



Everybody was roaming around putting all the finishing touches to the decorations and making sure they hadn't forgotten anything, as Harry could wake up any time now.

"I think that's everything done, I'll just go and get the girls ready." informed Serena

"I'll go with you." called Lucius

Lucius and Serena made it up to the girls room and found them already awake. They got the girls dressed and took them down to the others on the patio ready for Harry's to arrive and to start the party.

Upstairs Harry , Bill and Charlie had just got up and were getting dressed when Harry called Dobby and a small pop later Dobby appeared.


"Yes master Harry Potter sir, what can Dobby do for you." asked Dobby happily

"Dobby, how have the girls been while we were asleep and are they awake now, I would like to spend some time with them." questioned Harry

"Master Harry sir, I fed the girls and put them down for a nap 2 hours after you went back to bed, they woke up a little while ago but Miss Serena and Mr Lucius got them both dressed and took them down stairs and are with the others talking out on the patio." Replied Dobby

"OK, thank you Dobby." said Harry

They all finished getting dressed and then made there way down stairs to see the girls. As they were doing that Dobby popped away to inform everyone that Harry was awake and on his way down. Everyone got ready to shout Happy Birthday as they could hear Harry, Bill and Charlie talking quietly about something as they open the door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!" everyone shouted

Harry looked at everyone in shock and didn't know what to say, he was touched that they all had gone to so much trouble for him, plus he had never really had a birthday party before.

"Thank you, I didn't expect anything." Harry replied quietly still in shock

Bill and Charlie lead Harry to a large table full of Harry's favourite foods and made him sit down at the head of the table. Everyone asked him if he was all right, Harry just smiled and said.

" Yes I'm fine, I never really expected anything, after all the years at the Dursley's I just got used to my birthday being a normal day but this is special so thank you."

Everyone began to eat and talk, often laughed at how enthusiastically he devoured a large amount of each of his favourite foods. After they all finished eating and the house elf's had cleared the table and set up bowls of snack in case they were still a little hungry when the twins jumped up and shouted.

"Present time!"

Everyone laughed at Fred and George child like behaviour and started to give Harry his presents. First to give Harry their present was Lucius, who gave Harry a wide range of DADA books to help with is studies. He got a deluxe broom servicing kit from Draco and Narcissa, Sophie and Serena informed him that they were taking him on a long over due shopping trip. Tonks and the twins got together and brought him a selection of pranks and other fun things to try and bring out his Marauder side. When Severus came up to Harry he gave him a big present which turned out to be a wide range of potion books and then he gave Harry a potions and told him to drink.

"What is it." exclaimed Harry

Everyone was wondering what the potion was as well and waited for Severus to tell them.

"It's a very old and rare long forgotten potion that will repair your eye sight so you will no longer need to wear glasses." he informed them

Harry looked at Severus for a moment in shock then drunk the potion, after a couple of minutes of nothing happening he was going to ask Severus why it hadn't worked and then all of a sudden his eye balls felt like they were on fire and brought tears to his eyes and then the pain was gone. Harry took his glasses off and looked around and could see everything was clearer than ever before. He stood up and hugged Severus while thanking him, Severus didn't know how to act so he just patted Harry on the back and sat back down.

"Harry you know I see you as one of my sons so on your 16th birthday I give you a Weasley family heirloom as a family tradition." stated Arthur

Arthur stood up and gave Harry a small wrapped box, when Harry open it he gasped at the sight of a beautiful gold pocket watch. He looked at Arthur and said he thought of him as one of the father figures in his life and went over and gave him a hug.

"Harry my present for you is from Sirius too, we both had been working on it for some time and finished just before he died and I know he's up there watching us and wanting you to have fun, live your life and be happy." said Remus

Remus turned around and pointed his wand at an empty space and said an unknown spell and all of a sudden there was Sirius's flying motorbike. Harry had a couple of tears running down his cheek at remembering Sirius was gone but not forgotten and a look of wonder on his face at the motorbike in front of him. Bill put his arm around Harry to comfort him and said he still had a few gifts left and could try out the motorbike tomorrow when there was more light. Charlie and Bill sat next to Harry to give theirs and the girls presents to him.

"Right Harry, these two are from me and Bill and these three boxes are from the girls." Charlie informed him

Harry picked up the bigger present from Charlie and Bill first and started to unwrap it. Harry thought it was a book until he turned over and noticed it was a family album, he had a quick look through it and it brought tears of joy and hugged them both.

"when and how did you get all those pictures of our family when we are together most of the time and I haven't seen a camera around." inquired Harry

"Well we were thinking how you didn't have many family photos and asked Dobby to take some pictures when we arrived of the girls and when the rest moved in he asked if we wanted pictures taken of everyone, that's when we came up with the family photo album." explained Charlie

Harry was still trying to recover from receiving such a thoughtful and heart felt gift, when Bill gave Him a small box. Harry took the lid of and pulled the tissue paper out and saw what he thought was a normal watch but at closer inspection he could see there was more hands than normal and that each hand had a picture of each member of his new family. Everyone was curious as to why Harry reacted the way he did until he held up the watch showing them it and getting the exact reaction from them as his.

They were brought back from their thoughts by the girls gurgling. Bill and Charlie each picked up one of the girls and brought them back to their seat by Harry to give him the present from the Girls.

"Harry, these three boxes are from the girls for you and them so open them up." said Bill

Harry opened one of the bigger boxes first, when he looked inside he found a small beautiful gold bracelet with Jasmine's name engraved on it with flowers linked all the way around the bracelet. He opened the other big box and it was another bracelet but for Isabella, but it had different flowers on it. When Harry opened the last small box he saw a solid gold band ring with two zinconia stones on either side of a ruby, his and his girls birthstone. Harry didn't know what to say so he just pulled Bill, Charlie and his girls in to a group hug. After five minutes Bill started to talk.

"Harry, these bracelets and ring have some spells on them, we thought they might be helpful as the girls grow up to keep them safe."

"What kind of spells?" questioned Harry

"Well, there are a lot of protections spells, there is a spell to alert you if they are hurt so you can apparate right to them. They grow and adjust as they age so the girls can always wear them and if you put one drop of your blood on them no one can take them off apart from you and the girls." informed Bill

"Thank you." replied Harry as he pulled them both to him for warm and loving kiss

While Harry had been opening the last of his presents Narcissa and Sophie had been clearing the last of the snacks away. Lucius had been sitting very close to Serena talking quietly, they were nearly in each others laps. Severus and Draco were talking about some kind of rare potion and Remus and Arthur were getting the candles lit ready to sing Happy Birthday while Fred, George and Tonks were setting up the fireworks and joking around.

When Harry had finished thanking Bill and Charlie and promising more later Harry called for Dobby and Maddy.


"Maddy" called Harry

Both elf's appeared in front of him within seconds with a small pop.

"Master Harry Potter sir , what can Dobby and Maddy do for you." they enquired

"Could you two put the girls to bed it's getting late." asked Harry

"Oh yes, master Harry Potter sir, Dobby be doing that for you."

"Yes master Harry." said Maddy happily

"Thank you, Dobby, Maddy." Harry replied

After Harry, Bill and Charlie had all said goodnight to their little angels, Remus came in with the cake floating in front of him with sixteen sparkling candles. The cake was chocolate with frost icing and white and milk chocolate curls all over it, with chocolate piped writing saying Happy 16th Birthday Harry in the centre. As Remus got closer everybody started to sing Happy Birthday to Harry. With the cake in front of him and everyone had finished singing Harry blew the candles out and made his wish.

"What did you.." started George

"..wish for Harry." finished Fred

"Fred and George I'm not going to tell you because it won't come true if I do." exclaimed Harry

For the next couple of hours everyone had a lot of fun just talking, laughing and dancing, after a while everyone settled down and just listen to the peaceful surroundings and watching the bright stars twinkle in the dark night sky. The silence was broken by Fred and George setting off the fireworks that lasted about 30 minutes, after their brilliant show had finished everyone decided to go to bed and Harry noticed not all of them had gone to their own rooms.


When they got to the bedroom Harry was going to make good on his promise, but first a little fun. He spelled all their clothes off and then informed Bill for the first part he could only watch and pushed him in to a armchair and restrained him. Then slowly he turned to Charlie and looked at him with an mischievous look in his eye

Harry pushed Charlie back on the bed and straddled his hips and started placing soft kisses along his jaw and down his neck, moving down Charlie's chest, nipping and sucking at his sensitive nipples and licking all the way down to his navel dipping his tongue in and out making Charlie back arch of the bed and whimper. Harry dragging his tongue the rest of the way down Charlie's toned body to his prize.

Harry took his large hard dripping cock in his hand and brought his mouth down and flicked his tongue across the slit and moaning at the taste of pre-cum in his mouth. Then he took Charlie's large cock in to his mouth as far as he could and started sucking gently, but quickly pick up the pace while his hands caressed his balls lightly, Harry felt them tighten causing Charlie to fist his hands in to the silk sheets and moan breathlessly as he released his seed in to Harry's waiting mouth and swallowed it greedily.

Hearing a deep moan coming from Bill, Harry turned and found a very aroused and uncomfortable Bill. Deciding it was Bill's turn Harry let Charlie's hard member fall out of his mouth with a pop and spelled Charlie to the bed so he couldn't touch himself.

Harry walked over to Bill and straddled his lap and started rubbing their cocks together and hissed in pleasure. Bill started to trail soft kisses along Harry's jaw and down his neck. Charlie was watching them finding it very arousing and was getting hard again, he could see that Bill and Harry were in the same state. Harry didn't know how much longer he could hold on so he moved himself from Bill's lap causing Bill to whimper at the loss of contact. Harry removed the restraints from both of them and pulled Bill over to the bed.

"I want more." exclaimed Harry

"what do you want." asked Charlie huskily

"I don't know, I either need one of you inside me or me inside you."said Harry

"Are you sure Harry." questioned Bill

Harry nodded head and said "yes".

"Why don't we try both at the same time, but only if you are all right with that Harry." exclaimed Bill

"What do you mean." asked a confused Harry

"Well, hmm... one of us would be bent over the bed so you could enter them, then one of us would enter you from behind." explained Charlie

"OK, your have to tell me what to do, I never done something like this before." replied Harry shyly

Charlie positioned himself over the edge of the bed, while Bill showed Harry how to use the lubricant to prepare Charlie. Harry coated his fingers and then began to stretch Charlie as Bill began to do the same to him. When Charlie was ready Harry took hold of his erect cock and slowly pushed in to him, while they were adjusting Bill began to put his hardened member between Harry's cheeks and slowly entered his tight hole.

Once Harry had recovered from being penetrated he began to move his hips back and forth slowly so Bill could get in the same rhythm. As soon as they were moving together they picked up the pace and were soon moaning and gasping with pleasure. Harry could feel the build up inside and knew it wouldn't be much longer before he found his release.

With the next thrust Harry exploded inside Charlie sending him and Bill over the edge as Harry felt himself being filled with Bill's seed. As they came down from their high they separated their bodies they shared a deep and sensual kiss before cleaning themselves up, climbed in to bed and clung to each other as they fell in to a peaceful sleep.


After they had finished breakfast Severus informed Harry that the potion was ready and set it up in the living room. Harry thanked Severus and moved to the living room where Bill and Charlie were playing on the floor with Jasmine and Isabella. As Harry entered the room the sight before him brought a smile to his face, he went over and kissed both his lovers and girls before sitting at the table next to Remus to do the magical ability test.

"OK Harry, this test is like the blood inheritance test but shows your gifts and if you had or have any blocks or memory charms on you, if you do then it will say the date it was put on you and by who and if they have been broken or taken off. Are you ready." Remus asked

"Yes." answered Harry as he put three drops of blood in to the potion then poured it over some special parchment and let it be absorbed. Once all the potion had been absorbed Harry began to read through to see what gifts he had.

Results Of Magical Ability Test For:

Lord Harry James Potter, Black, Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Evans

From the Potter line:

Wand-less magic:

The ability to do magic without a wand.


The ability to heal most injuries with ease by touch.

From the Black line:


The ability to change ones appearance by thinking about what you want to look like.

From the Griffindor line:

Multi Animagus:

The ability to become magical and non – magical animals.

Beast Speak:

The ability to speak to all mammals.

From the Ravenclaw line:

Mind Magic Master:

The ability to master all forms of mind magic.

(Occlumency, Legilimancy, Telepathy.)

Photographic Memory:

The ability to remember everything you read and see.

From the Evans line:


The ability to feel other peoples emotions.

From the Slytherine line:

(From Cursed Scar)


The ability to speak to all reptiles.

(Snakes, Dragons, Lizards.)

All magical gifts are unlocked.

Power blocks: Placed on 31st October 1981 by Albus Dumbledore

Broken on 31st July 1997 By Soul mate bond

Locks on all gifts: Placed on 31st October 1981 by Albus Dumbledore


Unlocked on 31st June 1992 by Harry Potter (accidental magic)

Wand-less magic, Healing, Metamorphmagus, Multi-Animagus, Beast Speak, Mind Magic Master, Photographic Memory, Empathy:

Unlocked on 31st July 1997 by Soul mate bond

Memory Charms:

All Obliviated Memories are still Blocked.

Obliviated on 31st October 1981 by Albus Dumbledore.

Obliviated on 5th May 1991 by Albus Dumbledore.

Obliviated on 25th November 1995 by Hermione Granger.

Obliviated on 10th August 1996 by Molly Weasley.

Obliviated on 6th December 1996 by Albus Dumbledore.

Harry just stared at the parchment in shock, but as soon as the shock wore off his anger started to boil at what Dumbledore had done. Remus had been watching Harry and was getting worried when his magic started getting out of control and Harry began to glow. He tried calling his name but he didn't reply and when he tried to touch Harry his magic pushed Remus away.

Remus was just about to call Dobby to get Bill and Charlie here when they ran through the door coming back from putting the girls down for their nap looking worried. When they looked at Harry they wondered what had got him so angry to lose control like this.

"Quickly Bill, Charlie I need you to help calm him down through your bond." said Remus

"Harry it's all right, whatever it is were here and will help you." Whispered Charlie as he hugged Harry from behind.

"Please Harry you need to calm down." begged Bill

Severus came back in to the room with a calming draft and handed it to Bill to give to Harry. Once everyone could see Harry was calmer Bill asked.

"Harry, what happened to make you react like that."

"I found out I was betrayed worse than I thought." replied Harry in a cold voice

"what do you mean, I thought you were just finding out what your magical power's are" enquired Serena

"Yes I was, but the test also shows if you had or have any blocks or memory charms on you as well." stated Harry

"What did you find and who was it that done it to you." asked Remus

"I had blocks placed on my power and gifts the night my parents died by Dumbledore and I have been Obliviated five times. Once by Mrs Weasley, once by Hermione and the rest were done by Dumbledore." Harry exclaimed

"How could that bastard do that to my cub, I'll kill him." growled Remus

Severus walked over To Remus and tried to calm his wolf down.

"The Obliviated memories are still blocked, can one of you unblock them, please." Harry asked

"I can unblock them, but I think Severus should get some more calming draft ready encase you loose control of your powers again." stated Bill

"Severus do you have any more calming draft potion or do we have to make some more." enquired Bill

Severus just pulled a couple of bottles out of his robe pocket and said.

"I thought he might need these because his gifts are joined with his emotions and he needs to stay calm or his magic will get out of his control."

"OK, Harry I will unlock one memory at a time and wait till you have recovered what the memory was." informed Bill

Harry sat down in front of Bill and nodded his head telling him he was ready for him to start. Bill waved his wand and said a spell he never heard of and Harry was thrown in to the memory.

Memory 1: 26th December 1996 – Grimmauld Place.

Harry woke up gasping from another nightmare and knew he wouldn't get back to sleep so he decided to go and get a drink. As he was walking down the hallway he saw a light on in one of the rooms he was passing and heard voices, recognizing them as Mrs Weasley and Dumbledore.

"Albus are you sure everything is set up and the marriage contract can't be broken." enquired Molly

" Yes Molly, everything is ready and there is no way out of the marriage contract, I made sure of it." replied Dumbledore

"Ginny will be happy to finally get her Harry. When did you say they get married in the contract because I can't wait to start spending his money. Molly Said greedily

"Once Sirius is dead and I take control of Harry's inheritance I will inform Harry that he has a marriage contract and has to marry Ginny on her 15th birthday."

Harry was so shocked and upset that the people he thought of as family were greedy for power and control freaks that they were planning on killing his godfather. Harry didn't know what to do with this informations but he knew he had better get out of there before someone saw him. He had just started going back up stairs when the next step creaked drawing attention to his presents. Dumbledore quickly came running out the room closely followed by Mrs Weasley and saw Harry and wonder if he had heard them talking. Not wanting to take any chance of asking anything Dumbledore decided to Obliviate him.

End of Memory 1

While Harry was absorbing the unlocked information everyone was watching him closely waiting to find out what he saw. Harry had his eyes closed and was breathing deeply and his magic started to manifest around him and then he slowly open his eyes to find everyone looking concerned at him.

"Harry went over to Bill and Charlie and clung to them while trying to calm down, after a couple of minutes Harry started to tell them about what he saw in the memory.

"I over heard Mrs Weasley talking to Dumbledore at Grimmauld Place last Christmas about a marriage contact between me and Ginny and how she couldn't wait to spend my money. Dumbledore told her they had to wait till they got Sirius out the way so he could control me and my inheritance, I was going back up the stairs when the step creaked and Dumbledore and Mrs Weasley came running out and saw me the next second his wand was pointed at me and he said Obliviate." Harry told them in a quiet voice

Everyone was shocked at discovering that Dumbledore had planned Sirius's death and wonder if the other memories were going to be like this or worst. Severus had to force half a bottle of calming draft down Remus's throat as Moony wanted to come out and have some fun with Dumbledore. When Harry said he was ready Bill unlocked the next memory.

Memory 2: 10th August 1996 – The Burrow

Harry had been asked by Mrs Weasley to get the girls so they could help her with dinner but just as he was going to knock on the door he heard Hermione ask.

"So Ginny are you going to use a love potion on Harry."

"No, Dumbledore has made a fake marriage contract and is going to tell Harry that his father made it just before his death, so I'm going to be married to him by my 15th birthday. Replied Ginny gleefully

"Marriage contracts are impossible to get out of so that's a brilliant plan, I brought a lot of new stuff with the money Dumbledore is paying us out of Harry's own vault to be his friend and just think what we could do with all his money once he's dead." Exclaimed Hermione

""Well that's the least we deserve for him putting us in danger and nearly getting us killed every year, not forgetting his mood swings." replied Ginny

Harry's blood began to boil how dare they try and control his life, did anyone want him for just being Harry or did all of them have a share in this. He was just going to knock on the door and think about what he heard later when Mrs Weasley pushed her wand in to the back of his head and said.

"Harry what are you doing listening to private conversations you know it's rude, it doesn't matter we can't have you knowing this information yet it's too soon and would mess with all are plans." stated Mrs Weasley

End of Memory 2

"That one was from last summer at the Burrow, Mrs Weasley asked me to get the girls and I heard them talking about me so I decided to listen in. Hermione asked if she was going to use a love potions on me and she told her about the fake marriage contract. Hermione said something about Dumbledore paying them to be my friends with my own money and how they could buy anything they wanted once I'm dead. I was about to knock when Mrs Weasley had pushed her wand in to me and started talking about being too soon to know and then nothing. Harry informed everyone

While the others in the room talking about the memory Harry called Dobby.


Dobby appeared with a small pop, " yes master Harry Potter sir, what can Dobby do for you."

"Could you make some sandwiches for all of us and get some butterbeer please Dobby" asked Harry."

"Yes master Harry Potter sir, Dobby will be happy to do that for you" and popped away.

Dobby came back with a massive plate filled with loads of different sandwiches and a crate of butterbeer as everyone started to eat Dobby asked if their was anything else he could do.

"Dobby are the girls OK." Harry enquired

"Yes master Harry Potter sir, I played with them when master Bill and master Charlie brought them up and just fed them and then i put them down for a nap." stated Dobby happily

"OK, that all for know. Thank you." said Harry

After everyone had finished their lunch Bill unlocked the third memory and Harry leaned on Charlie's shoulder while remembering the memory.

Memory 3: 25th November 1995 – Hogwarts

It was week before the first task of the tri-wizard tournament and I was just walking around trying to think how I was going to get past a dragon when I heard voices up ahead and they were getting closer so I stepped in to the nearest alcove and hid behind a tapestry. I did not want to talk or see any one at the moment so I waited for them to past by but they stopped in front of the alcove I was in. That's when I recognized that it was Ron and Hermione and was going to step out when Ron said.

"Dumbledore's plan is bloody brilliant, who would think Dumbledore would put Potters name in the cup himself and lie about not being able to get him out of it." Proclaimed Ron

"And it was a brilliant plan putting our DADA teacher under the imperious curse after finding out he was a death eater using polyjuice potion so when everyone knows about it Dumbledore can blame it all on him." exclaimed Hermione

Hermione heard a noise behind them and indicated Ron to one side while she took the other and they both pulled the tapestry back to find Harry stood their and before he could move Hermione had pointed her wand at Harry and said Obilviate.

End of Memory

Harry sat up and looked around, everyone could see the hurt and betrayal in his eyes and knew they weren't going to like what they were going to hear.

"The old coot I can't believe it." shouted Harry

"What did he do Harry." questioned Sophie

"He put my name in to the goblet of fire and lied about being able to withdraw my name but that's not all he knew Barty crouch Jr was using polyjuice and put the imperious on him so he could take the blame. I found this out by over hearing Ron and Hermione talking about it.

"I can't believe he could go that far and put you and all the students in that much danger" said Serena

"With everything he has already done I'm not sure if there is anything he won't do to get what he wants, no matter who he has to hurt along the way." stated Severus

"OK Bill, if you are ready I want to get the next one unlocked so I know what else that old lemon sucker has been hiding from me." asked Harry as everyone laughed at the new name he gave Dumbledore.

Memory 4: 5th May 1991 – 4 Privet Drive

Harry was finishing his chores when there was a knock at the front door so Harry went to answer it.

"HI, can I help you." asked Harry in a small voice

"Hello dear, is your aunt or uncle home please." said the strange woman

"Yes, I'll just go get her." Harry informed her.

Harry went to tell his aunt about the strange woman at the door and she didn't look happy about it.

"Hello Mrs Dursley, I'm here to talk about the welfare of your nephew one Harry James Potter." stated the woman

"Why would you need to do that." aunt Petunia said

"We had a complaint from one of your nephews teachers saying that your nephew keeps going to school covered in bruises and flinches and jumps when touched." replied the woman

While this was going on Miss Figg was walking by and heard part of the conversations and decided to inform Dumbledore. Harry was watching the woman and his aunt move to the living room to talk some more and decided to listen in.

"My nephew has always been accident prone and gets in to a lot of scrapes with the other kids around here." his aunt told her

Harry heard the door bell ring and went to see who it was. When he opened the door their stood a old man with a very long beard he was dressed in bright coloured clothes and his eyes looked like they had sparking gems in them.

"Hello, can I help you." asked Harry

"Yes, I'm Albus Dumbledore and I would like to speak to your aunt if she is home." he exclaimed

"One moment please."

Harry walked to the living room door and knocked, after his aunt told him to enter she asked what he wanted.

"Sorry to interrupt you aunt Petunia but there is an Albus Dumbledore at the door wanting to speak with you." stated Harry

His aunt left the room to talk to the man at the front door and came back a couple of minutes later with him. The old man pulled a funny looking stick from his pocket and pointed it at the woman his aunt had been talking too and said something strange, then he turned to Harry.

End of Memory

Everyone watched Harry open his eyes after another memory and noticed he had tears in them. Bill and Charlie pulled him in to a hug and asked.

"Harry what did you find out this time."

"He knew.. he knew and covered it up and let them continue." whispered Harry as a lone tear fell down his cheek

"What did he know Harry." Sophie asked

"The abuse, their was a teacher at my school before Hogwarts and she made a complaint and this woman came to the house to talk to my aunt but Dumbledore turned up and Obliviated her and me, I remember I never saw that teacher after that." replied Harry

They all talked and had a cup of tea while Harry got his emotions under control ready for the last memory. When Harry was ready he pulled Bill and Charlie close so he could bathe in their body heat.

Memory 5: 31st October 1981 – Godric Hollow

Baby Harry was crying softly as his mother ran with him up the stairs after Voldemort had killed his father. A couple of minutes later Voldemort entered his room and his mother put him in his crib and pulled out her wand and pointed it at him, after they had shouted at each other the mean man hit his mummy and pointed the wand at him. Harry could hear someone screaming and a bright green light then silence. His mother woke up to her sons cries and saw a pile of robes on the floor and her son with a cut on his head, she was just going to get Harry when Dumbledore came n to the room and said.

"Sorry Lily but I need total control of my little weapon if the prophecy is to be fulfilled When Voldemort comes back, Obliviate!. Now Harry we can't have you more powerful than me now can we."

He started a long incantation then their was a bright light and baby Harry felt something leave him. Just to be sure Harry could not remember anything Dumbledore Obliviated him.

End of Memory

While Harry was still reliving the last memory Remus pick up the results for Harry's magical ability test and was shocked he had so many gifts and then went pale as he saw the memory he was seeing was the night his parents were killed and with photographic memory he would remember every single detail of what happened. He was just going to inform everyone what the memory was of when he felt the room heat up.

Everyone felt Harry's magic rise like a heat wave and his body shake while tears poured down his face, when he opened his eyes he looked heart broken. Bill held him while Charlie tried to give him a calming draft but couldn't get Harry to open his mouth.

"It's all right Harry, open you mouth so Charlie can give you the potion to help you calm down then we can talk about it." Bill whispered as he rubbed his back to help relax him.

Charlie finally managed to get the potion in to Harry and a ten minutes later Harry had stopped shaking and his magic and the room temperature had returned to normal.

"I'm going to kill that good for nothing, lemon sucking bastard! " shouted Harry

"Harry what happened the night your parents were killed, what did the old coot do." asked Remus

"He killed my mother."he said in a dead tone

"You mean Voldemort." questioned Sophie

"No, Dumbledore." was all his reply

"Harry I think you need to tell us what you saw, if you can." asked Serena softly

He nodded his head and started talking.

"It started with my mum running upstairs after Voldemort had just killed my father, she ran in to my room and put me in my crib and took her wand out he came in they were shouting and then he hit her and she hit her head on the corner of my crib. He looked at me for a couple of minutes and then sent the killing curse at me, all I could see was a bright green light and someone screaming and then he was gone. I sat in my crib crying and then mum started to move towards me, she was just going to pick me up when Dumbledore walked in and said she had to die so he could control his little weapon and fulfill the prophecy when the dark lord returned and fired the killing curse at her heart and I saw the light leave her eyes as she hit the floor. He walked over to me saying I was more powerful than him and it wouldn't do and then there was a blinding white light and It felt like my magic had left my body and he said he couldn't have me remembering what he did so he Obliviated me." Finished Harry withdrawing in to himself.

Serena and Sophie were holding each other as they cried for Lily their sister and friend. Severus was just holding it together to pour two bottles of the calming draft down Remus's throat and restrained him to stop Moony going to Dumbledore and ripping him to pieces.

After sitting in silence for thirty minutes Bill and Charlie could feel how tired Harry was and looked like he was going to fall asleep so Charlie picked him up and carried him up to their bedroom. Bill stayed behind to ask Severus if he had any dreamless sleep and another calming draft potion encase Harry woke in the night.

Severus pulled a small black box out of his pocket and enlarged it, when he opened it Bill could see it full with healing potions.

"Here you go, this blue is the dreamless sleep potion only give him half or he will sleep 24 hours, this red one is a headache potion because he may get a headache as a result of such strong memories and this is a milder form of the calming draft." he informed Bill

"Thanks, goodnight."

Just after Bill, Charlie and Harry had gone to bed Dobby appeared to announce dinner was ready. They walked to the dining room and saw the rest of the family arriving home from work and seeing friends. When they all walked in they could tell something had happened and it wasn't good.

"What happened." enquired Lucius

" A lot has happened today we will tell you over dinner." answered Severus

"OK" they all said

Remus, Severus, Serena and Sophie relayed what had happened with Harry and the blocks on his memories and what Dumbledore had done. They all wanted to kill Dumbledore and after some tea with calming draft in they decided to go to bed early and talk in the morning.