
Chapter 3:ink_dropper?

As Ken tries sleeping, the sounds from the previous dream come back but this time, they were louder than ever. 'LISTEN'. The deranged voices repeat as if that was the only word in their vocabulary.

With the nightmare repeating over and over. Ken starts sweating, taking heavy breathes, mouth becoming so dry it almost feels like he had been eating beach sand. Ken wakes up exhausted, takes a look at the time and only realizes that he slept for only a couple of hours. Ken, with an annoyed expression on his face he gets up from bed.


He grabs his phone and exits through his bedroom window. For some reason he decides to take a walk. . . . . "hmm, where should I go",he strokes his chin. With a decision not being made in his mind, he starts moving and goes with a strategy of figuring thing out on the way.

With the streets empty, the street lights on, a black shadow like figure appeared from a distance, the street light above this figure stops working. Where ever it moved, light stops working until he moves away from that spot.

This figure moves closer and closer to Ken.

Kens mind pends as he doesn't know how to respond to what is happening.Then the voices from his dreams speaks unexpectedly"RUN!".

Ken looks around after hearing this voice, but doesn't even think of who or what said run. He obeys the voice and does what is said.

As the shadow keeps coming closer. Ken quickly looks the other way then bolts towards his house.He runs to the door, realizing that its locked then goes around to his bedroom window, he throws himself inside.

Closes the window and the blinds shut. Then throws himself onto the bed as he covers his entire self with his blanket. Then right after a few minutes of silence he hears a slight nail knock on his window.

He takes a small peak at the window through his blanket.He couldn't quite make the image due to the mist on the window.

He hears nothing, sees nothing then as he starts calming down he slowly gets up. Then after he gets off his bed to go look out the bed the voices in his head come back and yell 'DON'T', but Ken decides to ignore the voice and take a look anyway.

He lifts the blinds to take a slight peak, but nothing appeared. He then heavily sighs in relief, "what in the. . . ." he lets go of the blinds, looks behind him as he heads back to bed.

but then, as he grabs his blanket , a loud scream comes from aunt jasmines room. Ken lets go of his blanket then rushes to aunt jasmines room, he jumps from the top of the stairs to the absolute bottom , breaks down the door with a forceful kick to only find the reason of her screams was because of the horror she was watching on the television.

Auntie jasmin holding a large cyan bowl filled with popcorn and wearing 3D glasses,she takes off her glasses and looks at Ken with an eyebrow raised high, mouth slightly opened with a couple of popcorns in her mouth and her face clearly written with confusion.

"Aunt, what's wrong"..... Ken asked with him out of breath.

"Uhhhh.... nothing"Aunt Jasmin replies with a high pitched voice, she gently taps on the bin bag next to her," come sit, watch with me"she smiles as she asks politely.

"I can't... I have school tomorrow"he replies as he exits the room. Auntie Jasmin heavily sighs in disappointment. Ken hears a heavy sigh then instantly changes his mind just to comfort her from what had happened previously.

Ken re-enters the room then quietly sits on the bin bag aunt jasmin offered him to sit on. Aunt Jasmin looks at Ken with a kind smile as he sits next to her on the red bin bag chair. She looks straight ahead at the horror as she slowly lays her head on his shoulder.

2 hours later. . . . .

They both mistakingly fall asleep with Kens head dangling from his body and Aunt Jasmin's head still layed on Kens shoulder.

A huge thud from the backyard wakes Ken up, but Ken ignores and tries going back to sleep, then this mysterious thud goes louder this time, up to the point it gets Ken to stand up slowly, grabs a knife from the kitchen and take a slight peak from the kitchen window.

Nothing appears in his sight, but he was too curious to not try taking a look at what made that sound. So his curiousity took him outside where the sound came from. As he looks left then right,the shadow like figure appearce again outside his backyard fence but this time making deep wierd humming noises.

Ken starts to squint his eyes trying to make up an image of this creature but with fear his heart starts racing as he links up all the wierd things that he's seen.

From the thing he saw when he took a jog to what pies infront of right now. Ken freezes up as the creature starts to walk towards the fence but what struck fear into Ken is how the creature melts the fence.

Ken drops on his knees as he thinks today is the day he dies. The creature then walks past him filling ken with a sense of hope. Ken sighs in relief but realistically when the creature passed Ken it used it's lightning speed to leave a mark of the Ginji which was a dark black ink_drop looking drawing on the right side of his neck.

Ken instantly thinks of his auntie but was too afraid to stand or make a noise as he was too afraid of death, so he contemplates on whether to help or resist.

He chooses to be a hero and and get up, looks behind him and the doors the back door is still opened and the creature is nowhere to be found. Thoughts of him lossing his only family member start to enter his mind and the voice from before comes back yelling in fear.... DO NOT ENTER THY DOOR.

Ken ignores and enters to find his auntie sitting in an upright position and a crukid

smile planted on her face. Ken starts to get a wierd sense of uncomfortability inside of him.

Uhm, are okay? ken asks.I'm better than ever replies Jasmin. She then taps on the ground next to her, "Come, sit next me".No, I'll head to my room thanks. . . . . Ken then slowly backs away and rushed to his room where he would slam his door and jump into his blanket.

Ken then notices the time, Fuck!