
Gods' Magic System

In the year 2175, Vampires have come forward from the shadows to become part of civilization. They work alongside humans for the betterment of the Earth as a whole. Flying cities have been erected all over the world, above the existing, now called, Lower Cities. Alex is an orphan boy who lives at the bottom of Xeno Euro. A relatively new city, only 25 years old, that boasts the highest altitude among the flying cities of Old America. The city is run by a master vampire by the name of Earlan Bludfist. In this relatively safe city, humans don't have to worry about their safety, it is guaranteed. All thanks to the vampire soldiers that patrol its streets. In the year 2070, earth was invaded by aliens. They came from the stars and very easily took over key points of the entire world. War was waged, but that only lasted a couple of years. The aliens' technology was too advanced. But then, a miracle happened, a strange, magical energy, suffused into the earth and everything changed.

Trey_Lacer · Ficção Científica
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13 Chs

Heir to the Throne

Galactic Year 2175, Bludfist Tower, Xeno Euro

I began walking down the stairs and as I did, many of the people close to the staircase turned to watch me. None of them approached me, but I could tell through the low whispers and mumbles that they wanted to, the just didn't dare. Or, well, most didn't dare. Standing at the bottom of the stairs was a beautiful young woman, she appeared to be around my physical age. Though there was no telling with vampires. They didn't age from the time they were turned, so I had no way of knowing her actual age.

"Lord Alex," she had a silky voice, it sounded almost musical. She curtsied, which made me raise a brow.

"You seem to have an advantage over me, my lady, for you know my name but I do not know yours." I gave my best performance and I guess it worked, because the girl actually blushed a bit before responding. 'There's no way,' I thought, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"R-Right, my apologies, my lord." She stuttered slightly, clearly embarrassed. 'Newly turned, then, still learning the vampire's list of rules and etiquette.' My thoughts were quick enough that there wasn't much pause in the conversation. "I am Lenora, I only became a member of the family a few months ago."

"Ah, I see. Well then, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lenora." I took one of her hands in my right and lowered my head to touch my lips to her fingers. Her skin was smooth and pearl white, also cold, while my own hand was warm and flushed with flowing blood. Lenora blushed even more when I properly greeted her. Even though blood flowed much slower for vampires, they were still alive. Their hearts just beat much, much slower than humans. A little bit of warmth leaked through Lenora's skin with her increased heartrate, though. I smiled and gave her a wink before walking toward one of the bars.

"You are welcome to join me for a drink if you wish. It is my birthday celebration, after all," I spoke over my shoulder to her, but loud enough for the others around and watching the exchange to hear. It was an open invitation to speak with one of the heir candidates. This party wasn't just about my birthday, this was a chance for me to build powerful connections with some of these vampires. The more support I had from the clan, 'cause I wasn't about to pretend this was a family, the more secure my place as heir became. I watched the effect of my vampiric charisma work across the crowd I passed, Lenora walking just behind me. No doubt wishing to continue our conversation.

I stepped up to one of the bars and leaned against the bar top, "I'll have whiskey, neat." I spoke clearly to the bartender who nodded, pulling up a glass and pouring my drink with quick, practiced precision. I took the drink and sipped on it before turning back to Lenora.

"So tell me, my lady, why chose to become a vampire."

"Oh that's easy, uh, my lord. I was already dying and had no one left," Lenora's words shocked me. I never knew that the clan might be full of people with nowhere else to go. I knew some became vampires for the power, but never would I have thought that they would turn because they didn't want to die.

"I myself, find very little meaning as to the why of one choosing to turn," I spoke carefully, so as not to offend other ears listening, " I'm more interested in the current participants of the Throne Race." There it was, I dropped the words that everyone at this party were waiting for. Confirmation that I would be vying for the throne.

"Well, my lord, currently there are 4 other participants that have a stronger standing with the clan members. One of them is-"

"One of them is me, Lord Alex," I turned toward the sound of the new voice and saw a handsome young man standing not far away with his glass raised.

"And you would be?"

"Eric, my lord, though I would dare not compare my claim to the throne with yours." Eric was good, giving just enough face to me that I couldn't challenge him to a Bloodline Duel. I adopted my father's serpent smile and looked him in the eye. Allowing my vampiric blood to boil and exude my vampiric aura. This was technically not proper etiquette, but it was always done with rivals. Vampires sure had strange rules and loopholes. I watched as Eric tensed at feeling the power of my bloodline, his face visibly paled more and I saw just the smallest hint of sweat on his forehead. 'I'm stronger than he is, then.'

"L-Lord A-Alex..." Lenora sounded like a mouse and I realized she was still standing next to me.

"Oh, I do apologize, my lady. I seem to have been caught up in meeting one of my rivals." I apologized to Lenora and calmed my blood. Eric sighed in relief before stepping in closer to me to whisper.

"I knew before I met you that you were stronger than me. I would like to propose an alliance between us. I have a fair amount of the clan behind me and they would be willing to follow me to your side if their previous arrangements with me could be kept. I do not wish to tell you how to go about this competition, my lord, but I would be remiss if I let this chance at consolidating my power go. I would rather follow and serve you and consolidate the structure we could build together than go against you. Especially after feeling the power of your bloodline. I dare say, it may even be stronger than your father's." Oh Eric was good, he knew exactly what to do. Even though I couldn't trust him, at least not yet, he decided to take his chance to consolidate with someone he thought could really win. I flashed a serpent grin again and spoke.

"You know, Master Eric, I would be very interested to speak with you more about this after the celebrations have ended. In fact... Doc!" I called Doc over to me, "Father has told me that you will be working for me from now on. I would like you to set up a meet between Master Eric and I."

"Right away, Lord Alex." Doc immediately took out a small black book and wrote down an appropriate meeting time, "You should attempt to make other connections as well, my lord. You will find much support from your clan if you show a portion of your bloodline power."

"Thank you, Doc, I will think about it. Now enough of business, let us drink and celebrate!" I used my best impression of my father, which got a lot of the vampires around me smiling.