
Global Lifespan Lottery: Only I Can Designate the Reward

The doomsday game has arrived, and lifespan has become the only currency! The various fate wheels that pop up after defeating monsters must be rotated at the cost of your lifespan! Some people spend ten years of their life to extract the elixir of longevity and extend their life by a hundred years! Some people spend a hundred years of life, develop powerful abilities, and change their lives against the will of heaven! Some people spend a thousand years of life to unleash a wave of terrifying beasts, endangering the people of a city! Jiang Yi finally gathered a million years of life and turned the golden turntable. But he was obliterated by a golden light and was reborn back to the early days of the apocalypse! Just when he thought that rebirth would be just another journey of gambling on life, he unexpectedly discovered that after rebirth, he could actually designate wheel rewards! This is crazy? ! Isn't this equivalent to--others study diligently, but he has the answers to the exam? ! Others were worried about their lives, but he was invincible at the beginning? ! Protagonist: Jiang Yi

ABYSSAL12 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

### Chapter 5 Lottery? Designated rewards!

As he spoke, Sun Hao waved his hand.

On the table in the guard room, two bags of bread and two cartons of milk suddenly appeared.

Bread is expired, milk is also expired.

But it's the end of the world, and no one will care about this.

Jiang Yi is really too hungry.

Three times five times two times, you can get your share of bread and milk.

After the treatment, I only felt a slight feeling of fullness, and my body was still weak.


Although I didn't do well in my previous life.

But Tuo Gui had no worries about food and drink.

But now she's born...

Not only do they have to go hungry again.

I have to continue to live a hard life with my head in my belt.

Damn it! It's really frustrating to think about it!

Can't such a poor opportunity be reserved for those who really need it? !

Jiang Yi felt no joy at all in his heart.

Some are just endless anguish and frustration!

But it didn't take long before he smelled really good——

After completing the basic procedures, Sun Hao took him and Luo Shan to the green lawn outside the villa area.

That's the white draw area.

Members of the entire Lotte Club will go there if they want to participate in the white wheel lottery.

Sun Hao waved his hand, and a cardboard box appeared out of thin air on the lawn.

The cardboard boxes are stacked one after another, and they are white turntables the size of bowls!

There are so many of them, about fifty!

These wheels are collectively called the Wheels of Destiny.

They only have a chance of popping up when you fight monsters.

Wheels of Fortune are all disposable.

In other words, it can only be used once.

No matter what is drawn, it will be invalidated.

On each wheel of fortune, there will be ten options with varying proportions.

Also because of the lack of options, in addition to using colors to distinguish grades, the Fortune Wheel was also specially distinguished by "quality" by the powerful.

Generally speaking, regardless of the color of the turntable, it is divided into six qualities: [Perfect], [Excellent], [High], [Medium], [Low], and [Garbage].

The so-called [perfect] carousel means that the options on the carousel are all high-quality positive effects!

Even Jiang Yi in his previous life had only heard of a [perfect] quality turntable once.

[Excellent] Turntable, at least eight of the ten turntable options have positive effects!

And there must be more than one "high-quality" positive effect!

What is a high-quality positive effect?

For example, a bag of bread, a carton of milk, these are also considered positive effects.

But in the eyes of the boss, this positive effect is worthless!

䀴Attributes, skills, talents, powerful props, etc. are the high-quality positive effects!

Generally speaking, the higher the proportion of high-quality positive effects on a turntable, the higher the quality.

On the contrary, the quality is lower.

Most people who get a high-quality turntable will basically keep it for their own use.

Even extremely high-quality turntables can sell for high prices!

Therefore, what the club can use for the tumor worms are [low-grade] and [junk] turntables that no one wants.

Even [lower] quality turntables are rare.

Basically all of [junk] quality.

"Choose a carousel by yourself, fill in the option form, and then you can draw directly."

Sun Hao still said hello lazily and continued to go through the process.

Luo Shan's eyes gleamed as he carefully selected from the carton, and finally chose a turntable with the option of "all attributes +1".

The "all attributes +1" option accounts for less than one ten thousandth of the entire white turntable!

It's really just a strand of hair!

The remaining nine options almost all have negative effects!

Such as ferocious beasts, diseases, curses, etc.

But still, the negative effects on the white turntable are not too severe.

Luoshan made two "puff" sounds and spat on his hands.

Afterwards, I rubbed my hands together. It was like washing away the sludge accumulated on my hands without taking a shower for a month.

Afterwards, like a devout believer, he carefully picked up the carefully selected turntable.

One can imagine that at this moment, his heart must be praying like crazy!

I beg the God of Destiny, who is high up there, to take pity on him and show mercy to him once.

Even once is a waste!

Luo Shan closed his eyes and swore wildly in his heart——

As long as you draw "all attributes +1" for him, he is willing...

I am willing to be the most loyal believer of the God of Destiny forever!

I am willing to be single for the rest of my life!


willing! I am willing to do anything!

Let him pull it out! All attributes +1!

Luo Shan shouted hysterically in his heart!

When he opened his eyes again, they were all red!

His trembling hand suddenly pressed towards the center of the white turntable!

Then he yelled angrily: "Pump!"

"All attributes +1! Give me all attributes +1!"


A sound came from the white turntable.

[Congratulations on your prize: a piece of shit! ]


When the familiar prompt sounded, Luo Shan's face turned red with anger, and he suddenly threw out the "reward" that appeared out of thin air!

Afterwards, the white turntable that he was holding carefully like a treasure just now was thrown to the ground and stepped on a few times.

He also cursed: "You are a piece of shit! Damn it! Damn it!"

"Why? Why!!"

Luoshan's roars and questions were full of unwillingness!

Sun Hao has seen this kind of scene many times.

He simply rolled his eyes and cursed at Luoshan: "Okay! Get out of here after you finish! Don't go crazy here!"

No matter how angry Luo Shan was, he didn't dare to make a mistake in front of Sun Hao, so he could only swallow his breath.

However, he didn't just "get out". Instead, he stayed and muttered: "Let's see what this kid can do."

The "this boy" he mentioned refers to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi didn't expect to get anything out of it.

After all, even if he draws out the Immortality Pill, it will only belong to the club, not him.

In his previous life, he had smoked too many spinners.

I have experienced too many failed hopes.

His heart had long been numb.

Anyway, as long as you don't have hope, you won't have hope.

However, even if he didn't give up hope, he was still prepared to carefully select from the more than fifty white turntables.


When his hand touched the first white turntable in the carton...

A reminder suddenly sounded in his mind:

[Please select the wheel reward you want to specify:]

[1.Foot odor]

[2. Oral ulcer]

[3. Weak for three days]

[4.Stinky water crocodile]


? ? ?


What the hell?

Specify what?

What reward?

What reward is designated? ? !

Damn it? ! It shouldn't be what he understands, right? !

He he he...

Can he directly specify the wheel reward? !

real or fake? !

Could it be that he was hungry or suffering from some kind of paranoia? !

Before confirming it, Jiang Yi couldn't believe it was true!


This did not prevent him from trying it out with a faint hope!

If it were really possible to directly specify rewards...

So, he really has to be careful in selecting these junk-quality white turntables!

First of all, he excluded the longevity pill and various physical props.

Because according to the rules of the club.

None of the physical objects he took out belonged to him, they belonged to the club.

In contrast, the reward of "all attributes +1", which Luo Shan particularly wants to get, can directly affect the lottery itself!

This kind of reward that directly affects the lottery winner is also the only chance for the longevity bugs to change their lives!

But this chance is extremely slim.

"Hurry up!"

"No matter how carefully you select, trying to pull something out of the garbage carousel is nothing more than a daydream!"

Seeing that Jiang Yi took too long to select the carousel, Sun Hao urged him impatiently.

In his opinion, it was impossible to extract anything from these garbage carousels.

Jiang Yi's behavior is simply a waste of time!

Luo Shan, on the other hand, looked at Jiang Yijing's careful selection and felt a sense of sympathy and sympathy for each other.

"You kid, you also want to change your destiny through this lottery, right?"

"I heard that you only have a little more than a year left to live? If you can't smoke this time, I'm afraid you won't be able to live for a few days, right?"

When Sun Hao heard Luo Shan say that Jiang Yi only had more than a year left to live, his eyes became more contemptuous.

Just when he was about to urge him again, he saw Jiang Yi finally taking out a turntable from the carton.

"I chose Tuo, that's it."