
Global Lifespan Lottery: Only I Can Designate the Reward

The doomsday game has arrived, and lifespan has become the only currency! The various fate wheels that pop up after defeating monsters must be rotated at the cost of your lifespan! Some people spend ten years of their life to extract the elixir of longevity and extend their life by a hundred years! Some people spend a hundred years of life, develop powerful abilities, and change their lives against the will of heaven! Some people spend a thousand years of life to unleash a wave of terrifying beasts, endangering the people of a city! Jiang Yi finally gathered a million years of life and turned the golden turntable. But he was obliterated by a golden light and was reborn back to the early days of the apocalypse! Just when he thought that rebirth would be just another journey of gambling on life, he unexpectedly discovered that after rebirth, he could actually designate wheel rewards! This is crazy? ! Isn't this equivalent to--others study diligently, but he has the answers to the exam? ! Others were worried about their lives, but he was invincible at the beginning? ! Protagonist: Jiang Yi

ABYSSAL12 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

### Chapter 6 I Choose 6: Blood-sucking Gu Group!


Luo Shan hurried over to take a look.

There were nine negative effects on the turntable.

And the only positive effect was...

Elixir of Life?

This kid picked and chose for a long time, and finally picked this? ?

It's not that the elixir of life is not good.

The elixir of life is good!

It can even be said that if you can draw the elixir of life from the turntable, you can basically make a profit!

But that is under the premise that you can control the elixir of life!

For lowly mortals like them, even if they draw the elixir of life, they will only be collected by the club!

Therefore, even if they draw the elixir of life, they can only improve their treatment like Chen Liang, and it is impossible to change their fate!

This Jiang Yi...

What is he thinking?

Did he feel that his life span was about to end and there was no hope for survival, so he gave up?

It seems so.

For a person like this who only has a little more than a half-hour left to live...

No matter what good things he draws, it is probably impossible to change his fate, right?

So this Jiang Yi is probably just having a last meal by drawing the lottery for the last time in his life!

Luo Shan thought he had guessed Jiang Yi's thoughts, but he did not ridicule his thoughts.

Instead, he felt a kind of sadness of sympathy for the sick...

I think he can think of it.

In the near future, he should also end up like Jiang Yi...

Although he was crazy thinking about changing his fate.

But he was actually very clear.

Such a chance is really, too slim!

Jiang Yi didn't care what Luo Shan was thinking.

He took the selected turntable out of the carton.

But before he could start the lottery, he heard a voice not far away:

"Old Sun, come and help me."

Sun Hao looked over and saw a gentle-looking young man waving at him.

"Chen Du? What can I help you with?"

The young man waved the white turntable in his hand: "Help me protect the law."

Because the fate turntable has a chance to draw dangerous effects such as fierce beasts.

So when there is a danger in the turntable options that someone is not sure of controlling, they will ask someone to help protect the law.

Including when Jiang Yi and Luo Shan, who are longevity tumor insects, draw the lottery, Sun Hao is their protector.

If a fierce beast is drawn, he will kill it immediately.

This is why Chen Du asked Sun Hao for help in "guarding the law".

But the white turntable itself is not very dangerous, and it is rare to ask for someone to protect the law.

Sun Hao frowned slightly, but still went over, muttering: "What danger can your white turntable have?"

Jiang Yi and Luo Shan also followed him to join in the fun.

Luo Shan was just joining in the fun.

But Jiang Yi had his own little tricks in mind.

He secretly looked at Chen Du a few times, and was quite emotional in his heart.

This Chen Du, in Jiang Yi's previous life, was barely a legendary figure.

It seems that Chen Du drew an option called mental rupture in a green turntable lottery a month later.

Mental rupture is a disease.

So that option itself is also a negative effect!

But the outrageous thing is that after his mental breakdown, Chen Du became a completely different person!

He went from being a gentle and refined young man to a demon who kills without blinking an eye!

Not only did his combat power soar, but his actions also became ruthless and decisive!

He even violated the club's rules and backstabbed his teammates when he was on a mission!

Including Sun Hao in his previous life, he also died at the hands of this guy!

But in the end, before the club could deal with him, he left the club and became a ruthless lone ranger, a cold killer in the dark night!

As the saying goes--

The weak huddle together for warmth, and the strong stand alone!

In this doomsday game, various forces that huddle together for warmth can be seen everywhere.

But at the same time, there are also many lone strong men who do not rely on any force!

When Jiang Yi grows up, he will most likely leave the club and become a lone ranger.

But now he is too weak, so he can only rely on the club for the time being and grow up.

Thinking from the past life to the present life, Jiang Yi's eyes fell on the white turntable in Chen Du's hand.

The quality of that turntable is obviously much higher than the [junk] turntable used by the longevity worm!

Among the ten options, there are six positive effects -

Eternal Life Pill, Space Ring, Vajra Talisman!

Tang Sword, Mink Coat, Bullfrog Grilled Fish!

These six positive effects are all pretty good.

Especially the immortality pill and space ring, which are quite good among the high-quality options!

Sun Hao only took a glance and immediately guessed: "You kid, you want to take out the space ring, right?"

Chen Du nodded shyly.

Sun Hao shook his head slightly: "The proportion of options on the turntable of this space ring is too low!"

"And the space ring drawn from the white turntable will not exceed 1 cubic meter at most!"

Chen Du didn't care: "Hey, anyway, the white turntable only takes 1 life, just give it a try."

Sun Hao didn't say anything more, and changed his words: "You asked me to protect you because you are worried about the negative effect of drawing out the phantom powder butterfly group, right?"

Chen Du nodded: "The fragrance emitted by the phantom powder butterfly has a psychedelic effect, and the phosphorus powder on the butterfly wings can also paralyze people."

"If there are less than ten, I can handle it myself."

"Just don't know how big this butterfly group is..."

Sun Hao expressed his understanding: "Okay, you draw, I'll watch from the side. The proportion of the butterfly group option is not high, it may not be drawn out."

Chen Du nodded gratefully.

Then, he also put his hands together and prayed for a while.

Although he was not as crazy as Luo Shan before, his attitude was pious enough.

After praying, he carefully pressed the button in the middle of the white turntable and shouted steadily: "Draw!"

Soon, a sound came out from the center of the white turntable:


[Congratulations on winning the prize: Fantasy Pink Butterfly Group! ]

"Shua shua shua..."

Sun Hao reacted very quickly. When he raised his hand, a black fishing net-like object flew out of his palm!

And the large number of Fantasy Pink Butterflies that appeared out of thin air were quickly strangled to death by the fishing net!

The whole process did not even take more than three seconds!

Sun Hao retracted his hand again, and the fishing net was collected. The lawn was full of the corpses of Fantasy Pink Butterflies, probably hundreds of them!

Chen Du looked at the other side with fear and sighed:

"Good! Someone told me about Murphy's Law yesterday, but I didn't believe it. Now it seems to be true!"

"I thought that the Phantom Butterfly group accounted for such a small proportion on the turntable, so I shouldn't draw it..."

"In the end, I just drew it! This is really... Hey!"

Sun Hao has seen many similar situations, and his expression is quite calm. He just comforted Chen Du:

"Okay, look at it more positively."

Chen Du also nodded: "Well, it's just a white turntable, it's okay."

But just as he finished speaking, he saw a thin young man looking at him with burning eyes.

Chen Du frowned slightly and looked at Jiang Yi: "You are... a longevity worm, right?"

Jiang Yi nodded and asked Chen Du: "Um, can you give me the body of the Phantom Butterfly?"

Chen Du frowned again after listening: "What do you want the body of the Phantom Butterfly for?"

Jiang Yi swallowed his throat, looked hungry and thirsty, and uttered a word with difficulty: "Use it to, eat..."

"I'm too hungry, I may not live for a few days..."

As far as Jiang Yi knows, Chen Du was a kind man with a sense of justice before his mental breakdown.

After hearing what Jiang Yi said and looking at Jiang Yi's state, he had no doubts at all, and even had a sympathetic heart.

Without hesitating for too long, he waved his hand and said, "It's just a pile of useless corpses. If you want, pick them up. It's none of my business if they die from eating them!"

A touch of surprise flashed in Jiang Yi's eyes, and he hurriedly thanked Chen Du, and then picked up hundreds of phantom butterflies' corpses and put them into the empty bread bag.

Chen Du looked at him like this and really thought he would eat phantom butterflies. After shaking his head slightly, he thanked Sun Hao and left.

He is indeed a good man, but it doesn't mean that he is really compassionate.

There are many pitiful worms like Jiang Yi, and he can't pity them all!

Sun Hao didn't say much, but urged Jiang Yi impatiently: "Okay, it's your turn, finish the draw and get out."

Jiang Yi nodded repeatedly, and then directly pressed his right thumb to the center of the white turntable he selected.

And in his mind, the familiar prompt sounded again——

[Please select the reward you want:]

[1. Elixir of Immortality]

[2. Sleep for three days]

[3. Stuttering]

[4. Cross-eyed]

[5. Body odor]

[6. Blood-sucking Gu swarm]


Without waiting for the prompt sound to finish, Jiang Yi silently recited in his heart:

[I choose 6: Blood-sucking Gu swarm! ]