
chapter 35 (Tais pov)

I finally get toward a tent making alot of noise, my stomach was twisting in knots, I burst through the tent seeing 12 people gambling playing dice inside.

I see Elvenia sitting there wide eyed with a stack of gold and items that she has won, I walk over crossing my arms on my chest looking down at her.

" I'm glad everyone is having fun at the cook out and appreciates all the hard work" I said as everyone started saying how great the food was and when I glare at them they shut up.

" oh come on Tai were having good clean fun and I was coming back to you before you came in" Elvenia said as she stored her winnings in her ring, then pulls me out of the tent.

" I've missed you Tai I think all of us should sleep in the cave I actually have a giant bed that'll fit all of us" Elvenia said then kisses me on my lips while hugging her arms around my neck.

" Elvenia why did all of you travel this way, I know you can only speak for yourself but I have mates coming through the wood work here" I said while holding her hand going back to check on Taki and Emilia.

" well it's like a pull or drive imprinted on our soul making us come to you, in almost all of our cultures we have different prophecies speaking of someone like you having every different race as your mate. I cant tell you what the thing says, you'll have to speak to your mom about that and also you need to tell Emilia" Elvenia said as Cindy walks up to me looking panicked, I look round not seeing Taki around anywhere.

" Cindy where is she!" I said

Cindy pulls both of us over to the cave and pulled us inside were Emilia and Carra are standing by the couch, Elvenia must have stored her whole house in her rings.

I see Taki passed out on the couch, I notice her face is blood red and then feel her forehead.

" she is burning up what is wrong with her" I said walking over into the bathroom running water in the tub then freezing chunks of ice dropping them into the water, I'm worried for her she is a ice element, pure yin body I don't think she can take this it might break her dantian.

" I quickly undress her then wrap her in a towel and carry her in the bathroom, even Carra is stomped about this." I said to Emilia

(' wait Lens body heat was up as well but her being a werewolf she is in better shape, but just to be safe")

" Carra I think she was drugged all of you need to separate the women from the men tonight and put extra guards that are originally apart of our group throughout these bastards were trying to rape them" I said watching Sia, Cindy, Emilia, and Elvenia leave. I hear Carra telling them to stay in groups and to tell Wei about this, I princess carry to the tub getting in with her submerging both our bodies into the ice water wl Carra is making medicine for her and Len.

" Tai do not let her push you into taking her purity, with these drugs it's a waste of the yin energy you would receive and it might cripple her. For tonight everyone will sleep in the cave , Wei will take care of the other women in the group and I'm sorry but you will not be left alone.

I nod my head in agreement while cupping my hand with ice water pouring it over the back of her head, I can tell her icy features are going back to normal. Carra brings in a cup of herbs she just brewed and we make Taki drink the substance. I hear all the girls enter as akel comes into the bath room, I give her a small smile that she returns to me.

Carra takes Taki from me carrying her over to the bed using a cool wind spell to dry her off with, then dresses her in pair of shorts and a thin shirt while positioning her under a thin sheet.

" Kel seal the entrance with your death magic I am on guard tonight and do not let anyone out" I said exiting the tent I ee thousands of vines mixing together covering up the doorway I mutter a freezing spell so no one can take the vines down until morning not even Kel or Carra.

I look around for the two men that was always around Len and Taki, I think the mn said his name is Clifford and I do not know the other man. I see Uncle Wei and his husband Mao walking toward me, I also see their sons and life long friends setting up camp for the women over on this side and they all are going to guard tonight.

Wei knows the two men I speak of and points over to the beginning of the camp closer to the road, they both start working on a barrier separating the two camps.

I walk around the camp away from the waterfall trying to pick up the men's scent and have my hearing on high alert. I'm still trying to figure out how to kill them and any other who is with them or even knew about wht they are planning. I finally pick up Clifford's scent and see theotherguy with him, the bad part is they are five of them talking in a circle. I also see most of the camp standing nearby them, I'll just kill them tomorrow if they were so desperate to do this in front of everyone then they'll try again.

I let the guards know to keep an eye on them and Wei has men undercover who are on guard watching.

I walk over taking a seat at the campfire pulling out a book about cultivation, Carra only taught certain things to build our cultivation past the mortal realm, even though I cheated by devouring souls I really dont know what realm I'm in no.

Actually with every new mate I take makes me actually feel stronger too, I'll have to find out more info on this. I can't even concentrate right now, I'm actually nervous about my mothers coming and I haven't had any other memories resurfacing.

(' I've got to get all this energy out') I thought while pulling out my sword, making combinations with different spells and trying al the dark spells I have. I train for several hours then sit back down picking up one of the books, a book about magical beasts.