
Great Alchemist - GOT

Alexander suddenly found himself in the body of a master of the alchemists' guild in GOT, he gained advanced knowledge of the true art of alchemy as a gift of transmigration, no longer playing with fire, as he now mastered true alchemy, potions of healing and strength , transmutation or even create homunculus soldiers, why not help the mad king stay in power to increase his guild status Now alexander is lord rossart and hand of the king

Jade_beauty_tits · TV
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12 Chs

Victorious but not smiling

A little away from the explosion site, Rossart was standing on the roof of a house watching everything, alongside some soldiers and alchemists scared by everything.

Rossart's face was serious, he watched the hundreds of explosions and he knew he had won, but he wasn't happy.

Rossart saw each of these 2,000 poor men and personally gave the potion of combustion, this potion is level C and costs a lot of resources and its effect is simple, it turns the blood of the drinker into a mixture similar to fuel, the explosion occurs when the blood comes into contact with air, that is, when you have a wound

These explosions do not propagate the fire, that is, although it destroys everything around there will be no fires, after all Rossart did not want to burn the city.

"HAHAHAHA Grandmaster, you did it, magnificent, all of Tywin's damn army is gone hahaha" Belis was laughing, he was happy to see the explosions show

Garigus, on the other hand, didn't laugh, but that didn't mean he was any kinder, he walked over to Rossart and whispered

"great master, those men's sons and wives... do you want me to get rid of them?" Garigus

These women and children were naturally the family of these 2,000 poor men who blew themselves up, the condition Rossart offered these men was the promise to support each of their relatives.

Rossart didn't think too much and said

"No, create the pension fund with the guild's income, all children and women will receive enough for sustenance, if any children want to become an alchemist, they will become students" Rossart

Garigus was surprised and said

"great master.....with all due respect, we made these kids' parents kill each other....they'll hold a grudge, better get it over with" Garigus

Rossart then faced Garigus, his gaze was cold.

"don't make me repeat myself, my word was given to these men, if you are afraid of children then drink poison and die, or else do as I say" Rossart

Rossart was not afraid of these children's revenge, honestly as an A-rank Alchemist, he has the confidence to fight even dragons, moreover, he has another reason to keep his word

In his past life he had a father very similar to those men, a poor man who worked 12 damn hours a day in menial jobs for a paltry salary, all so that his son could study and eat

When Alexandre finally achieved some small success it was too late, his father had already passed away because his body was damaged from so many years of effort, now Alexandre has become Rossart but the feeling of pride and love he had for his father will never fade even if he becomes a crazy alchemist

'a father is a father regardless of the era or the world, because his children really chose to blow themselves up.... when I win the war... I can change something, I don't want to see that ever again' thought Rossart

Although it was a success, Rossart was uncomfortable, but now it doesn't matter, when you start something, a man must finish it.

"come with me and send the rest of the troops to go see if there are any survivors of the lannister army, if there are survivors we can keep them as a bargaining chip to negotiate with Kevan Lannister who is still in the west" Rossart ordered

Rossart stopped thinking about what he did, he walked firmly to end this war and defeat all enemies.