
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
131 Chs

The Prince of Elecya

Prince Alcya...

Euna said that he is in a hidden refuge in the western area of the kingdom. The exact location has not been found by Euna yet because she cannot stay away for too long. So she can only find signs that there is hidden activity in the western area, which should be filled with debris and death.

However, to be cautious, Euna asked me to leave Glory behind because its power emissions would attract the attention of the pirates, especially the captain.

According to her, the pirate captain is currently looking for Glory after receiving orders from the unknown man. It seems that the cult followers have indeed taken their first steps to overthrow each world.

I hope other worlds can hold out against them, at least until the situations in Zhao and Wei improve so they can intervene.

"How can you be sure that they will help other worlds? You must prepare to part ways with them because it is highly likely that Murim is also in trouble now," Z said.

Ahh... That's true.

They will definitely rush to help their world.

I thought hard, trying to find a way out, but the unfavorable circumstances forced me to postpone it for a while. At least until Elecya is safe from the pirates.

"I wonder if those cult followers have the ability to open worlds," Z pondered. "Look, they suddenly became friends with the pirates as if they knew they would be transferred to this world. What if they were not transferred by this world but by the followers of the World Devourer?" he guessed.

After thinking it over, I think Z might be right.

Considering Celine's statement about the cult followers who never show themselves and always move in the shadows. What if, at that time, they were gathering ways to move worlds as an additional source of their power, and that's why they dared to launch a direct attack.

I quickly dodged as an arrow was shot, piercing the wall where my head was just moments ago. Right in front of me, on top of a building, there was a man dressed all in black with his face covered by a cloth of the same color, holding a crossbow and loading a second arrow.

As I was about to run, he aimed the crossbow and said, "I won't take a step if I were you."

Do you think I'm afraid of that?

I used Z's power, ran forward with an arrow stuck on the path behind me, and changed direction towards him. He grumbled in annoyance, quickly reloading the crossbow. But before he could raise the crossbow, I appeared in front of him, delivering a kick that sent him flying backward.

The crossbow fell to the ground, and he tried to reach for it but was too late. He turned around to find me already kneeling beside him.

"Hey hey, listen, I don't want any trouble," he quickly said, raising both hands.

I pulled the cloth off his face, observing his younger face compared to mine, a teenager in his late teens with a naive appearance, but he tried to make himself look intimidating. "What do you want? Answer or I'll smash your head to pieces right here."

"Whoa, whoa, calm down! I'm just trying to figure out whose side you're on. Let's calm ourselves first-

I smashed the roof right next to his head, feeling the impact as my hand pierced through the roof using the small mana shield right in front of my clenched fist. "Do you think I'm joking?"

"Okay! I'm just trying to find out whose side you're on under Prince Alcya's orders!" he cried out, fear evident in his eyes.

Prince Alcya? "So you mean you're with the Prince?"

He nodded quickly.

"Take me to him. There's something I need to discuss, and don't even think about leading me into a trap, or I'll hunt you down wherever you hide, understood?" I threatened, then stood up as he nodded quickly once again.

He hurriedly led me to the western area of the city, where, as Euna had described, only rubble of buildings remained along with a group of lifeless bodies that were no longer intact.

I clenched both my hands tightly, trying to strengthen myself as I observed the once happily living elves now reduced to corpses. I hoped they had met a swift death because I couldn't bear to imagine the suffering they endured before death claimed them.

I know I don't know any of the elves here. But seeing the current situation makes me want to avenge them, just like the vengeance that remains unfulfilled for the goblins in my city. I pray that they are not from the same group of goblins as Rengar or...

No, they surely aren't the same.

"Calm down, Zent. You've seen for yourself how their leader behaves. Someone like that could never do what the goblins did in the city. Don't let the darkness consume you, Zent, calm yourself," Z whispered.

I took a deep breath, trying to clear my mind that was currently raging like a storm due to tumultuous emotions. My chest felt tight, as if a chain was binding me and pulling tight, making it difficult to breathe.

But Z was right.

I couldn't let my emotions take over now. I had to stay strong to get through all of this, especially because there were those who placed their trust in me.

Another exhale was heard.

This time, I let out the disturbing emotions from earlier and returned to my usual self.

Why did I vent my emotions on him?

I really should apologize. "Hey, you. What's your name?" I asked softly, trying not to make him feel scared while showing a friendly smile that I hoped was enough.

Luckily, the teenager accepted it and returned the same smile. "My name is Ren, a member of White Leaf."

"White Leaf?"

"Oh, it's a new group formed by the Prince to save Elecya from the pirates. We're not many, just a few dozen people. Much fewer compared to the pirates. But believe me, we will definitely rescue Elecya from them!" he exclaimed confidently, making me smile along, feeling his enthusiasm.

"Oh, you must be wondering why an elf like me is wearing all black. Someone gave it to me. Before they left, they said they would recruit me.

I don't know who they are, I only know that they are a group that has been opposing the heretics for a long time. They will also provide me with the gloves they use."

Why aren't they coming to help us?

Are they running out of members? Or do they have more urgent matters?

I shook my head, refocusing on the task at hand, where four adult elves stood with arrows ready to be shot. Ren hurriedly approached them, saying something, and each arrow was lowered.

Ren instructed me to follow him into a large building that was once magnificent but now lay in ruins. At least the building's walls still stood firm, albeit with cracks here and there.

The elves kept a close eye on me, never taking their gaze off me until I entered a hidden underground chamber behind a wall. Ren recited a chant to open it, then descended after flicking his fingers to create a Light Orb, illuminating the way.

Slowly from below, there was a warm orange light.

Once we entered the room, I could finally see how vast it was. The ceiling was high, about fifteen meters above the ground, supported by four large pillars. A green light circled around each white pillar, resembling a flowing stream, leading upwards and covering the ceiling.

Ren led me into a long tent where people were coming in and out with anxious faces, and there was a loud noise coming from inside.

"Those damn pirates!" he shouted.

Not far ahead, there was a male elf who looked to be around the same age as me if he were human. He had long blond hair, emerald-green eyes, and a face that resembled a model. He accidentally caught sight of us and approached with an unhappy expression. "Who is this you brought, Ren?"

Ren turned to me, asking for help as he had forgotten to inquire about my identity.

I nodded, giving him a signal to step back and let me take control of the situation. The Prince stared, silently waiting. "My name is Zent. I have come with Zhao Feng and Wei. Euna asked me to come and meet you," I replied briefly, succinctly, and clearly.

The Prince nodded. "No need for small talk, I like that." He turned to Ren and said, "Return to your post, Ren. Thank you."

He waited until the teenager disappeared from sight and then turned back to me. "So, you're the one they were referring to. I want to ask how you will help us without any mana, but since Zhao and Wei trust you, I will make an effort as well. Come, there's something we need to discuss."