
Chapter 43

While for the next 500 years Hadrian and Alexander were able to restrict William's rampage and hordes to just Hungary.William is the most savage Werewolf seen, with an insatiable appetite for rampage. Like those he infected, he is unable to revert to his human form, something his father attributed to his uncontrollable rage.

Also William seemed to have developed some sort of danger sense making him able to evade Hadrian.

Which by Death's explantion was Fate's doing,since this part of history is a must and can't be changed.

For almost 600 years, William evaded capture, and the Werewolf hordes that grew, as the Vampires' movements were restricted to the night.

But majority of them killed off by Alexander and Hadrian making them restricted to Hungary and nearby lands at the best.

In 1202 AD, William was finally captured by Death Dealers after he attacked a village and infected its residents, but had lingered in the surrounding area.

Hadrian was the one,who informered Marcus about it and Marcus rushed with his vampire army to capture William.

Hadrian and Alexander watched from a distance as the village lay in ruins. Flames licked the thatch roofs of peasant hovels. Smoke rose from the charred remains of shops and wagons. Prodigious amounts of blood had been splashed upon the snow-covered streets and market square. The wasted blood glistened beneath the light of a full moon, turning the once-white snow into gory slush.

Bodies were strewn everywhere. Men, women, children… their throats ripped out as though by a savage beast. Entrails spilled from corpses that had been sliced open by powerful claws. Many of the villagers were still in their nightclothes, death having come for them while the tiny hamlet slept. Their lifeless faces were frozen in expressions of utter shock and horror. Despite abundant evidence of an animal attack, too much flesh remained upon their bones for the townspeople to have been killed for food. Instead they had been slaughtered for sport.

Alexander Corvinus thought mournfully"Oh, my son,What have you done?"

Hadrian comforted his friend"He has no idea what he doing,old friend."

While Hadrian saw the three so called Elders of the vampires, they were Amelia,Marcus and Viktor.

Amelia was a relatively tall woman with pale skin and dark brown hair with electric yellow.

The three Elders surveyed the slaughtered village from atop a slope overlooking the valley. They sat astride their armored warhorses, their faces grave behind their crested helmets. Like their steeds, they were clad in fearsome black plate armor. Intricate runes adorned the finely made armor, which gleamed like polished ebony in the moonlight. Conversing atop their coal-black mounts, they resembled three-quarters of the Four Horsemen, arriving belatedly in the wake of the missing horseman: Death himself. A company of armored Death Dealers accompanied the Elders. Their weapons drawn, the vampire warriors awaited the Elders' commands. Azure eyes glowed beneath the flickering light of their upraised torches.

They set fire to the bodies, but the bodied egan to turn and fight occurred and some of the vampires were killed and Viktor was actually ordering Marcus to go back.

Hadrian narrowed his eyes and said"Viktor seems to fear the fact the vampire race will die, if Marcus dies."

Alexander having had enough knowledge muttered"That is foolish."

But Hadrian added"But we can use it make sure. Viktor doesn't have intentions of taking over Marcus position."

Alexander knew the plan was escape with William after Viktor captures him, they knew Marcus should never have trusted Viktor, that man will never allow a threat like William to exist.

If he doesn't kill William, it will probably for him own gains.