
Godslayer In the Comic World

Ang suddenly finds himself transported to the "Simple and Honest Gotham City," making a cameo as the "Money-Controlling Abilities Holder." If his petty cash has nothing to do with Batman, Bruce Wayne, this would be quite wonderful. Unfortunately, this is the crisis center of the Marvel and DC universes, a terrifying world where there's no such thing as a free lunch. Ang never expected that after bringing home a magical Wonder Woman, he would gain the power template of the "Godslayer." My goodness! In this world where true gods are everywhere, system, what are you even thinking? https://www.patreon.com/Godslayer_7210

Godslayer_7210 · Filmes
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35 Chs

Chapter 34: The Surprising Father of Ang

Ang sensed the slight awkwardness on Gwen's face and cast a sidelong glance at Spider-Man. He noticed that Spider-Man was shamelessly reveling in the praise from his classmates and the attention of the beautiful girls.

This was Peter's long-suppressed moment to show off.

Compared to their minor conflicts, Ang was more curious about what would happen next.

The timeline had definitely gone awry.

Normally, the Vulture's appearance should have occurred in another timeline after Tony Stark recruited Peter. But here, in this chaotic world, the Vulture was showing up at the same time as the Green Goblin. When the Green Goblin, also known as Harry, caused trouble, it became a buy-one-get-one-free deal.

This was going to be a lot of fun.

However, Ang was confident that he could handle the situation.

"This is youth!" Ang smiled as he left the school.

The grand party first drew the attention of Peter's uncle and aunt. When Aunt May learned that her handsome nephew had caught the eye of a well-to-do beauty, she was overjoyed and personally dressed him in a suit.

However, there was one problem: the Parkers didn't have a car.

The public transportation system in New York City had limited coverage, and getting to Liz's mansion in the suburbs was not feasible by bus. Peter used to rely on his Uncle George's car, but the thought of going to a hot girl's house for a party and having Uncle George act as his chauffeur...

Peter was afraid Uncle George might kill him.

Just then, Peter received a phone call.


"Hey, buddy, are you worried about how to get to the party?"

Peter immediately realized what was going on. "You're giving me a ride?"

"Sure thing, buddy!"

After chatting with Harry for a while, Peter hung up and let out a long sigh of relief.

On the day of the party, Harry drove Peter there in a McLaren sports car.

In theory, Harry would be the most eye-catching guy at the party. With his well-groomed hair and expensive designer clothes, he immediately stunned the boys and girls gathered at the entrance of the mansion.

It was clear that Peter, the poor kid, was his arm candy.

Harry thoroughly enjoyed the attention and gossip surrounding him.

"Wow, Peter, you look so handsome today," Liz, in her elegant white evening gown, complimented him. The highlight was the high slit in her dress, which showed off her beautiful legs.

Harry and Peter couldn't take their eyes off her.

Unfortunately, Liz went in for a hug with Peter, leaving Harry feeling somewhat awkward.

Just then, a convoy of cars caught everyone's attention.

Two clearly bulletproof Lexus SUVs escorted a Rolls-Royce, which Peter found oddly familiar.

First, the bodyguards got out and opened the car doors, then a familiar face emerged: Ang.

But what caught Peter's attention even more was the way Ang politely escorted a beautiful woman out of the car. Peter was taken aback. "Gwen?"

Indeed, it was Gwen. She looked stunning in a white dress with a unique X-shaped strap structure on the front and a bare back. It was a dress that only someone with confidence and a great figure could pull off. Gwen immediately outshone Liz.

Watching Gwen naturally take Ang's arm, Peter felt a pang of jealousy.

"Hey, Ang, Gwen..." Peter began to greet them but was interrupted by something unexpected.

In the SUV behind them, a group of girls got out – Mary Jane, Michelle, and basically all the pretty girls who had received Liz's invitation to Peter's party.

They immediately approached Liz and started chatting. Soon, they surrounded Peter.

Ang raised an eyebrow. "I'm here for your entertainment."

Gwen suddenly became annoyed. "Did you guess it on purpose?"

"Maybe," Ang replied with a grin.

Before they could continue their banter, Harry joined them.

"Harry Osborn."


The two of them introduced themselves.

"I heard Mr. Ang is getting into the field of genetic engineering?" Harry's words were clearly probing.

Although they didn't know each other, the circles of the rich in both Gotham and New York were not that big. Each field had one or a few prominent families, and Ang's investment in genetic engineering couldn't avoid the Osborn Group.

"Maybe," Ang neither confirmed nor denied.

"While this is our first meeting, Mr. Ang, let me offer you some advice."

"Oh?" Ang raised an eyebrow. "Go ahead, I'm listening."

"Don't meddle in something you don't have a foundation in. Otherwise, you might burn all your money with a single mistake." It was no longer a test; it was a threat. "And lastly, don't touch my good friend Peter, or you'll regret it."

It was clear that Harry saw through Ang's intentions and wanted to protect Peter. If he truly cared about Peter, he should have avoided causing any obstacles between him and Liz. Harry was onto Ang's mischief.

Ang blinked, but inside, he was laughing. The Green Goblin was sticking up for Spider-Man? Peter, cherish this friendship while it lasts.

Just then, Ang, Gwen, and Peter all sensed something, and the crowd around them began to stir.

Iron Man had arrived.

A strange, metallic, red and gold figure descended from the sky.

Watching the majestic entrance and hearing the excited screams of the crowd, everyone truly felt who was at the top of New York City and even the entire United States.

"Oh, Tony! I love you!" Several pretty girls who had been surrounding Peter moments ago rushed toward Iron Man as he landed.

"Oh, step back a bit, ladies, I'm afraid I might hurt you," Iron Man said with his helmet open, revealing Tony Stark's charismatic face. This immediately prompted another round of screams from the girls.

However, to everyone's surprise, Tony Stark ignored them all and walked straight to Ang.

"Hey buddy, can we chat privately?"

This moment left countless people in shock and awe.

Gwen suddenly remembered Ang's earlier introduction, where he claimed to be a shareholder in Stark Industries. It turned out to be true?

Harry Osborn's face turned pale, realizing he had just threatened someone who had powerful backing.

Liz, being a smart hostess, stepped forward. "Would you like to have a private conversation, gentlemen? Please come to the meeting room."

In the meeting room, Tony activated a special device, creating a green light screen that securely enclosed the area within a three-meter radius.

"Don't worry; this is just a privacy measure. It temporarily disrupts all electronic systems, including recording and surveillance devices."

"Alright, Mr. Stark, nice to meet you," Ang began, but Tony cut him off.

"Don't bother with the pleasantries. Ethan told me to thank you."

Ang was momentarily stunned, then nodded in understanding. "Is he doing well?"

"He's my most trusted assistant now. By the way, I thought you'd try to defend yourself a bit."

"How did you find out?"

"Come on, the Department of Defense keeps an eye on Stark Industries' stocks. You used a few shell companies, which most people wouldn't trace. But when you started running around using my company's name, and the majority shareholder of that holding company turned out to be you, how could I not guess?"

"How do you feel now?" Ang asked.

"Nothing special. Just that some people at the Department of Defense don't like Stark Industries partnering with Wayne Enterprises, but I've managed to keep them at bay. After all, you're only getting dividends, not control."



Did you just say Wayne Enterprises?

Tony's words left Ang stunned.

In the recent good fortune, Ang had almost forgotten to investigate his real father. After all, he was an unlimited source of money! Who wouldn't like that?

He had tried to investigate but quickly realized that it was beyond his reach.

Now, he had saved Tony and acquired Stark's shares using dirty money. The Department of Defense had just revealed his true identity.

Speaking of which, there were only a few major families in Gotham City, and apart from Batman and the Kane family, the rest had some connection to the underworld.

The biological father of this body was Batman, which was both a joyful and annoying fact.

Batman was known for his unwavering principles and his wealth. It was no wonder that he only provided money to his illegitimate child and nothing else. Moreover, if he ever got into trouble, the Dark Knight would immediately come to the rescue.

But come to think of it, I'm Ang, your son! When I was being chased by the Black Mask, where were you, Gotham's protector? If it weren't for the God Slayer System, I would have been done for!

Thinking about this, Ang couldn't help feeling a sense of resentment. "I am me, and he is him. If the situation allows, I wouldn't mind cutting off all ties with Wayne Enterprises."

Tony hesitated for a moment. "Okay, I can understand that.

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