
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Chapter 40: Irene Berselion

The scarlet-haired beauty opens her eyes and looked at Vaness and the others. She immediately makes Dogeza and bowed her head deep to them, "Thank you very much... Thank you... thank you..."

*Tick tick

The tears fall as she bowed her head to Vaness and the others. Seeing this, Vaness, Mio, Tomoe and Elsa hurriedly to her side, trying to lift her.

"It's okay, everything is over.", Vaness said while patting her back.

" Yeah, it's over, you didn't have to worry about dragon power controlling you anymore.", Elsa also said.

"Just like what Master and Elsa's sister said. It's already over. You should lift your body it is not good for your baby.", Mio also tries to comfort her.

" Yeah, it's over, How? our Master is very powerful, right? How about joining us? You should doesn't have a place to stay anymore, right? Besides, there is no harm about that you joining us.", Tomoe said while trying to invite her.

Vaness, Mio, and Elsa got surprised when hearing Tomoe's words. Especially, Vaness who didn't expect Tomoe to assist him to recruit her.

Yeah, Vaness want to recruit this woman dragon slayer. That's why he is taken out that Talisman to brush a favorability from her so he can invite it later.

The woman who is still in Dogeza's posture and crying, hearing Tomoe's words got stunned, which also makes her crying stopped and she lifts her body.

"Joining you all?", the woman asked in uncertainty, there is still some trace of tears that raining on her face but didn't ruin her beauty.

" Yes, that's right. After all, my master already gives you so much. It should be no problem for you to accept this invitation. Tell you the Talisman that master use to you is very precious.", Tomoe said while smiling at her, but somehow this smile is so sly.

"B-but.. is it okay for me to join you? W-what if my power is out of control again?", The woman still hesitates about this although she knows at the moment, she hears that the so-called Talisman is so precious and is used on her, this must be their first reason for helping her. But she is still afraid of the power.

" Hehe, don't worry about that. The item that my master used on you makes your power under your control and at least didn't make you insane like last time except if you practice new magic that has the same effect as that magic then there will be no chance you will be out of control in future.", Tomoe said confidently, after all, she also knows what effect that Talisman so she confident there will be no accident.

"T-then okay, I will join.", The woman struggled for a while and finally agreed.

Vaness, Mio, and Elsa look and hear this conversation from aside and they can't anything else. Especially, Vaness thinks Tomoe assist him to open the conversation about recruitment but who knows Tomoe will finish the recruitment before he says anything. And he only can give tomoe a thumbs up in his heart.

Tomoe nodded in satisfaction then run towards her master to show off her job, "How, Master? I did a good job, right?"

Vaness who was stunned got woke up, the moment Tomoe run in front of him, "Yeah, yeah, good job, Tomoe. I will reward you later."

Vaness said while patting her head, and Tomoe looks like very much enjoy this patting as she smile happily even more when hearing that Vaness will reward him.

After patting Tomoe for a while, he drives his attention to the woman.

"Since you are already agreed to join us. Maybe it's time for you to introduce yourself to us.", Vaness said to the woman.

" Y-yes, let me introduce myself, my name is Irene Belserion, the former queen of Dragnof. From now on, I will be in your care, please take care of me.", Irene said while slightly bowing her body to Vaness and the others.

Vaness smiled upon hearing the introduction, and said "Then, I am Vaness Drag the guild leader of Dark Raven welcoming you to our guild."

At this moment, Irene's favourability towards them is quite high, especially to Vaness that reached 90 with Tomoe's help. This is also a reason why Tomoe is so confident when inviting Irene before.

At the moment, Vaness welcomes her to the guild a bunch of information about the Reincarnation Dimension appears in her head. Although Tomoe successfully invited Irene her favorability didn't reach 90 that's why she hasn't officially joined his guild different from Vaness that already reached 90 which makes her join his guild officially and get corresponding information about the reincarnation dimension.

"I see so you all from another world or space that is so unique and amazing.", Irene said after digesting all information she got.

" Yes, that's right, each of us comes from a different world. But the moment we joined Dark Raven, we are all one family.", Elsa said.

"Mhmm, that's true, okay, next, let me explain about our guild condition...", Mio also said as she started explaining about their guild. Tomoe also explained about her personal space to Irene.

Meanwhile, Vaness looks at the notification that appeared but he ignores it as he focused on Irene before.

[Ding! You trigger Sub Task: Defeat Irene Berselion (Dragon) (SS). You got an additional 1 day of the time limit.

Current Time Limit: 6 days left]

[Ding! You complete Sub Task: Defeat Irene Berselion (Dragon) (SS).]

[Ding! You trigger Sub Task: Help Irene Berselion (Dragon) (SSS). You got an additional 1 day of the time limit.

Current Time Limit: 7 days left]

[Ding! You complete Sub Task: Help Irene Berselion (Dragon) (SSS).]

[Ding! Congratulations, You Successfully recruit Irene Berselion as your Guild Member.]

[Note: Recruited member guild will get corresponding knowledge about Reincarnation Dimension, and When you go back to Reincarnation Dimension, Member Guild will appear in the Lobby of your guild with you. (Vaness lobby's 2nd Floor.)]

[Recruit Quota: 3/4]