
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
131 Chs

Reckoning at Dawn

Dawn came shortly after, bringing a cold breeze to the sweltering heat of the raging fire. Gunshots could still be heard echoing through the air, signaling that the war was far from over. Footsteps, heavy breathing, and gunfire filled the streets, evoking a sense of fear and chaos.

The residents stayed inside their homes, barricading doors and windows, unwilling to get involved in the war that had already claimed so many lives. Many had accidentally become casualties of the conflict, caught in the crossfire.

Whether friend or foe, bullets and explosions still brought death.

The heavy footsteps of the Mechs caused the ground to tremble, accompanied by the thunderous sound of metal pounding the streets. They began patrolling around the palace, coordinating with flying ships, making final preparations before their departure.

Following the orders of the Queen, two hours before sunset, they would leave the kingdom and embark on their journey to conquer the world. With the Queen's newfound power, they believed they could achieve it.

However, little did they know that every time the Queen used her power, her soul was also consumed. This was the reason for her pale appearance in the midst of the meeting.

The generals, council, and other high-ranking officials were worried and wondered what had actually happened to the Queen that she appeared like a living corpse. Some speculated that she had been poisoned. Some believed she had been cursed. And some thought that she had begun to lose her touch.

These people exchanged glances, various scenarios playing in their minds. However, none of the scenarios involved the safety of the Queen.

They were all thinking about their own futures.

What would happen if the Queen was no more, what they would have to do, and how they would determine a new leader.

From the outside, Clockheart appeared to be a great, majestic, and invincible kingdom. A dream for other kings and queens.

But from within, it slowly started to decay.

Like the brittle bones of a human. Once its structure crumbled, prepare for an imminent downfall.

They could only wait for time to pass or for something shocking to happen. Then they could be easily destroyed. As I have done before.

However, I will not do it again.

Not because they are still within the kingdom.

But outside?

That's why I am currently waiting in the factory where those bodies still hang, floating silently up there with their eyes wide open.

An unpleasant sight to behold, especially with the evident fear in each pair of eyes now looking towards the door.

The first protester stepped inside, startled to see so many corpses staring at them, begging for help that can no longer be given.

Then the second protester appeared, followed by the third, until eventually, this old factory was filled with those who wondered if they, too, would die.

None of them could feel at ease observing the bodies above. None except the elderly man who just folded his arms behind his back, wearing a polite smile on his face.

A smile that made me feel wary.

As Sarah emerged from above, landing gracefully with a trailing blackish-purple aura, the room fell silent. They observed her, mesmerized by Sarah's beauty.

However, their admiration quickly turned into an overwhelming fear as Sarah deliberately unleashed her power.

How could they not be afraid, as the factory trembled violently just from that display?

And simultaneously, for the first time, the elderly man's eyes opened with a blossoming smile.

"Since all of you are here, obediently following the orders of my subordinates, I will explain why you as protestors, gathered in an old factory instead of eliminating Vultures," I said.

I snapped my fingers.

The room instantly illuminated with the bodies above, engulfed in purple flames.

"They were part of Vulture. Three groups operating under the auspices of Vulture. Their names are no longer significant now, as all their members are now reduced to ashes."

I walked forward, observing them from left to right with my chin raised. Not too high to seem arrogant, and not too low as a warning.

"Now, only Vulture remains, the group that has caused all of you to suffer, plunging this kingdom into chaos and haunting it with the fear of darkness. Fortunately, we share a common enemy, so we have decided to intervene and help," I spoke.

My steps halted, right in the middle of them, where a path was formed specifically for me.

"It's not just you. Vulture has caused widespread havoc in this world, inflicting unimaginable pain. Losing family, siblings, friends, companions, lovers... We have all experienced it. A suffering that will never heal until the day of reckoning arrives," I continued.

I paused for a moment, allowing each word to sink into their hearts.

It was evident from every pair of eyes now looking down.

A sense of sadness.

"That day has come."

Which instantly turned into hope.

They looked at me with enthusiasm once again.

"The Queen will leave in one hour. They intend to conquer this world, but unfortunately, they will fail miserably. The Queen underestimates us too much, but it's alright. Let it be a surprise before death comes to claim her. The final surprise she will experience, a great regret," I said.

Their eyes began to fill with determination.

"We will be the ones to deliver that to her, and we will ensure that the Queen will never set foot here again. That's why we ask one thing from all of you. After all, nothing is free in this world. Everything requires payment."

I returned to my original spot, my gaze straight ahead.

"Take over this kingdom, make it better than ever before. Seize the kingdom from those who have abused their power. This is the perfect moment to do it, with the entire military force outside."

I turned around, facing those who had now stepped forward, eager to hear more about the future they dreamed of.

I scanned my gaze across all of them, sweeping through the crowd before finally breaking into a victorious smile. "Don't you all want a new order in the kingdom? A future you have dreamed of! A future without the tyrannical rule of the Queen!"

"Yes!!" They cheered.

"Seize that power! Create a new world! The world you've always dreamed of! Make the Queen understand that she is no longer wanted!"


"You are the new pillars of the kingdom! Figures that will bring happiness! A hope for the kingdom!"


"Therefore, act swiftly when the Queen departs. And once we return, we look forward to a new order in the kingdom, a hope turned into reality. A dream that you have finally achieved with your own hands."





My smile widened as I witnessed it, feeling their happiness and enthusiasm.

However, when the sound of applause was heard, each cheer came to a halt as every pair of eyes turned to the elderly man who was now smiling broadly.

He began to step forward. They gave him a way. Which means, he has had some influence within the Protester.

"Truly a beautiful speech. But why should we trust you? You are outsiders, someone who has no connection to all of this. How do we know you're not plotting something with the Queen?" he asked.

His dark eyes stared at me, awaiting an answer.

"Is the evidence on top of you not enough?" I replied.

"I admit, you're impressive to have captured them all. But where is the proof that they are part of Vulture? It could be that you've captured innocent people and made them look like this. Besides, your methods are similar to the Queen's. Isn't that even more suspicious?"

His smile widened.

"What if you deliberately killed Vulture members to get our attention, gathering us here just to exterminate us directly?"

"Wouldn't you be dead already if that's what we wanted?"

"True. But it's not impossible that you'll do it once we move to seize the palace, right?"

"What do you really want?" I asked, not intending to participate in his game.

The man seemed surprised, raising his hand with a smile that quickly turned friendly. "Oh no, don't get me wrong. I'm just voicing our concerns. Besides, you seem to have the power to eliminate the Queen now if you want, that's why I'm asking why. Why go through all this trouble just for us?"

"Did I ever say we are doing it for you?"

The statement made everyone in the room feel uneasy except for him.

"We do it for ourselves.

Think of it like, I'm using you, and you're using me. Because let's be honest, are you confident in facing the Queen's military force, especially with her newfound power?" I waited for a response, but only saw the protesters avert their gaze. "That's why I'm offering help.

You take control of the kingdom, ensure that the followers of the World Devourer never set foot again, and you can also achieve the kind of kingdom you desire. Not a bad exchange, right?"

"What's in it for you?"

I paused for a moment, recalling everything that had happened up until now, then looked back at him.
