
Go back or stay?

Cleo Victoria a kind, beautiful, funny, cheerful and most of all she's a kind of princess who wants peace there family is powerful in a whole world and no one dare to fight them not because there are powerful no one dare to fight them cause Cleo fathers is a god of all god, her father is a god who came down to help the people who is suffering so much on the war Yasha Xyn the god chose her to protect the world's from Evils but there is something wrong with her she's a stubborn and not listening to orders from her superior What will happen if this two girls meet, are they going to get along and be a friends? or they are going to be more than friends? The arts are not mine only the story, also just comment if my English is wrong cause I'm not too good on English

JaneAurora857 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Are you ready?

(14 years later)

Yasha Xyn pov

Girl 1: Hey yasha

I look up and see the girl standing while looking up on the sky

Yasha: What?

Girl 1: What would you choose... This world or another world

I look at her weirdly and smirk

Yasha: I choose hmmm.... Maybe another world

My friend look at me with curiosity in her eyes

Girl 1: Eh....?

Yasha: (Giggled) Do you know why I chose it?

She shake her head

Girl 1: No

Yasha: I chose it cause..... This world seems pretty boring... And maybe the other world are not.

She look up on the sky and and smiled on me

Girl 1: Maybe your right

Yasha: What about you....what would you choose?

Girl 1: Whatever the world you choose is chose that

I look at her and titled my head

Yasha: Eh, why?

Girl 1: Cause... I like you

She look at me and lean closer to me

Yasha: W-What.....you like me??

Girl 1: Yeah

She Heald my hands and look at me seriously

Girl 1: I'm serious yasha.... I really really like you in a romantic way but.....

Yasha: But??

She let go of my hands and get up

Girl 1: I know that you don't like me

I get up and held her hands

Yasha: I'm happy to hear your feelings for me.... But I'm sorry I- I just see you as a friend I'm sorry

She push my hands and shake her heads

Girl 1: No, no need to apologize..... I just want to confess before I go to abroad

I look at her and held her shoulder

Yasha: W-What..., Going to abroad?

She smiled sadly and look at me then kiss my cheek

Girl 1: Sorry I didn't tell you sooner it's just you look busy this day-

I cut her and hug her tightly

Yasha: Why... You said your not going to leave me!?

Girl 1:I'm sorry(sniff)

I let go of her and look at her seriously

Yasha: Just promise me one thing okay....

Girl 1: Okay what is it?

Yasha: Promise me that you will never forget about me

She smiled and hug me tightly

Girl 1: Of course you silly.... I love you.

Yasha: I know... Love you too

Girl 1: Haha take care of your self okay

Yasha: Okay



I groans and look at my phone


Yasha: Hmm... Been a long time since I dream about her

I stretch my body and get up on my bed as soon as I get up I go straight to the bathroom and take a shower.....

After I take a shower I ate and after I finish eating there was a sudden knock on the door I walk to it and open the door

Yasha: Oh H-hello, your majesty

I bowed my head but the majesty stop me

King 1: No need to bow yasha and like what I told you, you can just called me Oliver

Yasha: S-sorry I'm still not used to it Yo- Oliver....after all it's been four days since you summon me in this....magical world

Oliver: Haha yeah and sorry about that anyway... May I come in

Yasha: Yeah

After he came in I let him take a sit in the chair and go take a water

Yasha: Here have some water

I place the water in the table near him

Oliver: Thank you..... Now as for the business

He look at me seriously while I titled my head with confusion

Yasha: Business?

Oliver: Yeah.. like what I told you about your the hero that will saved this world from darkness

Yasha: But I still didn't get it I'm the hero yet the enemy is a hero too??

Oliver: That's because they lose control of their self

Yasha: What about me are you not afraid that I will lose control of my self too?

Oliver: No and besides..... I have a trust on you

Yasha: But still-

Oliver: Please..... Your the only one who can stop this war once and for all

Yasha: F-fine but don't get too confident that I will win in them... After all... I'm a coward who always run away

I whispered under my breath but thankfully Oliver didn't hear it

Oliver: I'm sorry did you just said something

He ask while taking a sip of the water

Yasha: Nothing.... So when am I going to school you said yesterday that I will go to the academy?

Oliver: Oh yeah right..... Your will go to the academy this day

Yasha: Eh!?

Oliver: Don't worry I already prepared your uniform

Yasha: Eh but the enrollment is already finished isn't going to be a but weird.

Oliver: Well your right but anyway who cares right... Anyway where did you hear that the enrollment Is already finish?

Yasha: Of course on you, you said it to me yesterday remember

Oliver started thinking and clap hear hands

Oliver: Ah right I forgot anyway this is your uniform

He swing his finger and suddenly there is a unform suddenly appear... I look at the uniform and wear it on the bathroom after I wear it I got out on the bathroom and I see Oliver looking at me

Oliver: Not bad hmm.....okay should we get going

Yasha: Okay

Oliver got up from his seat and walk towards to the door and so do I

Yasha: I hope everything will be alright

I whispered and I walk to Oliver and see that he already chant a teleporting spell

Oliver: So are you ready?

I nod and he clap his hands and when I open my eyes I see that we already teleported in the front gate of the academy

Oliver: Welcome to valley academy