
Glory Hunt (English Vers)

That's true, the world has changed. Everything you witnessed behind the scenes has now become a reality, an everyday activity. Bodies scattered, lives lost, betrayal, warfare, tears, screams... All of that you can feel tangibly, giving you a new experience that will haunt you for a lifetime. What can we do to fix it? Is this our destiny? Haha... What am I saying? We're all fine! There are no problems at all. . . Yes, I'm sure that's the case... For those wondering what the characters look, u guys could visit my new page @gloryhunt_ It's still five characters and I made it using AI, so I'm really sorry if it's not that great. I tried to transform from one pic to another so I could create them. Oh and from now on, they will also posting everyday things in there, so if u wondering what they might do at the day, u could just check it. That's all guys! Thanks again for reading! Oh and don't forget to support me if u want, thanks in advance. I hope y'all have a great day!

Jayzentz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
131 Chs

Reckoning at Dawn (Part 2)

"Not for justice?"

Without being able to hold it back, a snort escaped accompanied by a smirk. "Justice? Sorry, but I am not someone like that. All I want to do is retaliate against their actions."

"So, you mean you won't do anything if they don't bother you?" he asked again.

I took a step forward, coming closer. "Not like that. Even if they don't bother me, I will still eliminate them. But what I do is not for justice. It's because I believe they don't deserve to be in this world. Hurting others, causing suffering, and finding pleasure in it, people like them are better off nonexistent.

However, I won't do things like sacrificing myself and such. Are you stupid?

I am not a hero. I am just someone filled with hatred.

Do you understand now?"

I halted my steps two meters in front of him.

The man nodded in understanding, starting to walk around me with his eyes still fixed on me. And I could feel it, even when he was behind, "Based on hatred.. How should we trust someone like that?"

"That's precisely why you can trust me. I don't hate any of you. What would be in it for me to attack you?"

He stopped right in front of me. "Why do you harbor such hatred for them?"

"Do you need to know about my personal life just for us to work together?"

A small laugh escaped his mouth. "No, no," he replied, shaking his head slowly, then gazing at me intensely. "It's just my curiosity."

He truly made me feel uncomfortable.

I was certain his inquiries were merely for amusement, not because he genuinely wanted to know, and that's what worried me.

What kind of person plays around with questions like this?

"There's no need for you to know. What happened to me and to all of you, none of us should hear about it. We just need to do our respective parts, and then it will all be over. Isn't that what you all want?" I replied, a little curtly, unable to contain the frustration in my heart.

His smile widened for a moment. Then, he finally withdrew, turned around, and walked back to where he was before. "There's no need to carry it in your heart, young one. I was merely curious about your past, that you had eyes filled with such darkness."

His steps halted.

He glanced back at me, saying, "Darker than anything I've seen in my entire life."

Hearing that, my eyes widened.

I already had a feeling he was the Mastermind behind all of this, but what if he was also part of the cult's followers? Did I just declare war against them?

You know what? I don't care.

In fact, it's even better that way.

If they eventually target me, then people will be safe from their pursuit. I just need to be cautious about Ezreal, who, for some reason, I haven't felt for the past forty-five minutes.

He suddenly disappeared.

He couldn't possibly be hiding, right?

The thought of someone being able to scare him sent shivers down my spine. Someone as powerful as him, afraid of something...

Could it be that he's afraid of me?

No, no, that's impossible. Why would he be afraid of someone even weaker than him?

It's inconceivable.

"Wait, I also have a question!"

I turned towards the voice and saw the figure of a young man who appeared to be around Kyle's age. His clothing indicated he was from District Three and worked in District Four, where the factories were located. Stains of oil were visible on some parts of his worn-out shirt.

He stepped forward, passing through the path provided by the confused Protesters, leaving me wondering.

Could it be that he's someone who just joined?

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Isaiah Reverton. As you can see, I am just someone from District Three, working in a factory in District Four. Therefore, may I ask, will there be any changes in the situation in District Three if the Queen is no longer in power? Or will the place remain the same as before?"

My smile widened upon hearing his question. "Why don't you ask them?"

He turned around, waiting for an answer from the Protesters who remained silent.

A silence fell upon the atmosphere.

A sigh was heard.

He nodded in understanding. "So, there won't be any change.." Then his head lifted with a pair of fiery eyes. "Do you think our lives are meaningless?! Are we just society's outcasts that you no longer care about?!

Then, what kind of ideal kingdom order do you want? To me, it's merely a selfish desire from those who are never satisfied!

A hope? Nonsense.

You never truly want to make this kingdom better. You only want to improve your own lives.

We talk about rebellion, something that should be a new hope for everyone! Not just an individual's desire!

If this continues, it's only a matter of time before the kingdom falls back into chaos. We who are united now will end up fighting each other for power! And what is this?! A gathering of children!?

None of us like the way the queen rules. She's too cruel, too heartless, and always resorts to violence as a way out.

Should we also become like her?

Forget about others, care only for ourselves, and close our hearts?

The purpose of our joining now, the purpose of our fight, the purpose of sacrificing our energy, sweat, and lives is to bring about a new change! A change that will finally make the entire kingdom happy!

Or will you repeat the same mistakes and wait until destruction arrives?

That's all, thank you."

He was about to walk away, but I stopped him by holding his shoulder. I gave him a proud smile while walking to the side, looking at the crowd in front that was still silent with guilt.

"How about it? Are you not going to answer? He is younger than all of us, yet his heart is much cleaner than ours. Shouldn't we, as older individuals, be ashamed of our more distant thinking? Or perhaps, someone wants to refute his statement?"

Someone stepped forward, a man in his mid-forties with a stern and slightly intimidating face, making the teenager tremble a bit. "My name is Orva, and I am a resident of District Two, with just one question to ask," he said, turning to Isaiah. "Why don't you ever make an effort?"

"Never make an effort, you say!?" Isaiah shouted. "We have repeatedly sought help from the government, but not a single one of them replied! Do you want us to clean up that place alone? Do you want District Three to turn into a graveyard?

Even without doing that, many of us die every day! Many of us are still suffering! You have seen it for yourself on the way here, so many of us don't have proper homes and have to live in tents! Tents made from scraps of old fabric stitched together! And you expect us to clean up the factory waste?"

"What's so difficult about just lifting the waste?" someone from the crowd retorted.


I searched for that person and saw a young man who was currently laughing with two of his friends while nudging each other.

I pointed at them.

None of them spoke, turning back to look at three young men who were now silent and appeared nervous.

"Come here."

They quickly approached, bowing their heads, unable to look me directly in the eyes.

"Do you know why I called you here?"

They shook their heads.

"You just laughed at their lives and treated it as a joke. Do you find that funny?"

The young man in the middle, with blonde hair and arrogant face that looks like a kids drawing, lifted his head and retorted, "Why should we care about them? We have problems too, not just them! It's just a waste of time!"

"Is that funny?" I repeated.

"Oh, come on, it's not a big deal. All they do every day is sleep and sleep-"

I let my right hand slam into his face, sending him flying backward, hitting the wall.

Damn, I forgot that I still have the power from Z.

His two friends were startled, staring in silence at their unconscious friend.

"I told you, I'll only eliminate those I hate."