
Godly Emperor of Light and Darkness

Roan arsen has so many weird hobbies like reading novels, searching about aliens and reading theories about he Universe, parallel worlds and so on. After reading novels, he fell asleep and dreaming of wars in the universe. He saw an ethereal being whose fighthing thousands of strong demons. But when he woke up, he was in the body of a five years old boy. Calming himself down, he tried to first familiarize to his new body being wary of his sorroundings. Seeing giant monsters fighting.. he was flabbergasted and fear crept his body, but he strengthened his will.. he needs to survive. The golden bead shined and....... (swish)............. (A/n: i hope you will like my new story )

08skymist_Music · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 4:

A year passed, Roan reach level four in his cultivation. His agility art improved giving him big boost on his speed and overall strength.

His cultivation slowed a little bit because he spent most of his time on improving his weapon arts, body strengthening, qi manipulation, and agility arts, he decided to build a strong and sturdy foundation.

Now after a year, he is now capable to scout ten meters away from the fire winged tiger's den. Still, his not worthy to challenge the fire winged tiger.

He hunted wild beasts that are stronger than those he once hunted and slowly improved his battle awareness.

He divided the outer forest area into four layer, layer 1 is the weakest and layer 4 is the highest.

The fire winged tiger is in the fourth layer. This is how he classified the strength of the beasts in this forest that he had reached and observed.

He is not an idiot to enter the deepest areas before defeating the overlord of the fourth area.

Defeating the Fire winged tiger will give him a chance of surviving the core areas of the forest. So he made it a goal to defeat this overlord and try to tame it to become his partner or to be exact, his pet. But if this overlord never concede or his life is on the line then, he have just to kill it and use its parts to make stronger armor and weapons.

*Roan's Pov*

"I have been staying here and i felt a little lonely, I am all by myself . Haixt, maybe i could use this loneliness to strengthen my will. " Looking from the top of the tallest tree, he sighed and accepted his situation.

It's been a year and a half since he came to this world and until now he never saw any other humans.

Sometimes his thoughts wander to the idea or possibility that he is the only human here in this wide forest.

He just sighed and cleared his mind from unneccesary thoughts and decided to just train to become stronger.

"It's time to train now and the faster i become stronger, the faster I could leave this place and find civilization." Jumping from the top of the tree while stepping on its branches while hopping and summersaulting, he finally reaches the ground.

A wide smile painted his cute face, making his natural charm spread, sadly no one can appreciate this beautiful smile of his.

His golden eyes shines with a luster of determination and will, the dim look in his eyes while thinking of being alone vanished from his face.

Drawing out his new and improved sword that he created from the tusk of the armored Elephant. He executed multiple slashes at the same time, making an illusion of a single slash with seven waves of sword qi.

This is the first level of the sword art he is practicing. There are other six more levels but he's still faraway from mastering the other six levels of the sword art.

Their is a high requirements in every level of the sword art. He mastered the first level because of becoming a master level swordsman, having a strong body that can withstand a three thousand kilogram of force without breaking any bones, qi manipulation atleast of an expert level and a higher amount of qi.

This Sword art is called , " Hundred swords of destruction". You can throw hundreds sword waves in a single slash. But ofcourse, this will only be possible if you perfectly mastered the seven levels of the Sword art.

He first used this sword art two months ago when he fought the armored elephant, and oh, he almost died, thankfully, at the last moment, he had an epiphany and mastered the first level of the sword art or else, he would have lose a limb and at worse died to the sharp tusk of the beast.


Roan is practicing the first level of his sword art but has no way to grasp the essence of it. This art is so hard that he felt that his talent is just on the average.

After practing for three hours and not being able to improve, he decided to rest. He will hunt for his lunch and also to train his sword skill on the way. He will enter the third layer of the forest and hunt a lone beast.

He often hunt on the first and second layer of the forest and only scouts the third and fourth layer stealthily.

He is an expert in moving silently and this is the reason why he can freely roam the four layers without being detected but until now, no related arts is thought to him by the bead.

"I will now enter the third layer, I have to first be prepared. " changing his clothes to a more tougher armor, strapping three stone daggers on his legs and putting his stone sword to his left side waist.

Ready to go, he jumped silently and quickly to his way to the third layer to scout and hunt.

{This is a good opportunity to test my improvements and also to gather materials to replace my weapons and armors. But I have to be careful, the beasts here are faraway more stronger than that of the first and second layer's beast.} focusing on his way and being alert, Roan's demeanor transformed from being a simple hunter to someone whose going to face his enemy in the battlefield.

It didn't take him too long to reach the third area and he started to silently move and scouted the beast that are around. He needed to find a beast that is alone and is faraway from the other beast of the third area.

He don't want to be ambushed and ganged by the beasts in this area, he will sure die if that happened.

He knows his own capabilities and he learned to be wary of his sorroundings. So many times, that he almost died because of his carelessness.

Roan's instincts sharpened and improved because of his daily adventures in this forest. He survived and grew from all his experiences here.

Scouting for an hour and a half, he spotted a lone armored elephant, its body is covered by thick red stonelike armor and two huge tusks that are three meters in size.

It's height reaches 5 meters while its body's length is 8 meters long. Its strength comes from its defense and tusks that can penetrate trees with ease.

{The best way to defeat this beast is to directly stab its eyes to penetrate its brain. But i have to be careful, its not easy to do so.} he is waiting for an opportunity to attack and to atleast injure its eyes.

This kinds of beast are not agility type of beast, Roan knew that he had a chance to defeat this beast using his movement skill as an advantage.

Using guerilla tactics, he jumped from the tree and stabbed the right eye of the armored elephant succesfully blinding its right eye, but the dagger didn't penetrate its eyes until its brain.

This made the armored elephant angrier making it go berserk. It's speed doubled, making roan caught off guard and was thrown ten meters far away, his armor was destroyed.

He almost died, thankfully he dodged the tusk of the armored elephant but was hit by the side of the tusk of the beast, sending him faraway.

His daggers are no more and was thrown faraway from him. Picking up the sword three meters away from him, he dodged once again using his movement skills.

This is the first time that he saw the speed of a berserk armored elephant, he observed this beast when it fought other beast but his speed is never been this fast before, almost catching to his speed.

Using his incomplete sword art he fought the giant beast and denting its armored like body and inflicting little wounds. Unfortunately, cracks painted his sword. Trying to comprehend the complete level one of the sword art before the sword breaks, he executed the art with all his got.

{I will never retreat from a beast like you. I have to give my all or else I will not survive this.} with determination, a roar came inside of him, his blood boils and his aura burst from his very soul.

The armored elephant flinched for a second because of the golden fiery eyes that manifested through Roan's aura. And it felt threatened, this made the beast burst in strength, wanting to end this battle.

Roan's sped bursts, slashes his sword with all his got, sending seven slashes that clashes to the berserk armored elephants incoming tackle while fiery qi emits from its body.

The final clashed resulted to a 100m's of destruction to the trees around them. Devastation is all around.

Roan's sword turned to dust while his body is full of his wounds.

While the armored elephant is still running but before he reach Roan, it was cut into two , starting from the center of its head, ending to it's tail.

Roan almost died but after killing the beast he laughed his excitement.

Then he pulled the giant beast and picked his daggers and cut the meat that is soft unlike the skin of it.

The place they fought is thousands of meters from the other beasts but it will only take about an hour to find this place so he hurriedly separated the meat from the huge body of the beast and used its skin to wrap the meat neatly, while using its tusks as a way to carry the whole meat.

His strength reaches the forth level so he can carry the beast with the help of his qi strenthening his body to carry this huge beast.

He runs so fast using its fastest speed together with the movement skill he learned. And when he reached the boundary of the second and third layer, he entered his secondary base where he stores his foods.

The meat of this beast won't rot for atleast three months because of the lingering qi inside of it. The stronger the beast, the longer for it to rot.

So Roan decided to store meat for a week and feast everyday, specially, his metabolism grew this past year making him devour fifty kilograms of meat a meal.

This is also a good thing because his body is being nourished and strengthened making his body much more developed.

*End of flashback*

Strengthening his foundation is the sole reason why Roan keep on focusing to his fighting skills, agility skills and defense.

Having a strong foundation will give him more assurance of survival. Now that his foundation is quite strong enough, he decided to add time to his cultivation to raise his chance to survive.

{time skip.........}