
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
131 Chs


"You must be wondering why we didn't establish a headquarters in Euna's Bar," Prince Alcya said as he observed the kingdom's map on the table, displaying the three-dimensional representation of the Elecya kingdom through a combination of golden light particles. "As you can see," he pointed to the magnificent building where we currently resided.

I believe this map can only show the kingdom's layout before the attack.

"The western area of Elecya is a forgotten area because there is nothing left here. But that's not all," His Majesty zoomed in on the image, revealing interconnected underground tunnels. "This area also serves as the central entrance to the underground space, which we plan to use for smuggling prisoners out of Elecya at this point."

He indicated a large area outside the kingdom, which I guessed to be where the three elf's hut was located. "That area is a former battlefield. Dark elves were our enemies. Now that we have moved to a different world, we no longer encounter them, and that area has become a forgotten place that we believe pirates wouldn't find attractive due to the presence of deathly aura."

So, the three of them live in a large graveyard?

That's the reason why the twins fell ill.

I feel grateful that they are no longer there, but at the same time, I worry about their well-being. I hope the pirates don't mistreat them, or I swear I will...

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my mind, forgot that I was listening to the Prince's explanation.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" the Prince asked, concerned.

I shook my head softly. "It's nothing, I was just reminded of the three little elves living in that area. They reside in a small hut but are now prisoners. I just hope they are safe since they are still young and only have each other as family."

"Wait, there are three young elves living in that area?" the Prince asked, confused.

"Yes, it seems they have been there for a while, surviving on the older sibling's stolen food or scavenging from trash," I said sadly, reminded of the their adorable smile.

The Prince remained silent, pondering for a moment, then looked back at the area and turned to me. "There is a possibility that they are descendants of the dark elves because we cannot survive in that toxic area. It is too tainted with darkness, which can harm our bodies that rely on pure mana. However, if they are indeed descendants of dark elves, we must rescue them immediately, or they may perish at the hands of the elves themselves."

"Due to the war grudges?" I asked.

The Prince nodded, let out a long sigh, looking disappointed by his previous statement. "That's right. Some of us still cannot forget the war. The wounds of the past still haunt them, darkening their hearts with vengeance, which should not be allowed for an elf. We are supposed to remain pure without negative emotions, or we will die from the poison produced by our own hearts, a dark mana itself.

Unlike the free-spirited dark elves, we have to live within these constraints, leading a life as if on a clean white canvas without blemishes. And as elves, that's what we must endure.

There are certain things in the world that cannot be changed no matter how hard you try, like a destiny, and it is those things that make us vulnerable as we are now. The scars of the past war still linger in our hearts and prevent us from utilizing Ancient magic. If possible, those pirates would never have the chance to enter Elecya," he growled.

I could see both of the Prince's hands clenched so tightly that they trembled with anger, until His Majesty regained control and calmed his heart. "I apologize for displaying such behavior as a leader. The three young elves you mentioned will be our main mission this time.

They must be rescued promptly to prevent the elves from being consumed by vengeance, which will multiply exponentially due to the pirates. If the elves are controlled by those negative emotions, the extinction of the elves is inevitable.

At least until the elves can heal from the wounds of the past, those three young elves must be kept away from public places and and I'll take care of them. As a leader and the heir to the throne, I want to at least redeem what we have done to the dark elves and set an example for the elves that we should forgive each other, rather than holding grudges."

I nodded in understanding. "What can I do to assist you, Your Majesty?" I asked, ready to carry out the mission.

The Prince smiled, refocused on the map, and nodded once he found a plan. "You will infiltrate. You are the most suitable person to smuggle the three young elves out quickly because they know you, and you also have no mana.

We who possess mana can sense each other's mana. But with you, even I cannot sense anything, as if you never existed here. Therefore, you will infiltrate after the White Leaf troops create a diversion here," he pointed to an area not far from our location, close to where the pirates gathered.

"We will burn their supplies and pretend to attack. The time we can give is only thirty minutes, so use it wisely. If you fail, then we can only hope that the three young elves are not descendants of the dark elves."

"I haven't mentioned this, Your Majesty, but there is a high possibility that they are not descendants of dark elves because the two youngest ones, the twins, fell ill. Only the eldest sibling could survive, but he also showed similar symptoms like his younger siblings," I explained, made the Prince think again.

"Perhaps that is true, but we cannot take risks, not when we only have one chance. Unfortunately, we cannot save the elves in the same way, or we will attract too much attention and everything will fall into chaos.

We still need the presence of Zhao and Wei to face the large number of pirates and, at the same time, save the remaining inhabitants of Elecya. So..." The Prince enlarged the map again, pointing to an area that should be where the pirates establish their base. "Tomorrow, just before sunrise, we will infiltrate and search for an antidote for the poison in Zhao and Wei's bodies."

"Wouldn't that be much more dangerous because the pirates will tighten security?" I asked.

A confident grin formed on his face. "One thing I've learned about them is that they have a high egos. After we show them how weak we are tonight, they wouldn't have thought that we would strike back so quickly.

Let's hope the antidote is there because if not, the lives of Zhao and Wei are likely in danger. Without them, Elecya is guaranteed to vanish from the face of this world."

Zhao Feng and Wei...

If only I were as strong as them, we could directly save the elves and restore Elecya to its former glory. I truly hope that I can at least gain additional strength to stand alongside both of them, rather than just being a trailing tail, constantly staying behind and only able to watch them without providing significant assistance.

After the Prince finished explaining, he asked me to rest until it was time to carry out the mission. However, I didn't feel tired at all. That's why I decided to walk around the White Leaf headquarters, offering assistance to the elves who then thanked me and invited me to have dinner with them before our first mission began.

Enjoying a simple dinner of hot soup reminded me of the nights when we had dinner together, accompanied by laughter and jokes. It made me want to go back to those moments, when all we cared about was having fun.

Now I understand the saying...

"Sometimes you don't realize how beautiful the past was until it becomes a memory."

Hey guys, I add one chapter as a bonus cuz yesterday I couldn't upload three chapters. It should've been 3 chapters a day. So yeah..

Thanks again for still reading this fantasies of mine, which kinda crazy I know. When ur in the elves kingdom but suddenly there's pirates XD.

I hope u guys enjoy it and have a great day everyone! Thank again.

Jayzentzcreators' thoughts