that the little man had been on the brink of disaster, and the timely intervention of Arthur and his companions had saved him from a grim fate. 

The dwarf they had rescued was a stout and robust individual with a long, flowing white beard that nearly reached his feet. His wrinkled face was etched with lines that told tales of countless years of hard work and wisdom. Despite his relatively small stature, he exuded an air of resilience and strength.

"Thank you, strangers," the dwarf said with a nod of gratitude, wiping sweat from his brow. "The lizardmen have been causing trouble around these parts for some time now."

Arthur stepped forward and extended his hand, saying, "I'm Arthur Phoenix, and these are my companions, Momo, Vianola, and Seraphina."

With a warm smile, Grumli introduced himself further. "I'm Grumli ironbeard, a miner of Nelfheim, and you, my fine group of rescuers, have earned my eternal gratitude. It's not often we get outsiders braving the dangers of this land to help a dwarf in need."

Grumli Ironforge, the dwarf, was genuinely surprised to see humans and an elf in Nelfheim, let alone a powerful one like Arthur . He regarded Arthur with a curious expression and asked, "What brings you to Nelfheim, Master Arthur?"

With a slight grin, Arthur replied, "We're here because I need to commission a specific sword." He glanced back at his team and whispered, "And some other weapons too." 

Grumli's expression shifted to one of concern as he heard Arthur's request. He hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm afraid that's going to be a bit difficult, Master Arthur. The blacksmith dwarves in the city aren't taking any commissions at the moment."

Arthur was taken aback and asked, "Why is that?"

Grumli hesitated, looking troubled. "It's a long story, and it's best not to get involved," he replied, refusing to divulge further details.

if I went to the nearest city I might find something about it.

Understanding the dwarf's stance, Arthur nodded and said, "Very well, Grumli. In that case, could you guide us to the nearest city?"

Grumli pointed at a smoky, active volcano in the distance and sighed. "That's the only city we have left now. It's situated at the base of that volcano mountain, right in the center of Nelfheim."

Arthur accepted the situation and asked, "Then please guide us to that city. We're more than willing to help you, Grumli. What can we do?"

Grumli smiled, relieved that Arthur and his companions were willing to lend a hand. He pointed to a sack filled with mined ores and said, "We're always in need of extra hands to carry these ores. If you can help us with that, it would be much appreciated."

With a nod, Arthur agreed, "Of course, we'll help with the ores. Lead the way, Grumli."

Arthur had a sly grin as he accepted the task, rallying his companions. "Alright, team, let's gather these sacks." In no time, they collected the hefty bags of mined ores, stacking them neatly in one spot. However, Arthur had another surprise in store for Grumli and the dwarves. With a wave of his hand and a flash of magic, he deftly pulled all the sacks into his magical subspace pouch. Grumli, along with the other dwarves, stood in astonishment, their jaws hanging open.

Without any further delay, they set out towards the dwarven city. Upon arrival, they were met with an impressive sight: enormous metal walls surrounded the city, and a massive metal gate was guarded by two dwarves who looked like formidable vikings.

The dwarf guards halted their progress and sternly demanded identification. Grumli stepped forward, displaying a metal circular badge adorned with a miner's logo. "They are with me," he informed the guards, gesturing to Arthur and the others, "Let them enter as well."

The guards inspected the badge, then glanced back at the towering figure of Arthur and his companions. After a brief exchange in hushed voices, the guards reluctantly swung open the massive gate, granting them access to the dwarven city.

As they entered, the dwarves' bustling city unfolded before them. Towering skyscrapers of metal soared into the air, emitting the constant, rhythmic sounds of striking metal. In the background, the looming volcano mountain served as a breathtaking yet intimidating backdrop to this grand, industrious place.

The dwarves welcomed Arthur and his team into the city with warm greetings. However, as they progressed further, Grumli couldn't help but notice the state they were in. They appeared as though someone had turned on a faucet, drenching them in sweat. Their faces resembled squeezed lemons, dried up and parched.

Concerned, Grumli asked, "Are you all okay?"

In unison, Arthur and his companions turned to him, their expressions a mix of discomfort and exhaustion. Arthur, with sweat streaming down his face, replied, "Do we look okay to you? It's sweltering in here."

Realizing the strain they were under, Grumli nodded and offered to take them to his home. The relief was palpable when they arrived. Grumli's abode was a cozy dwelling, adorned with a homely touch and a rustic charm.

As soon as they entered, the dwarf activated a contraption that emitted a refreshing blast of cool air, washing over them like a gentle waterfall. He also offered each of them a glass of cool water, which they accepted gratefully, their dry throats finding solace in the simple pleasure of a drink.

As Grumli refilled their glasses, one by one, everyone gulped down the cool, refreshing water in a single breath. The sensation of quenching their thirst was like a soothing balm to their overheated bodies. 

With their thirst satisfied, they began bombarding Grumli with questions all at once. Momo asked why it was so hot in the city, Vianola wondered how dwarves could endure such an environment, and Seraphina inquired about the contraption that was circulating cool air around them.

Overwhelmed by their inquiries, Grumli found himself at a loss for words. Before things could get too chaotic, Arthur intervened. He raised a hand, signifying everyone to pause, and said, "Alright, one at a time. Let's not overwhelm our host here. Momo, you can start with your question."

As Arthur and his team had their questions answered one by one, they began to grasp the nature of Nelfheim a bit better. Momo learned that the extreme heat in the city was due to 'something' residing in the volcano. Vianola understood that the dwarves' natural resistance to heat allowed them to survive in such an environment, and Seraphina found out that the cooling contraption they experienced was called a "cooler."

However, when Arthur inquired further, asking about the mysterious 'something' in the volcano and the necessity of a cooler, Grumli appeared apologetic, stating that he was bound by the orders of their king and couldn't disclose that information. Arthur, understanding that there were boundaries due to the king's commands, accepted Grumli's explanation and thanked him for his hospitality.

As Arthur prepared to explore the city and asked his companions if they would be joining him, they eagerly agreed, their eyes filled with anticipation. They were about to set out when Grumli offered them ocean blue earpieces, explaining that these coolant earpieces would help them stay cool while outside. Arthur, not one to refuse a practical offer, and seeing that his companions welcomed the idea, accepted the devices. One by one, they attached the earpieces to their ears and left Grumli's home, ready to explore Nelfheim.

As Arthur and his team moved from one smithy to another, they faced a string of rejections, excuses, and doors being slammed in their faces. Disheartened and running low on hope, they arrived at the last smithy in Nelfheim. Arthur knocked on the door, and it was opened by an old dwarf, who had a grizzled beard and a face etched with wrinkles, showing the signs of countless years of labor.

Arthur mentioned the commission once again, only to be met with rejection once more. Dejected and overwhelmed by the mounting disappointments, he slumped down on the doorstep, his face etched with frustration and despair. The old dwarf, irked by his presence, yelled at him to move away from his doorstep.

Momo, Vianola, and Seraphina tried their best to console Arthur and lift his spirits, assuring him that they would find a solution. But as they were engaged in this supportive moment, the ground beneath them began to shake violently, and the entire city was rocked by a massive volcanic explosion.

Amidst the chaos following the volcanic eruption, the old dwarf suddenly remembered something, and his panic drove him to rush towards the erupting volcano. However, before he could make much progress, he was stopped in his tracks by falling debris from the volcano. Vianola, noticing his desperate attempt, inquired about his urgency. 

The old dwarf explained that his son had ventured into the volcano mountain for mining and had not returned. He was about to head to the mountain to search for him when Vianola intervened and saved him from potential harm. Grateful for her assistance, the old dwarf thanked her for preventing his hasty and dangerous decision.

Arthur, overhearing this conversation, rose from his seat. Concerned for the dwarf's son and understanding the perilous nature of the situation, he suggested that the old dwarf stay with the others for safety while he went to search for the missing miner.

The old dwarf, unable to believe Arthur's commitment, asked once more if he was truly willing to search for his son in the treacherous conditions. In response, Arthur assured the worried father that he would embark on this dangerous quest to find his son and secure the necessary materials and ores. The old dwarf, overwhelmed with gratitude, promised that he would fulfill the commission, even if it meant defying the king's orders.

With determination in his heart, Arthur nodded and set off towards the erupting volcano. The closer he got to the volcano mountain, the more intense the heat became. Even the cooling earpiece couldn't withstand the scorching temperatures, causing it to melt. Undeterred, Arthur refused to give up and called upon his water magic. He enveloped himself in a protective layer of water, which shielded him as he began his ascent up the volcano mountain, where molten lava cascaded down like fiery waterfalls.

Arthur had scoured the mines in the volcano mountain, desperately searching for the old dwarf's son, but he had come up empty-handed. He was on the brink of giving up and heading back down the mountain when he heard a distant cry for help. Without a second thought, he jumped across a molten lava river and rushed toward the source of the voice.

Upon reaching the source, he found the old dwarf's son trapped on a small patch of land surrounded by the rapidly encroaching lava river. Arthur scanned the area, desperately seeking a way to reach him, but the fiery river left no room for a safe passage.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Arthur recalled his teleportation magic. In an instant, he teleported to the young dwarf's side and quickly reappeared on the safe ground where he stood moments ago. The young dwarf was shaken but unharmed, with only minor burns from his harrowing predicament.

With relief washing over him, Arthur checked on the young dwarf to ensure he was alright. As the young dwarf assured him of his well-being, Arthur prepared to teleport back to the old dwarf when an earth-shaking roar echoed through the volcano, accompanied by an intense surge of magical energy and heat.

As the deafening roar echoed through the volcano, a massive explosion erupted, sending plumes of smoke and ash billowing into the air. Arthur instinctively turned to the source of the disturbance, his eyes widening with disbelief. Through the dissipating smoke, a colossal, shadowy figure with wings came into view.

The towering creature finally emerged from the smoky shroud, revealing its true form. It was a fire dragon, its black scales glistening with molten reds and oranges, radiating an intense, blistering heat. The dragon's immense wingspan cast a daunting shadow over the land, and its fiery breath illuminated the sky.

Arthur was struck with shock, gripping his head in disbelief. "What in the hells is a fire dragon doing here?" he muttered, a mix of frustration and amazement in his voice. He questioned the origins of this unexpected visitor and pondered why it seemed that no matter where he went, trouble followed him closely.

The fire dragon, an awe-inspiring and terrifying sight, was poised to bring chaos to the already tumultuous situation. Its fiery presence added an additional layer of danger to Arthur's mission to save the old dwarf's son and escape the erupting volcano.

As Arthur desperately tried to heal the young dwarf's injuries, his hands glowing with restorative magic, it became apparent that the injuries were more severe than he initially thought at the same time he was thankful for the dwarf's inherent resistance to heat, which had kept him from turning to ashes under the fire dragon's assault. The flames had burnt the dwarf badly, and the fiery breath attack had taken a heavy toll on his body. Despite Arthur's best efforts, the young dwarf slipped into unconsciousness, his breathing shallow and weak.

As Arthur worked to heal the dwarf's injuries, he noticed the fire dragon preparing for another fiery breath attack. Time was running out, and they were vulnerable out in the open. Desperation and determination welled up within him as he cast a teleportation spell, using his magic to whisk himself and the unconscious dwarf away from the impending danger.

In an instant, they reappeared at a safe distance behind a boulder, far from the fiery breath of the dragon and not far enough to endanger the city below them. Arthur continued his efforts to revive the young dwarf, pouring his magical energy into healing spells and gently shaking the dwarf, trying to rouse him from unconsciousness.

He knew that every moment counted, as the fire dragon loomed in the distance, its fiery wrath unabated. The battle was far from over, and Arthur was determined to save not only the dwarf but also himself from this perilous encounter.

Arthur's demeanor shifted swiftly, his heart transforming from relief to steely determination. His once-caring eyes now held a sharp intensity as he locked onto the approaching fire dragon with a fiery glare. The change was palpable in every line of his body, from his posture to his movements.

As the old dwarf's son remained hidden behind a boulder, Arthur took swift and decisive action. He threw his worn-out sword into the molten lava, symbolically discarding the past and embracing his new resolve. In its place, he summoned his Ninth Star Magician staff, the emblem of his true power. With a flourish of wind magic, he soared toward the colossal fire dragon.

The air around him crackled with power as he approached the beast. His heart was a blazing furnace of determination, fueled by the need to protect those in his care. The fiery breath of the dragon was nothing compared to the burning resolve within him.

With the Ninth Star Magician staff in hand, Arthur was ready to face the fire dragon head-on, to protect the old dwarf's son and face this perilous adversary. His battle with the fire dragon would be a testament to his growth, and the outcome was far from certain. But one thing was clear: Arthur was determined to face this challenge with everything he had.

The battle between Arthur and the fire dragon unfolded in an awe-inspiring display of magical prowess and sheer determination. The air crackled with energy as the two mighty forces clashed, creating shockwaves that reverberated throughout the volcanic landscape.

The fire dragon, a colossal creature with black scales and wings that blotted out the sky, unleashed torrents of searing flames from its maw. These fiery torrents surged toward Arthur with explosive force, leaving molten craters in their wake.

But Arthur was no ordinary human. With his Ninth Star Magician staff in hand, he wielded a combination of elemental magic and intricate spellwork that rivaled the power of legends. As the flames bore down upon him, he summoned a tempest of wind magic that swirled around him in a protective shield. The flames collided with the tempest, creating a breathtaking display of clashing elements.

With a swift movement of his staff, Arthur sent a barrage of sharp-edged wind blades slicing through the flames. These blades cut through the inferno with precision, severing the fiery torrents and turning them into harmless embers. His control over the elements was a testament to his mastery as a magician.

The fire dragon, not to be outdone, released a deafening roar that shook the very foundations of the volcano. Its wings propelled it skyward, and from there, it launched itself toward Arthur, aiming to crush him with its sheer size and power.

But Arthur was ready. With a graceful leap into the air, he met the fire dragon head-on. In mid-air, the two titans engaged in a dazzling aerial ballet of punches, kicks, and magical strikes. Every move was executed with the precision and fluidity of a seasoned martial artist, and every strike was imbued with the fury of a tempest.

Their battle raged on, a dance of elements and force that illuminated the darkened skies. Arthur's staff crackled with magical energy as he countered the dragon's fiery breath with torrents of water magic, extinguishing the flames with calculated efficiency.

The fire dragon, however, was no pushover. It lashed out with its massive claws and tail, seeking to crush Arthur with raw, primal power. The ground trembled with each impact, and the heat of their battle melted the rocks and transformed them into rivers of lava.

With a final, thunderous clash, Arthur channeled his most potent magic into a decisive blow. His Ninth Star Magician staff became a conduit for the elements, and a vortex of wind, water, fire, and earth swirled around him. He thrust his staff forward, launching a beam of concentrated energy toward the fire dragon.

The dragon roared in defiance, but the beam of energy struck true. The impact sent shockwaves radiating outward, and the dragon began to the lava. Before it fell Arthur caught and restrained it in the mid air and slowly brought it to the ground and started to interrogate it.

He inquired, "I know dragons are intelligent species and they can speak so tell me Who the hell sent you after me? What's their goal? Is it me or someone else with me? First it was a weird looking bat, then chimera and Kraken now a fire dragon? I am sick and tired of this. Tell me who the hell is the guy who is sending these guys after me?"

As Arthur interrogated the fire dragon, the creature's refusal to answer his questions only fueled his frustration. Determined to get the information he sought, Arthur jabbed his staff into the dragon's ass, causing it to roar in agony.

As the fire dragon writhed in agony under Arthur's magical staff, it could no longer bear the pain. It yielded to his demands, answering his questions truthfully. With a final promise of release, the dragon confessed that it had received the dragon egg from an unknown figure. It was instructed to hatch the egg within the fiery depths of Nelfheim's volcano mountain and to watch over it.

The dragon admitted that it was unaware of the intentions or goals of the person who had entrusted it with this task. Even if it refused it was forced to obey commands and lived with the responsibility.

True to his word, Arthur released the fire dragon. As he did so, he plucked some scales from the dragon's back. In a dazzling display of magic, the dragon transformed into a young, beautiful woman. She had striking crimson eyes, fiery red hair, and was draped in a sleek black dress.

The woman's eyes held a mix of fear and curiosity as she looked upon Arthur, the one who had turned her from a fearsome dragon into a vulnerable human form. She bowed her head and spoke, her voice soft but filled with gratitude, "Thank you for sparing my life. I am forever in your debt."

Am I the only one who doesn't know how to transform in this world?

Arthur's exasperation was evident as he realized that yet another being in this world had the ability to transform. He inquired, annoyed,"Why did you transform now?"

With a smile she answered," Of Course to accompany you silly?"

Arthur couldn't help but chuckle at her response." Accompany me? Why do you want to accompany me? Don't you have anything else to do?"

With a straight face she gives a quick reply to his question."NOPE. I am bored just sitting there all day and feel lonely but you seem to be an interesting guy. I won't take no for an answer."

Arthur sighed. "All right, all right, do whatever you want even if I refuse you are not gonna give up and follow me around causing unwanted and unnecessary trouble for me and everyone it's better that you stay within my sight." Arthur said with a grin realizing that his quest to world balance was turning into a collection of shape-shifting companions. He continued,"But you have to admit, it's quite the change from our earlier clash. So, Miss Fire Dragon, what's your name?"

She hesitated for a moment before responding, "You can call me Ignis."

"And I'm Arthur," he said, extending a hand to her.

With everything resolved, He then turned his attention to the old dwarf, asking him to come out from hiding. In an instant, Arthur teleported with the old dwarf and Ignis back to the old dwarf smithy.

As Arthur teleported back to the smithy everyone ran towards Arthur in a hurry.

Old Dwarf, "Thank you for saving my son and pardon my previous behaviour I am Dain Ironhammer, the head blacksmith in this city, and this is my son, Bori."

Arthur with a warm smile introduces everyone. "It was my pleasure to help. I'm Arthur Phoenix, and these are my companions: Momo, Vianola, Seraphina, and our new friend, Ignis. I found her while I was looking for Bori."

With introductions made, Arthur handed Dain the dragon scale and Dain with a serious and guilty look in his place requested," You must have lots of questions to ask, let's head inside I will explain everything."

Everyone heads inside the smithy gathers around a table and waits for Dain who is lost in his thoughts to start explaining.

Arthur, with concern, places his hand on Dain's shoulder and reassures him . "You okay. Dain? You don't have to think so much about it, you know. Don't force yourself if you are not comfortable with it. You can tell whenever you are ready."

Dain's smiles burst into laughter,"Hoho, it's been so long since someone worried about me. Thanks but I am fine, young man. I was just gathering my thoughts. Then I will begin my explanation."

Dain Ironhammer began his explanation, his voice grave with the weight of history.

Dain: "Two years ago, this kingdom was attacked by the Akatsuki and a horde of mutated monsters. They laid waste to our cities, leaving only one standing—the city you see today."

As he continued, a flashback unfolded in the minds of those present:

The day of the attack, the skies darkened as the horde descended upon Nelfheim. Dain recalled the destruction that followed, with cities burning and dwarves fighting for their lives. Their resilience and courage saved the last city from complete destruction.

In the wake of the invasion, Dwarf King had ordered the construction of a high iron wall around the city to protect it. Remarkably, within a single day, the dwarves had managed to build a functioning wall of iron, fortifying the last stronghold of Nelfheim.

Over time, the city expanded, and the iron walls were reinforced, making the defense even stronger. For two years, they had lived in relative peace.

A month ago, the arrival of the fire dragon disrupted that peace. The dragon's presence had caused the temperature to rise drastically, but it remained passive and did not attack the city.

Dain sighed and continued with a heavy heart, "The Dwarf King has made it clear that we must not provoke the dragon. As long as we leave it be, it won't pose a threat. But he also ordered that no one should speak of the dragon. He fears that it might attract unwanted attention and potentially lead to a disaster like the one two years ago." He continued," And ever since the incident there's this rumor that the Dwarf King despises humans has perpetuated."

He looked around at his guests, his eyes filled with hope. "But you, Arthur, you saved my son, and you now know the secret of the dragon. That act alone is enough for me to go against the King's orders and provide you with the assistance you need."

As he finished, Dain bowed to Arthur, a look of gratitude and relief in his eyes.

Arthur, understanding the gravity of Dain's actions, nodded in appreciation. "Dain, we're grateful for your help and for sharing your story with us. We'll make sure to respect your people's wishes and keep the dragon's existence a secret although no one needs to worry about it anymore. The eruption was because of the dragon, it saw me and attacked but I killed it so it won't bother anyone now."

Dain Ironhammer fulfilled his promise to Arthur and his companions by accepting their commissions and the precious dragon scales. As they prepared to leave the forge, he smiled warmly at the group and invited them to return in three or four days to collect their newly crafted weapons. "I'll make sure they're of the highest quality," he assured them.

Before their departure, Dain had another surprise in store for the weary travelers."Oh wait, here take these. You can enjoy it while you wait for your weapons."

 He presented them with a set of hot spring passes, granting them access to the rejuvenating thermal baths within the city. With grateful smiles, Arthur and his companions graciously accepted the thoughtful gesture.

"Thank you, Dain," Arthur said, touched by the dwarf's hospitality.

They departed from the smithy, taking a moment to appreciate the city's unique blend of craftsmanship and resilience before making their way to the hot springs. With the promise of new weapons and the soothing relaxation of the baths, the group looked forward to the upcoming days in Nelfheim.

While the others excited and eagerly headed toward the baths to unwind, Arthur excused himself from the group with a warm smile. "You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up with you all shortly," he assured them.

Before anyone could say anything, he focused his magic and teleported back to Helheim. The familiar surroundings greeted him, and it didn't take long for Astrid, Maria, and Anya to notice his arrival.

Astrid, her eyes lighting up with curiosity, was the first to ask, "Arthur, what brings you back here so soon? Everything alright?"

Arthur grinned, his eyes glinting with enthusiasm. "Everything's fine, Astrid. In fact, I've got a little surprise for you all. Hurry up and grab your spare clothes, everyone's waiting. "

A few moments later, everyone gathered with their spare clothes in confusion and with that without any explanation Arthur led the way, using his teleportation magic to whisk them away to Nelfheim's hot spring, where the rest of their companions eagerly awaited their arrival. 

As Arthur, Astrid, Maria, and Anya materialized at the hot spring in Nelfheim, they were met with the soothing ambiance of the serene location. Steam rose from the inviting, crystal-clear waters, creating an ethereal mist that added to the mystique of the place.

Their arrival didn't go unnoticed by the others, who were already soaking in the warm pools. Seraphina, Momo, Vianola, and Ignis were enjoying the relaxing atmosphere and engaging in a lively discussion about their recent adventures.

Seraphina, her eyes lighting up with delight, was the first to spot them. "Arthur, you're back!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm, her voice carrying over the tranquil surroundings.

Momo and Vianola turned in surprise, their faces breaking into wide smiles upon seeing Arthur's return. They waved excitedly and gestured for the newcomers to join them. "Hey, guys!" Momo called out. "You won't believe how incredible this place is."

As Arthur, Astrid, Maria, and Anya made their way closer to the pool, the warm water soothing their senses, Ignis remained calm and observant. Her fiery red hair seemed to shimmer with the dancing reflections of the hot spring. She didn't say much but offered a polite nod in greeting.

Astrid couldn't hold herself back watching everyone enjoying and was quick to strip down naked, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. "This looks heavenly," she said, dipping a toe into the water to test its warmth. She then eagerly waded into the pool, joining the others.

Maria and Anya followed, and soon, all three of them were submerged up to their necks in the tranquil hot spring. Their shared laughter and easy conversations filled the air as they caught up with the others and relished the blissful atmosphere of Nelfheim's hot spring.

Meanwhile, Arthur was relaxing alone in the men's bath on the other side listening to them.

As the day wore on, they enjoyed each other's company, swapping stories of their adventures and experiences. The hot spring had a magical quality that seemed to ease away their worries, creating a sense of unity and camaraderie among the diverse group of friends.

The sun began its descent, casting an enchanting orange and pink hue across the Nelfheim landscape. It was a day well spent, a brief reprieve from their adventures and challenges, offering moments of tranquility and connection that they cherished.

After their relaxing time at the hot spring, the group decided to stay at a cozy inn of the hot spring while they waited for their newly commissioned weapons to be completed. The inn was a quaint wooden building with a warm, inviting atmosphere. Each room was adorned with plush furnishings and rustic décor.

As the first day of their wait came to a close, the group found themselves in their respective rooms. Arthur, Momo, and Vianola shared a room, and the ambiance was peaceful and intimate.

Momo had taken a liking to the small balcony outside their room, which offered a view of the city lights twinkling in the distance. The gentle sounds of a distant waterfall added to the enchanting atmosphere.

Arthur, after freshening up, joined her on the balcony, leaning against the railing beside her. He looked out at the night sky, its vastness filled with countless stars. The cool breeze played with his hair, and he turned to Momo, noticing the dreamy look in her eyes as she gazed at the stars.

"Momo," Arthur said softly, breaking the tranquil silence of the night. "This place is beautiful, isn't it?"

Momo smiled warmly, her eyes never leaving the stars. "Yes, it is. It's just... mesmerizing. It's so different from the places we've been to, and I love it."

He looked at her with genuine admiration. "I'm glad we're here, in this peaceful moment."

Momo turned to face him, her eyes locking with his. Her gaze held a depth of emotion that Arthur couldn't ignore. Her hand reached out to gently touch his, their fingers interlacing. "Your majesty- no, Arthur," she began, her voice filled with sincerity, "I want to tell you something."

His heart quickened as he met her earnest gaze. "What is it, Momo?"

Momo took a deep breath and continued, her words carrying the weight of her emotions. "Arthur, since the day we met, you've been like a guiding light in my life. You've shown me so much, given me strength when I needed it, and inspired me to be a better person. I... I don't know how I can repay your kindness. And although you are aware and it's already too late for it I want to say it officially I... I've fallen for you, Arthur. I don't know where or when it started to happen but I am glad it happened. Falling in love with you has made me the happiest person I have ever been in my life. "

The confession hung in the air, and Arthur's heart skipped a beat. He had sensed a deep connection between them, but hearing her say those words filled him with a profound sense of happiness.

"Momo," he began, his voice gentle and sincere, "I can't begin to tell you how much your words mean to me. You've brought so much light and joy into my life as well, and I've cherished every moment we've spent together."

As they stood on that balcony, beneath the starry heavens, Arthur and Momo leaned in closer to one another. Their lips met in a sweet and tender kiss, sealing their affection for each other.

On the second day of their wait at the cozy inn of the hot spring, Arthur decided to take a leisurely stroll with Vianola. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden hue over the picturesque surroundings. They wandered through the narrow, charming path of the garden

Vianola was her usual vibrant self, her laughter and joy infectious. As they meandered through the garden, they couldn't help but smile at the fellow hot spring guests who greeted them warmly.

Arthur and Vianola eventually found themselves at the edge of a serene lake, where the setting sun painted the water with shades of orange and red. The sight was breathtaking, and it felt as though they were the only two people in the world.

Vianola, her eyes reflecting the colors of the setting sun, turned to Arthur with a soft smile. "Arthur, this place is just magical. I can't believe how lucky we are to experience this."

He smiled back at her, his eyes filled with warmth. "It is indeed magical, and it's even more special because I'm sharing it with you, Vianola."

They sat down by the lakeside, their feet dangling in the water. The cool sensation of the lake was soothing, and the gentle breeze ruffled their hair. As they gazed at the reflections of the sky on the water, the world seemed to slow down, leaving them in their own intimate bubble.

"Arthur," Vianola began, her voice soft and contemplative, "I wanted to talk to you about something."

He turned to her, curious and attentive. "Of course, Vianola. What's on your mind?"

She took a deep breath before continuing. "Arthur, the time we've spent together has been the most incredible and meaningful moments of my life. I admire you in so many ways, your strength, your kindness, your unwavering dedication to those you care about. I've admired you from the very first moment I met you."

Arthur's heart swelled with affection as he listened to her heartfelt words. "Vianola, I can't express how much your presence has meant to me. You've brought laughter and light into my life, and I'm grateful for every day we spend together."

Vianola turned to face him, her eyes filled with genuine emotion. "I know it's already late for it but even so I don't want to lose to others so I would like to express my feeling to you loud and clear. Arthur, I... I've fallen in love with you. I know our journey is filled with challenges, and our lives are far from ordinary, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I want to be by your side, to face everything together."

Arthur's gaze softened as he looked deeply into Vianola's eyes. His voice was filled with sincerity. "Vianola, I've cherished every moment we've had, and I've felt a deep connection with you since the beginning. It's the same with me too."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, they leaned in closer to each other, their lips meeting in a tender and heartfelt kiss. It was a moment of pure romance, a shared feeling that bound them together even more strongly.

On the third day of their wait, after the delightful hot spring bath and a hearty meal, the group gathered in a cozy room at the inn. They sat cross-legged around a low wooden table, the soft, warm light of the lanterns creating an inviting atmosphere.

Astrid, Maria, Anya, and Ignis, who had joined them, were excited to be part of the planning for their next destination. Everyone had shared their thoughts, from exploring new lands to continuing their quest. The conversation was lively and filled with different ideas.

Vianola hesitated for a moment, her eyes filled with nostalgia. "I've been thinking," she began, her voice soft and contemplative. "It's been years since I returned to my homeland, Elfheim. I'm starting to feel homesick, and I think this is the perfect opportunity to introduce Arthur to my parents."

Momo leaned closer to her, her eyes bright with curiosity. "Elfheim? That sounds fascinating! Tell us more about it, Vianola."

Vianola's eyes lit up as she began to describe her homeland. "Elfheim is a land of immense beauty, with lush, ancient forests and breathtaking landscapes. The elfin cities are hidden in the heart of these woods, built in harmony with nature. Our culture is rich in traditions, and we are known for our deep connection to the land. My parents are kind and welcoming, and I know they'll be thrilled to meet all of you."

Seraphina and Ignis exchanged glances, clearly intrigued by the idea. "It sounds like a wonderful place," Astrid said. "And if it means that much to you, Vianola, we'd love to visit."

Arthur nodded, his supportive smile aimed at Vianola. "I think it's a great idea. I've heard so much about your homeland, and I'd love the opportunity to meet your parents."

Vianola's heart swelled with happiness as she looked around at her friends, old and new, who were all eager to embark on this new adventure with her. "Thank you, everyone. I appreciate your willingness to join me in Elfheim. It'll be a journey filled with magic and beauty, and I can't wait to share it with all of you."

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