
Go back or stay?

Cleo Victoria a kind, beautiful, funny, cheerful and most of all she's a kind of princess who wants peace there family is powerful in a whole world and no one dare to fight them not because there are powerful no one dare to fight them cause Cleo fathers is a god of all god, her father is a god who came down to help the people who is suffering so much on the war Yasha Xyn the god chose her to protect the world's from Evils but there is something wrong with her she's a stubborn and not listening to orders from her superior What will happen if this two girls meet, are they going to get along and be a friends? or they are going to be more than friends? The arts are not mine only the story, also just comment if my English is wrong cause I'm not too good on English

JaneAurora857 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Third person pov

(Know, knock)

King 1: Come in

One soldier come in he kneeled and bowed his head on the king who was sitting on a chair while handling some paper works

Soldier 1: Your majesty

King 1: What is it?

The king said not bothering to look at his soldier

Soldier 1: T-the hero failed t-they lose control-

The king stop his soldier and get up from his sit

King 1: (Sigh) get up and call the other royal family

The soldier stand up and bowed his head one more time before he left

Soldier 1: Yes your majesty!

The soldier left and the king sat down on his chair again

King 1: Looks like I have no choice ha

(7 minutes later)

The other royal family finally are here

They all support their wife to sit down cause they wife are pregnant

King 2: So Father why did you called us?

King 1: As you all know the hero lose control of their power and they Joined the dark side right

Queen 1: Father will the other people be okay

King 1: That's..... That's what I don't know

King 3: Father what should we do.... Even if we killed them they are just going to Comeback they are immortal

King 1: No they are not

Queen 2: Then why are they still coming back.... We-we killed them so many times but they are still alive..... I- father I can't take this anymore I just see my self as a murderer (sniff)

The king stand up and hug her daughter

King 1: N-no your not a murderer my daughter your just trying to protect your self

The king said while looking at her daughter eyes

King 2: Yeah your father is right..... Your just trying to protect the people so don't blame your self

King 4: Anyway I have a good news the demon clan said they are going to help us

Queen 3: Good thing that we change the demon kings mind right

King 1: Yeah

Queen 1: So what's the plan?how do we stop the hero?

King 1: I'm....I'm going to seal them from the meantime

King 2: Meantime?.....so they can escape from that seal right?

King 1: Yeah.... Once I seal them.....

The king hesitate from a moment but still continue

King 1: Im going to find a person who can defeat the hero or should I say old hero

King 4: Where are you going to find that person..... And even if you look for one there's no person can def-

The king stop him and stand up

King 1: Yes there is..... A chosen one

Queen 1: Chosen one?

King 1: Yeah..... Remember Im the one who summon the old hero here... And when I summon they here one of the hero told me that she saw a black mist and she investigate it

King 3: So you know that they are going to lose control one day

King 1: Yeah.... And she told me that once they lose control there one girl that can stop them

Queen 2: What is her name!?

King 1: The old hero not know to.....she said she still not born from there world

King 2: What so the chosen one is in that world too!?

King 1: Yeah so I'm going to wait to that girl

Queen 1: How are you so sure that she's not going to lose control of here self ha!?

King 1: I use my magic to see the future....and it's true

All of the royal family stand up and look at the king

Queen 3: W-What are you serious!

King 2: Are you hearing your self right now father!?

Queen 1: You gone mad father!

Queen 2: Do you want to suffer the people so much!?

King 3: Yeah you must be crazy!

King 4: Father!

King 1: All of you!

All of them sit again and calmed down

King 1: I know that using my magic to see the future will make me sick but.... I have to do this

Queen 3: Y-you, you really are annoying father(Sniff)

The Queen said to her father while hugging him

King 1: I know, I know