

Alusec and Briella found themselves on the outside of the quarters after walking for about ten minutes.

There was a long path outside the quarters which led to the bottom of the mountain. The path had thousands of stairs and small statues of different people in battle stances. Anytime they walked down about a hundred steps they would see two statues on both sides.

Originally Alusec would have been flying regardless of the rules, but because he was currently with Briella, he decided to walk.

During their walk together, Briella revealed a lot of things to Alusec about herself, Ivrena, the Baki clan, and the city.

The age difference between Ivrena and Briella was one month. Ivrena had silver-colored hair like their mother while Briella had yellow hair like their father. They had similar facial features with the difference in hair color and look of maturity. Ivrena looks very cold and mature, she was the type that everyone would be scared of approaching but nevertheless she was very beautiful with her long silver hair and oval-shaped face, and slim body. Briella had a cute but stiff appearance, she looked younger than Ivrena in every way except size because she had more body proportions than Ivrena but she was much more approachable and nicer.

They lost their mother after she gave birth to their junior brother who was younger than them by seven years. Ivrena was able to cultivate to the star transformation level after a century while Briella was still at the earth transformation level. Their junior brother the most talented in the family was already at the moon transformation level.

The clan accepted talented cultivators from all parts of the island to either become a disciple or a worker. The workers would be given roles and paid according to their labor while the disciples will be placed in a court and be trained according to their talents. Sometimes disciples take missions to increase their monthly resources.

Baki city was the second biggest city on the Island after Ritler city. Ritler city was the capital city of the island hence it was named after the Island. According to history, their ancestors who found this island settled on the area that was now known as Ritler city.

This was usual that Alusec was already expecting so he asked about the direct descendants of the clan and just as he expected, the Baki clan wasn't normal.

Briella divulged that the direct descendants of the Baki clan had a bloodline that increased their source strength increase by two when there was more than one moon in the sky. The total number of moons on Planet Flokz was eleven but there were seasons that only one moon would be out during nighttime for some time while some other seasons two to five moons would be out.

Whenever there were two or more moons in the sky during nighttime, their source would be boosted. The more the moons the more the increase in source strength.

Alusec finally understood why the Baki clan had two overlapping moons as their insignia and why Ivrena sneaked out to the ocean when it was getting close to nighttime. It appears that she wanted to use the bloodline to her advantage since this season, there were full eleven moons in the sky during night time.

Alusec felt that Ivrena might have been able to handle the crabs with

the boost that the eleven moons would have given her if she had been patient and waited for the right timing to go in but Alusec also felt that the bloodline had drawbacks even though it was quite powerful and that was, what if there was only one moon at night for a full year? or what if they went to another planet and the moon there wasn't compatible with their bloodline or something? what if a celestial being destroyed their moons?

If any of these happened the bloodline would become useless since it would only work with the rising of two or more moons, 'Moon eh?.... This may be why The older sister's cultivation is very fast and why the younger one is slow.' Alusec glanced at Briella with an observing look.

In the process of narrating, Briella and Alusec had already gotten to the bottom of the mountain and we're transversing through the path led to the exit of the mountain region.

"Huh?" Alusec noticed something and turned to look behind.

"What is it?" Briella noticed his action.

"It's nothing let's keep going," Alusec said and proceeded to keep moving forward.

Just as they left that location two pairs of eyes were revealed from the statue that was on the left side of the pathway, "Did he sense me?" a deep voice asked in a state of disbelief, "There's no way, even the patriarch would not be able to do that when I'm in this state," The voice concluded.

When Alusec and Briella got to a path that led to two opposite directions a lot of people in white, orange , and green garments which depicted different courts. They could be seen in large numbers approaching. These people also had the insignia of two overlapping moons.

The people paused blocking the paths and staring at the male and female in front of them. They scrutinized Alusec, who was now in dark robes that he took from the patriarch.

"That's Him," One of them shouted to a person in orange robes while pointing at Alusec and Briella had also stopped walking after they noticed the gang.

After that person pointed at Alusec all the men there stared intently at him like they had found their most hated foe.

"What do you want? Why are you all blocking the path?" Briella asked.

"This has nothing to do with you princess, oh wait, this has everything to do with you but we only came to meet this young man on behalf of big brother Ouyang," One of the men in orange robes spoke while pointing at Alusec while the other people with orange clothing nodded their heads in affirmation.

"We came here to meet this man on behalf of big brother Culdur," One of the men in white spoke while pointing at Alusec too just like the former.

"We came here to meet this man on behalf of big brother Fengshar," This time it was one in green that spoke and the rest nodded.

"Stop this at once and return to your various courts," Briella commanded but they all ignored. Briella wasn't in any position of power since she never really revealed that she was the Patriarch's daughter, that was why this bunch could disobey her. It wasn't until recently that people knew that she was the Patriarch's daughter, which made those who were interested in her earlier become more resilient.

Alusec stepped forward.

Step! Step! Step! Step!

Every step he took exerted pressure on the bunch and it was as if he was walking in slow motion making the effect multiply.

The bunch subconsciously moved back, "I don't meet with dimwitted lackeys!" Alusec said amidst motion, "Let's go Briella,"

Briella stared at Alusec with stars in her eyes, 'he's so charming and domineering, see how he made a path without taking any action,' Briella said in her mind while walking towards Alusec.

Truly they opened a path for Alusec without any action. Alusec releasing a bit of his aura was enough to make them think twice about standing in his way. Since when Alusec escaped from the diminishing void he refrained from unleashing his aura because gods had signature energy that they could use to sense the location of one another. Even though Alusec was weakened now he still had the aura of a very powerful god and if he unleashed it completely no one under celestial level would be able to come close, the only issue there was, he would be giving his location away, and right now he couldn't handle it if all the gods came after him.

It was after Alusec and Briella had already left there and their silhouette could be seen in the distance before the bunch came back to normal, 'did we just let him go without doing a thing?' All of them had these thoughts in their mind.

They dispersed after a few seconds and decided to report back to their so-called big brothers about what had happened here.

Alusec and Briella walked to various places in the clan ranging from the courts to the clan hall, the disciple's residence, the library, the resource hall, e. t. c. While they were in the process of touring, new rumors had spread around the clan about how Alusec dealt with a hundred disciples without even moving a muscle. A lot of people weren't surprised because they expected that the Patriarch would not bring a weakling to come and marry anyone of his daughter.


Would have released a chapter yesterday if not for power supply

TimViccreators' thoughts