
Chapter 34

("Tais pov")

I couldn't help but keep my eyes shifting to all the new women in my life, I'll be damned if someone will hurt a single hair on their head. I keep getting a bad feeling about the man who keeps on watching and always trying to touch Taki.

I can hear and also tell that she doesn't lead him on or want anything to do with him, I also feel possessive over her like I do the others. I hear Len tell someone "no thank you I'm not single" Len said to one of the men Uncle Wei hired, he also managed to hire those pigs I killed as well and I know he means well.

" come on Love it's just a walk and some lovely conversation" the man who wont leave Len alone said.

("what do I have to do piss on their legs letting these pigs know these our my women") I thought to myself when I watched the man act like he hit her ass on a accident. I let out a loud growl making dozens of people look towards us, I see Carra have concern written all over her face. I guess that is a correct reaction to have, since I know a couple men I plan on killing.

Taki walks beside me and the maggot again follows her, I'm seriously about to lose my cool here and they're to many wit- people here for that.

" who do you share your tent with" Taki asked as she gave me a deadpan look and I kinda feel like she is daring me to say a name, well I'll be on watch anyway.

" I'm actually on watch for the next few nights" I said feeling proud of myself for not getting hurt by this woman, her aura is very domineering and I like it.

I see the man staring at her as while standing behind us like a creep, I quickly turn around releasing some of my blood lust as the mans knees begin shaking. I could smell the little bit of piss he released, I look down and start giggling and Taki turns her head trying to hide the large smile on her face that she quickly stops just as fast as it appeared.

" Sir I think others might notice that if you stay here and I might accidentally ki-injure you for being on my or around what is mines back" I said

The man grumbles something incoherent walking away making me sneer at him, I didn't realize that I kept moving closer to Taki and sniffing her neck. I hear a low growl coming from where Len was standing and at first I thought it was her, but no it was Cindy that little shit growled at me and I growled back hearing a whimper leave her.

I noticed Len acting funny and the man wont leave her side, I see a smirk on his face. I motion Cindy to come over to me with m pointer finger.

"Cindy you are not to leave this womans side, if you do I'll take a whip to your ass. Better capture her scent if for any reason you lose sight of her for one minute find me" I said then leave to pull Len away from the man, I take her drink away sniffing the cup. I barely smell a scent that doesn't belong, I glare at theman who quickly walks away and I see Carra notice everything I did. I watch her keep her eyes on the man and tell uncle Mao as well, they will watch him while I put Len to bed.

Lens tree tent is inside the group barrier, but the barrier we set up before the camp expanded only let the girls, family and close friends in. All these men they've hired makes me feel antsy just them being close to our own personal camp by the waterfall.

(" I need to set up different barriers tonight to keep theones I love and the ones I know well safe") I thought to myself, I notice Kel surrounded by men talking to her and I'm starting to get pissed off. I grab her hand pulling her away from the men and sling Len over my shoulder, then I jump up while holding them both on the branch.

" Kel the party is over for you both" I hissed gaining a teasing smile from Len as I walk into Lens tent putting the sleeping woman in night clothes then to bed kissing her goodnight.

" Kel what the hell are you doing around those men, I've already had one drug Len andi won't have one of my mates being flirted with or flirting with others" I said while I closed the gap between us, making her step back.

" I-I wasn't flirting with anyone!" she whisper shouted at me, then a few seconds later she face palmed herself and I wrap my arms around her waist.

" you know I should be mad that you were trying to hide that you are one of my mates, but I also know you've been through a lot. I'm going to talk to Emilia tomorrow about all of you and I need to know things from you all." I said then kiss her lips softly with love and care that I know she needs right now more than anything else.

" do not leave here no matter what" I said then jump down from the tree heading back into the cookout. I see Carra with Cindy, taki and Emilia I have to find Elvenia and I scan through out the people not seeing her anywhere, I use my soulmate connection to locate her.

I feel her presence back at the entrance of the camp where th hired men have their tents at, I take off making my figure blur in front of everyone.