
Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Alexander Maxim Universe, A kind old man, a war veteran, the most renowned scientist in the world. After a life full of hardship Alexander finally completes his promise to his dead wife. He made a super-effective medicine for cancer. But his kindness was greeted with ugly politics and betrayal from his loved ones. However, something different awaited him on the other side. ... After his death, due to unknowingly saving the lives of billions of people, God adopted him as his son and gave him the job to purify the multiverse from sin. From that day onwards, Angels and demons called him the God's Advocate. "My son, enjoy yourself while working, okay!. I don't want you to get bored from your job like Jesus. Damn, I miss Jesus, why did I send him there" ***Warning - No Harem, Extremely OP protagonist, more of a slice of life story.*** ___________________________ 2 Chapters daily [1st major world - Harry potter. Will not strictly follow the canon - Chapter 4-45] [2nd major world - Game of thrones - Chapter 47-105] [3rd major world - Marvel - 107 - 228] [4th major world - One Piece - 229 - 300] [5th mini-world - Star Wars - 302 - 329] [6th major world - Naruto - 330 - 402] [7th major world - Avatar: The Last Airbender - 406 - 452] [8th major world - Bleach - 460 -492] [9th major world - My Hero Academia - 493 -528] [10th major world - Full Metal Alchemist Bro. - 529 -584] [11th major world - Dragon Ball - 595 - 663] [12th Final Arc - DC world - 663 - 704] ____________________________ I do not own anything except the main character in this fanfiction. ____________________________ For advance chapters- www.patreon.com/misterimmortal Check out my other fics if you like this one by going into my profile. Thank You.

MisterImmortal · Livros e literatura
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704 Chs

374. A Donkey Married A Dragon?

Douglas scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Ah, this isn't what you think boss, I was just modeling for Gina (Baby 5 from One Piece). She wanted to make a new princess dress so I helped her and then you summoned me urgently." He prated.

Alexander tiredly shook his head, "All the weirdos are thrown over to me. Go and change quickly."

Shortly after, Douglas came back. "So, what's the job this time?"

"You are going to be the new feudal lord of Earth Country and then come with me to take over Iwagakure where you will become the Tsuchikage." He told him.

"Hmm, nice. It seems I'm moving up the social ladder." Douglas muttered jokingly.

"I OBJECT!" Hats voiced his objection.

"Overruled," Alexander replied and continued.

Hats quickly ran up to him and attacked him with his puppy eyes.

Alexander plainly looked at him, "You know it won't work. All the cuteness your eyes manage to bring gets overshadowed by that huge creepy grin."

"Goddamit. Come on, if you make him the Daimyo then what will I do?" Hats asked.

"Hmm... Olivia is setting up Orphanages. Your job will be to travel the world, find orphans, and get them to the Orphanage." Alexander gave him a new job. He knew Hats wouldn't deny this as the only people he treated with love and care were children.

"Oh, Grandma is back in business? Why didn't you say that earlier, gotta go now." Hats cheered up. He took out the Earth Country ownership scroll and threw it at Douglas' face.

If any normal person were to see the fate of a country being thrown from one hand to another like that, they would probably die of shock. Even more so when they find out their country was owned by a cat for some time.

But one thing interested Alexander, "Hats, you call Olivia Grandma, why do you call me Boss and not Grandpa?"

"What do you mean? I call Grandma because Grandma is my Grandma and you are my boss. And she also makes the best catnip pies. Okay, bye-bye."


"I think he has become an addict," Douglas muttered.

"Possibly, okay, let's go to Iwagakure now," Alexander said.


Alexander noticed a raven walking towards him. He was wearing dark brown robes for some reason. Then surprisingly, it spoke, "Greetings, Roda, I am. Me back, can you send?"

Alexander was confused as to why the raven was talking like that. "And where is your home?"

"Don't know, I. Pulled into a portal I was, party it is, cat said." The raven replied.

"Do you mind if I look into your head and see where you came from?" Alexander asked.

"Mind, I don't."

Alexander looked into the raven's head and saw a medieval-styled city. ~How the hell did he come here from an alternate reality of game of thrones world? Must be that silly cat.~

"Okay, jump into this light while thinking about your home. Let me warn, do not think about corn or anything except your destination."

Soon the raven left and now a mouse in human clothes came up to him. It surprisingly spoke in human speech, "Hi, I am Stuart little. Can you send me back too?"

After that was done, a donkey came to him.

"Hey yo, can you send me back too? My lovely dragon wife is waiting for my manhood."

Alexander felt like he knew the donkey, "What is your name?"

Donkey proudly straightened his neck, "This one is called Donkey by friends."


"Let me guess, you also have a green Ogre as a friend?" Alexander asked.

Donkey's eyes shined, "How did you know that? Wait, did you do some witch magic mumbo jumbo? I'm telling you, don't look into my brain. I won't share scenes of my wife's naked body with anyone."

"She's a dragon, she never wears clothes and stays naked." Alexander pointed out.

"God damn! I need to buy clothes for her." The Donkey panicked.

Alexander grew impatient and just sent him to the Shrek world.

Then he lifted his head and saw a line of a variety of animals from various shows and cartoons. There was Garfield, Remy the rat from Ratatouille, Scooby-Doo, and many more.

"That cat will receive his punishment for this mess sooner rather than later,"


Nobody knew what had transpired in the Daimyo palace. Onoki was still planning to attack Konoha now that the bridge had been rebuilt. This time he was going to guard it himself.

He needed to wage the war because now they had nothing to lose. The economy of the village was bad. They were creeping towards poverty, the people were demotivated due to the lost war and he needed something to re-energize them.

"Now, if only I could get this damn box open, we would have enough war funds," Onoki angrily muttered as he tried to open the emergency fund chest.

But no matter what he did, it just wouldn't open. He even used the best of his ability to destroy the box and just get the gold in it, but to his shock, the box didn't receive even a single scratch.

"What is this box made up of? Who brought this box into my office first?" Onoki angrily asked his secretary.

"Lord Tsuchikage, it was the second Tsuchikage's box," the Secretary replied.

"Wonderful, he's dead already and we'll never know how to open it. How are we going to fight this war now? This was the only money I had to fund it." Onoki grumbled.

The box had become the biggest thorn stuck in his neck now. He couldn't throw it and neither swallow it. The box was useless if he couldn't show the things inside of it to gather money.


Kumogakure, Lightning Country.

The fact that the Third Raikage was buddies with Alexander didn't mean all the animosity was solved among the two villages.

Even less so now, as the Third Raikage had retired and given the mantle of Raikage to his son. Also named 'A'. Third Raikage was now only worried about living his days having fun.

"Yo, what's the plan, bro?" Bee asked his brother in Raikage's office.

"It is widely known that Konoha is the strongest village at this point. Even if we ignore all the tailed beasts now, who are promised to not be used for war, they still have many powerful clans with their own bloodline powers. Mainly these are the Uchiha and Hyuga clan.

"We already know a great deal about the Uchiha clan but the Hyuga Clan is still a big mystery and mystery means danger. We need to get our hands on a pair of Byakugan." A spoke out his mind.

"Then I will go and bring a Hyuga for you, my bro." Bee sternly replied.

A shook his head, "No, you won't. We were going to sign a peace and trade deal with Konoha. And it just happens to be the 3rd birthday of Hyuga princess, Hinata Hyuga. She is small and timid, not to mention weak. It will be easy to get her."

"But bro, what if our guy got caught?" Bee asked.

"Very less likely to happen. We will be sending our Shinobi Commander and if something still happens, we will put the blame on Konoha that they killed our Shinobi Commander. We will ask for compensation.

"Either way, we will gain something as that old man Hokage is known to be a big advocate of peace. Intel also suggests that no one has seen him in a long long time now. I think he is probably sick or something. The last time we saw him, he already looked very old." A planned.

Although Bee had huge doubts about his brother's plan he simply agreed because he considered his brother cool. But they didn't know that even Hashirama was revived now and the whole Shinobi world was used to calling him the God of Shinobi, which was already enough to deter anyone from doing something stupid.

[You can see Hats, Donkey and the mouse on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on -patreon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *Chessur* *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif*

Thank you for your support!

“A lucky man is someone who plants pebbles and harvests potatoes.”

Give me stones so I can harvest bananas.

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