
Chapter 3: Years

It has been five years ever since Titus arrived in this world and five years ever since he got he was adopted.

Currently, Titus is a very handsome young boy. his raven-black hair from his past life is now gone. his hair is now a beautiful pure-white. However, he still has the same crimson colored eyes as he did back then in this his past life.

Titus is still staying at the church orphanage on the village called-Hage. Speaking of church, the man who picked him up along with other two babies in front of the church is called - Orsi Ofai, also called Father.

He took great care of Titus and his two foster brothers named Asta and Yuno.

Four Years ago another baby was left in front of the church. It was a baby girl and her name was Recca. and a few months back another baby was left in front of the church, It was another baby boy called Nash.

Three years ago, Titus saw a falling letter from the sky that was for him and after he opened it he saw that the letter was from the Old Man, the letter contained that there was some kind of problem about the magic that he wished for and explained that he wouldn't be able to use them unless he fulfilled the requirements needed for them.

After learning this, Titus Immediately tried to check if his magic were still present in his body, Fortunately, His magics were still in his body but, unfortunately, he isn't able to use them for now.

In these five years, Titus lived with them and created a bond. a familiar one. it was a very sweet feeling that helps him. It was a great experience for Titus who never experienced this feeling.

In these five years, he also learned that he had an affinity with Evil Magic.

This magic allows him to control the 'Evil' Element which he doesn't have any idea about and use any magic that has any connection to evil.

Like Purgatory Magic, Abyss Magic, Calamity Magic, Etc.

However, Titus knew that there is something more in his Evil Magic... He still doesn't know what it was but he knew that it will be very important in the future.

Evil Magic can't be nullified as well, which means that Anti Magic won't work on his Evil Magic but can still work on his Purgatory Magic, Abyss Magic, Etc.

However, He uses Purgatory Magic as a front to cover up the true nature of his magic.

In these five years, Titus learned that he had four different types of energies inside his body.

The first energy is of course: Mana.

The Second type is: Magic Power

The third type is: Ki

The fourth type is: Divine Power

He was surprised after learning that he had four different types of energies on his body.

However, He gradually understood the reason.

First, he has 'Mana' because he is in a world where mana is most common and is where his body was nourished.

Second, He has magic powers because of his Magic like the 'Heavenly Body Magic' and 'Territory' because those magics are from an entirely different dimension than this one.

Third, He already has ki but never noticed it because of his body before, and it must be because that old man improved his physique a 'little' bit.

Fourth, Titus thinks that because his body was created in that old man's place where there was probably plenty of divine power or because his soul absorbed the divine power in that place.

Titus is more surprised because he thought that magic power and mana were the same. but obviously are different.

He noticed that Mana and Magic Power were the same but completely different at the same time. the difference was very little but the results are different.

The difference between Magic Power and Mana is almost nonexistent that it was completely normal for people to mistake them as the same IF they are able to sense them. but for some odd reason, the people of this world are unable to sense magic power at all! Once, Titus tried to make the Father sense Divine Power but the results are the same as it was with the Magic Power! Titus then experimented for several more times as got to the conclusion that people of this world aren't able to sense or use Magic Power or Divine Power but is able to use Ki if trained!

When Titus learned this he trained like hell. He trained whenever he has time. He trained both his body and magic and all types of energies he has inside his body. He used his 'Purgatory Magic' as a front. to fool others about his capability. He and Yuno were praised by the Father as geniuses. Both of them have Mana far superior to any one of their age should possess. However, Titus' mana is much more powerful than anybody else. the one in charge of the Magic Tower in Hage Village even said that Titus' Mana was superior in both quality and quantity than even Magic Knight Squad Captains.

At first, Titus was surprised when he overheard their conversation, but he quickly understood the reason.

All of Titus' magics easily all belong to the highest class of magic in 'Fairy Tail' especially 'Demonic Dragon God Slayer Magic' and 'Ankseram Black Magic' and even his 'Evil Magic'!

He also overheard that Asta has no mana inside his body, When the Father came home and told everyone along with Asta his circumstances, Asta was of course devastated.

Once, Titus tried to transfer mana into Asta's body to help him, but for whatever reason Asta's body completely rejected the mana and destroyed it. After witnessing such a strange occurrence. Titus then transferred Magic Power into Asta but this time the Magic Power was the one that rejected Asta's body and tried to destroy all of his organs.

But fortunately, Titus was able to stop the magic Power and absorbed it back to himself.

After that, Titus didn't even dare to transfer Divine Power into Asta as he was worried that Asta's body will not be able to handle the strain and explode.

After that, he learned that he recovers mana by resting and other such things or trying to draw the mana in the atmosphere inside his body. While his body automatically recovers magic power and divine power.

Though he has no use for divine power, for now, Titus believes that it will become useful one day.

Currently, The four of them along with Recca was in the front of the church.

In front of them was a woman who looked very beautiful she was wearing a nun's clothing.

At her left, there was the Father carrying Nash who was smiling at us.

Titus then moved forward and asked, "Who are you?"

Yuno was holding the hem of Titus' clothes while Asta was looking at the woman with stars in his eyes, with Recca looking at her with curiosity.

The Father who was on her left suddenly took a step forward and said with a smile. "This is Sister Lily. she'll be working here starting today. All of you, be kind to her."

Asta who was listening to the Father's words took a small step forward with stars on his eyes and said while looking at Sister Lily."Wow... Sister Lily."

Sister Lily who didn't hear Asta clearly took a step and bow to match his height and asked. "Yes?"

Suddenly Asta jumped at her and yelled. "Please marry me!"

Sister Lily who was startled by him accidentally used her grimoire and activated her magic.

A Giant fist made of water appeared out of nowhere and squashed Asta.


The impact created a small crater.

Yuno and Recca ran to Asta to help him.

Sister Lily who was clearly the victim was very sorry for what she did as she said. "I'm Sorry! I didn't mean to..."

Asta who was about to lose consciousness in Yuno and Recca's arm muttered. "Lily..."

Titus who was smiling wryly at Asta's acts moved towards Sister Lily and said. "I'm sorry, for his rude actions!"

Titus sighed mentally as he hatefully looked at Asta who was still fantasizing about Lily...

I suck at explaining seriously...

Silent_Mooncreators' thoughts