
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

God_Of_Brutality · Filmes
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306 Chs

Chapter 170: Bonus Chapter

Batman frowned internally due to the many new factors Arias presented at this very moment. After all his initial plan was based on the fact that they'd be only searching the compound built on the mountain side.

Even if said compound had and underground tunnel system or bunkers, they were prepared, but this was instead a military grade style structure, the sort one would expect to see from the world's best militaries.

Thus immediately, the plan changed. On the surface though, Batman remained composed and just nodded toward Arias before looking toward Martian Manhunter, "Do it."

In the next moment, the entire group found they could communicate telepathically via Martian Manhunter's power.

"We'll maintain radio silence to avoid our frequency being interrupted or found, we can communicate like this instead," Batman quickly explained.

Some in the league were already aware of this power while some weren't, still, no one seemed the least bit surprised, even Arias and Harley, with the latter only commenting, "Gee, this sure is freaky, it's like one of those whatcha m'call it? Those thingies for the mind?"

"Focus Harley," Arias interrupted and caused Harley to remain silent as Batman continued to explain.

"Did you get a map of inside's layout?" He asked Arias, who simply shook his head at this, "No, that guard only ever got posted on exterior positions."

This wasn't the answer Batman was hoping for, this he fell silent for a few seconds, trying to quickly formulate a plan.

But giving how quickly this new point was brought up, they definitely didn't have time to form a solid plan.

So he instead chose to go for one he felt had the highest likelihood of success.

"Ok, we'll have to split into three teams. One will go attack the compound on the side of the mountain like we initially planned, drawing forces over there, while two others will investigate this inner infrastructure." He quickly devised.

His attention then turned to the members of the league as he assigned positions. "Superman, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Green Lantern and Dr. Fate will attack the surface structure, you can all fly so it'll be easier to retreat should anything go wrong up there."

The logic was sound so none of the individuals Batman called out for complained. Thus he moved on and continued, "As for the two ground teams. Team 1 will have Me, Green Arrow, Arias, Harley and Black Carnary. Our primary objective is to capture and restrain the individuals inside, quietly if possible."

"Team 2 will have Flash And Martian Manhunter. J'onn can phase through the place so he'll move independently and keep this telepathic connection active, whilst Flash can rapidly search through rooms for captive children and quickly get them out if any."

The distribution, although uneven, was best suited for the scenario, given how each were put in a position that suited their unique respective abilities.

Seeing no arguments with the plan, Batman nodded and gestured everyone to start. "Let's go."

Superman and his team immediately took to the skies while the ground teams broke into the interior.

The inside was like a metallic building, with its floors and walls being of that material. At first glance one wouldn't even think that this was actually inside a mountain range.

But no one's gazes lingered on this and they just continued with Flash quickly zooming away and Manhunter phasing through a nearby ceiling.

In the the next moment,


The entire structure quaked, causing Batman's team 1 which was left in a lone pathway to realize that Superman and the others had started their attack.

"Ouu, looks like the fun started, can't be caught lagging behind. Harley's going for tha kill streak." Harley proudly proclaimed while bringing out her bat and tapping it against her palm with a sinister smile on her face.

"No killing," Green Arrow reminded but Harley brushed off his words. "You ain't the boss of me, besides, Mr. M said I could bash the enemies heads in anyway so neh neh neh neh, hehe." Harley cackled in a very worrying manner before choosing a direction and rushing to it.

Green Arrow became furious and looked toward Batman but the latter only ignored his gaze. "Let's just go."

Since everything was being said via a telepathic connection, Green Arrow wasn't the only one concerned about Harley's bold statement but Batman seemingly had it under control so no one brought it up.

Either team moved quite quickly. On the surface, it was a one sided battle, Hawkman and Hawkgirl were moving quick and circling the compound in an almost predatory manner, making it near impossible for the armed men below to get a shot.

This was even worse in Superman's case as he didn't even need to dodge, he moved rapidly, knocking out anyone he came in contact with a before breaking their guns with his bare hands or laser vision.

Green Lantern also had an incredible easy time, having used his ring to create a large sphere around himself, which he then used to navigate on the ground. Although when hit with bullets it would crack, it didn't shatter and Green Lantern continued to ram into the men, sending them flying in all directions.

As for Dr. Fate, he simply hovered in the skies and didn't immediately act, instead shifting his gaze from time to time.

As for down below, it was experiencing an equal amount of chaos.

Loud alarms were sounding in almost all directions, Batman's plan for a stealthy breach into the lower infrastructure failed immediately Harley began charging at her victims.

Having started off first, she was in the lead in terms of people taken out. Whilst the others did so carefully, Harley fearlessly charged despite being shot at.

The two guards in that were firing in a narrow hall were shocked that this person wasn't dropping dead.

"Here's Harley!!" She yelled proudly before launching off the ground and using the walls instead, propelling herself from left to right, using the narrowness of the hall to her advantage.


The closer she got the more worried the duo firing became. But soon they encountered a disaster.

Click~ Click~

Their guns clicked blankly despite them pulling the trigger, realizing that they had just emptied their clips but the enemy didn't drop.

Unfortunately, it was too late to try and reload, so one just rushed toward Harley whilst yelling in a language she herself could not understand.

Harley however skillfully dodged the man before stepping on the back of his head and using it as a launch pad to propel herself forward to the other man who wanted to use this distraction to reload.

Seeing Harley, his eyes widened knowing full well he couldn't dodge. He placed his gun in front of his chest to block her incoming flying kick, but she adjusted it mid way and struck at his face.

"Ugh!" He groaned in pain while teeth were sent flying with streaks of blood.


His body slammed to the metallic ground and he looked at Harley hatefully, only to see the barrel of her gun being pointed towards her as she smiled and said. "That's seven!"

Before he could register what those words he didn't understand meant, the trigger was pulled and his head was shot.

This act angered the man Harley initially dodged and he came rushing back, but she wasn't fazed in the least and shot his leg.

"Ugh!! Y***" He yelled in a tongue foreign to Harley but she felt it was offensive. Still, this didn't affect the wide grin on her face as she shot his other leg and brought him to his knees.

She then started to walk over slowly, her already bloody bat being dragged behind her as she smiled and yelled.

"Bater up!!!"

A/N: Here's the bonus chapter because I'm honest author who doesn't lie, unlike some of my heretic readers who donate their stones elsewhere without any shame, they are all Harlots I say! Furry Porn lovers! Americans! Feminists! My Neighbor! *ahem* enjoy the chapter and don't be like them, gimme them stones.