

For the upcoming days, Long He happily spent his time with his family. He and his father got to know each other more, exchanging stories excitingly.

Shen Hu recounted many epic adventures, and how he spent most of his short life wandering the world and fighting the beasts. He also told the story of how he encountered Yi'er, where she blushed a little bit.

The most exciting part of his stories was how he had died. Long He liked to hear it from his father, even though he already knows the story of his father's death. Shen Hu told his family about his soul passing through the underworld, where he was judged and then transferred to Heaven.

"The only thing that is bothering me is who was the one that killed me?" exclaimed Shen Hu.

"The one that killed you was a god-beast, named Sabertooth," said Long He.

"Why did the beast was determined to kill me and your mother?"

"I don't think that he was following you two."

"Who was it after then?" said Yi'er.

"It was after me!"

"You? You weren't even born yet at that time!" Shen Hu narrowed his eyes whike saying this.

"Don't forget that I was born right after your death, father. I already have my guesses, but I need to confirm them." Long He then told his father how he became a god, and him going against Ilah.

"I am proud of you my son!" said his father, "Even though going against god Ilah was stupid."

Long He shook his head helplessly. Tomorrow morning, he intended to do something that can change the future of his planet, and enables him to protect it.

At dawn of the next morning, he left quietly without telling anyone. He flew out of the palace then out of the planet, drifting through space.

After two hours, he arrived outside a sea water planet. He stood there in the void and waited.

A while later, a middle-aged man appeared, with sea green eyes and blue long hair and beard. He smiled at Long He, spreading his hands open and said, "God He! What a pleasure surprise to see you here."

"It is also my pleasure to see you, God Uion. I have heard of your many exploits," said Long He took Uion's hand.

"Hahaha! They are nothing. Come, my friend, let's have a cup of wine." The two walked to the surface of the planet together.

Birthed from the depth of the ancient third sea of planet Earth, Uion is considered a very old and ancient sea creature, and alao a powerful god.

Uion committed himself and his life to serve Ilah. Even if the father god ordered him to kill himself, he would do so without even batting an eye.

At that time, and like every young man of planet Earth, Uion intended to marry. As he searched for the perfect woman, his heart fell in love with the daughter of one of the enemies of Ilah.

However, the father god felt provoked by this action of his faithful servant. Filled with anger, Ilah ordered Uion to kill his wife and offer her as a sacrifice for him. The latter refused firmly and threatened Ilah.

Thus, Ilah sent one of his god servants to kill Uion's wife. The sea god was angered to the extreme, and openly went against the father god.

His fury manifested in the raging waves of the not-so-big seven seas, which drowned cities and lands. The result of this was that sea water covering most of the lands on planet Earth, leaving only some pieces of land to let humans live on them.

Uion swore from that moment that he would get his revenge on Ilah, and he broke from Ilah's servitude and went to his own planet, Ulliea, reaching the level of full godhood.

However, Ilah's revenge didn't end. He destroyed the soul of Uion's wife, never to let it reborn. This crushed Uion's heart completely.

Long He and Uion entered the sea god's underwater palace, where they reached the great hall. The two sat on gem decorated thrones, drinking the wine that the angels have served.

Long He took a sip, and a burning sensation passed through his throat. He actually drank wine from time to time on Earth, of course before becoming a god. But this was the very first time that he tasted godly wine.

"Allright," said Uion, "Let's talk business now. Surely you haven't come here just to visit this old man."

The two laughed and Long He said, "Indeed, I have come here for an important matter."

"Pray tell."

"I...." Long He hadn't have the chance to continue, since he was interrupted by a brutal but young feminine voice.

"Uion!" shouted the voice, "Come out and welcome me!"

Uion sighed and said, "Coming, Bephine." He went out after he winked Long He, then returned with a young pretty woman that had a ferocious expression on her face.

"Bephine, this is god He, the god of planet Aquahelios. God He, this is goddess Bephine, the goddess of vengeance," said Uion.

The young girl's, Bephine's, expression softened a bit when she saw Long He. She said in a less dangerous tone than before, "You are the newly ascended god, aren't you?"

"Yes, goddess Bephine," answered Long He respectfully.

Uion coughed to get their attention and said, "You were saying, god He, before Bephine came...."

"Ah yes. I have come here to make an alliance with you, Uion. But now that goddess Bephine has come, I would like to ask her the same request," Long He said solemnly.

"And why do you expect us to make an alliance with you?" said Bephine.

"For many reasons. Like having a common enemy, which is Ilah. But as you know, my planet is still weak, as well as I am. I need reinforcements if Ilah decided to attack me. What do you say?"

"He has a point, Uion. But what would you give us in return?"

"Right now, I can give nothing at all. But if you too suffered an attack from Ilah in the future, you'll have all the help that I can give."

The other two gods remained silent, considering Long He's proposal. Finally, Uion said, "I accept."

"As do I," said Bephine, "Let's make the unbreakable oath, just in case if anyone had any idea of betrayal."

Long He and Uion nodded. The three formed a triangle while holding the  each other's hands.

"We, three gods, swear to be an alliance against Ilah and his army. The one that shall break this vow will seek the wrath of the other two and taste the feeling of the soul being reaped," said the three in unison. White silk threads started to form around their hands, adding a seal on their souls. If anyone of them thinks of betrayal will have his soul teared apart into shreds.

The three gods sat and drank wine. After a while, Uion raised his cup and said, "A toast, to our newly formed alliance!"

Long He and Bephine nodded while also raising their cups.

Revised Chapter 7!

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