
Gingi the ink_dropper

A school known for its excellence in teaching and training students who differ from the rest, but no one knows about the deep secrets that lie in this very school. How they trick students into thinking they're being trained on how to use their abilities,but realistically all in all their being used as weapons to fight off the incoming invasion from Ink_droppers.

ink_dropper · Action
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6 Chs

Chapter 4:FOCUS!!!

Ken realizes the time was 06:00 meaning he only had an hour left until the subway takes off. Unfortunately due to the things that happened which took up the whole night ken only got a few hours of sleep.

As ken realizes his lack of sleep he hopes today will be a day where nothing is done students sit and mess around. Ken quickly wipes his face with a cyan wet cloth,applies roll on where needed then wears his uniform and bolts to the subway.

He reaches the subway with messed up hair and slightly sweaty body. As he arrives at the subway kids from the same school ken goes too, The Gifted. . . . start to giggle at ken for how he looks. Spaz then arrives a bit later than Ken. "Ay" spaz greets from a distance as he starts walking a bit fast towards ken.... but with ken being the person he is he lets a hand only allowing a handshake and nothing else.

Then out of nowhere Kens heart instantly drops as the corner of his eye grabs a slight glance of the most beautiful girl ever.

Light soft skin with freckles which ran across the top of her nose,her hazel brown eyes which could trap any soul that dared to stare into them, silky black hair that dangled to right above her soft plumped posteriour and a curvatious body which was most likely moulded from scratch by a god which attracted ken up to the point his jaw drops and eyes widden.

"Who is that", ken whisperes quitely with love in his eyes....." oh, thats Lia, a forein exchange student who only came in today".

"Which sector does she belong to? "

"I don't know", replied spaz.

"So she has no friends?"ken continues to ask.

"Not that I know of.... go for her bro" spaz hypes ken up. Ken then starts making up excuses for him not to go after her with a fear of rejection. . . ." Uhm i need to pee"ken speaks as he slowly creeps away. "Ken.... we're at the subway, there are no toilets here", spaz then chuckles.

"Right.... then uhm, i need to stretch" he runs towards the other side of the subway away from the girl and also away from spaz.

As soon as he gets to the other side of the subway he slowly starts breathing slowly and he's heart rate starts slowing down to normal.

But then, he starts to notice something. . . .a black wierd drop sliding down the corner of the wall. He first wonderd then brings his face closer to the black drop to get a better view.

"Keeeeeen !!!"across from the subway yelled spaz.With Ken's mind deep into the drop the sketches then start to form in his head as the skin of these creatures looked exactly like the drop on the wall. He then pictures the monsters grabbing his throat once more and how real it felt, so with all those thoughts in his mind he obviously heard nothing of what spaz said nor yelled. Then with high curiosity ken slowly lifts his index finger to try touching the drop infront of him but before he could touch it, the school train arrives in a hurry as it was a few minutes late. All students then rush onto the train but the new girl. Lia seemed a bit too shy to even lay a single step onto the train nor to even make contact with any of the student on the train. Ken senses an opportunity to approach and introduce himself to her and become her first friend or maybe more.

So with his wits healed high and his ass chicks clinched tight he gathers both the courage and the strength to walk up to her but unfortunately, he was too late as Kai beat him to it. Ken notices Kai's hand wrapped around Lia's waist as they got onto the train with Kai's face filled with a smile that only screamed 'I will get between her thighs' and Lia's face which screamed all out 'help'.

Ken sprints and gets inside the train as it slowly departed.

Ken from the back of the train eyes Kai with a deadly stare but then Spaz notices the cold stare and waves this hand infront of Ken's face"ay, cut it out", Spaz whispers. Ken blinks twice in order to snap out of his jealousness and come back to his senses.

"huh chill, I'm okay".Right after whispering he stares back at the two but this time gets more infuriated by this little game Kai seems to be playing.

Kai's hand went from her waist to right below her left boob. Lia wanted to really push him away but was too afraid of causing a scene, but then Kai starts to cross the limit. He starts sexually massaging her left boob which caused Lia to throw a heavy elbow right below Kai's musculin jaw. Kai barely moved an inch from the Lia's hit.

Kai then pushed Lia and followed with a heavy slap to Lia's face causing her to drop to the floor. Instead of helping everyone started to laugh at Lia as she sobbed on the ground. With Ken already raged he then tenses up his whole body and squeezes both his hands into tight fists.

From the back of the crowd he lunges through everyone just to get at least one punch into Kai's face, but with Kai's expirience and masculinity he easily dodges the attack by moving slightly backwards causing Ken to fly past him then Kai counters with an elbow to the back of Kens neck but Ken knew what was headed his way so he rolled forward avoiding the elbow, got up, faced Kai and called him up, "KAAAAIIIII, bring it" Ken yelled with his fists healed high and his stance taken with his right leg forward perfectly aligned with his right arm and his left leg placed behind him mainly for balance.

Kai chuckles then charges towards Ken with both fists infront of his face for 45℅ guaranteed protection then jumps towards Kai for a right leg side kick in the air but Ken simply lifts his right arm blocking the kick then counters with a grab of the one leg Kai used to kick with, but before Ken could do anything Kai smiles then uses his left leg to kick the centre of Kens face causing blood to drip from Kens nostrils. As ken lets go of Kai's right leg he slowly falls. He first falls on his knees but before he could fully fall to the ground.Kai arches his foot then follows with a massive kick to Kens jaw knocking him out cold causing him to fall flat on his back. Kai then climbs onto Ken's unconscious body then starts pounding on kens face"YOU, MOTHER, FUCKER!!!", Kai yells as he beats Ken to a pulp.

Everyone was too scared to even get close and try breaking the fight up. Kai then combines both his hands and interlocks his finger for one more final blow, but before he could he could, Spaz sprints towards Kai and right shoulder to ramp Kai off of Ken. Kai quickly gets up from the floor then throws a sloppy right hook as he was tired from what he had done to Ken. Spaz simply dodges then counters with two heavy uppercuts, one to his ribcage and one right below Kai's jaw causing him to fall from the blow but mainly from exhaustion.

The train then slows down as it had reached its final destination, The Gifted. The doors open with Professor Gram(mage) at the door only to find every student scared, 2 students passed on the floor, one with a red bloody face and the other passed out."Just as I expected", he cracks out a slight smile then slowly walks into the train with his purple gown covered with ancient symbols and a nicely carved dark oak staff with a blue aura floating at the top of the knob.

"Just as expected sir? "spaz asks. "Mhm,I sensed the instant feud between the two and today was the day the 2 stars connected communicating with me. Spaz continues to question the mage as he was still lost and confused" Why would the stars connect just to alert you about...Ken".

"Well, that's something I wonder through but who am I to question fate. . . .okay okay, enough questions and bring me the two boys". Two students rush to the two bodies,each placing one on their shoulder and follows Professor Gram to the medic where the Ken and Kai would heal up.

An hour later. . . .

Kai wakes up first as he was not as badly injured as Ken. He takes a look around to only see four snow white walls with a big red cross in the centre. Meanwhile....Ken being asleep, he starts to hear slight whispers coming from all around him, FOCUS!!!. Ken resists and tries fighting the voices to leave him be but the voices still haunt him like he was a prisoner who had just escaped from prison.

With kai being awake he first grasps on what happened,gets up from his bed and notices Ken laying on a white bed across the room, bruised and unconscious. Kai then saw this as an opportunity to finish him off. So he scans the entire room looking for a harmful object. His eyes then lock onto a razor blade which layed on the white table next to ken. He walks over to Kens side and as he was about to grab the razor Ken instantly grabs Kai's wrist with a hard grip. Kai then uses his other hand to try punch Ken in the face to get himself free but it looked as if Kai's punches were effectless. Ken gets with still both eyes closed and tightens his free hand into a fist to one punch Kai to the ground but before any damage could be done professor Gram slightly taps his staff twice on the ground freezing both students before anyone could get hurt, again.