
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

13: The Fate Of Everyone.

Mason and Renegade continued their rumble in the Lost City. As they fought, it got more intense with every hit.

Ren knocked him into a wall and crashed. Mason came out of the wall and fought back angrily. First, he made a Power Punch aimed at Ren's face, but he missed and got kicked. Then he flew at him and gave a knee jam him in the chin, giving him the feeling of true pain. After a few more critical hits, Ren had enough. He shot a bunch of energy balls at Mason. He formed the Electro-shield around himself and it bounced the balls away. Mason powered up.

Renegade: "Yes…I can feel your strength. You've been training, haven't you? I can't believe you improved so much training in that worthless colony?"

"Don't you insult the colony. You're nothing compared to them."

"Still talking like a big shot. You haven't changed one bit. Dear brother, during this time, I have been training too! My power has increased as much as you did. I have been waiting for this moment for so long."

"Then show me how much you improved!"

Ren charged at him and Mason suddenly froze. He couldn't move his body one bit, something was running through his mind. He flashed back to two years earlier, when he first discovered he was Ren's brother.

As they were fighting, Renegade spotted a mark on Spade's left arm.

"That mark....where did you get it?" Ren asked him in serious tone.

"Oh, this? It's my birthmark. Why do you care?" he replied.

Suddenly, his face became surprised and disbelieving. "No, this can't be. I can't believe it."

"What are you blabbering about? Did you forget to call your mom or something?"

"That birthmark…I have the same one. Look." Ren pulled up his sleeve on his left arm, revealing the same mark that resembled a spade. "This means…there's no doubt about it. You're my brother?"

Terry: "What? What the hell kind of trick are you pulling?"

"It's no trick. It's the truth."

"So, we a similar birthmark. Big deal. What does that prove?"

"You're my long lost brother…they've been telling me about you. We were just babies when we were separated. Our father was a rebel, and they considered him a threat to the sayan planet! They planned to destroy him and his children! The only way to protect us was to send us to another planet. We were on the same course, but my ship was knocked off course! Your ship went to earth, and separated from mine! I have heard that I had a lost brother on earth. I can't believe he's you! Brother...hour real name is Mason! That was the name your father gave you."

Mason thought for a while.

Renegade: "I wouldn't lie to you. Your power level proves that you are a sayan. And that birthmark…what are the chances that we have the same one, without being related? You have to trust me, Mason."

"Mason? My name is Terry Spade. So what if I'm a sayan? So what if I'm your brother? What kind of brother would want to ruin my homeland."

"Fool! You are a sayan. Why are you fighting to protect a worthless planet? To protect those weakling humans? We are sayans! We destroy lives! We're on the same side, we shouldn't be fighting. Why don't you join me, Mason? Join Destructo, and you will be given power, power that you could never dream of."

"Your offer is really tempting, but that doesn't appeal to me. I'll never join the likes of you. I was raised on earth. I've lived on earth. I am an earthling, not a sayan."

"You fool! Do you realize what you're refusing? I am offering you the universe?"

"I don't care about power. All I want is peace for all of mankind, and for your kind to leave us alone."

Ren grunted angrily, he was getting impatient. "I'll give you one more chance, brother. Join us, or oppose us. If you oppose Destructo, it will only lead to your demise!"

"I won't change my mind. I've decided already." Spade said.

"You are more stubborn than I thought, brother. Very well, then, die!" Kaboom.

Mason's mind came back to the present and the first thing he saw were stars flying around his head from Ren's attack.

"Is something wrong? You seem distracted."


"Hmph. You're a disgrace to us sayans. To think that we used to live under the same house…"

Burdok was holding baby Mason in his arms happily. "Look son!" he said to Ren. "This is your little brother. Take good care of him."

"It's a shame, really. Look at us now. Killing each other. If only you had joined me, we could've been so happy together."

"Greed and bloodshed will never lead to happiness. You still don't get it, don't you?" Mason said.

Zelfire continued his merciless assault on Nova, who managed to block all his attacks. Suddenly, Nova, with just one hand, punched Zelfire, and knocked him into a wall.

Nova: "Stupid. I told you it's useless to resist. You and your friends will suffer the same fate as all the other rebels. A disgraceful death."

Zelfire breathed hard.

Somewhere else in the Lost City, a fire had started from an explosion. Blaze and Electrode continued fighting violently.

As Mason and Ren continue their fight, Mason flashed back again...

Ren was enjoying watching his own brother suffer. "You will never beat me, brother! You should've joined me when you had the chance..." He looked at another direction and saw several bodies were piled together. "Hehehe, it seems that your friends have lost!"

"What?!" yelled Spade.

He looked to his left and saw Kane, Zelfire and Piper and Leila lying on the ground next to each other, and they seemed to be unconscious. The other sayans were standing behind them, laughing.

"Guys! This can't be."

Renegade: "Even Kane was no match for us! It's over Mason!"

Terry hesitated, and then declared: "No, this fight is far from over, Renegade." They started fighting again. They ran towards each other, and their fists collided like stones! Pow! Ren flew into the air, and Terry followed him. Terry used the Energy Blast. Zoom! An energy ball flew towards Ren, but he blocked it easily with one hand. As the energy hit his hand, the beam turned into an explosion and instantly a cloud of smoke covered Renegade's body.

"Alright! I got him!" Terry yelled happily. But as the smoke was blown away by the wind, Ren could be seen again, and he was laughing triumphantly. Goldark, Lance, and Aria were also laughing.

"It didn't even hurt him. Damn it."

"You call that an attack? ... I'll show you a real attack!" Ren gathered a lot of energy, and threw it at his brother. It was just like the Energy Blast, only stronger and faster. Terry was hit badly and he fell into the lake. Splash!

"Terry, don't die!" screamed Leila.

"Goodbye, Mason." said Ren.

Aria: "Well, Renegade finally did something right."

Goldark: "Heh, indeed."

A few seconds later, the water started to bubble.

Ren turned around. "What?"

The water bubbled more. Readings appeared in his scouter and made a beeping noise.

"I am impressed. He is still alive after all that. He is a true sayan indeed."

Suddenly, a burst of energy formed around his body. The force was so strong even the other sayans could feel the ground shaking violently. With the last bit of strength he had, Terry formed a ball of energy in his palms, and threw it at Ren. Without even a chance to react, Ren was hit and knocked unconscious by the energy, which was nothing like he had ever felt.

Mason saw another image in his head. It was when Ren left planet Earth after being defeated by Mason.

In Destructo's headquarters, a strange sound caught Terry's attention. A spaceship flew out and rocketed into the sky. Inside was Ren, still unconscious in the healing chamber. Terry, as he watched the ship leave planet earth, said to himself, "We'll meet again, brother."

And indeed they did. In the Lost City, at this very crucial time. Who will win this brotherly struggle? Who will claim rights the crystals?