



Harry, Bill and Charlie were sat in the living room awaiting the arrival of Amelia Bones. They didn't have long to wait as Maddy announced Amelia's arrival as well as two auror's that accompanied her. They all greeted each other and were introduced before they got down to business.

"Well Mr Potter, what is this new information you have for us?" questioned Amelia

"Please get comfortable this may take a while to explain." replied Harry

"Please continue Mr Potter." said Amelia

"On my birthday I discovered I had some of my magic blocked as you already know so Severus Snape suggested to take a magical ability's test. He made the potions for me and I took the test a week ago and their were some shocking results." Explained Harry

"What was so shocking." asked auror Moody

"Well Severus had adjusted the test so it showed any blocks and when they were placed and by who." replied Charlie

"Lets just say it's taken this long for Harry to calm down enough to deal with all this new informations." continued Bill

"Here is a lists of all the blocks and any spells that were placed on me, I think your find it quite interesting." informed Harry as he passed her the list

Amelia quickly read the list showing different reactions to some of the findings then she handed it to Moody and the auror to read. Before they could make any comments on the list Harry placed a pensive on the table saying.

"Before you say anything I think you should see these memories."

Amelia ,Moody and the auror went in to the pensive to view the memories, when they eventually exited the pensive an hour had pasted. Harry called for Maddy.


"Yes master Harry." answered Maddy

"Could you please bring us some refreshments." requested Harry

"Right away, master Harry." exclaimed Maddy as she popped away

Harry turned to Amelia and asked if she had any questions, just as the refreshments arrived at the table. Everyone helped themselves to some of the refreshments whilst they thought of what questions they wanted to ask.

"Mr Potter are you willing to allow us to use these memories when this all goes to trial?" questioned Amelia

"As long as there are no reporters present, I don't want any of them getting access to my memories." Harry made it clear

"That's fine, when they are shown it will be a closed court room." stated Amelia

"Are you also willing to appear at the trial to testify." asked the auror

"I don't have any reason not to as I have already confronted Dumbledore about some of the minor charges and I expect to be adding some more as soon as I get the results of the investigation of my Gringotts accounts. The reason why my parents will wasn't followed or why I wasn't made aware of my inheritances." declared Harry

"What do you mean why your parents will wasn't followed." questioned Moody

"Like how I was placed with people my parents forbade me to be placed with and how I only believed I had my school trust fund vault until about the middle or end of July this year." stated Harry

"I think we now have more than enough evidence to place charges and ask for a trial date, I just need to catalogue the evidence and put it in for the trail date." said Amelia

"That's good I can't wait to get this all sorted and I will contact you when any new evidence appears."

Moody and the other auror had just left the room and Amelia was just about to when Harry called her back.

"Madam Bones could I talk to you for a minute." enquired Harry

"Of course Mr Potter wait one moment while I let them know to go on without me." answered Amelia

A couple of minutes later she enter back in to the room.

"What I'm about to discuss with you can't leave this room, so I must first ask you if you are willing to take an oath?" Questioned Harry

She looked at him for a few minutes trying to make a decision and she could see it was something serious.

"OK Mr Potter." replied Amelia

"I Amelia Bones swear on my magic that I will not reveal anything said in this room by Harry James Potter, unless I am given permission too." declared Amelia

"Thank you Madam Bones." said Harry

"Please call me Amelia when we are alone." insisted Amelia

"Call me Harry then." he also insisted

"not many people know this only those that live or are staying at the Manor, but my aunt raped me before I went back to school and when I retuned for the summer I received a couple of shocks." informed Harry

"What were these shocks."asked Amelia

"Dobby." called Harry

"Yes Harry Potter sir, what can Dobby do for you." exclaimed Dobby happily

Amelia watched on as Harry whispered something to Dobby and he popped away.

"He won't be long." said Harry

Just as he said this Dobby and Mindy appeared holding two babies. Amelia's face held an expression of shock, once it had worn off she started to ask questions while Bill and Charlie took the girls.

"Harry are they your babies?" questioned Amelia

"Yes Amelia, the one with the dark hair that Charlie is holding is Jasmine Lillian Potter and the one with red hair Bill is holding is Isabella Marie Potter my twin daughters." answered Harry

"What is it you wanted to discuss with me, I am presuming it has something to do with your daughters." enquired Amelia

"Yes it does my aunt didn't want anything to do with them so she signed full custody of them over to me in the muggle world, but what I was wondering is if I have too register them in the wizarding world. If I do is their anyway to seal it so no one will find out." asked Harry hopefully

Amelia looked thoughtful for an minute then answered his questions.

"All births must be registered but I may have a way to seal it, there are laws that come in to play in times of war. If the persons in danger then I as the head of the magical law enforcement have the power to perform the charm required and I will be the only one to know what's in the file." stated Amelia

"What's involved." enquired Harry

"We will need some special parchment that I will charm then you fill in the girls details. Do they have godparents/ Because they need to be here to sign it as well." Queried Amelia

"I haven't really given that much thought, what do you two think." asked Harry

"While your choosing godparents and getting them here I can go and get the correct forms." said Amelia

"Amelia before you go is there any chance you can get adoptions forms as well so Bill and Charlie can legally become the girls fathers." questioned Harry

"Harry would you like the potion that will make the girls of Bill and Charlie's blood." asked Amelia

"Bill and Charlie I would like that if you want to." Harry nervously asked them

"Harry you already know we see the girls as ours this will just make it official." stated Bill

"OK Amelia we would like the potion and hopefully by the time you return will have chosen and got the godparents here." replied Harry

Amelia left immediately while Bill, Charlie and Harry began to discuss godparents for the girls. They had finally agreed up on both of the girls godparents and sent the house elf's to get them. It didn't take long and soon Tonks, Remus, Severus and Lucius were all gathered in the living room wondering what was going on. Remus was just about to ask when Amelia entered the room holding some parchments.

"All right I have got everything we need." informed Amelia

"Harry what's going on?"

"Why are we all here?" exclaimed Remus

"We knew you were meeting Amelia to give her the new evidence but why do you need us here." enquired Tonks

"Well while Amelia was here I asked about whether I had to register the girls at the ministry and if the file could be sealed, she is here to perform the charm. The reason your all here is because to perform the charm the godparents need to be here, we chose Lucius and Tonks to be Jasmine's and Remus and Severus to be Isabella's godparents. We also wanted you to be witnesses to the adoption, Charlie and Bill are going to be legally and blood bonded as the girls fathers." finished Harry

"You really want us to be their godparents." exclaimed Lucius

"Yes you have all become family to us and the girls this just makes it more official." stated Harry

"OK Amelia do we do the adoption first?" questioned Charlie

"That would be best or we would just have to do the birth certificate again." said Amelia

Amelia placed the adoption papers in front of Harry to sign and then Bill and Charlie all that was left was for them was to give the girls a potion. Harry looked a little apprehensive about the affect the potion would have on the girls if it would be painful.

"Harry don't worry the potion can sometime cause a little pain but as the girls are so young a sleeping potion is added and they should sleep through all the changes." comforted Severus

Bill and Charlie held the girls while Harry and Severus administered the potions the girls were soon sleeping everyone watched on as small changes appeared, the girls now had a blue tinge to their eyes which only made them more dazzling. Isabella's hair became even brighter taking on the look of a glowing flame. Harry's facial features remained a dominant factor in the girls with just a slight change to the shape of their faces becoming slightly plumper only making them cuter. It wouldn't be very difficult to tell that they were the daughters of Harry, Bill and Charlie.

Next Harry filled in the birth certificate for the girls then he signed his name and dropped a few drops of his blood on his name. Charlie and Bill then signed and added their blood to the certificate all that was left was for Amelia to apply the charm to conceal it. Amelia lifted her wand above the certificate making some complicated wand movements whilst whispering a short incantation so no one can hear her, the certificate glowed briefly and the charm was set and Amelia picked it up.

"Now all I have to do is file this in the birth records at the ministry if that is all I must be going." said Amelia then she was on her way.

Harry turned to everyone with a huge smile on his face and said

"I hope you all can be here for dinner tonight to celebrate as we have to be at Gringotts soon for an appointment."

It was an hour later when Harry, Bill and Charlie were seated in the same offices as before with Griphook and Ragnok ready to show all their discoveries from his accounts.

"OK Mr Potter, we will first like to start going over your Potter inheritance in more detail, if that is all right with you." asked Ragnok

"That's fine." answered Harry

"OK here is the documentation of everything that has been going on with the Potter account since your parents deaths." informed Ragnok as he passed Harry the pile of parchment.

Harry, Bill and Charlie started to look at the documents and were shocked at how much money his family had and how much Dumbledore and his group of betrayers have been stealing from him.

Potter Account

Head of House:Lord Harry James Potter, Black, Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Evans.

Potter Family Chamber, No. 36:

25.000.214 Galleons, Gems, Family Portraits, Family Heirlooms , Books, Weapons, ect.

James Andrew Potter, Vault No. 308:

9.000.359 Galleons.

Lily Marie Potter, Vault No. 528:

5.201.065 Galleons.

Harry James Potter Trust Fund, Vault No. 729:

450.950 Galleons.

Total withdrawn from the Potter Family Vault since 1981:

Dumbledore: 1.400.500 Galleons

for being his magical guardian

Dursley Family: 14.500 Galleons

500 Galleons every 6 months for being muggle guardians

Cornelius Fudge/ Ministry: 1.400.000 Galleons

40.000 Galleons a year for Cornelius Fudge

60.000 Galleons a year for the ministry

The Order of the Phoenix: 1.256.840 Galleons

for Harry's Protection

Mrs Molly Weasley: 500.000 Galleons

100.000 Galleons a year to act like a mother figure and gain his trust

Ronald Billius Weasley: 50.000 Galleons

10.000 Galleons a year for being his friend

Hermione Jane Granger: 50.000 Galleons

10.000 Galleons a year for being his friend

Ginevar Molly Weasley: 130.000 Galleons

10.000 Galleons a year for being his friend

100.000 Galleons for marriage dowry

Potter Properties

Potter Manor ~ Wales

Potter Summer Homes ~ Japan, Florida, Italy, Canada, Paris , Australia

Marauder's Penthouse ~ London

Godric Hollow ~ England

Has partnership in various businesses in both the muggle and magical world.

"That's all the unusual actives found in the Potter Account, would you like to look over the various businesses you own now or I could make a copy for you to take with you." asked Ragnok

"Um I think I will take a copy with me, thank you Ragnok." replied Harry

"That's fine Mr Potter, I have all the other account you own here would you like to look through them before Griphook takes you down to your family chambers." enquired Ragnok


Harry, Bill and Charlie started to look through the parchments of the Black, Griffindor, Ravenclaw and Evans accounts and wonder what other surprises they would find.

Black Account

Head of House:Lord Harry James Potter, Black, Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Evans.

Black Family Chamber, No. 24:

42.034.997 Galleons, Gems, Family Portraits, Family Heirlooms , Books, Weapons, ect.

Sirius Orion Black, Vault No. 279:

13.021.009 Galleons.

Andromeida Tonks, Vault No. 235:

2.596.895 Galleons.

Narcissa Black, Vault No. 246:

17.002.359 Galleons.

Nymphadora Tonks, Vault No. 535:

580.895 Galleons.

Draco Lucius Malfoy, Vault No. 715:

441.095 Galleons.

Black Properties

Black Family Town house ~ 12 Grimmauld place ~ London

Black Summer Homes ~ New York, Miami, Spain, Paris, New Zealand.

Has partnership in various businesses in both the muggle and magical world.

Griffindor Account

Head of House:Lord Harry James Potter, Black, Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Evans.

Griffindor Family Chamber, No. 2:

Galleons, Gems, Family Portraits, Family Heirlooms , Books, Weapons, ect.

Griffindor properties

Griffindor Castle ~ Scotland

Hogwarts ~ Own ¼

Ravenclaw Account

Head of House:Lord Harry James Potter, Black, Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Evans.

Ravenclaw Family Chamber, No. 3:

Galleons, Gems, Family Portraits, Family Heirlooms , Books, ect.

Ravenclaw Properties

Ravenclaw Castle ~ Ireland

Hogwarts ~ Own ¼

Evans Account

Head of House:Lord Harry James Potter, Black, Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Evans.

Evans Family Chamber, No. 19:

39.002.975 Galleons, Gems, Family Portraits, Family Heirlooms , Books, Potions, ect.

Evans Properties

Evans Manor ~ Devon

Evans Summer Homes ~ Ireland, USA, Africa.

Has partnership in a couple of businesses, only in the magical world.

Once Harry got over the shock of owning half of Hogwarts and was now the richest wizard in the world he talked with Ragnok about a few other things and asked for copies of the Black and Evans businesses details as well as the Potters. After they all said goodbye Griphook lead them down to the private carts and on to the Griffindor family chamber.

When the cart stopped they all looked a bit green and sat still for the nausea feeling to past. Harry got out of the cart first and asked Griphook how to open the chamber door.

"Griphook how do I open the chamber when I don't have a key for it."

"Mr Potter you have to place your hand over the Griffindor crest and state your name." Replied Griphook

"I Lord Harry James Potter, Black, Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Evans, Head and Lord of Griffindor seek entrance to Griffindor Chambers."

After Harry spoke those words the chamber door glowed a brilliant white and then opened. Harry stepped through the doorway and gasped at the piles up on piles of galleons that reached the top of the chamber, he looked at all the walls which were completely covered from floor to the ceiling with books, family portraits and weapons. After Harry had looked over the weapons and family portraits he decided to see what was in all the trunks at the back of the chamber, what he found was trunk after trunk filled will all sorts of gems, stones and family heirlooms and some of the trunks were just empty.

Harry was looking through some books he was going to ask Bill and Charlie what books they should take for when he started studying for his NEWT'S and noticed they had not entered the chamber. Walking over to the entrance to see why they hadn't come in.

"Bill, Charlie why are to standing out here, I thought you would of wanted to look around one of the founders chambers." enquired Harry

"We can't enter, Griphook informed us that only those with Griffindor blood could enter the chamber unless you want to die a very painful death." replied Charlie


"We asked about the other chambers and was told by Griphook that we will be allowed to enter them all apart from Ravenclaw's chamber with your permission." stated Bill


"Griphook is there a way we could copy all the books I have in all my family chambers and have them transported to Potter Manor." asked Harry

"Yes Mr Potter, we can do that for you there will be a small fee." answered Griphook

"That's fine Griphook, you can take the fee out of the Potter account, I'm nearly finished here I just want to see what's in that box in the corner." said Harry

As Harry walked towards the box he felt a strange pull once he was in front of it the pull got stronger Harry decided whatever was in the box was meant for him and lifted the lid off, when he looked inside their was what looked like a Griffin cub. After taking his eyes off the cute little Griffin there was some parchment stuck to the back of the lid which read:

I have put this Griffin cub in

stasis until a heir of mine comes along.

To bond with the Griffin cub just drop three drops of blood

on the cubs head the Griffin will sleep up to 14 hours afterwards.

(maybe longer for stronger wizards/witches)

when the cub wakes the bond will be complete and

you will be able to speak in each others minds.

Godric Griffindor

Harry saw a small knife inside the box and cut his finger letting three drops of blood to fall on the cubs head, Harry picked the little Griffin cub up and walked out of the chamber to the shocked faces of Bill, Charlie and Griphook.

"Griphook could I have one of my house elf's come to collect my new familiar." enquired Harry

"Yes Mr Potter, you may call your house elf to come and collect your little cub."


"Yes master Harry, what can Maddy do for you."

"Maddy, Could you take my new familiar and put him in our living room in front of the fire on a nice cushioned bed until we get home."

"Right away Master Harry." said Maddy as she took the little cub from her master and popped away

While Bill and Charlie were just getting over the shock of seeing the little Griffin cub Harry was just entering the Ravenclaw chamber.

The Ravenclaw chamber was the same size as the Griffindor chamber, everywhere you looked was filled with books there was a few trunks with gems and family heirlooms.

Harry was just leaving the chamber when he felt a pull just like in the Griffindor chamber and followed it to the right hand corner of the chamber behind a tall pile of very old looking books.

When he stopped their was a beautiful phoenix staring at him. The phoenix had a cream body, ice blue wings with midnight blue colouring to the tips of it's feathers. The phoenix flew over to Harry and landed on his shoulder and put it's talon out waiting for Harry to take the rolled up parchments. Harry took the old looking parchments and unrolled it carefully so as not to rip it and began to read what was written.

All Lord's and Lady's of the Ravenclaw line have

always had phoenix's as a familiar, they are the

most intelligent magical creatures and make good

companions just like all true Ravenclaw's.

To bond to a phoenix and make it your familiar you

have to let the phoenix bite you and drink some of

your blood and then the phoenix will cry a few tears

on to the bite wound to heal and seal the bond.

Rowena Ravenclaw

Harry put his hand out in front of the phoenix so it could bite him, once the phoenix had drunk some of Harry's blood it healed the wound with it's tears and sealed the familiar bond. The only way Harry could tell it worked was the voice in his head saying hello master.

"Hello. My names Harry, what's your name." asked Harry

"I don't have a name, would you pick a name for me master."

"Please call me Harry your my companion not my slave." Harry stated firmly

"OK, Harry."

"What kind of phoenix are you and are you male or female. " enquired Harry

"I am a blizzard phoenix commonly known as a snow phoenix and I am female."

"I've only ever seen a fire phoenix's before, I'll have to read up later to find out what the difference is so I know how to take care of you." Harry mumbled to himself

"How about Crystal for your name, do you like it."

"Yes I like the sound of that."

"OK Crystal let's get out of here." said Harry

As Harry exited the Ravenclaw chamber with Crystal on his shoulder and was walking towards the cart he saw that Bill and Charlie had amused looks on their faces.

"First a Griffin now a phoenix next your be saying you got a dragon in there." Bill said jokingly

"No I don't have a dragon in there, but I did just see a couple flying down there." replied Harry in the same amused tone as Bill

When they arrived at next chamber No.19 Harry stated his name and claimed the Evans family chamber, when they were finished looking around Harry had a trunk full with photo albums of his mother and his grandparents, a shrunken potion's cabinet filled with different kinds of healing potions and balms they had never heard of and some of his mothers baby clothes and toys.

Harry stepped in to the Black family chamber he looked around and everything gave off a dark and eerie feeling that made him want to leave except in the centre of the chamber was a large trunk made of some kind of red wood with gold trimming and a familiar warm and loving feeling coming from it.

As Harry got closer he noticed that at the top of the trunk were the words The Marauder's in big gold letters and their were carvings of Prongs, Padfoot and Moony just below the writing. Harry looked up to see what Bill and Charlie were doing and saw them busy checking to see if their were any curses on any of the items in the chamber so he decided to see what was inside the trunk.

When Harry opened the lid he noticed that it was bigger on the inside and filled to the top with pranks, photo albums of their school years, books they had written of all the pranks they made, a lot of potions which included the one to find out your Animagus form plus the portrait of Sirius that was used for the will reading and a note to Harry which read:

Harry to awake this sexy portrait of me

just tap the tip of your wand on each

corner of the frame and say my full

name followed by is a sexy beast

your godfather

Sirius Black

After Harry had finished reading the note he burst out laughing while he shrunk the trunk and walked over to Bill and Charlie.

"What's got you laughing." enquired Charlie

"I was looking through the trunk that was over there and found it was the Marauder's and it had the portrait of Sirius in it with a note telling me how to wake him up, here take a look."

Harry passed them the note and they both laughed at how Sirius was still making his presence known from beyond the grave. Next they made a short journey down to the Potter Family Chambers.

When they entered the Potter Family Chambers Harry felt the same love and warm feeling he got from the Marauder's trunk but much stronger and paused to control his emotions. As Harry got some control of his feelings so he wouldn't start to cry he walked up to a podium that had a very large and old looking book.

At closer inspection he realised what the book was and began to look through it. The book contained the full history of the Potter family in great detail and listed all the items and heirlooms in the chamber and gave a description of what they looked like, what purpose they had if any and how they came to belong to the Potter family.

As Harry was looking through the book he came across a section about his parents portraits and where to find them in the large chamber. Harry began making his way to the back of the chamber with Bill and Charlie right behind him when suddenly Harry stopped making Crystal dig her talons in to his shoulder and Bill and Charlie to bump in to each other.

Harry slowly reached his hand forwards and gently touched both portraits and jumped back in shock as they became animated. Lily and James noticed they weren't alone and began talking to each other.

"James he looks exactly like you and has my green eyes do you think it's our Harry." Lily whispered in a excited and hopeful voice

"I think so, how many people do you think have your brilliant green eyes my Lily flower." replied James

"Who do you think the other two are." asked Lily

"Well the only people I knew with hair that red was the Weasley family." answered James

While the portraits of his parents were talking Harry was lost in thought thinking about all the times he wanted to talk or just look at them and now they were right in front of him he didn't know what to say or do. Charlie came to Harry's side and said:

"Harry are you all right."

"Yes, I'm just a bit overwhelmed." Harry replied

"See James it's our baby boy." cried Lily

At hearing his mothers voice Harry turned to the portraits and began talking. He told them all about his life from the night Dumbledore took him to the Dursley's, the years of abuse, his school adventures over the years, the rape, finding out about Jasmine and Isabella, Sirius's death, the soul bond with Bill and Charlie, Dumbledore and the betrayers, living at Potter Manor with his new family, finding out about the magical block on his magic and gifts, the memory blocks, blood adoption of the girls and finally what had happened while he has been at Gringotts today.

When Harry had finished he felt lighter like a load had been lifted off his shoulders, he didn't know if it was because he had told his parents or that it was the first time he had told anyone it all at once. His mother had been beyond angry at her sister and Dumbledore and ranted on for a good ten minutes about what she would do if she was alive and could get her hands on them until his father calmed her down.

After they finished talking about his past Harry collected some things his parents said he might like to have and put them and his parents portraits in a small trunk and left the chamber, he said goodbye to Griphook and left Gringotts. The emotions of the day were catching up with Harry and he just wanted to go home and be with his girls to relax. Harry asked Bill and Charlie if they had any shopping to do.

"Do you guys need to get anything before we go home." asked Harry

"Yes" they both replied at the same time.

Bill suggested that they split up so they could get home quicker, so Harry told them that he was going to the animal emporium for more owl treats and some food and essentials for his new familiars and to meet in the Leakey Cauldron in an hour.

Bill and Charlie waited until Harry was around the corner and went to a small shop next to the book store to collect something they had ordered. As they entered the shop they both walked over to the sales lady and asked if their order was ready. Her answer was to pull out a small green ring box and she opened it to see if it was to their satisfactions. When they both looked at the ring they gasped at the raw beauty of it and knew Harry would love it. The ring in question was an engagement ring that both Bill and Charlie had designed and decided they were going to propose to Harry on Christmas day. They didn't want Harry to feel they were only with him because of the bond and to show how much they loved him and the girls.

They paid and thanked the sales lady and left the shop. To make sure Harry didn't figure out what they had brought they went in to another shop and brought something to help them celebrate becoming the girls daddies later for a special night they had planned for Harry. When they got to the Leakey Cauldron they found Harry talking to the old barman Tom, after a quick drink they said goodbye to Tom and flamed home.

After a quick dinner that night Bill and Charlie put the girls to bed and called Harry in to their bedroom.

"Harry, could you come here please."

"One moment."

When Harry entered their bedroom he gasped at the romantic scene laid out before him. The room was lit with scented candles and there were rose petals all over the floor leading up to the bed where Bill and Charlie were laying seductively on the bed with nothing but a sheet draped over them that barley covered them. Harry slowly made his way to the bed and the three of them proceeded to have a very long night that later on would affect them all.