
God of Vampires

Follows Min Joo Great adventure since becoming a powerful god, created a species, built civilization that spread in the sea of stars along going through many hardship in his path to truly realizing the purpose of life and the greatness of divine beings! ___________ Updated Synopsis 05/05/2021

Sitouo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

End of Viliria 02

A few minutes after rising up from the ground the red altar stopped and left the ground shaking.

Seeing what he just caused, Min made a happy smile and said. "AI link the altar to this planet's core."


//"The Red Altar has been Linked to planet Viliria's core"//

Then Min waved his hand and a portal appeared and stepped through it..arriving back at the vampire castle Throne hall, Min sat and his throne and looked around his surroundings.

The vampire castle was now lively, kids could be heard in hallways playing with each other, and outside the capital quieted down.

"AI give me the vampire race stats" Min said to AI.


//"Counting…..11,934,831 Vampires, 14,478 Vamps"//

"That's a lot of numbers..." Min said and continued "send a Divine voice message to Hizar Lancetorn alone 'come my son, it time to leave the finishing touches on this realm'"




Hizar entered the throne hall and bowed to Min and said "Father i have arrived"

"Report!" Min Replied in a dignified tone.

"At once father" Hizar said and continued in a respectable tone."the emperor agreed to my offer and turned him.., and we captured 2,712,000 Beastkin and we don't know where to place them so we left them caged in the capital.."

After Hizar explained everything, Min stood up and waved his hand opening a portal and said "come with i need to show you something"

Then the two of them stepped into the portal. Arrived in front of a white door in the hallway.

Min said "do you know where this door leads to?"

"I saw this door earlier but when i tried to open it, it was locked" Hizar replied.

'AI give Underground elevator room access to User Hizar Lancetorn' Min said with a thought to AI.

//"Granted Underground elevator room access to User Hizar Lancetorn"// after AI replied Min's command, Hizar made a pleasing smile.

"You can open the door now, try it" as soon as Min said that, Hizar walked up to the white door and grabbed the handle and then opened the door entering a white room with no furnitures inside it, then..


The white door closed itself after the two entered the room after that the room floor started vibrating and kept moving down until it reached the white massive underground filled with cages and chairs and strange machinery with tubes attached to it.

"Bring all the captured beastkin here and lock them into the cage, see those tubes linked to the chairs? Those are pulling the blood from the captured prey and pulling it towards those plastic bags…" after Min explained how everything works to Hizar, he started walking towards a cage that contains 3 beastkin an adult female and two of her children that Min brought from the mansion he previously left crumbling to the ground, waving his hand the female engulfed in golden light and teleported to one of the chairs, the woman kept screaming begging but Min and Hizar paid no mind to it and proceeded to the machine with tubes there located a red button, Min pressed it and said.

"Now let's leave it like that and come back later, the woman will die and blood bags will be left beside the chair"

Hizar then nodded and left the underground with Min, walking in the hallway.

"Hizar bring all the vampires inside the castle and give each of them rooms and occupations, when everything is done find me in the meeting room.." Min said and disappeared with super speed leaving Hizar behind.




In the meeting room there sat Min on his majestic chair and looked like he was lost in thought 'AI Create a new ability Called Protection'

//"A new Ability has been created: Protection, what effect would you like it to have?"//

'Effect is protecting the wielder from the space vacuum'

//"Effect Applied"//

'AI Add the ability 'Protection' to the vampire race and the subrace Vamp Abilities list'

//"Executing Hosts command"//

//"Command Executed"//

'Great, preparing is over.. It's a shame i won't see what demons look like, well there are other planets out there who have demons as residents,'

'AI Deploy a force field protecting the vampire castle from space radiation and vacuum, and tell me how long has it been since I left the abyss?' Min thinking that he completely lost track of time asked AI.

//"Vampire Castle force field deployed"//

//"By Viliria's Calendar 1 year and half, by earth's Calendar 11 Months"//

'It's good to know that, but it isn't important since time doesn't affect Immortality!' Min said while making a proudfull smile.

'AI, have all vampires entered the Castle?'


'Good! Good! Now make it rain blood around the planet using blood red clouds, the effect on all living beings except vampires will be death, anyone that comes in touch with it will leave nothing behind except bones and blood' Min said while holding a burst of laughs.


//"Would you like the rain to start now?"//

"Yes!" Min said out loud, then it started raining blood outside around the castle.


The sound of violent rain sounded and red thunder kept striking. Then Hizar walked into the room and sat on his chair and asked "Father, what now?"

"Now we leave this world and go to the next one, go make sure to keep the castle in order and make sure to give each person 4 blood bags each" Min replied, and then asked AI 'AI how far is earth from this planet?'

//"377 light years away"//

'That seems far, how long will it take at normal speed using the castle?'

//"Calculating...51,649,000 earth years"//

'What…..then how long will it take using my power?'

//"Calculating…..1 earth years, but it will require the host to sit his throne"//


//"The throne is designated as the seat driver of the vampire castle"//

'Ok then, all I have to do is sit there for one year..'

After everything was settled, Min stood up and left the meeting room at super speed, arriving instantly at the throne hall. As he sat on his throne many holographic screens appeared in front of him.

"AI take trajectory to earth, and then start moving at once"

As he said that, two golden chains came out from his body and embedded the floor. Then the castle started going up into space as it left the planet.

The vampire castle started vibrating, getting ready to take a leap into the ocean of stars.


Leaving the planet behind and disappearing leaving only a shining star behind.

guess what :D, next chapter on earth!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Sitouocreators' thoughts