
Harem king.

"In a distant realm, a young college student undergoes an extraordinary reincarnation. He awakens in a mysterious world steeped in magic and swords, reminiscent of a bygone era. Now living the life of royalty, he harbours grand dreams of amassing the largest harem the realm has ever seen. However, his path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Will he truly succeed in turning his extravagant dreams into reality?"

AugustDHeart · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter: 13 Foursome

The sun painted the horizon with warm hues of orange and gold, signaling the arrival of a new day. Arthur and his companions had teleported back to the exact spot where they had left the road to Nelfheim, resuming their journey with renewed determination.

With the wind at their backs and the promise of a new sword ahead, the group made their way along the winding path through the mountainous terrain. The landscape was a beautiful blend of lush greenery, rocky outcrops, and cascading waterfalls, creating a breathtaking backdrop for their adventure.

As they walked, Vianola couldn't help but express her amazement at the natural beauty surrounding them. "This place is truly remarkable," she remarked, her eyes shimmering with appreciation.

Momo nodded in agreement, her twin tail swaying with enthusiasm. "It's like a world straight out of a fairy tale."

Arthur smiled, sharing in their wonder. "Indeed, nature has a way of painting the most incredible landscapes. But we must stay focused. We have a destination to reach."


Last night, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the landscape was bathed in the gentle embrace of twilight, Arthur wielded his teleportation magic. With a wave of his hand, he conjured the mystical energies needed to transport everyone to the heart of the Helheim kingdom, right within the walls of the grand Helheim castle.

Word of their unexpected return reached the ears of the demon queen, Astrid. She had taken up her role as the ruler of Helheim after the defeat of the Akatsuki, and her leadership had brought about an era of prosperity and peace. When she heard of Arthur's presence, she couldn't contain her excitement.

With the grace of a true queen, Astrid hurried through the castle's grand halls, her long, fiery red hair flowing behind her like a regal banner. She had been eagerly awaiting this reunion.

Arthur, Vianola, and Momo were already in the castle's courtyard, the place where they had shared laughter and forged unbreakable bonds. As Astrid appeared before them, she was a vision of both power and beauty.

"Astrid!" Arthur called out, a smile of genuine affection gracing his face. It had been months since they had seen each other, and she had become even more radiant in her role as the demon queen.

Astrid's face lit up with a warm smile as she embraced Arthur, and he introduced her to Seraphina. "Astrid, this is Seraphina, a new friend who has joined our journey."

Astrid extended her hand gracefully. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Seraphina."

Seraphina shook Astrid's hand and replied with a smile. "Likewise, Queen Astrid. Arthur has told me quite a lot about you."

As the introductions continued, Maria and Anya joined the group, their faces filled with anticipation and excitement. They had been eager to see Arthur again, and the fact that they had brought a new friend piqued their curiosity.

Arthur introduced Seraphina to Maria and Anya, and the three of them shared greetings and laughter. It was a heartwarming scene, a reunion of friends who had been through numerous trials and tribulations together.

The night in Helheim Castle was a grand celebration. Tables were laden with sumptuous dishes, and barrels of fine wine and ale seemed to be never-ending. Laughter and merriment filled the grand hall as Arthur and his companions shared stories, reminisced about their past adventures, and celebrated their reunion.

While the night unfolded with joyous revelry inside, two figures, Arthur and Astrid, had stolen away to the castle's balcony. The moon cast a silvery glow upon them, and the cool night air brushed against their skin, creating an atmosphere that was both romantic and serene.

Astrid leaned against the balcony's ornate railing, her eyes shimmering with a mixture of moonlight and affection as she looked at Arthur. Her voice was soft, filled with warmth, as she spoke. "Arthur, it's been only a few months, but it felt like an eternity without you here."

Arthur smiled tenderly, his eyes locking with hers, the connection between them unbroken. "I know what you mean, Astrid. I've missed you and everyone here in Helheim. But we've been working to make the world a better place, and like I promise, I'll keep visiting more often."

As they spoke, they drew closer to each other, and their hands found each other's in a gentle clasp. There was an unspoken connection, an undeniable bond that had grown stronger over the years.

"Astrid," Arthur began, his voice a soft caress in the night, "I haven't forgotten my promise. After all this is over, I want to come back to you, to Helheim. I want to make you mine, to be with you as your king."

Astrid's eyes filled with emotion, and a hint of a blush colored her cheeks. She moved closer to Arthur, the distance between them vanishing with every heartbeat. "And I, Arthur, have been waiting for that moment. I want nothing more than to rule by your side and be with you, always."

As Arthur and Astrid were about to share a tender kiss on the balcony, they drew closer, the world around them fading into the background. Their eyes met, and their lips inched nearer to each other.

But just before their lips could touch, an unexpected interruption came in the form of Vianola and Momo, who seemed to have a knack for impeccable timing. The mischievous duo burst onto the balcony with grins stretching from ear to ear, teasing expressions dancing in their eyes.

"Ahem, what have we here?" Vianola chimed in, playfully nudging Arthur. "Our brave hero and the lovely demon queen, caught in a compromising moment, perhaps?"

Momo giggled, casting a knowing glance between Arthur and Astrid. "A kiss, is it? And here we thought you two might be discussing battle strategies."

Astrid couldn't help but chuckle, blushing as she playfully swatted at Vianola. "You two are incorrigible."

Arthur, though slightly flustered, laughed along with the teasing. "Well, we were discussing matters of utmost importance."

Vianola raised an eyebrow, her tone dripping with playful innocence. "Oh, really? And what might these matters be?"

Astrid joined in the jest, putting on a thoughtful expression. "Yes, Arthur, what pressing matters could possibly have caused this delay in our important discussion?"

The banter continued as they all made their way back inside, leaving the moonlit balcony behind. Laughter echoed through the hallways of Helheim Castle, the warmth of friendship and love illuminating the night. It was a moment to cherish, a testament to the bonds that had grown stronger over the years.

With the night still young and the future full of hope, Arthur and his companions celebrated their reunion, knowing that they had much to look forward to.


As the night deepened, a serene hush began to settle over the hall, a stark contrast to the lively revelry that had filled it moments earlier. The flickering candles cast dancing shadows on the stone walls, lending a cozy, intimate atmosphere to the scene. Most of the partygoers had succumbed to the effects of the night's merrymaking and were now in various stages of slumber, sprawled across benches or nestled in cozy corners.

The three who remained active and awake were Arthur, Astrid, and Maria, the dimly lit room making their small gathering feel like a private world of its own. Anya, blissfully unaware of the late-night company, had nestled into a deep, peaceful slumber on Maria's lap, her rhythmic breathing a soothing lullaby to the stillness.

Astrid and Arthur sat close together, their fingers lightly intertwined. There was an unspoken comfort between them, a sense of tranquility that came from simply being together. Maria watched the couple with a soft smile, her eyes shimmering with a gentle affection.

In this moment of quietude, they reveled in each other's presence. It was a respite from the challenges they had faced, a chance to treasure the bonds that had been forged through trials and victories. The air was filled with warmth, not just from the hearth, but from the shared understanding and the unspoken words that danced between them.

As the night continued its slow descent into dawn, this small gathering in the heart of Helheim Castle was a testament to the strength of their bonds, the depth of their connections, and the promise of a future filled with new adventures and shared moments. In this fleeting stillness, they found a treasure worth protecting.

As the night deepened, Maria feigned a yawn and whispered, "I'm getting a bit sleepy. I think it's time for Anya and me to retire for the night."

Anya, still in her peaceful slumber, showed no sign of stirring as Maria gently stood up, cradling her sister in her arms. Astrid and Arthur exchanged knowing glances, understanding the unspoken signal.

"Of course, Maria," Arthur replied with a soft smile, "You should get some rest."

With a gentle nod, Maria made her way to the chamber they were using for the night, leaving the door slightly ajar. It was an unspoken understanding, and the two lovebirds shared a moment alone after quite some time.

Once the door closed softly behind Maria, Arthur and Astrid were left in the peaceful solitude of the room. The dim candlelight cast a warm glow, and the air was filled with a sense of longing and affection.

Without a word, they moved closer to each other, their eyes locked in a loving gaze. The quietude was only broken by the soft, melodious whispers of their hearts. After all they had been through, this moment was a precious one.

In the embrace of each other's arms, Arthur and Astrid finally found the serenity they had longed for. They cherished the opportunity to simply be together, to let their love speak in the silence of the night.

The night was their canvas, and their love was the paint. With a soft and lingering kiss, they began to fill this moment with the colors of their affection, sealing their devotion in the stillness of the Helheim Castle.

In the quiet and serene atmosphere, Arthur and Astrid's breathing slowed down, returning to its normal state.

However, the atmosphere was charged with an electrifying tension. Astrid was sitting next to him on the sofa. She leaned forward, her eyes searching for him.

Arthur could sense the intensity of her emotions, and his body responded, a fire igniting within him.

Astrid was the first to make a move, her lips finding his in a searing kiss.

They had waited long enough, and now they could finally let go, their passion taking over as they surrendered to each other.

Arthur's clothes were already discarded on the floor, his lean and muscular physique exposed to Astrid's hungry eyes. She couldn't help but admire the view, her fingers trailing over his toned chest and abs.

Her touch elicited a groan from Arthur, and he pulled her closer, their bodies pressed against each other.

Their bodies melted into each other, seeking to become one. Arthur's hands roamed over her body, exploring every inch of her.

His touch left a trail of desire in its wake, and Astrid's moans grew louder, her need for him becoming more urgent.

In the quiet room, the sounds of their passion were the only thing that could be heard.

As their movements grew more frantic, they both knew that their release was imminent.

The heat of their desire consumed them, and their climax shattered the stillness, sending waves of pleasure through their bodies.

After the intense moments, their breathing slowed down.

Astrid smiled contentedly, her body still tingling from the aftermath of their passion. She rested her head on Arthur's chest, and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

As the morning sun cast a gentle glow upon Helheim, Arthur, Momo, Vianola, and Seraphina stood outside the castle, ready to embark on their next adventure. It was time to bid farewell to Maria, Astrid, and Anya.

Maria looked at them with a warm smile, her eyes shimmering with gratitude and fondness. "Thank you for coming back and spending time with us," she said. "We'll be waiting for your return."

Anya, still half-asleep and rubbing her eyes, mumbled, "Come back soon, Big bro Arthur."

Astrid's gaze held a mix of emotions, but she wore a brave smile. "Take care, Arthur," she whispered to Arthur. "We'll be here when you return."

With a final round of hugs and goodbyes, Arthur, Momo, Vianola, and Seraphina activated their teleportation magic, vanishing from the Helheim castle. The familiar sensation of disconnection and reconnection washed over them, and in an instant, they were back in the forest, exactly where they had been the previous day.

The sun began to set over the peaceful coastal village, casting a warm and golden hue across the beach as Arthur, Momo, Vianola, and Seraphina, along with their newfound friends, strolled along the shoreline. Laughter filled the air as they splashed in the gentle waves and built sandcastles. It had been a day filled with pure joy, a respite from their often arduous adventures.

As evening descended, their laughter subsided, replaced by the growling of empty stomachs. The group decided to visit a local snack house, eager to savor the fresh seafood they had expected to find in a seaside village. However, to their surprise, the snack houses were all void of seafood.

Arthur furrowed his brow in confusion and approached one of the snack house owners, an elderly woman with a welcoming smile. "Excuse me," he began, "we noticed that none of the snack houses here serve seafood. Is there a reason for that?"

The woman nodded, her smile turning into a solemn expression. "Aye, there's a reason, young man," she replied. "The village has been plagued by a massive sea kraken. Its presence has terrified marine life, and they no longer approach our shores. We haven't been able to go fishing, and the kraken has disrupted our way of life, making it difficult to serve seafood."

Arthur approached the snack house owner with a reassuring smile. "Please, don't worry. We'll take care of the sea kraken for you. No one should suffer because of seafood."

The elderly woman's eyes filled with gratitude, and she nodded. "Bless you, young man. If you can rid us of that beast, we'll be forever in your debt."

As the sun broke the horizon, painting the sky with brilliant shades of orange and pink, Arthur and his team stood on the sandy shore, fully prepared for the daunting task that lay ahead. They donned their swimwears, a blend of determination and excitement in their eyes, as the rhythmic sound of the waves beckoned them.

With a glance exchanged between them, Arthur raised his hand, signaling the start of their mission. In unison, they dashed into the sea, the cool waters enveloping them. They swam with powerful strokes, propelling themselves further from the shore and closer to the sea's depths, where the sea kraken was said to dwell.

Beneath the surface of the sea, a mesmerizing world awaited, drenched in shades of cerulean and sapphire. The water was incredibly clear, and the sunlight filtered down in a surreal dance of radiance, casting an enchanting, dappled effect on the underwater realm.

Gigantic coral reefs, adorned with intricate patterns of life, reached for the surface. They came in an array of colors, from vibrant oranges to soothing blues, and were alive with swaying anemones, schools of darting fish, and myriad other aquatic creatures.

The fish moved in harmonious choreography, painting the water with a myriad of colors. Parrotfish with their electric blues and vivid yellows pecked at coral while clownfish darted playfully among the tentacles of sea anemones. Graceful sea turtles glided by, their massive forms silently commanding respect.

As Arthur and his team descended further into the deep, the sunlight waned, replaced by an eerie, almost phosphorescent glow. Strange, bioluminescent creatures dotted the darkness with their own ethereal radiance. These eerie beings moved in mysterious patterns, leaving faint, mesmerizing trails of light behind them.

The deeper they ventured, the more alien the landscape became. Enormous, otherworldly coral formations rose like forgotten cities, and peculiar plants swayed with the gentle current. It was a world of beauty and danger, a realm that few had explored, and fewer still had survived.

With an intricate system of hand signals, Arthur guided his team in different directions, dispersing them throughout the underwater landscape in their quest to locate the elusive sea kraken. Each member of the group swam gracefully, their movements synchronized with the ebb and flow of the ocean's currents.

Seraphina, her golden hair streaming behind her like a banner, ventured towards the immense coral formations, searching for any signs of disturbance that might indicate the kraken's presence. Her keen eyes scanned the intricate labyrinth of coral, and her heart raced in anticipation.

Momo, with her ethereal, aquatic grace, dove deeper, where the bioluminescent creatures congregated. The eerie lights cast strange, shifting shadows, and Momo's sharp eyes hunted for any telltale signs of the kraken's passage.

Vianola, known for her tracking skills, followed a trail of unusual disturbances in the sand along the seafloor, her spear made of magic at the ready. She examined each imprint with a critical eye, noting the difference between the marks left by ordinary marine life and something larger, more ominous.

Meanwhile, Arthur himself navigated through an intricate kelp forest, knowing that the kraken might seek refuge in its labyrinthine depths. The kelp swayed and danced with the rhythm of the waves, creating an otherworldly backdrop for his search.

As minutes turned to hours, the team's vigilant search continued, the serene yet mysterious world of the sea concealing its secrets beneath the waves. The fate of their mission remained uncertain, but their determination never wavered.

With a sudden intensity, the once tranquil underwater world transformed into a realm of trepidation. As Momo and Vianola came swimming frantically towards Arthur and the rest of the team, their eyes wide with terror, Arthur's heart began to race.

"What's wrong?" he demanded, his voice tinged with urgency.

Momo and Vianola's terrified expressions became apparent, Arthur felt a chill run down his spine. Their breathless gasps filled the water around them as they frantically motioned towards something behind him, their eyes wide with sheer horror. In the vast expanse of the sea, an ominous shadow lurked, and the crimson eyes within it seemed to burn with malevolence.

"Wh-what is it?" Arthur stammered, but his teammates were paralyzed by fear, unable to respond. A sense of dread washed over him as he slowly turned to face the entity lurking behind him.

When he met the creature's chilling gaze, his heart skipped a beat. Before him loomed an immense and grotesque figure—a colossal sea kraken. Its writhing tentacles, each the size of a ship's mast, extended menacingly toward him. With the dawning realization of the danger, Arthur didn't hesitate. He signaled to his teammates, and together, they abandoned their search and made a frantic retreat from the sea's depths.

Their hearts pounding with fear, they swam as fast as their bodies could carry them, their strokes fueled by the pure instinct to escape the monstrous creature lurking below. The frigid waters seemed to offer no sanctuary, as the kraken's ominous shadow pursued them relentlessly.

Finally, with their strength pushed to the limit, they burst forth from the sea's depths and emerged onto the familiar shores of the beach. Gasping for breath, they lay upon the sand, their hearts still pounding. They had narrowly escaped the clutches of the sea's ancient terror, and the gravity of their encounter weighed heavily upon them.

Amidst the pounding of their hearts and the adrenaline still coursing through their veins, a collective wave of laughter washed over Arthur and his companions. The danger they had just narrowly escaped now felt like a distant memory. They sat on the golden sands, chuckling and teasing each other about their terrified expressions and panicked reactions.

Momo and Vianola playfully imitated each other's flustered gestures, contorting their faces in exaggerated fear, which sent the group into fits of laughter. Seraphina, with her radiant smile, chimed in with a playful jab at Arthur, mimicking his wide-eyed surprise when he had initially turned to face the kraken.

Arthur himself joined in the jests, admitting that for a brief, heart-pounding moment, he believed they might be in deep trouble. Their camaraderie grew stronger as the laughter continued, and the dark shadow that had lurked beneath the waves was forgotten, at least for the moment.

As the laughter began to subside and silence descended upon the group, a subtle change in the atmosphere made their hearts race once again. Their eyes widened as they beheld a sight that they thought had been mere jests and tales of the sea—a colossal kraken rising from the depths.

The massive sea kraken, a true behemoth of the deep, emerged from the ocean with a commanding and menacing presence. Its appearance was a blend of awe and terror, as though an ancient legend had taken shape before their eyes.

The kraken's immense body was a dark, inky black, reminiscent of the abyss from which it hailed. Its skin seemed to glisten with a slippery sheen, akin to obsidian drenched in seawater, as if the very ocean had become its flesh. 

It bore colossal, sinuous tentacles, each one as thick as a ship's mast and covered in a lattice of suckers, like ghastly mouths poised to seize prey. These appendages writhed with an eerie grace, moving with an uncanny fluidity as they extended both above and below the water's surface.

The eyes, however, were the most haunting feature of this leviathan. Two enormous orbs, glowing like smoldering embers, fixated on the intruders on the shore. These fiery eyes seemed to hold secrets of the abyss, a knowledge born of the deepest trenches of the sea, where the sun's rays could never penetrate.

Its beak, a nightmarish and jagged maw, snapped open and closed like a monstrous vice, exuding a guttural, haunting cry that echoed far and wide. It was the sound of the ocean's untamed fury, a siren's call that sent shivers down the spines of those who beheld it.

Fear washed over Arthur and his companions. The levity of their previous laughter evaporated instantly, replaced by a heavy silence broken only by the rhythmic crashing of the waves against the shore. The kraken's presence was a stark reminder of the unfathomable depths of the sea, a place where mortal beings held no dominion.

As Arthur made light of the colossal sea kraken before them, the tension began to dissipate. His nonchalant attitude and remark about making squid rings and meatballs out of it brought a collective chuckle from the group. Even Seraphina, who was relatively new to their dynamic, couldn't help but smile at Arthur's audacity.

He then turned serious, addressing the core of the matter. Arthur believed that it was essential for the team to gain more experience and independence. He reminded them that he couldn't be there to protect them forever. His time with them may as well be limited, and they needed to become self-reliant.

Arthur continued the conversation with a mysterious smile. He decided to address something that had been lingering in the air for a while, something he had pieced together with Astrid's hints and his own observations. With a playful glint in his eyes, he stated, "You know, I finally figured out the cause of Momo and Vianola's peculiar behavior when they were at the castle in Helheim a few days ago."

His words hung in the air, and the two girls, Momo and Vianola, exchanged a knowing glance. Arthur couldn't help but tease them, chuckling softly as he said, "Kukuku... this time, you guys have another competitor, isn't that right, Seraphina?"

Seraphina, still new to the group dynamics, tilted her head in mild confusion. She wasn't quite sure what Arthur was hinting at, but it was evident that there was an undercurrent of emotion between the trio that she wasn't fully aware of.

However, Momo and Vianola understood exactly what Arthur meant. Their eyes blazed with determination, and their gazes met his with unwavering devotion. They shared a deep affection for Arthur, and his acknowledgment of it brought a sense of relief and joy to their hearts. The competition for his attention was just beginning, and they were ready to embrace it wholeheartedly.

As Arthur playfully teased Momo and Vianola, their fiery responses only served to fan the flames of his amusement. He chuckled softly at their enthusiasm before finally addressing them with a wry grin. "Alright, Momo and Vianola, calm down. Let's make this more interesting. Since I know you both like me, and I feel the same, let's not dilly-dally and get straight to the point."

He looked at them with an intensity that mirrored their own. "Here's the deal: the person who deals the most damage will be the strongest and my second wife and the one who deals the second most damage will be second strongest and my third wife. Last time, you guys bet on who's the strongest and came to a draw because of the condition of the final strike, but this time it won't count. So, without any worry, go all out. But if, by any chance, all of your amounts of damage are the same and both of you have the final strike then we will settle it with something pretty fun later. So are you guys ready?"

Momo and Vianola exchanged determined looks, their competitive spirits fully ignited. With a collective nod, they accepted the challenge and prepared for the battle to come. The sun shone brilliantly on the beach, but it was about to witness a contest like no other – a friendly competition fueled by affection and the desire to win Arthur's heart.

Momo and Vianola replied with bashful smiles, their cheeks flushed with shyness and excitement. "We're ready," they said in unison, their voices betraying a mixture of emotions.

However, as the two girls were about to prepare for their friendly contest with Arthur, Seraphina chimed in, a playful pout on her face. "Not ready," she teased, pointing at herself. "What about me? You guys completely forget about me. I want to be part of whatever you guys are on about."

Arthur and the two looked at Seraphina, sharing a moment of silent amusement. It was clear that Seraphina was growing curious and wanted to be included in their playful competition. The group laughed together, and Arthur playfully scratched his head.

"Of course, Seraphina," he said with a warm smile. "You can join in as well.if The more, the merrier. Let's see who comes out on top, shall we?"

Arthur got everyone's attention and directed them toward their respective positions. With a playful yet determined look in his eyes, he shouted, "On your marks, GO!"

The battle began with an intense and exhilarating clash. The colossal sea kraken, with its massive tentacles and piercing red eyes, was a formidable opponent. The underwater struggle turned into a fast-paced showdown between the three companions, each trying to outdo the others.

Momo, Vianola, and Seraphina exchanged competitive banter as they launched powerful attacks against the kraken. 

Momo grinned with confidence. "I'll show you who's the strongest, Arthur!"

Vianola joined the challenge, her eyes shining with determination. "Don't underestimate us, Momo. We're in this together!"

Seraphina added with a mischievous grin, "And don't forget about me. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve!"

The trio's synchronized attacks sent waves of energy toward the kraken. The massive sea creature roared and countered with ink shots that flew in all directions, making the fight even more intense. 

Amidst the chaos, one of the kraken's ink shots hit the group, and it had an unexpected effect. The ink, as if possessed by magic, had a corrosive quality that disintegrated their clothes, leaving them all exposed and blushing.

"N-Nani?!" Momo exclaimed, her cheeks bright red.

Vianola stammered, "This isn't what I expected!"

Seraphina, her face flushed, let out an embarrassed "Kya!"

Momo's beautiful and voluptuous figure was accentuated by the sunlight, and her pink skin glowed with a pearlescent sheen. She had a plump and round bottom and a slim waist, which only served to highlight her generous curves.

Vianola's petite body was complemented by her delicate features and porcelain skin. Her long blond hair flowed gracefully down her back, and her slender legs gave her an elegant air.

Seraphina's luscious curves were emphasized by her voluptuous breasts and wide hips. Her smooth skin and long golden hair gave her a mature and sensual aura.

Arthur, who was witnessing this spectacle with a surprised but amused expression, couldn't help but chuckle. "Looks like the kraken wants to make this competition more interesting!"

Amidst their comical embarrassment, the fight with the kraken continued. They were determined not to let a little wardrobe malfunction get in the way of their competition.

The battle was fierce, with the companions diving and dodging the kraken's tentacles and ink shots. Arthur watched them from a distance, impressed by their determination and teamwork.

Vianola unleashed a torrent of water magic, creating a swirling vortex around the kraken's body, making it difficult for the sea creature to aim its attacks. Momo used her lightning magic to shock the kraken, while Seraphina, in her chimera form, delivered powerful aerial strikes.

The kraken, though formidable, began to show signs of fatigue. Red eyes turned to panic, and it thrashed about, searching for an escape.

Momo, with a mischievous grin, teased, "It looks like we've got it on the ropes, Arthur!"

Vianola chimed in, "Don't let it get away! We need to finish this."

Seraphina added with a sly wink, "And claim our titles as first, second, and third wives!"

The companions synchronized their attacks one more time. Vianola created a water bubble to trap the kraken, while Momo channeled her lightning magic to electrify the water, and Seraphina launched a powerful breath attack. 

The battle raged on, each of them pushing themselves to their limits, determined to prove their worth to Arthur and claim their place in his heart. The kraken fought back with all its might, but the combined strength of Momo, Vianola, and Seraphina proved to be too much for the formidable sea creature.

As the sun began to set below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the tranquil waters, they delivered a final, devastating blow to the kraken. It let out a deafening roar, its massive form convulsing as it succumbed to its injuries. With one last burst of energy, the kraken unleashed a spectacular display of bioluminescence, illuminating the ocean with a breathtaking, otherworldly beauty.

The battle had ended, and the trio of companions emerged from the water, victorious. They were all breathless and exhilarated, but this time, their victory had come with a twist - the three of them were all drawn

With a laugh, Arthur said, "You know, I might have to marry you all at once after this performance!"

Exhausted but exhilarated, they floated on the surface, catching their breath as they watched the last traces of daylight fade away. The stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky, creating a celestial canopy above them.

Arthur turned to his three companions, who were still recovering from the intense battle. "You all did amazing," he praised them, a smile on his face. "It was a close match, but together, you all conquered the kraken and me. But for now you guys should go get some clothes for ya all.  Hehe!"

Scene change

The villagers cheered as Arthur, Momo, Vianola, and Seraphina returned with the kraken's colossal body in tow. They could hardly believe their eyes, witnessing the monstrous creature they had feared for so long brought to shore in pieces.

With the help of the villagers, the kraken was expertly carved and prepared for a grand feast. Skewers of tender kraken meat were grilled over open fires, while other portions were marinated and served as sashimi. The aroma of the succulent seafood filled the air, enticing both villagers and newcomers alike.

The village square was transformed into a lively party, with torches illuminating the night and a bonfire crackling in the center. Villagers and visitors gathered around, sharing stories and laughter as they indulged in the unique delicacy. Music and dancing added to the merriment, and there was no shortage of drinks flowing from makeshift bars.

Arthur, Momo, Vianola, and Seraphina were the heroes of the evening, praised by the villagers for their bravery and skill. The villagers eagerly shared tales of the kraken's terror and how its disappearance would finally allow them to resume their normal way of life.

Under the starry sky, the celebration continued long into the night, a vivid memory etched into the hearts of all who were present. For the first time in years, the village was alive with joy and hope, thanks to the combined efforts of Arthur and his companions.

As the night deepened, Arthur and his friends revealed themselves in the festivities, grateful for the bonds they had formed and the challenges they had overcome together. This victory was another chapter in their extraordinary journey, a reminder of the extraordinary experiences that lay ahead.

Arthur groaned as the morning light seeped through the window, intensifying his throbbing headache. He blinked his eyes open, trying to make sense of his surroundings. His memories from the previous night were hazy, a blur of celebration and laughter.

As his vision cleared, he realized he was in a small, cozy wooden house. His gaze shifted downward and widened in surprise. He was nestled in a bed, completely naked, and he wasn't alone. Momo, Vianola, and Seraphina lay beside him, equally unclothed, their peaceful expressions giving no hint of their nighttime escapades.

A rush of memories from the celebratory evening filled his mind. The fierce battle with the sea kraken, the joyous feast, and the copious amounts of alcohol consumed came flooding back. The hangover pounding in his head made it clear that he'd indulged a bit too much.

For a moment, Arthur simply lay there, wondering how he'd ended up in this situation. He knew he had teased Momo and Vianola with the competition, but he hadn't expected things to escalate this far. The sight of the three women, so close and so intimately intertwined with him, was both confusing and intriguing.

The room was filled with an awkward silence, broken only by the soft rustling of sheets as Arthur shifted his gaze between Momo, Vianola, and Seraphina. The girls, still blushing, pretended to be asleep, their subtle giggles hidden behind closed eyes. Seraphina, on the other hand, had no intention of keeping the mystery alive.

With a playful grin, she decided to break the ice, her voice filled with amusement. "Last night was amazing, Master- Ahem! I mean Arthur. You sure were wild."

Momo and Vianola, caught off guard by Seraphina's remark, couldn't contain their embarrassment any longer and let out a nervous laugh. They turned their heads away from Arthur, their faces burning with blushes. 

Arthur, scratching his head, tried to recall the events of the previous night, but his memories remained frustratingly elusive. He furrowed his brow, deep in thought, and muttered to himself, "Master?! What the hell happened last night?"

Arthur's puzzled expression was soon met with Seraphina's infectious grin. She sat up, her arm wrapped around his, and she pulled herself closer, resting her head on his shoulder. Her lips brushed against his ear as she spoke in a sultry, teasing tone. "You must be wondering what happened last night, right, 'Master'?"

Arthur's eyes widened, and he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks as he stammered, "I...I suppose so."

Seraphina chuckled softly, her breath tickling his ear. "Well, don't worry. I'll explain everything to the smallest detail."

Seraphina recalls last night's event started with Arthur drinking and talking with the village's men.

The villagers had insisted on celebrating their victory over the sea Kraken They had all gathered in the town square and begun to feast, drink, and tell stories. As the celebration continued, 

Arthur and his companions were lauded as heroes.

As the alcohol flowed, the villagers grew increasingly raucous, and the atmosphere became increasingly heated. Before long, the villagers had started to dance and sing, their movements growing more and more sensual.

Amid the revelry, Seraphina had pulled Arthur aside and whispered into his ear, "We're going to have a lot of fun tonight."

Arthur, intoxicated by the atmosphere, had responded, "Then, Let's go somewhere more private."

The two had left the crowd and found an abandoned wooden hut where they proceeded to make passionate love. As their bodies joined, they experienced an incredible connection, one that neither had ever felt before.

Afterwards, they returned to the celebrations, but the night had not ended there. As the festivities continued, Momo and Vianola approached Seraphina intoxicated, their curiosity piqued by her earlier comment.

They had asked, "What did you and Arthur do?"

Seraphina replied, "We had a lot of fun together."

Momo and Vianola were shocked but not deterred, and they continued their inquiries, asking, "What did you two do exactly?"

Seraphina explained that she and Arthur had engaged in various sexual acts, including oral sex and vaginal intercourse. She had also shared details of their intimacy, saying that they had connected on a deeper level than ever before.

This information had sent the two women intoxicated into a frenzy, and they began to insist on joining in on the fun.

The girls had dragged Arthur and Seraphina back to the abandoned wooden hut, where they proceeded to have their sexual encounters.

They ripped his clothes and undressed him as soon as they entered the hut and jumped at him as if like a hungry beast. Arthur, as pride of man, not planning to be out done by women, 

grabbed each of them with stern and serious expression and laid three of them in line, ripped their clothes, sucked one's breast and pound while fingering the other two.

The girls had begged Arthur lost in pleasure to ravage them, and he had obliged, giving each of them the sexual satisfaction they had desired.

As the night progressed, the group's desires had intensified, and they had continued their debauchery.

At some point, Arthur decided to spice things up even further, and Arthur had suggested an idea.

"Why don't we make this a competition and use this chance to pick the winner of the battle with kraken?" Arthur continues, "Each of you will get a chance to pleasure me. Whoever can make me climax first wins."

The girls had enthusiastically agreed, and the competition had commenced.

Arthur started with Seraphina asking her to call him master, thinking back on her words when he first met her, while pounding her from behind.

After he made Seraphina climax, he turned his attention to Momo and Vianola, teasing them, building their arousal and giving them multiple orgasms.

As the competition progressed, the girls had become increasingly competitive, desperate to win.

But Arthur had proven to be a difficult opponent, As the night drew to a close, Each girl had taken her turn pleasuring Arthur, using their hands, mouths, and other body parts to try and bring him to orgasm.

As his stamina had eventually worn out, Arthur had found himself unable to resist their efforts. He had succumbed to their charms, the girls had finally won the competition.

As they had lain spent, entwined in a tangle of limbs, Seraphina had leaned in and whispered to him, "Don't forget, you promised to let us be your wives, 'Master'."

Arthur, exhausted, could only nod his head weakly, and the girls had drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

With the recollection complete, the four had found themselves in a peculiar situation. As they had regained their composure, the awkwardness of the situation had finally set in.

Arthur's jaw dropped, and his face turned a deep shade of red. Seraphina left no stone unturned, describing each moment in vivid and explicit detail. Her words painted a picture of a passionate, unforgettable night—a night that was shared between the four of them.

The room was filled with a mix of Arthur's stunned silence and Seraphina's sultry descriptions, a combination that only fueled her further. She paused briefly to ask, "Is that detailed enough for you, Master?"

Arthur, still flustered, managed to nod, unable to form words as he processed the explicit account. In the blink of an eye, Seraphina had left him both shocked and speechless.

Arthur's reaction was a mix of disbelief, embarrassment, and an internal struggle to come to terms with the events of the previous night. He couldn't find the words to respond, so he simply grabbed his head, chuckled awkwardly, and abruptly left the room. His cheeks were still aflame, and his mind raced as he tried to process the whirlwind of emotions stirred up by Seraphina's detailed storytelling.

Seraphina watched Arthur's hasty exit with an amused glint in her eyes. She couldn't help but think to herself that her decision to join them had been even more rewarding than she had imagined. Her feelings toward Arthur had deepened, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that they had all shared such an intimate and unforgettable experience.

In the afternoon, Arthur asked everyone to readied themselves and prepared to leave without any notice. 

A few moments later, everyone gathered at the entrance gate of the seaside village. Arthur stepped forward and expressed his gratitude to the villagers for their hospitality and assistance. They had provided the group with a memorable experience, including an unexpectedly eventful night.

With that, they set off on the next leg of their journey, making their way towards Nelfheim, the Dwarf's kingdom. The coastal village faded into the distance as they moved forward, Arthur's thoughts still lingering on the night he couldn't remember but would never forget.

This is the craziest thing I have ever written in my entire life.

I don't know how it went nor is it even allowed but I know one thing you guys will love it. I might have gone overboard with this but A little bit of fanservice can't hurt a little. ANYTHING FOR THE FANS!!

If you have made yourself up to here then thank you so much for reading. If you have found any loopholes or loose ends in the story. Please don't forget to leave a review

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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