
Great Alchemist - GOT

Alexander suddenly found himself in the body of a master of the alchemists' guild in GOT, he gained advanced knowledge of the true art of alchemy as a gift of transmigration, no longer playing with fire, as he now mastered true alchemy, potions of healing and strength , transmutation or even create homunculus soldiers, why not help the mad king stay in power to increase his guild status Now alexander is lord rossart and hand of the king

Jade_beauty_tits · TV
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12 Chs

explosion, explosion, explosion....a goddamn show

On the morning of the third day, a strong marching sound resounded at the lions' gate.

the strong and well-equipped western army had arrived

By order of the king's hand, Rossart, all civilians were forced to evacuate the entire region around the gate, those who refused to leave were forced to withdraw.

Outside the wall, the old lion looked confident.

"Has the news about my son been confirmed?" Tywin

"yes my lord, last night lord Jaime was taken to the dungeon by order of the king" Amory Lorch

the last trace of Tywin's worry is gone, with his influence he is sure his son will be kept safe in the dungeon.

"well, go and order them to open the gates, we are here to save the king" Tywin

as expected by Rossart, most of the gold cloaks simply betrayed their comrades and began opening the gates.

Only around 200 gold-robed soldiers were loyal to the king, around 100 of those 200 were transferred near the Red Keep with the duty of protecting the king, while the other half unfortunately had to stay at the gates to avoid the distrust of the traitors.

Soon a cruel and loathsome scene began, the members of the gold robes began killing other gold robes, the traitors joined in and easily subdued the faithful few.

those few faithful soldiers still tried to fight and prevent the gate from being opened, but the commander himself drew his sword and pierced the chest of one of the poor soldiers.

"open the gate, Lord Tywin Lannister is here to save our king!" The commander shouted

in a few minutes, the great gate was opened, leading the army was Tywin mounted on his white horse

10,000 soldiers faithfully followed the old lion, even the poorest of these soldiers had a good sword, most even had a body full of steel armor

In a field battle, this strong army could face even twice their numbers, the lord commander of the golden cloaks saw this and sighed in joy that he had made a good choice.

Soon the western army and the gold cape traitors joined in, nearly 12,000 men began to roam the city.

Tywin's men wanted to start plundering riches and women, but no matter where they looked, there was no one.

Tywin looked around, his experience in battle giving him a terrible feeling at the sight of the empty streets.

"Are you sure the king didn't give you any orders other than to defend the gate?" Tywin asked looking at the lord commander in the gold cloak

"yes my lord, don't worry this region of the city is empty just because Rossart wanted to avoid panic during the battle, now there are only a little more than 100 men left defending red keep" Lord commander

the lord commander's battles did not make Tywin calmer, on the contrary, he grew more and more uncomfortable

Tywin then looked back and noticed that his infantry was moving more slowly, his army had marched too fast in the last few days and had little rest, he was not worried because his military force is very strong and entered the city

while he was still thinking, people finally appeared, from all 4 sides of his army, about 500 men appeared, in all 2000 thousand

'an ambush? but that's not an army, that's just a bunch of starving people' Tywin looked at the pathetic 2,000 men around him

these two thousand men were all thin from hunger, they wore no armor but only old and dirty clothes, they held rusty weapons in hands that were shaking nonstop

"my lord looks like that crazy alchemist wants to play war, let me lead and front, I promise to slaughter these fools" Amory Lorch spoke with confidence

"ok, go, finish quickly, you still have a quest" Tywin said

Amory Lorch nodded, he strode bravely alone ahead, he noticed that those filthy starvings didn't even have the courage to raise their sword.

his personal troop of 50 men followed close behind, Lorch stopped in front of a grimy old man who held a sword

"you... stop you traitor" the old man tried to speak while trembling with the sword in his hand

Lorch smiled, cruelly he plunged his sword into the old man's belly.

the old man then screamed.....his blood ran down his belly....but the blood wasn't red

the blood was ominously yellow

everything that happened next was simply burned, everything around him exploded, Amory Lorch and his 50 soldiers were charred almost instantly

Tywin lost his hearing momentarily due to the explosion.....he wanted to order his army to be careful but when he raised his head he saw that almost 2000 hungry people running without fear for each damned Lannister soldier

"no...don't kill them..." Before tywin could order, all he heard was a goddamn explosion from the rear

explosion, explosion, explosion....a goddamn show