
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

12: The Showdown.

The heroes killed the androids one by one, but they kept on coming. Whenever they thought they were done, another one popped up from the ground.

Enough was enough, Mason thought. He summoned all the strength he could handle and released a powerful green blast kept growing and growing. It was the same move he used to kill Raditz, the Heaven's Light. It killed all the androids surrounding him. The others saw the explosion and followed Mason's example. Save everything for one attack.

Eventually, all the androids were 'scrap metal,' as Margrit called them. Everyone was tired and almost out of energy, especially Mason, since he fought the hardest. Mason took deep breaths and recharged his energy. Suddenly, the ground broke apart, and a giant robot-spider machine crawled out. Its eight giant tentacles crushed the ground when it touched it, two crushing claws and one mean face. Its brain was the biggest part of its head, it flashed whenever it moved.

Mason was caught by surprise by its sinister claws. "Ahhhhhh!" Arachnid's grip got tighter on Mason and squeezed him like a stuffed doll. Margrit heard Mason's scream far away and went to help him. Zelfire rushed too.

"Let go of him you ugly monster!"

Arachnid crawled at her and sank its claws at her. Margrit barely dodged its attacks, and Mason was running out of time. Arachnid shot lasers at her and paralyzed her legs. It picked her up with its other claw.

Zelfire: "Noooo! It's got Mason...and Margrit!"

The spider squeezed them tightly, ignoring Zelfire.

They both screamed in pain. Mason's body was getting weaker and weaker, and so was Margrit. Zelfire fired a beam at Arachnid's head, but it had little effect. "No way! Hang on guys, I'll think of something!"


"Mason!...I don't want to die...not now..."

"We'll be okay...as long as we're together..."

They tried to ignore the pain, but it wasn't working.



They reached for each other's hands desperately. They reached as far as they could and slowly got closer. Their finger tips almost touched when Arachnid sent electric shocks to them and fried them. Their hands were no where close to each other's now.

Zelfire flew right into its head, and makes a few hits, but was unable to save them.

The spider fought back with lasers. Finally, Blaze showed up in the battlefield. Blaze: "Another one? This one is even uglier than the others!" He charged a lot of energy. "Watch how a true warrior does it!" he said to Zelfire as if he sucked.

Zelfire: "No! You'll kill them!"

Blaze didn't hear him and fired at the spider's brain. BOOM! It let go of Mason and Margrit, and its head blew up. Its legs trembled and fell apart like Lego. Zelfire ran into Blaze and they both fell down.

Watching from a distance, the blue faced warrior observed their skills curiously. "Hmmm, interesting." said Nova. "But I don't see why Lord Dark is so worried about them being a threat. They had trouble with that piece of garbage. Aha ha ha ha."

Blaze, under Zelfire, pushed him away. "Get off of me you imbecile!"

"Mason!" Margrit said. The injured two ran towards each other and hugged passionately.

"It's alright! We're still alive."

Tears rolled from her eyes from the fear and thought of losing her loved one.

"I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you..."

"Me too..." They continued hugging, ignoring everything else, as if everything was just black space.

Zelfire: "They make a perfect couple."

Blaze: "How cute. Enough of this mushy stuff. We have more important things to do if you don't mind."

Mason and Margrit let go of each other, a bit embarrassed.

Blaze: "So I'm guessing you two are dating? I can't believe this. Mason, supposedly one of strongest sayans alive, has a soft spot for a girl?"

Margrit: "I'm not a girl. I'm a sayan just like you."

Mason: "It's called love. Something you won't understand, Blaze. It doesn't hurt to love once in a while."

Blaze: "A true warrior loves no one."

Zelfire: "It's useless explaining to him. He never had any real love. I bet his parents-"

Blaze: "Enough of this non-sense! We're wasting time."

Mason: "Right. Let's go back to the tunnel. They went back into the building where they left the crystals at.

Once they got there, they faced four silhouetted figures waiting for them.

Blaze: "We've got company."

One of them was Nova. "We detected the remaining two crystals are in here somewhere. Where are they?"

"Why should we tell you?" Blaze said.

Margrit saw her old enemy. "Kerell?!"

Kerell: "Nice to see again, partner."

Mason saw an old face as well. "R-Renegade?"

Renegade: "What's the matter brother? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Zelfire: "You can't have the crystals! They don't belong to you!"

Electrode: "They belong to Dark Spectre!"

Blaze: "You'll never get them!"

Nova: "Then you leave us no choice. We shall get it by force."

Blaze: "Bring it on."

"Foolish sayans and humans! I can kill you all by myself!" Nova said.

Kerell: "Margrit is mine! No one fights her but me!"

Margrit: "I agree!"

Renegade: "I'll take my dear brother."

Mason stood still, speechless and motionless at the sight of his brother.

Blaze: "Electrode, we still have a score to settle!"

Electrode: "You're on!"

Zelfire: "Left-overs are fine with me!"

Nova glared at him.

Kerell: "Let's do it!"

Blaze: "Fine!" Everyone blurred except for Mason and Renegade. Now they were alone, face to face once again.

Renegade: "It's been a while, brother."

Mason: "...Yes it has."

"What is that look on your face? Are you surprised to see me here? Or are you scared of me?"

"You surprised me, that's all. I didn't expect to see you here."

Renegade took off his scouter, and placed it in his pocket. "I no longer need this. This little device is misleading. If I have learned anything from you, it is that. I can tell that you've become stronger since I met you on earth. Much, much stronger. Excellent. You will become a worthy foe."

"What are you so happy about?"

They ran into each other and hit their elbows - WHAM! The sound of the hit echoed throughout the building and the quiet city.

Inside the empty building were the former partners Margarita and Kerell. They have been standing still and staring at each other for an unknown amount of time.

"So we're alone at last, partner." said Kerell. The dark energy in his body swelled up and started to become visible.

"Don't call me that." she said hatefully. "This time I'll make sure you die for good." They both thought about their previous encounter at the cave on Masucs and how Kerell was buried under a pile of rubble. Margrit regretted not killing him then, but she was determined to finish what she started. "I'm not the same as before."

"We'll see about that, won't we?" he replied as his body became full of dark energy.

They jumped into each other and started exchanging moves and kept ascending as fists continued to fly. One of Margrit's fists landed on his cheek, but it was not enough to wipe the smirk off his face. He grabbed her by the arms and they soared up, and then turned upside down and crashed into a pile of concrete. Crash!

Seconds later, a flare of light glowed from the holes of the concrete. Suddenly, Margrit went through the wall as she was pushed out. Scrrrrrr. Her shoes scraped the ground before coming to a halt. Pieces of her yellow jacket were blown off.

Kerell came out from the wall with smoke coming out of his palms. "Why don't we finish what we started, Margrit?"

"It's Margarita!" She dashed at him.

Bam! Kerell fired a beam straight into her and she crossed her arms over her face to block. It pushed her back further. Scrrrrrr. Somehow, she was still standing, but barely able to stand up for long.

Smoke was coming out of her suit. Pieces of her suit were burned off, revealing some of her skin. Kerell enjoyed watching her suffer and be helpless. He also enjoyed seeing her skin and wanted to see more. He wanted to shred her clothes piece by piece until there's nothing left. He never saw Margrit as a threat to begin with, so to him, this wasn't a fight, but a one way slaughter.

The fight between Blaze and Electrode was a rough one. History was repeating itself as Electrode shot a bunch of missiles at his target. Blaze flew around in the air, dodging them. But the missiles kept on circling him.

Blaze: "What the hell is this?"

Electrode: "It's useless. These missiles can identify your energy and lock into it. They will follow you no matter where you go."

"How annyong." Then Blaze screamed, releasing a blast from his body, blowing out all the missiles.

Nova and Zelfire faced each other. "It's pointless. You have no chance of beating me, human."

"I'm tired of everyone calling me a human. I have a name, and by the time I'm through with you, that's the only thing you'll remember. My name is Zelfire." He jumped down from the roof and flew at Nova, and kicked.

Nova got hit on the shoulder, but he didn't even budge. He punched Zelfire away.

Bam. Margrit was knocked against the column at the edge of the building and she fell on her knees. As she was on all four, she was panting for breath and coughing.

"What a pathetic sight, Margrit." taunted her opponent. "You said you're not the same as before, but you haven't changed at all. I've been getting stronger while you get weaker."

Both of them heard explosions from the sky. Bam bam. They felt Mason and Renegade's ki.

Kerell's eyes darted to the side. "What a noisy bunch."

Margrit forced herself to stand up. She was surrounded by a white ki. "I told you…I'm not the same Margarita you knew."

"So you can power up, big deal."

Margrit continued to power up as she grunted. Although without a scouter, Kerell can feel her ki. He never saw Margrit as a threat, but rather entertainment. For the first time, he was worried.

Margrit fired a beam and Kerell blocked it with one hand. But it was too strong so he used both hands to block it. But it was not enough, and it pushed him until his back hit the wall. It kept pushing him and he grunted. Then Margrit waved her fingers and the beam flew up and hit the ceiling. Pieces of rubble fell on him.

Margrit flew to the air and started spinning and dove down. The rubble blew away from Kerell's body as his dark energy was powered up. Margrit crashed him into and pushed him through the floor. The floor concrete broke apart falling along with them. They crashed through several more floors.

Then Margrit remained in place as Kerell continued to crash through all floors until he reached the ground level.

Margrit fired the Super Energy Bomb downwards. Kerell saw the bright light and prepared for the worst. He put his hands on it but it burned. The energy swallowed him up and he screamed in agony. The bottom floor exploded. Kaboom! Without a foundation, the entire building crashed onto itself. With all that destruction, Kerell was done for good.

What remained was a pile of rubble. Margrit was standing on it. That last attack used up all her energy and she suddenly fell down.

Renegade: "My dear brother, it is time to die."

Mason: "You're the one…you're the one who betrayed father!" He charged wildly, as Renegade waited for him to come. What will be their fate?