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God_Of_Brutality · Filmes
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210 Chs

Chapter 40: Teammate

"Does anyone care to explain what I missed?"

Dr.Veritas simply shrugged and pointed at Harley while explaining.

"Well when you left Nearítheá didn't do anything but wait above Haven Island for you. I only convinced her to descend when I offered her information of your escapades thus far. She soaks up knowledge like a sponge".

Arias patted her head and sighed.

"Do what makes you happy".

She immediately jumped back into his embrace. Harley then looked at Arias with pleading eyes and spoke.

"Can I also do what makes me happy...heh".

Dr.Veritas simply rolled her eyes at Harley while shaking her head hopelessly.

"Oh joy for the happy endings".

Starfire added while Raven didn't share her enthusiasm and just sarcastically added.


Starfire had also begun to dig into Earth culture while Raven not so much. Billy didn't have as much free time and when he did Dr.Veritas would use the occasion to teach him.

Arias smiled as he looked at the group. They began to grow closer with each passing day. Raven has shown she is not as emotionless as she looks to be on the surface, well at least to Arias.

Starfire was always energetic but lately also begun to try and learn more about earth culture and customs and when lost would seek clearance from the self-proclaimed guru of culture Harley.

Although she didn't look it she fit her role as a teacher seriously and excelled at it despite her sometimes odd methods and Dr.Veritas always made it her responsibility to make sure everything on Haven Island and with its people was perfect.

Arias patted Billy's and Nearítheá's heads and began to walk inside.

"Everyone, follow me to the main hall".

The group heard his words and followed behind wondering if he had an announcement since the hall was rarely been used.

The main hall, was a big room at the far end of the dome-shaped part of the central building. It was more or less a dining/meeting area. It had a big oval-shaped table with seats all around but also had a spacious area by the sides.

"What's the occasion?" asked a curious Dr.Veritas.

Arias smiled and looked at the group as he spoke.

"I want to give out some gifts to some of you".

"Cool! Souvenirs! Wait do I get one?"

Asked an excited Billy. Arias looked at him and nodded then gestured for him to step forward.

"First is Billy. Your dedication to bettering yourself day by day so you can be able to fight by side is admirable. But an older brother also must take care of his younger siblings. You work hard to make up for the weakness you have in your mortal body. But should you accept I will make you a God here and now. But will you accept the fate of an undying life?"

"W-wait are you serious!?.. Course I accept!.... I know it has its ups and downs but I've never really been happier than I am here so if it means being around my big brother and everyone else forever I'm in!."

Arias smiled and pointed his open palm at Billy before speaking one word.

'I am beyond this level of power, might as well use it to strengthen my people'


Light began to surround Billy's figure. When the light faded Billy could be seen floating in the air. His eyes began to glow white and lightning crackled around him.


Billy looked at his hands in disbelief.

"You already hold power similar to Zeus as Shazam It shouldn't surprise you as much".

Arias said to the excited youngster who was now flying around the room.

"It just feels different like my own strength not borrowed. Best Gift Ever! Wooo".

After Billy had calmed down and gone back next to the others still playing with lightning at his finger tips and a huge proud smile on his face.

Arias then gestured for Harley to step forward who happily skipped over.

"Ouuu what do I get, lightning finger tips too? Big ole muscles? A kick ass monster as a pet? A bigger ass? I you'd like the last one heh".

Arias ignored her rambling and bestowed upon her a divinity as well.

"I've given you Apollo's divinity. As for what it gives you I don't know much about the Greek gods so I'll leave it to Dr.Veritas to explain".

He then turned to Starfire and Raven.

"As for you two. To Stafire I will gift to you and your people everything the Citadelians have and for Raven I will give you your fathers power when the time comes and should you prove youself"

"Oh thank you Saviour! I will be the eternally grateful".

Starfire beamed up in Joy as she spoke before nudging Raven with her elbow who replied sarcastically.

"...Oh the joy...".

The two then began to bicker while Harley started checking out her own for any difference.

"Well if that's everything I do have some experiments to get back to so I'll leave you all to enjoy your gifts".

Dr.Veritas said sounding a bit dejected but was stopped in her tracks by Arias appearing in front of her.

"Leaving before I give you your gift? Mad at me?".

Arias asked the sulking Doctor who hmphed at his question. Arias put his hand in her hair and said.


Giving Dr.Veritas her own divinity as well.


Arias wanted to answer but Dr.Veritas jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. Causing the others to watch on silently.

Billy crossed his arms and raised his head proudly.

"Heh. That's my bro".

While Nearítheá looked away pouting and muttering under her breath.

"Father's mine...".

Realizing what she was doing Dr.Veritas quickly let go of Arias and avoided the gazes looking at her especially the one with glowing red eyes.

"When I took Zeus's divinity I ended up taking another inside him. It belonged to the Titan goddess of wisdom and knowledge Metis. But unlike Zeus she died after having her divinity taken away. As for why you? Who else deserves the title of Goddess of wisdom and Knowledge other than you ?".

Arias was about to leave but first walked over to his pouting daughter and patted her head.

"We'll spend some time together when I return alright?".

She kept looking away and pouting but still nodded her head.

"I'll leave you guys to get adjusted to your new powers. I need to pay a visit to a former..."


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